The ADI Real-Time Pricing & Availability is only available in the USA. Before you can setup and use the ADI Real-Time Pricing & Availability features, you need to reach out to Jeffrey Birnkrant Jeffrey.Birnkrant@ADIGlobal.com to obtain your XML credentials. Be sure to include your ADI account number in the request.
1. To setup ADI Real-time pricing and availability navigate to Setup > Options > Real-time Setup and select ADI.
2. Input your Account/Customer Number, Customer Suffix, Api-Key, Api-Password, and Api-Secret-Key.
Account/Customer Number
Make sure to enter your your ADI account number - the digits BEFORE the dash. So if your account number is 1234-001, enter 1234 here.
Customer Suffix
Enter the digits AFTER the dash in your ADI account number. So if your account number is 1234-001, enter 001 here.
Note: If your account number doesn't have a suffix, or you are unsure if you have a suffix, then just leave this field blank. |
Make sure to enter your API-Key.
Make sure to enter your API-Password.
Make sure to enter your API-Secret-Key.