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Upgrading from QuoteWerks 3.0 to 5.2

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If you’re upgrading from QuoteWerks 3.0, you can upgrade your data from the earlier version using the QuoteWerks 5.2 setup program.

Running QuoteWerks 3.0 and 5.2 Side by Side

You can install QuoteWerks 5.2 on a machine that’s currently running QuoteWerks 3.0 without interfering with the operation of the QuoteWerks 3.0 installation. However, there are some steps you’ll need to take to ensure these installations do not interfere with each other:

Step 1: Restore the DTF association

When Windows needs to open a file with a specific extension like QuoteWerks’ .dtf, Windows searches in the Windows registry for the program that should be used to open it. When you have both QuoteWerks 3.0 and 5.2 installed, you’ll need to configure this Windows registry setting to have it open the QuoteWerks installation you want it to open.

The QuoteWerks node-installation program (nsetup.exe, located in the \QuoteWerks folder) sets this DTF association in the registry. To restore this DTF association, just rerun the QuoteWerks node installation for the version you want DTF files to be opened with.

After installing QuoteWerks 5.2 in a separate folder, the DTF association will be set to QuoteWerks 5.2. If you want to set it back to 3.0, simply re-run the QuoteWerks 3.0 node installation.

Important:   Resetting the DTF association to QuoteWerks 3.0 takes it away from 5.2. If you want to test opening a QuoteWerks 5.2 .dtf file attachment from your contact manager, you’ll need to rerun the nsetup.exe from the QuoteWerks 5.2 installation.

Step 2: Open port for Web Connector (for users only)

The QuoteWerks 3.0 Web Connector and QuoteWerks 5.2 Web Connector can also run side by side. The QuoteWerks 3.0 Web Connector uses port 1001, while the 5.2 Web Connector uses port 1002. So if your company locks down ports for security, you may need to have port 1002 open for the 5.2 Web Connector to work.

Step 3: Rerun the node install for the version of QuoteWerks you want to use

After you install QuoteWerks 5.2, you can run it without any problems. If you then want to run QuoteWerks 3.0, you’ll need to uninstall the 5.2 node and rerun the node install for QuoteWerks 3.0; likewise, if you want to switch back and run QuoteWerks 5.2, you’ll need to uninstall the 3.0 node and rerun the node install for QuoteWerks 5.2.

Bottom line: You need to run the node installation for the version you want to run before doing so. The QuoteWerks node installation program is nsetup.exe, located in the \QuoteWerks folder.

Version 5.2 (Build 8.12)  - July 7th, 2017