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Opportunities Tab

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Here you will define the defaults for the creation of Autotask Opportunities.

There are two sub-tabs: the General Tab and the Quote Products tab.

General Tab

Completion of Sales Opportunity from QuoteWerks

QuoteWerks provides you with the flexibility to control when a sales opportunity created by QuoteWerks in Autotask will be converted to a completed sale. The Autotask sales opportunity can be completed by QuoteWerks when converting to an order (File -> Convert to Order menu), an invoice (File -> Convert to Invoice menu), or Never. Never means QuoteWerks will never attempt to complete the Opportunity, the Opportunity will need to be manually updated within Autotask. This provides a greater level of control for sales managers or administrators who would prefer to manually close the opportunities from within Autotask rather than have QuoteWerks automatically close them.

Default QuoteWerks Item Type for QuoteWerks Items with No Item Type

The QuoteWerks ItemType field is used to map over to the Autotask Quote ItemType. For this reason, it is important that all QuoteWerks line item's have an ItemType. In cases where no ItemType is specified for a QuoteWerks line item, the ItemType will be set as defined in this section.

Autotask Opportunity Advanced Fields

QuoteWerks will write additional information from the QuoteWerks document to the Advanced fields (1-5) in the Autotask opportunity. A full list of fields that can be written over are available in the drop down, but they do include the recurring totals, profit amount, total cost, and more. This will provide users with more information for reporting purposes out of Autotask.

Quote Products Tab

Defaults for Empty Part Numbers

Because the product line items are added to the Autotask product database, they must have a manufacturer part number specified. For any line items in the quote that do not have a part number, the default part numbers defined in these fields will be used.

For grouped bundles, only create a single summary product in Autotask (not the individual group items)

Checking this box will have QuoteWerks send over any groups or grouped bundles as a single summary product in Autotask, the individual line items in the group will not be created.

Mappings > Create Autotask Product Item Name From

When QuoteWerks creates the new products in Autotask, users can select the Autotask Product Item Name to come from a list of available QuoteWerks fields including the manufacturer part number, item description, vendor part number, internal part number, and more.

QuoteWerks Item Type to Autotask Quote Item Type mapping

Here, you can map your QuoteWerks Item Types to your Autotask Quote Item Type.

QuoteWerks Item Type to Autotask Product Allocation Code mapping

Here, you can map your QuoteWerks Item Types to your Autotask Allocation Code Mappings.

QuoteWerks Item Type to Autotask Shipping Type mapping

Here, you can map your QuoteWerks Item Types to your Autotask Shipping Type.


See the following topics for information about the other tabs on the Autotask Setup window:

Product Data Source Tab

Settings Tab

Version 5.2 (Build 8.12)  - July 7th, 2017