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Real-time Pricing & Availability Setup

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Note:This feature is only available if you have the QuoteWerks Real-time module.

To set up Real-time Pricing & Availability, start QuoteWerks and select the Real-time tab of the Tools -> Options menu.

Setting up Your Distributor

For setup instructions specific to your distributor, see the appropriate topic below:

Accutech Real-time Setup

Arbitech Real-time Setup

ASI Real-time Setup

Bell Micro Real-time Setup

BlueStar Real-time Setup

D&H Real-time Setup

Dexxon Real-time Setup

Dicker Data Real-time Setup

Digitek Real-time Setup

EET Real-time Setup

Ingram Micro Real-timeSetup

Jenne Real-time Setup

Northamber Real-time Setup

Printer Essentials Real-time Setup

ScanSource Real-time Setup

Supercom Real-time Setup

Supplies Network Real-time Setup

SYNNEX Real-time Setup

Tech Data Real-time Setup

Westcoast Real-time Setup

Westcon Group Real-time Setup


Related Topics:

Using Real-time Pricing & Availability

Version 5.2 (Build 8.12)  - July 7th, 2017