Using QuoteWerks Web

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Using QuoteWerks Web

This section will introduce you to QuoteWerks Web and how to use it. QuoteWerks Web is designed to be used to create, edit, and deliver documents to your customers.  Any administration, setup changes, or security changes for users will need to be done in QuoteWerks Desktop.

All of the features described in this topic's sub-topics require that you've already setup QuoteWerks Web.

Please click the following topics to learn more about using QuoteWerks Web:

QuoteWerks Web Navigation Panel

QuoteWerks Web DocumentItems Tab

QuoteWerks Web Sold to/ Ship to Tab

QuoteWerks Web Sale Info Tab

QuoteWerks Web Notes Tab

QuoteWerks Web Custom Tab

QuoteWerks Web Links Tab

QuoteWerks Web QuoteValet Tab

QuoteWerks Web Deliver Window Tab

Pulling Contacts into QuoteWerks Web