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Using QuickBooks Online Interactive Link

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Note:Before using the Interactive QuickBooks Link, make sure you've reviewed Setting Up the Interactive QuickBooks Link.

To export a quote, order, or invoice to QuickBooks, select the Tools -> Export to QuickBooks menu. This window will display a list of QuoteWerks documents that have not been exported to QuickBooks based on the “exported status” that was specified in the setup.

Non-Exported Documents Tab

The Non-Exported documents tab offers you a number of filter options. You can filter by date and sales rep. The "Display un-exported" and "DocStatus Equal to" fields can only be changed in the Export Settings tab in the setup.

Find DocNo

To search for a specific document, click on the Find DocNo button and enter in the Document Number and click the [Find] button. This is useful for finding a document that you have already exported to QuickBooks.

Note:Pressing F5 will refresh the list of documents displayed.

Right-Click Menu

When you select a document from the list of documents; right click on the document to receive the following menu list:

If you select the menu option to “Open document”, the document will be opened in QuoteWerks, however you must close out of the Export to QuickBooks window before you can make changes to the document.

Exporting Process

To export a document(s) to QuickBooks, click on the check box next to the document (or documents), and then click on the [Export] button. You can select multiple documents to export at one time. After the document has been exported, the documents Doc Status in QuoteWerks will be set to the "Exported" or whatever status you specified on the Export Settings tab.

During the export, several actions occur:

Sales Tax Item Selection

Based on the setup options you selected, you may be prompted to choose the QuickBooks Sales Tax Item to use for the invoice/sales form being exported.  The default tax item name from the existing customer record in QuickBooks will be displayed here allowing users to correctly select the tax rate if different from what was in the QuoteWerks document.

Item Creation

If items in the QuoteWerks document being exported to QuickBooks Online do not exist in QuickBooks, you will be prompted to create a new item in QuickBooks.

If the item record already exists, then based on the “If the Item does exist” option specified on the Transaction tab in the QuickBooks Online setup, the item cost/price in QuickBooks can be updated with the information from the line item in the QuoteWerks document.

You can also select the preferred vendor for the item when creating a new item in QuickBooks Online.

When creating Inventory and Non-Inventory items, the manufacturer part number from QuoteWerks populates the ManufacturerPartNumber in the QuickBooks Item definition for QuickBooks Online.

After Exporting the Document to QuickBooks

Once the document has been exported to QuickBooks you will receive one of two messages. If you export a single document to QuickBooks you will receive the following notification window:

If you export multiple documents to QuickBooks you will receive the following notification window after the export is complete:

If errors were encountered during the export, they will be listed in the QuickBooks export processing log window shown above.

Export Error Reference

Please note, if you export an estimate to QuickBooks Pro, Premier, or Enterprise, and you have not enabled the estimates feature in QuickBooks preferences, you will receive the error # 3250 when exporting and the message of “This feature is not enabled or is not available in this version of QuickBooks”. The solution is to enable the estimates feature in the QuickBooks preferences.

Viewing the Estimate, Invoice, or Sales Receipt in QuickBooks Online

After the document has been exported to QuickBooks Online, Click on Sales in under the menu and you can view the Estimates under "Unbilled", Invoices under "Unpaid" and Sales Receipts under "Paid" options. Simply click on the document to view.


For more information on using the interactive QuickBooks link, see the following sub topics:

Creating Purchase Orders in QuickBooks



Note:Below are a list of features not available in the QuickBooks Online integration, but are available in the QuickBooks Desktop integration. QuickBooks Online and QuickBooks Desktop are DIFFERENT products. They do not have the same functionality and are developed by different teams. Due to this, the level of integration between QuoteWerks and QuickBooks Desktop and Online will be different.



- QuickBooks Online does not have a vendor/Preferred Vendor per product, does not have custom fields for products, document not show the preferred vendor per product.



- QuickBooks Online does not have custom fields for contacts.

Creating Estimate/Invoice/etc


- QuickBooks Online does not have a sales rep per document, does not support Subtotal Lines and Discounts and Charges are handled differently than Desktop.  Also, QuickBooks Online only has up to 3 custom fields in the header. Estimates, Invoices, and Sales Receipts all share the same 3 custom field labels


Creating POs


- QuickBooks Online does not support receiving items against a PO.




- QuickBooks Online does not have payment support at this time.

Version 5.2 (Build 8.12)  - July 7th, 2017