QuoteWerks Web Deliver Window

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QuoteWerks Web Deliver Window

Print, Share, Publish, Deliver Document Window

The Deliver Window is where users will select the document layouts to use to display the output to the customers.  Users are able to select a Cover Page, Layout, Literature Files, Spec Sheets, and any documents included on the Links Tab.  


Once your documents have been selected they can be reordered by dragging and dropping them from the selections panel window.  

Documents from QuoteWerks Web can be printed, emailed, or sent via QuoteValet.


For more information view the following topics:

QuoteWerks Web Navigation Panel

QuoteWerks Web DocumentItems Tab

QuoteWerks Web Sold to/ Ship to Tab

QuoteWerks Web Sale Info Tab

QuoteWerks Web Notes Tab

QuoteWerks Web Custom Tab

QuoteWerks Web Links Tab

QuoteWerks Web QuoteValet Tab

Pulling Contacts into QuoteWerks Web