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Site Files Tab

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Note:The site files tab should only be used by the user making changes to the templates.

The Site Files tab includes the default logos and any other logos you would like to include on your templates, as well as any CSS files.

Only .CSS files, picture files, and .js files can be used in customized QuoteValet templates. The maximum size for letterhead logos should not exceed 355 x 84 pixels, and the banner size should be no larger than 720 x 76 pixels.

Here are the default sizes of the logo and top banner on QuoteValet:

DefaultLetterHeadLogo.jpg (211 x 70 pixels)

DefaultTopBanner.jpg (720 x 76 pixels)

There are four buttons on the Site Files menu. The buttons perform the following functions:

: Refreshes the file list with the most up to date versions of the files listed

: Uploads a new file to the QuoteValet server

: Deletes existing files from the QuoteValet server

: Downloads the highlighted file into your \QuoteWerks\QuoteValetSiteFiles folder


Next, see Payment Processing Tab.


Related Topics:

QuoteValet General Tab

Templates Tab

Payment Processing Tab

Activity Notifications Tab

Resource Security Tab

Quick Start

Version 5.2 (Build 8.12)  - July 7th, 2017