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Quick Start

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Company Logo

Quick Start allows you to quickly upload your logo to the default QuoteValet templates to start using QuoteValet immediately without any customization.

You'll need to rename your logo as “DefaultLetterheadLogo.jpg” before uploading it using the [Upload Letterhead Logo] button. After you upload your logo, it will appear on your QuoteValet documents.

Note:The maximum size for logos should not exceed 355x84 pixels.

After all changes have been made, click the [Close] button on the QuoteValet Setup window and close out of the QuoteValet tab.

Company Details

Make sure you've updated your company details in QuoteWerks (e.g., phone number, address, website), as these will automatically be uploaded to QuoteValet and used is all your QuoteValet templates.


You’re done with the basic setup of QuoteValet. You can begin using it now!


Related Topics:

QuoteValet General Tab

Templates Tab

Site Files Tab

Payment Processing Tab

Activity Notifications Tab

Resource Security Tab

Version 5.2 (Build 8.12)  - July 7th, 2017