QuoteWerks Web - Navigation Panel

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QuoteWerks Web - Navigation Panel


QuoteWerks Web Navigation Panel

The QuoteWerks Web Navigation Panel contains shortcuts to navigate around QuoteWerks Web more easily.  

The Workbook is the main QuoteWerks Web screen and will only be available when you have a document open. The QuoteWerks Web Workbook is very similar to the QuoteWerks Desktop Workbook.  It contains 6 tabs (7 if using QuoteValet) where you build and modify your QuoteWerks documents along with the File, Edit, Save, and Deliver options.

The Documents shortcut will bring users to the Document Search window.  This is also accessible under File-> Open menu option.

The Products shortcut is where users will load items from their previously setup databases or to use Etilize.

The Contacts shortcut will open the search for contact window to search and add contacts to your current document.


For more information view the following topics:

QuoteWerks Web DocumentItems Tab

QuoteWerks Web Sold to/ Ship to Tab

QuoteWerks Web Sale Info Tab

QuoteWerks Web Notes Tab

QuoteWerks Web Custom Tab

QuoteWerks Web Links Tab

QuoteWerks Web QuoteValet Tab

QuoteWerks Web Deliver Window Tab

Pulling Contacts into QuoteWerks Web