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Configuring the QuickBooks Online Integration

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Important:   In order to use the QuickBooks Online link, you must have an active QuickBooks Online Subscription and you must have an active QuoteWerks to QuickBooks Online Subscription.  If you are unsure if you have the required information, please contact the QuoteWerks Sales team.

Note:If you have not established the link between QuoteWerks and QuickBooks Online, follow those steps before proceeding with the below instructions.

Configuring the QuickBooks Online Integration

The following instructions are to configure the QuoteWerks to QuickBooks Online integration.

Click on Tools-> Options-> Accounting Tab. Click on the [Setup Link] button under the QuickBooks Integration section.

This will open the QuickBooks Online Settings Window. This window has seven tabs used to configure the link and each tab's settings can be viewed in the below topics.

For a breakdown of each tab, see the following topics:


Export Settings

Sales Tax




QuickBooks Online Info

Sales Tax Tab (USA), Tax Codes Tab (Canada), or VAT Tax Tab (UK), depending on your location/preferences.

Version 5.2 (Build 8.12)  - July 7th, 2017