QuoteWerks Developer Projects
The following is a list of projects completed by developers that have written applications that use the QuoteWerks API to extend the functionality of QuoteWerks. Each of the developers have different qualifications and experience. If you are interested in finding a developer to write a custom QuoteWerks add-on specifically for your company, we suggest that you contact each of the developers and inquire about their experience as it pertains to your needs.
Abstract Automation LLC
Here are some things we've done for clients wanting a custom integration between QuoteWerks and Zoho Books. The video demonstrates a few of these features.
- Auto-create/update Zoho Books transactions including line items (Estimates/Sales Orders/Invoices) from QuoteWerks documents (quotes/orders).
- Pull Zoho Books Items into QuoteWerks quotes or pricebooks.
- Auto-create hyperlinks in QuoteWerks Links Tab to related Zoho Books records and transactions (customers, items, opportunities, sales orders, etc...)
Here are some things we've done for clients wanting a custom integration between QuoteWerks and NetSuite. The video demonstrates a few of these features.
- Pull NetSuite customer or prospect Company/Contact info into QuoteWerks SoldTo/ShipTo/BillTo tab.
- Auto-create/update NetSuite transactions including line items (Opportunities/Estimates/Sales Orders/Invoices) from QuoteWerks documents (quotes/orders).
- Pull NetSuite Items into QuoteWerks quotes or pricebooks.
- Auto-create hyperlinks in QuoteWerks Links Tab to related NetSuite entities and transactions (customers, items, opportunities, sales orders, etc...)
BDG Associates Ltd
QuoteWerks Details Update for PMI Health Group on
Oct-04In addition to the normal QuoteWerks creation of a Detail for each quotation, extended quotation summary data was added to this detail by a Stored Procedure via Managed job on SQL Server - only suitable for Corporate Edition
Options Not Ordered List for Copifax Ltd on Mar-05
This client required a summary report for each quote to be sent out with the quote that listed the available options NOT ordered/specified in the quotation
Check GM History for MeasurIT Technologies Ltd on Jun-07
An applet that reviews the GoldMine History and establishes which quotes have NOT yet been logged in History. The option is provided to log unlogged items in the GoldMine History
- Creates a summary of all ordered products in SalesLogix to generate one or more invoices in QuoteWerks
- Selects ordered products per client, billing address, date range, product name etc.
- Generates collective billings for clients with the same billing address
- Generates all invoices by one-click-button billing run
- Prints invoices automatically and attaches invoice as PDF to contact (buyer and billing address)
- Generates large configuration systems in QuoteWerks by import
- Imports more than 1500 clusters with over 250 items
- Converts parameter databases from PPS system to quoting logic
- Permits up to 6 parameter per product
- Generates other versions of the offered products
- Permits a simultaneous variation of 2 parameters (e.g. quantity: 10,20,50,100 and number of colors: 2,3,4)
- Selects contact information from SalesLogix
- Fills Shipping address automatically
- Offers billing address automatically (billing addresses are stored as contact adress or as links to parent companies, corporate headquarters etc.)
- Generates opportunities in SalesLogix and adds all QuoteWerks items as SalesLogix opportunity products
- Converts quotes into orders, closes SalesLogix opportunities and creates ERM Bookkeeping Records in SalesLogix for the order and for all products linked to the contact (buyer, recipient of the services, invoice recipient)
- Converts orders into invoices, creates ERM Bookkeeping Records for invoiced products
- ERM Bookkeeping allows to display in SalesLogix:
- ordered products per buyer, shipping address and invoice recipient
- invoiced products per buyer, shipping address and invoice recipient
- Exports invoices to external bookkeeping software
- Re-imports payment information from bookkeeping software to SalesLogix Bookkeeping
- Displays payment statements on SalesLogix client record
- Generates open billing reports to clients
Hilltops IT & ConnectIt Software
QuoteWerks Document Approvals
Brief: While the QuoteWerks out of the box Approvals process went some way towards systemizing their review process, it did not completely meet their requirements. Our brief was to provide a solution which would systematically enforce a review process so that all Users were forced to have the quotation reviewed by a peer before it was allowed to be released to the end customer.
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QuoteWerks PO Tracking
Brief: To develop an add-on for QuoteWerks which would expand and compliment QuoteWerks out of the box features to allow Users to track Purchase Orders with Suppliers more accurately and efficiently.
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QuoteWerks HTML Email utility
Brief: The various clients wanted a variety of enhancements to QuoteWerks out-of-the-box email features which would give them an easy way to manually send an HTML email which contains Line Item details to Customers and Suppliers, plus automated emails internally to report on business KPIs from QuoteWerks data and to Customers and Suppliers to chase orders or report on the Staus of Orders.
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Additional Custom Solutions
Quintadena Estimator for QuoteWerksThis module allows you to have raw materials set up in your product database and to calculate the cost of building a bespoke item for your customer. For each material, you can choose whether to regard the price:
- as a square meter / square foot price (in which case you enter length and width sizes and a quantity for the line item)
- as a linear meter / per foot price (in which case you enter length and quantity for the line item)
- as a per item price (in which case you simply enter the quantity for the line item)
You build your item in the Estimator and transfer it to
QuoteWerks as a group. A typical use of the Estimator would
be for pricing a job in a sign-writing or large format
digital print environment where costs depend upon area to be
printed. Units can be entered and calculated in Imperial or
Metric (and automatically converted to the desired system if
Data Validation for QuoteWerks
This module runs invisibly in the background and ensures
that the user has entered all required information at each
stage in the Quote/Order/Invoice lifecycle. At key events
such as 'Deliver', 'Save', 'Convert' or any change of status,
user will be notified that certain fields remain to be
completed. The list of fields to be validated is
administrator-configurable, can be set for each type of
event and any field can be flagged as 'required' (in which
case the user will be unable to continue the action unless
the field contains data) or 'advisory' (in which case the
user will be notified but given the choice of returning to
fill in the field or continuing with the action). A typical
use of this would be to prevent the user printing a quote
until all 'Sold To' information was complete and the user
had saved the document and a QuoteWerks Document Number had
been allocated. Later on, the user could be required to
enter a Customer Purchase Order Reference and to complete
the 'Ship To' and 'Bill To' fields before converting the
quote to an order.
eMail Workflow for QuoteWerks
This module runs invisibly in the background and allows you
to add workflow to QuoteWerks by sending notification emails
at each stage in the Quote/Order/Invoice lifecycle. The
notifications can be set to be sent at any key events such as 'Deliver', 'Save', 'Convert' or any change of status.
The message addressee, cc, bcc, subject and body
contents are all configurable, and can be set differently for
each key event and can use QuoteWerks Macro fields.
Optionally, the mail can be set to trigger only if certain
criteria are satisfied (eg order value greater than a
certain level). A typical use of this would be to notify
management and alert Order Processing staff to the arrival
of a new Order.
Sync+ for QuoteWerks
The QuoteWerks (Corporate Edition rehosted to SQL) one step
synchronisation keeps your field staffs documents, product
databases, bundles, required items, etc in sync with the
Master Installation, but does not propagate changes to
layouts (document templates), reports, images, literature,
cover pages, spec sheets, menuopts.add or any
other similar files. This module runs automatically upon
completion of a data sync and aligns all these other files,
ensuring that your sales reps are using the up to date
versions without having to email zip files out and have the
sales reps remember to save them in the right place. Files
to be synchronised can be specified by administrator, either
by filename or as an entire QuoteWerks subdirectory to be
kept in line.
This module also allows QuoteWerks Contacts (QuoteWerks v5.6 and higher) to be synchronised so all users see all contacts and changes/additions to contacts made on remote pc's are replicated to all users.
Excel Integration
Quintadena's Enhanced Excel Integration allows for the smooth utilization of your current spreadsheet pricing tool. This is achieved by transferring product or Line Item details from your existing Excel configurator directly into the CPQ document.
QD2000 Integrations
Comprehensive integration allows full interaction with a wide range of CRMs to Select Customers and Products and save and create sales opportunities. Integrations include Vtiger, Infor, Acumatica, Goldvision, Xero, SAP CRM, NxT, and more.
Product Database Export to Excel
This utility allows you to export all of your product databases to separate tabs within a single Excel spreadsheet, alleviating the problem of line breaks within CSV.
Automated Quote Create and Send
This module allows the download of quote information from an ERP database to create and send quotes from QuoteWerks. This can be used to send maintenance / remedial quotes.
Automated Quote Follow-up emails
This module can be set to automatically follow up on quotes after a set number of days.
User Activity Logging for QuoteWerks
This module runs invisibly in the background and allows you
to record most of the actions taken by your users (log
on/off to the system, open/create/save in new status/print
document) to a log file on the server. This can be very
useful for troubleshooting or for audit trail purposes. (In
certain jurisdictions it may be a legal requirement for
staff to be informed if this module is in operation).
Authorisation request for QuoteWerks
This module runs invisibly in the background and operates with
our email workflow application to trigger an authorisation
request to higher management under certain situations
(typically quote value higher than a certain level, profit
margin lower than a certain level)
3rd Party Commission for QuoteWerks
The QuoteWerks sales commission is calculated for the logged
on user as the Sales Rep. However, you may be paying
commission to a 3rd party (a sales agent, or an introducer).
This module allows this commission to show in the QuoteWerks
sales commission field (and therefore correctly on all sales
reports). At present this module only supports commission as
a percentage of net quote value (SubTotal), but we would be
prepared to extend it to calculate commission as a
percentage of profit margin or as an absolute value if
desired by a customer.
Partial Invoicing for QuoteWerks
This module runs invisibly in the background and allows an
Order to be Converted To an Invoice in stages, for the times
when you dispatch an order in multiple parts with an invoice
for each delivery. On Convert To Invoice, the user is
presented with a list of order items and can select which
ones to Deliver/Invoice. The Order remains open but the
selected items are marked invoiced and an Invoice created
for those items. Those items are then unavailable for
invoice in subsequent dispatches. When all items have been
dispatched, the Order is closed.
Sort Document Items for QuoteWerks
This module, accessed from the QuoteWerks Tools menu, sorts
the document items and automatically creates headings and
subtotals at each sort break. The sort fields (max 3 key
sort) and sort order for each sort field are configurable. A
typical use of this would be to have your quote show all
hardware, followed by all software, followed by all
services, displayed as 3 separate sections with headings and
subtotals, regardless of the order in which those items had
been selected by the sales rep.
Advanced Excel Integration for QuoteWerks
This module, accessed from the QuoteWerks Tools menu, allows
complex existing Excel-based pricing models to be
incorporated into your QuoteWerks system. A typical example
of this would be where sales reps use an existing Excel
spreadsheet as a Configurator to calculate the price of a
job and where this Configurator needs to be retained. The
user selects a Pricing Spreadsheet option from the Tools
menu, which brings up the familiar spreadsheet as a dialog
box. The user completes the spreadsheet exactly as normal,
and on clicking OK to close the dialog box, information is
transferred to QuoteWerks as document items. (The
information to be transferred is different for each
installed system, but we can move essentially any of the
information from Excel to QuoteWerks.) As a backup, a copy
of the whole spreadsheet as completed by the sales rep is
saved to a subfolder within QuoteWerks with the QuoteWerks
Document reference as its filename (eg AAAQ1003.xls).
Gold Rush Technology
Custom Pricing #1
Client using EXO, required a combination of customer based pricing with volume based pricing. On save, the application used called an SQL Stored Procedure in EXO to update the correct price based on the customer profile, and the quantity volume on the item.
Custom Pricing #2
Client had complex processes and pricing models. On save, the application used the raw materials, product dimensions, and process to determine the pricing for each bespoke item. Originally developed in vbscript, then converted to .Net application in C#. The application is settings driven so that minor changes to pricing can be updated easily by the customer.
Originally developed as an integration to Pipedrive, and then upgraded to include ActiveCampaign in such a way we can easily add integrations to other web based CRM products that use REST APIs. We can deliver a fully functional integration without having to start from the ground up, but simply create a new REST API DLL. The application is settings driven to allow for different supported functionality, and we can offer a fixed price development adding your CRM to our product.