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Receiving Inventory

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Purchasing receiving functionality includes basic inventory management. For example, when you order five of an item, instead of having a single ReceivedOn date, you can now receive each individual item at a different time and record the date/time as you receive each item.

If the item you're receiving has been ordered in a quantity greater than 1 (as shown above), you'll see the following window first when you click Receive:

Enter the quantity you wish to receive at that time, keeping in mind the message on the window: That each item must be receive separately if you want to assign them to separate serial numbers, if you have those listed.

If an item has one or more serial number(s) listed in its Serial Number column, when you click Receive to receive the item, the following pop-up window will appear before the Receive Item window:

Select the appropriate serial number from the drop-down box and click OK to bring up the Receive Item window:

When receiving items, you can select or enter the Serial Number of the item you're receiving. You can also specify a storage Location, Asset Tag, and MAC Address for the item. The Purchase Orders tab will display a POFulfillmentStatus column, showing "Not Received,""Partial Received," or "Fully Received."

Once you've received the item, the purchase order will update with the received information:

Note:The Received box turns from red to orange when some of the quantity is received (as shown) and from either red or orange to green when all quantity of the items is received.

Mark ItemReceipt As Exported to Accounting...

If you're using QuickBooks Desktop or Autotask for your purchase order integration and have already received an item there directly, you'll want to let QuoteWerks know so it doesn't try to receive against that purchase-order item in QuickBooks Desktop or Autotask when performing the ItemReceipt synchronization. The indicator at the top right corner of the item will display the quantity of that item that has been received in QuoteWerks but has not been sent over to QuickBooks or Autotask as received yet.

Important:   This feature is not available in QuickBooks Online, only the desktop version.  Additionally, you must have received the entire quantity of an item before you can mark it as exported to QuickBooks Desktop or Autotask.

To mark an item's ItemReceipt as already exported to QuickBooks or Autotask, highlight the item and right-click, which will display the Mark ItemReceipt As Exported to Accounting... option:

Clicking this option will display the following window, prompting you to confirm your selection:

Click on the [Yes] button to finish marking the item as already exported to QuickBooks Desktop or Autotask. The indicator at the top right of the item will be reduced by the number of item receipts you just sent to QuickBooks Desktop or Autotask; so, in the example above, it will now say "[0]" since you started with 1.


Autotask Item Receipt Integration


You're using the option to create purchase orders in Autotask, and

You've set up the Autotask integration to Sync Received Items to Autotask, and

The item you just marked as received was included in a purchase order that QuoteWerks exported to Autotask

Then QuoteWerks will update the Autotask purchase order, telling you that the item has been received. If there's a serial number associated with the item you receive in QuoteWerks, that will be copied over to Autotask as well.

QuickBooks Desktop Item Receipt Integration

Important:   This feature is only available in the desktop version of QuickBooks.  QuickBooks Online does not support this functionality.


You're using the option to create purchase orders in QuickBooks, and

You've set up the QuickBooks Desktop integration to Sync Received Items to QuickBooks, and

The item you just marked as received was included in a purchase order that QuoteWerks exported to QuickBooks

Then QuoteWerks does not send the item receipt to QuickBooks immediately. This is only done when you click on the button on the Purchase Orders tab:

If there's a serial number associated with the item you receive in QuoteWerks, that will be copied over to the QuickBooks ItemReceipt item-level Description field.

Note:If you're using the option to create purchase orders in ConnectWise or Sage 50 (Peachtree), QuoteWerks does not update these purchase orders with item receipts at this time.

If you've already been exporting purchase orders from QuoteWerks to QuickBooks, there may already be many old ItemReceipt records in QuoteWerks that QuoteWerks will think it needs to export to QuickBooks. If you do not mark these records as exported to QuickBooks, then QuoteWerks will try to create ItemReceipts in QuickBooks for all the purchase orders you created over many months, which is probably not what you want. For information on handling this situation, see Preventing Old ItemReceipt Records from Syncing to QuickBooks.


Related Topics:

Creating Electronic Purchase Orders

Creating Manual Purchase Orders

Managing Purchase Orders

oManaging Purchase Order Items

oReceiving Inventory

Version 5.2 (Build 8.12)  - July 7th, 2017