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Title Bar and Status Bar

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The title bar of the document is at the very top of the Quote Workbook.

The title bar displays the:

company name (or contact name if there is no company name) the document is for

document name

document number

A status bar is at the very bottom of the Quote Workbook:

This status bar displays:

the name of the currently logged-in user (far right)

the total number of line items in the quote and the current line item that the cursor is on (directly left of the currently logged-in user)

how many line items are selected in the quote, if any (directly left of the total number)

the currently selected line type, if any, such as “Product/Service | Taxable” (far left)

event-notification messages (far left)


Tip:If for some reason you didn’t see a message or a group of messages was displayed too quickly for you to see, double-click that area of the status bar to display the message log.


Related Topics:

Document Items Tab

Sold to / Ship to Tab

Sale Info Tab

Notes Tab

Custom Tab

Links Tab


Version 5.2 (Build 8.12)  - July 7th, 2017