Creating New Follow-Up Call

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Creating New Follow-Up Call

When saving a document, the “Create new Follow Up Call” checkbox will appear on the Save window.

Note:The Create New Follow Up Call checkbox will NOT appear if you are saving a quote template.

If you check this option, a new Create Zoho call window will open.

This window will set the subject to the name of the document and then let you set the call purpose, call type, add a description,, and a call result.  You can also choose to mark it as a current, completed, or scheduled call.

If you select the scheduled call option, you'll be able to set the start time, the owner, and set a reminder.

Once saved, the call will be created under Activities in Zoho CRM.

View ZohoCRM Call from QuoteWerks

After the call has been created/updated in Zoho from QuoteWerks, QuoteWerks will create a shortcut to that call on the Links tab. This makes it very quick and easy to view the call in Zoho.