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Standard and Professional Edition Upgrade Installation Notes

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1.If you selected to install the QuoteWerks Web Connector during the installation, you’ll need to reboot your computer after the upgrade completes before the Web Connector will start.

2.After the upgrade is complete, QuoteWerks 5.2 will be using your existing QuoteWerks 3.0 License Keys that were used to activate your 3.0 installation. You won’t have to re-register these License Keys.

3.If you create Remote Site or Remote PC License Keys from your QuoteWerks 5.2 master installation, the License Keys created will still be using the version 3.0 serial number. This won’t pose a problem.

4.If for some reason you remove your upgraded QuoteWerks 3.0 License Key from QuoteWerks 5.2, you won’t be able to reenter it; instead, you’ll need to obtain a 5.2 License Key replacement. If this happens and you have Remote PC and/or Remote Site installations, you’ll need to recreate their License Keys using the new version 5.2 replacement License Keys. To receive replacement License Keys, e-mail or call support services.

Version 5.2 (Build 8.12)  - July 7th, 2017