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Creating Manual Purchase Orders

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Note:This feature requires the Professional Edition with Real-time or the Corporate Edition.  The Professional Edition by itself will only let you create Purchase Orders in QuickBooks and Sage 50. Click here to see a breakdown of the features by edition for the purchasing.  

Manually created QuoteWerks purchase orders behave much the same as the purchase orders created to track electronic orders, with the major difference being that the manually created Purchase Orders are not updated automatically with real-time shipping tracking and serial number information, since you're not submitting the orders to D&H, Ingram Micro, SYNNEX, or Tech Data. You can  enter that information into the manually created purchase orders.

You'll create purchase orders manually in the same area as electronic purchase orders under the Purchasing tab of the Purchasing window.

To create a purchase order manually, click the Purchasing icon on the main toolbar or navigate to Tools > Purchasing.

You can build a filter to select which items you want to create a purchase order for. The available fields are outlined below.

Currently Open Order

Selecting this option will list any items on the current open order.

Multiple Orders

Selecting this option will list any items on multiple orders, which you can also filter based on vendor, customer, item scope (non-purchased or purchased items), and date(s).

Creating the Purchase Order

Once you select your item(s), click Create PO at the bottom of the window.

Here, you can enter your PO Number, PO Date, Ref ID, Flooring Acct, and Description.

PO Number: You'll use this value when creating a purchase order. If you're linking to QuickBooks, Sage 50 (Peachtree), Autotask, or ConnectWise, the same PO Number will be used when exporting to that application. You can set this number manually or, if you've set a default numbering sequence under Tools -> Options menu -> Installation tab, you can click the button next to the Next PO number sequence field to select the next numerical value. Additionally, if you've set a PO Prefix/Postfix value under Utilities -> Vendor Maintenance menu, then this value will display with the PO number. For example, if you'd set the postfix to "TD" (for Tech Data), the PO number would read, "14-1001TD," where "14" indicates the year 2014 and 1001 represents the unique numeric sequence.This field also supports the F2 Lookup List  feature.

PO Date: The date of the purchase order. This will default to the day you're creating the purchase order, but you can manually change it. This date will also apply to any purchase order created in QuickBooks, Sage 50 (Peachtree), Autotask, or ConnectWise.

Ref ID: In this field, you can enter a job or ticket number to group purchase orders. For example, you might create five purchase orders to purchase all the products required for the job, and by entering the same job number for each PO, you can easily group and display them together under the Purchase Orders tab. Filtering by RefID while under the Purchase Orders tab will show you the purchase orders linked by job number. Filtering by RefID while under the Ordered Items tab will show you a complete list of all the items ordered within all purchase orders.

Flooring Acct: You can use this field to specify a flooring account when placing orders with Ingram Micro, D&H, SYNNEX, and/or Tech Data.

Description: Here, you can enter a description of the purchase order.

Ship To: In this field, you can enter the Ship to address manually or copied from fields in QuoteWerks.  If the items are from different orders, you will only be able to copy from the "Our Location" option.

Once you submit a purchase order, you can view the purchase order and ordered items under the Purchase Orders tab and Ordered Items tab.

Submitting a Manual Purchase Order

If you're using one of the supported purchase order integration applications, QuoteWerks will then prompt you to submit the purchase order to the selected application.


Note:If you're using Autotask, ConnectWise, QuickBooks, or Sage 50 (Peachtree) to manage your purchase orders, there are special considerations to take, as well as more features available for integration with those tools. For more information, see:

Creating Purchase Orders in Autotask

Creating Purchase Orders in ConnectWise

Creating Purchase Orders in QuickBooks Desktop

Creating Purchase Orders in QuickBooks Online

Creating Purchase Orders in Sage 50 (Peachtree)


Related Topics:

Creating Electronic Purchase Orders

Managing Purchase Orders

oManaging Purchase Order Items

oReceiving Inventory

Version 5.2 (Build 8.12)  - July 7th, 2017