QuoteWerks Web Update Agent
Changes Published Live: April 9, 2019
-New: For QuoteWerks Web users, Configurator Support has been added.-New: For QuoteWerks Web users, Bundle Support has been added.
-New: For QuoteWerks Web users, the ability to "Paste Special" from an existing template has been implemented.
-New: For QuoteWerks Web users, the ability to save a copy of the PDF and DTF to an opportunity has been added for most CRMs.
-New: For QuoteWerks Web users, the ability to change DocNo, Status and ProjectNo on the Save window has been implemented..
-New: For QuoteWerks Web users, various "Sold to / Ship To" field features (Copy from, Clear, Create Contact in CRM) have been implemented.
-Fix: For QuoteWerks Web users, an issue where the use couldn't cut/copy/paste individual cell text in the document items grid has been resolved.
-Fix: For QuoteWerks Web users, when attempting to open a document that contained Lease Payment options an error message would be shown the document could not be opened.
-Fix: For QuoteWerks Web users, adjustments were made to the session tracking system to increase robustness and prevent premature session timeouts for customers with less than perfect internet connections.
-Fix: For QuoteWerks Web users, when searching Amazon as Product Datasource, if the product description contained non-standard characters the product would not be included in the search results.
-Fix: For QuoteWerks Web users, when searching for documents. the results would not be displayed if the date format of the QuoteWerks installation wasn't month/day/year.
-Fix: For QuoteWerks Web users, changes to the "Open Document" window caused it not render properly under certain conditions.
-Fix: For QuoteWerks Web users, when clicking "Deliver", any unsaved changes would not be included in Quotes uploaded to QuoteValet, sent via Email, etc.
-Fix: For QuoteWerks Web users, the Deliver window could not be shown in situations where referenced directories had not been synchronized up to the QuoteWerks Web Server.
-Fix: For QuoteWerks Web users, in situations where there were a large number of product databases it could cause scrolling issues for the product search results view.
-Fix: For QuoteWerks Web users, an issue was introduced where the PDF couldn't be included in a QuoteValet email, etc. unless it had been "previewed" first.
Changes Published Live: February 18, 2019
-New: For QuoteWerks Web users, the ability to delete documents has been implemented.
-New: For QuoteWerks Web users the "Save As Next Revision" feature has been implemented.
-New: For QuoteWerks Web ConnectWise users, the ability to create a new contact in ConnectWise from QuoteWerks has been implemented.
-New: For QuoteWerks Web users, the Tax Rate Lookup feature has been implemented.
-New: For QuoteWerks Web users, the "Discuss with ShareWerks" feature has been implemented.
-New: For QuoteWerks Web users, template search functionality has been implemented on the "Template" tab of the Create New Document screen.
-New: For QuoteWerks Web users, common keyboard shortcuts for clipboard and undo/redo functionality have been implemented.
-Misc: For QuoteWerks Web users, the searching and filtering capabilities of the Open Document window continue to be enhanced with functionality ported from QuoteWerks Desktop.
-Misc: For QuoteWerks Web users, buttons who's functionality has not yet been implemented have been hidden from view. Prior to this change they would display a "Not implemented" message when pressed.
-Misc: For QuoteWerks Web users, issues with the QuoteWerks Web product licensing have been resolved and license enforcement has been re-instituted.
-Fix: For QuoteWerks Web users, the tax rate field was incorrectly limited to only 2 decimal places.
-Fix: For QuoteWerks Web ConnectWise users, the Sales Rep field is now correctly defaulted on the ConnectWise Opportunity Screen.
-Fix: For QuoteWerks Web users, Percent Discount lines were being rendered differently than they were in QuoteWerks Desktop.
-Fix: For QuoteWerks Web users, the "Recurring Monthly" field was not being correctly formatted.
-Fix: For QuoteWerks Web users, when saving an opportunity to ConnectWise, the save screen would not respect the Default "Create / Update individual Product items" setting.
-Fix: For QuoteWerks Web users, when saving an opportunity to ConnectWise, the save screen would not respect the default Business Unit setting.
-Fix: For QuoteWerks Web users, when opening documents with Real-Time leasing options, one or more leasing-related errors may have been displayed. Also, the ability to recalculate the leasing options may not have worked correctly.
-Fix: For QuoteWerks Web users, Literature files could be added but not removed from documents.
-Fix: For QuoteWerks Web users, Spec Sheets were listed but could not be selected.
-Fix: For QuoteWerks Web users, when creating a document from a Template, the "Check for Updated Pricing" option was being silently selected without prompting the user.
-Fix: For QuoteWerks Web users, the Sales Rep and Prepared By dropdown fields would be populated with the same data twice causing a duplicate for entry for each item.
-Fix: For QuoteWerks Web SalesForce users, multiple UI discrepancies have been resolved on the Salesforce Opportunity screen.
-Fix: For QuoteWerks Web users, when opening a document that is already in use, the document can now be opened in Read Only mode. Previously in QuoteWerks Web the document could not be opened until the other party closed it.
-Fix: For QuoteWerks Web users, when using QuoteWerks Web from a touch screen device, such as a tablet, drop down menu selections would not always register properly.
-Fix: For QuoteWerks Web users, Word Document-based layouts would not render or create PDFs when attempting to Print, Preview or Email.
-Fix: For QuoteWerks Web users, there was an intermittent issue that prevented sending an email when it was addressed to multiple recipients.
-Fix: For QuoteWerks Web users, when attempting to save an Autotask opportunity that had already been closed, the error message presented was different from the one from QuoteWerks Desktop.
-Fix: For QuoteWerks Web users, when a user with Master Rights would perform a search on the Open Document screen, a notification would be incorrectly displayed indicating that their search had been limited by user rights.