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Obtain Real-time Pricing

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Many companies in the IT industry purchase products from PC industry distributors such as D&H, Ingram Micro, SYNNEX, Tech Data, and more. It is very important to these companies to receive up to date pricing and availability information so that they have all the tools they need to deliver product to their customer as fast as possible.

Having access to real-time pricing gives the company the ability to deliver last minute price savings to their customer.

Having access to real-time availability gives the company the ability to know if the product will ship today, or if it will be back-ordered.

Using the Real-time Module in conjunction with the Product Content Subscription provides users with an easy way to retrieve pricing and availability and receive content for the items such as pictures, customer-friendly descriptions, marketing summaries and much more.


Related Topics:

Setting Up the Real-time Module

Using the Real-time Module

Setting Up the Product Content Subscription

Using the Product Content Subscription

Version 5.2 (Build 8.12)  - July 7th, 2017