Product Data Source Tab

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Product Data Source Tab

QuoteWerks can link to the Autotask product, services and labor databases as Product Data Sources. From within QuoteWerks you can search the Autotask Products or Services databases, and add these products or services to your QuoteWerks quote.

QuoteWerks Item Type Mapping

Here you can map the Autotask Item Databases over to a corresponding QuoteWerks Item Type and define what Item Type to use if an Autotask Product, Service or Labor Type is selected. The selections set here will determine the Item Type that will be assigned to the items pulled from each of the three Autotask databases in QuoteWerks.  You can also specify a default tax code for Autotask products, services, and labor.

Once you complete the mappings on this tab and click on [Ok], you can then link to the Autotask Products, Autotask Services and Autotask Labor Data Sources under the Products->Setup Product Data Sources menu. From the drop-down box select the Autotask Products Database and follow the instructions.

After finishing that link you will need to repeat the steps with the Autotask Services database and then once more for the Labor database. These databases will be available under the Products-> Lookup screen.

Click [OK] once you have completed all steps and are ready to exit the Autotask Integration setup.


See the following topics for information about the other tabs on the Autotask Setup window:

Opportunities Tab

QuoteValet Tab

Settings Tab

DataLink Setup