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ACT! Integration

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This section will take you through the steps of integrating your Act! CRM with QuoteWerks.


Select the Contacts -> Setup Contact Manager menu and select the ACT! option:

Next, then select the version of Act! you are using. Depending upon the version of Act! you are integrating with, there will be different options.

Tip:The QuoteWerks Medic Utility has a feature that will create toolbar buttons in Act! 2000/5.2 and 6.0 that launch QuoteWerks, start as new quote, order, or invoice. See Medic Utility for details.

Click on the [Opportunity Setup] button to begin setup.


For more information on Act! integration, please see:

Act! Opportunity Setup

DataLink Setup (All Act! Versions)

Pulling Act! Contact Information into QuoteWerks

Writing Information Back to Act!

F2 Lookup Features

Including Additional Contact-Manager Fields when Printing

Version 5.2 (Build 8.12)  - July 7th, 2017