Writing Products into HubSpot CRM

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Writing Products into HubSpot CRM

Write Products into Deal

This checkbox will write the line items from the QuoteWerks document into the HubSpot CRM Deal that is created by QuoteWerks.


MapQuoteWerks Field
This drop-down box will map the selected QuoteWerks field to the HubSpot CRM item name.You can choose which field in QuoteWerks to map to the corresponding field (ItemName, PartNumber, etc.) in HubSpot CRM. You can select the ManufacturerPartNumber, InternalPartNumber, ItemType, and more. Typically, the manufacturer part number will be used, unless you're creating your own custom part numbers in  HubSpot CRM.

In the simplest scenario, you can set up the link to just use a QuoteWerks part number (like the Manufacturer part number field) as the HubSpot Name.

Name Generation Options
The auto-generation feature will allow QuoteWerks to create the items in HubSpot using a field other than ManufacturerPartNumber for the HubSpot name when the InternalPartNumber or any CustomTextxx field is selected as the mapped field. This auto-generation feature will allow for many scenarios of use, including the ability to maintain your own proprietary part numbers in the Opportunity.

To use the auto-generation feature, select an option other than ManufacturerPartNumber from the Map QuoteWerks Field drop-down box, then click the [Name Generation Options] button.

As shown above, there are three auto-generation options:

Do not auto-generate
When exporting items to the HubSpot CRM Deal, if the mapped field is empty, this option will stop and force you to specify your proprietary part number. This is useful when you have custom part numbers that aren't based on any field or combination of fields. When exporting items to the HubSpot CRM Deal, if the mapped field is empty, you'll be forced to manually specify a HubSpot Name before proceeding. This is used when using your own proprietary part numbers.

Auto-generate using macro
With this option, when exporting items to the HubSpot CRM Opportunity, instead of just using a simple field value like the ManufacturerPartNumber to become the HubSpot CRM Name, you can choose to have the HubSpot CRM Name Product ID auto-generated using a macro such as &DI_ItemType:&DI_ManufacturerPartNumber.

Auto-generate using macro based on QuoteWerks Item Type
With this option, when exporting items to the HubSpot CRM Opportunity, instead of just using a simple field value like the ManufacturerPartNumber to become the HubSpot CRM Name, you can choose to have the HubSpot CRM Name Product ID auto-generated using a macro using the QuoteWerks Item Type field (such as product, service, labor, etc.). Click on the [Map Item Types] button to map your existing QuoteWerks Item Types with the macros for Product ID Name generation.

Tip:When on a mapping window, lists of the mappings can be copied to the Windows Clipboard.  If you double click on the left column header, you will be prompted if you want to copy the mapped pairs to the clipboard. If you double click on the right column header, you will be prompted if you want to copy all of the available mappings to the clipboard. Copying the available mappings to the clipboard is helpful, because you can use this data to import into F2 Lookup values including the ItemType in QuoteWerks.

If any Item Types are not mapped use the following macro

With this option, when exporting items to the HubSpot CRM Deal, instead of just using a simple field value like the ManufacturerPartNumber to become the HubSpot CRM Opportunity CRMProductID, you can choose to have the HubSpot CRM Opportunity CRMProductID auto-generated based on the item's ItemType. However, if the Item Type for an item has not been mapped previously, QuoteWerks will use this macro to generate a new HubSpot Item Name.

So, for example, if the ItemType is "Haas" and is not mapped, it will use the default macro that is set in this field.  


For more setup instructions view the HubSpot CRM DataLink topic. See the Using HubSpot CRM integration topic for instructions on using the integration in QuoteWerks.


Other Setup Topics:

Configuring QuoteWerks for Use with HubSpot CRM

HubSpot CRM Deal Setup