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QuoteWerks Help
Version 24 (Build 4.02) 
October 4, 2024

The combination of QuoteWerks and Autotask makes it simpler to provide estimates and proposals to prospective customers, combine sales quotes with business development opportunities in the pipeline, create follow ups within Autotask, and gain visibility into revenue streams from products, services, and other sources.


Setting up Autotask as your Primary CRM


1. Setup your integration in Autotask. To review steps to be taken in Autotask prior to the QuoteWerks configuration pleas see Setting up the Autotask Integration.

2. Once you have followed the above steps you should navigate to the Autotask setup page via Setup > CRM Integrations > Autotask.



3. Select Cloud (most likely) or On-Premise

Here you select your Autotask account type.  Unless you have been told otherwise by Autotask, select the Cloud option.


4. This is where you will supply your Autotask API user login credentials. If you have not created these, follow the Setting up the Autotask Integration Instructions first.  


Enter these credentials then click the [Test] button to verify the credentials.

5. On this step enter in your own Autotask User credentials.  This will let you begin the Autotask Integration setup.Click the [Test] button to verify the credentials.

6. Each user will also need to enter in their Autotask user login credentials under their QuoteWerks user name after the Autotask integration is setup in the Setup > My Preferences > Contact Manager tab.



7. The next step is to click on "Integration Settings."  This will walk through setting up the various features.  


Integration Settings









Opportunities (General)





Completion of Sales Opportunity from QuoteWerks

QuoteWerks provides you with the flexibility to control when a sales opportunity created by QuoteWerks in Autotask will be converted to a completed sale. The Autotask sales opportunity can be completed by QuoteWerks when converting to an order (File -> Convert to Order menu), an invoice (File -> Convert to Invoice menu), or Never. Never means QuoteWerks will never attempt to complete the Opportunity, the Opportunity will need to be manually updated within Autotask. This provides a greater level of control for sales managers or administrators who would prefer to manually close the opportunities from within Autotask rather than have QuoteWerks automatically close them.

Default QuoteWerks Item Type for QuoteWerks Items with No Item Type

The QuoteWerks ItemType field is used to map over to the Autotask Quote ItemType. For this reason, it is important that all QuoteWerks line item's have an ItemType. In cases where no ItemType is specified for a QuoteWerks line item, the ItemType will be set as defined in this section.

Autotask Opportunity Advanced Fields

QuoteWerks will write additional information from the QuoteWerks document to the Advanced fields (1-5) in the Autotask opportunity. A full list of fields that can be written over are available in the drop down, but they do include the recurring totals, profit amount, total cost, and more. This will provide users with more information for reporting purposes out of Autotask.


Opportunities (Defaults)



Default Opportunity Category

A default Opportunity Category can be set for new and existing opportunities.

Default Stages

Default Status, Staging, Close Reason, and Close descriptions can be added for the various stages of an opportunity.


Opportunities (Quote Products)


Defaults for Empty Part Numbers

Because the product line items are added to the Autotask product database, they must have a manufacturer part number specified. For any line items in the quote that do not have a part number, the default part numbers defined in these fields will be used.

For grouped bundles, only create a single summary product in Autotask (not the individual group items)

Checking this box will have QuoteWerks send over any groups or grouped bundles as a single summary product in Autotask, the individual line items in the group will not be created.

First Payment Included in Document Totals for Recurring Products

Checking this box will have QuoteWerks send over any groups or grouped bundles as a single summary product in Autotask, the individual line items in the group will not be created.

Map QuoteWerks Field

You can choose which field in QuoteWerks to map to the corresponding field (ItemName, PartNumber, etc.) in your CRM. You can select the ManufacturerPartNumber, InternalPartNumber, ItemType, and more.

Typically, the manufacturer part number will be used, unless you're creating your own custom part numbers in your CRM.

In the simplest scenario, you can set up the link to just use a QuoteWerks part number (like the Manufacturer field) as the CRM Opportunity CRMProductID. As a starting point, the value from a specified field (like the QuoteWerks "ManufacturerPartNumber" field) is used.

The auto-generation feature will allow for more than this when the InternalPartNumber or any CustomTextxx field is selected as the mapped field. This auto-generation feature will allow for many scenarios of use, including the ability to maintain your own proprietary part numbers in the Opportunity.

Note:If your CRM integration supports using CRM Products as a product data source link, you can even use the Etilize functionality in combination with your own proprietary parts in the CRM Opportunity.

To use the auto-generation feature, select an option other than ManufacturerPartNumber from the Map QuoteWerks Field drop-down box, then click the [PartNumber generation options] button.



Quote Item Type

This setting allows you to map Autotask Item Types to QuoteWerks Item Types.

Allocation Codes

This setting allows you to map Autotask Product Allocation Codes to QuoteWerks Item Types.



This setting is used to map your Autotask Shipping Type to theQuoteWerks Item Type.



This setting is used to map your Autotask Category Type to the QuoteWerks Item Type.



This setting is used to map your Autotask Serialized Type to the QuoteWerks Item Type.


This setting allows you to set what QuoteWerks field should be sent to the Autotask Description.


Product Data Source


Here you can map the Autotask Item Databases over to a corresponding QuoteWerks Item Type and define what Item Type to use if an Autotask Product, Service or Labor Type is selected. The selections set here will determine the Item Type that will be assigned to the items pulled from each of the three Autotask databases in QuoteWerks.  


You can also specify a default tax code for Autotask products, services, service bundles, and labor.  In addition to a static Taxable and Non-taxable code, there isa Tax Code option of "(Base on Material Code, Tax Category, Tax Region)" and a Tax Region drop down per Autotask Database (Products/Services/Service Bundles/Labor).  This determines whether an item is taxable or not based on the combination of the item's Material Code, Tax Category, and the default tax region and is drawn from what is set up in your Autotask Tax Table.  





QuoteValet Customer Facing Page

The QuoteValet Customer Facing Page settings includes two check boxes:

Attach QuoteValet EXTERNAL Viewing Link on Autotask Opportunity
This setting will attach the QuoteValet External Link, which is the link that is sent to the customer, on the Opportunity created by QuoteWerks. The External Link is the tracked linked sent to the customer so you can see how many times they have viewed the quote, post comments, accept, etc.

Attach QuoteValet INTERNAL Viewing Link on Autotask Opportunity
This setting will attach the QuoteValet Internal Link, which is the link that for INTERNAL users only, on the Opportunity created by QuoteWerks. The Internal link is the non-tracked link that let's you see exactly what the customer sees without tracking how many times someone from inside the company has viewed the quote.

QuoteValet SalesRep Facing Page
Attach QuoteValet SalesRep Facing Page on Autotask Opportunity
This checkbox will attach the SalesRep facing QuoteValet link on the Opportunity.  This is the link SaleReps use to view the quote in their web browser.

QuoteValet Acceptance Package
Attach QuoteValet Acceptance Package Automatically to Autotask Opportunity
This checkbox will automatically upload and attach the QuoteValet Acceptance Package to the Autotask Opportunity when the QuoteValet quote is accepted and converted to an Order in QuoteWerks.


8. Once all other steps have been completed, you can move onto the DataLink Setup.