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Creating or Attaching to an Opportunity in

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When you save a quote, the Create or Attach to Opportunity checkbox will appear on the Save window.

Note:The Create or Attach to Opportunity checkbox will NOT appear if you are saving a quote template. The Create Or Update Document Attachment checkbox will be checked and disabled if the Look for synchronized data in dtf files option is set.

Tip:Unchecking the Create or Attach to Opportunity box (or, if you're saving an order or invoice, the Update Closed Won Opportunity box) will uncheck the Create or Update document Attachment box, since document attachments are only attached to the sales opportunity in Otherwise, would automatically create a new Opportunity to house the document attachment, which you don't want if Create or Attach to Opportunity is unchecked.

This option will create a opportunity or attach to an existing opportunity in under the Opportunities tab. Once you have pressed the [OK] button from the File -> Save window, the “Create a new Opportunity” window will appear.

Tip:Once you create the Opportunity, if you update it in QuoteWerks (make changes and click on the File -> Save menu again), the icon next to the Name: field above will turn yellow (). Clicking this yellow icon will open the Opportunity inside

Here, you can adjust information about the opportunity such as the Close Date, Stage, Probability, and Price Book. The Price Book you select is where the line items from the QuoteWerks document will be create/updated; they'll also be listed in the Products section of the Opportunity if you selected Write Products into Opportunity on the setup.

The Name drop down list will contain a list of all existing opportunities associated with the contact record you have linked to.

Here, you can select an existing Opportunity to attach the quote to.  Once the opportunity has been saved in salesforce, a confirmation will appear in the bottom-right hand corner of the DocumentItems window.

Note:For users with multiple currencies activated for Price Books, you can control which currencies are displayed as choices Create/Update Opportunity window. Advanced users can use the Settings Manager to create or set SystemSettings\Contact Managers\SFPriceBookISOCurrencyCodeList=AUD,NZD,USD,CAD,EUR,GBP.  If you want to limit which price books appear in the QuoteWerks Opportunity window, advanced users can use the Settings Manager to create or set SystemSettings\Contact Managers\SFOppPriceBookInclusionList=Silver Price List,Gold Price List. If you want to default the currency selected for the Opportunity PriceBook to be the Alternate Currency selection in QuoteWerks, advanced users can use the Settings Manager to create or set SystemSettings\Contact Managers\SFOppPriceBookCurrencyCodeDefaultToAlternateCurrency=-1.

Write Products Into Opportunity
This checkbox on the opportunity window in QuoteWerks will only appear if the Write Products into Opportunity option on the setup window is selected.  This checkbox enables users to choose to write the products into the opportunity when the full list of items is on the document, rather than each time a change is made to help save time.

By creating Opportunities in you allow to help you estimate your sales pipeline. If you already have an opportunity for this quote, it will automatically update the existing one to reflect changes you have made to the quote. If you selected to have it do so, the line items from the QuoteWerks document will be written into the Opportunity.

Important:   When creating or updating the Opportunity, if you receive any errors, please see Opportunity Setup for information on setting up the appropriate security rights in that are required to create Opportunities.

Note:Advanced users can use the Settings Manager to create or set the following defaults per each user:



The {+14} code schedules the date for today’s date +14 days.

Note:Advanced users can use the Settings Manager to create or set SystemSettings\Contact Managers\UpdateSalesforceOppName=-1. This will update the opportunity name when QuoteWerks updates the opportunity.

Version 5.2 (Build 8.12)  - July 7th, 2017