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When you create quotes, many times you may quote the same group of products over and over. If you do, you should take advantage of QuoteWerks’ bundling feature. Creating bundles allows you to specify a group of products to be added to your quote all at once without having to manually remember to add each product.

Creating Bundles

To setup a bundle, select the Products -> Bundles menu or the icon from the icon toolbar.

To create a new bundle, click on the [New] button, and enter a name for the bundle:

Click on the [Ok] button to save the bundle name.

Note:The Bundles window can be resized. The last size and location will be remembered (per user) for the next time.
Note:You cannot create bundles within bundles. You can, however, include a bundle in a simple configuration.

Searching for Bundles

Users can search for Bundles via the Search by Name field by either searching for the exact Bundle name or by using the begins with, contains, and ends with fields.

Tip:When using the Contains search query operator, use double quotes [ " " ] around a phrase to search for that phrase.  If you type a minus [ - ] character after the phrase, the search results will omit anything typed after the minus sign.  For example, if you wanted to search for any bundles that contained "Microsoft Office" in the phrase but didn't want it to include results that have "2007" in them it would look like this: "Microsoft Office" - 2007.  If you typed "Microsoft Office" -Basic - OEM this would omit any results that contain the word "Basic" and/or "OEM" after Microsoft Office.  

Using Bundles

In order to add a bundle to your quote, click on the Bundles icon from the icon toolbar. Select the bundle you want to include in the quote, and click on either [Insert into Quote] or the [Add to Quote] button. Inserting the bundle will place it above the selected line on the Document Items tab; adding the bundle will place it at the very bottom. A window will appear that will ask you how many of this bundle you would like to add; enter the appropriate number and click Ok.

Editing Bundles

From the list of bundles select the Bundle that you want to edit, and then click on the [Edit] button to edit the bundle. The Edit Bundle window has 2 tabs:

Settings Tab

Items Tab

Version 5.2 (Build 8.12)  - July 7th, 2017