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Dicker Data Real-time Setup

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The Australian distributor Dicker Data does not have a Real-Time Pricing & Availability offering, but does allow for a daily product and pricing file to be download. The QuoteWerks PartLocator service included in the Product Content Subscription downloads this data daily and makes it available to QuoteWerks users through the realtime module. The QuoteWerks Real-Time Pricing & Availability then query the PartLocator database and return the information most recently downloaded from Dicker Data.


Select the Real-time tab of the Tools -> Options menu, then select the Other Realtime sub-tab and navigate to Dicker Data.

Activate Feed

Change this setting to Yes to be able to search for Dicker Data in the Etilize database under Products-> Lookup.


Related Topics:

Using Real-time Pricing & Availability

Version 5.2 (Build 8.12)  - July 7th, 2017