QuoteWerks Update Center
Version 5.2 Summary
129 New, 139 Fixes, and 33 Miscellaneous features | ||
New Features - Version 5.2 | ||
1. ConnectWise 2016.6 is now supported! [Build: 1.28] | ||
2. ConnectWise 2016.5 is now supported! [Build: 1.28] | ||
3. QuickBooks USA 2017 is now supported! [Build: 1.28] | ||
4. QuickBooks Australia 2016 is now supported! [Build: 1.28] | ||
5. QuickBooks Canada 2017 is now supported! [Build: 1.28] | ||
6. Peachtree/Sage 50 version 2017 is now supported! [Build: 1.28] | ||
7. There is now an "Installation Password" feature that can be used to prevent an unauthorized person from updating a QuoteWerks Installation. This is especially useful for preventing remote installations from updating without the permission of their IT administrator. It is also useful for IT administrators and resellers in preventing some random user from updating the network installation of QuoteWerks. Now, before an installation update can begin, if an Installation Password has been set by the administrator, the user will have to supply a valid Installation Password before they will be able to proceed with installing the update. [Build: 1.28] | ||
8. When a QuoteWerks update was just installed and a workstation runs QuoteWerks for the first time, it will now prevent other workstations from running QuoteWerks while QuoteWerks is upgrading the data to the new Build. [Build: 1.28] | ||
9. Most data stored in .ini files has been moved into database tables. All of the settings that have been transferred to database tables can be viewed from the new Settings Manager accessible by clicking on the [Settings Manager] button on the System tab of the Help->About menu. The Settings Manager is also available from within the Medic Utility by selecting the Utilities->Settings Manager menu. For complete details please see the help file topic "Appendix: QuoteWerks Version 5.2 INI to Database Changes". [Build: 1.28] | ||
10. Licensing enforcement no longer uses the .lck file based system. It now uses a Database license metering system. There are some powerful capabilities that come along with this change. Now, if a user is logged into QuoteWerks and locks their machine and leaves for the weekend, users with Master Rights can now revoke their license making it available for other users. When this user comes back they will only have the option to save and close their currently open quotes and exit. The Misc Access right "NonMasterRightsUser_CanRevokeOthersLicenseAllocation" can be granted to non Master Rights users to give them this capability. [Build: 1.28] | ||
11. Administrators can now force QuoteWerks to terminate. When an IT administrator wants to make sure everyone is out of QuoteWerks (to apply an update for example) they can force the termination of running instances of QuoteWerks. Any unsaved quotes will be saved as recovery documents. It is not ideal to terminate QuoteWerks this way, but if the admin has no other options, then at least they have the ability to terminate the running exe. The Misc Access right "NonMasterRightsUser_CanTerminateOthersRunningInstances" can be granted to non Master Rights users to give them this capability. [Build: 1.28] | ||
12. From the QuoteWerks Login window holding down SHIFT while clicking OK will launch the Logged In Users window where you can see what other users are logged into QuoteWerks. This window will only appear if have entered the correct password for the username. If you have rights to revoke licenses or terminate running instances you can do that from this window. An extra capability of this feature is that if a user is at this login screen and cannot login because there are not enough licenses, an administrator can walk over to this machine, choose their username, enter their password and get access to the Logged In Users window where they can revoke someone else's license. After closing this window, the login window will re-appear for the regular user to then login normally. [Build: 1.28] | ||
13. Licensing events are now recorded. Certain events are always recorded like license revokings, forced terminations are now recorded, reaching max Primary license count, reaching max Real-time license count, and reaching max QuoteValet license count. Other events like "[] Record failed login attempts", and "[] Record successful login/logoff (includes duration)" can be turned on/off under the Security tab of the Tools->Options menu. You can display the Event Viewer by clicking on the [Event Viewer] button on the Utilities->LoggedInUsers menu. [Build: 1.28] | ||
14. When a login fails because there are not enough licenses, the Logged In Users window will automatically be displayed. [Build: 1.28] | ||
15. If you attempt to login using a UserName that is already logged into QuoteWerks, you will be given the option to revoke the license from the other logged in instance so that you can login. [Build: 1.28] | ||
16. For Autotask users, when creating or updating an Autotask Quote the QuoteWerks Customer PO# now populates the PurchaseOrderNumber field in the Autotask quote. [Build: 1.28] | ||
17. For ConnectWise 2016.3 and higher users, QuoteWerks recurring products can now be written to a ConnectWise Opportunity Item as a recurring product (utilizing this newer feature in ConnectWise). This feature is only available in the new ConnectWise REST API. It is not available in the older ConnectWise SOAP API, so you must enable the ConnectWise REST API in QuoteWerks setup to use this new feature. [Build: 1.28] | ||
18. For ConnectWise 2016.3 and higher users, when the ConnectWise REST API is enabled, there is now an option on the REST API tab of the ConnectWise Setup window to "write QuoteWerks SoldToPONumber 'Cust PO#' to ConnectWise Opportunity". [Build: 1.28] | ||
19. Bundles can now be searched by Begins with, Contains, and Ends with. The last selection is remembered per user. [Build: 1.28] | ||
20. Configurations can now be searched by Begins with, Contains, and Ends with. The last selection is remembered per user. [Build: 1.28] | ||
21. When rehosting to SQL you can now specify an existing Database to rehost to. This is useful so that you do not have to supply a SQL server UserID that has the security rights to create databases. [Build: 1.28] | ||
22. Added new Misc Access rights CannotModifyFieldValue:DI_CustomDate01, CannotModifyFieldValue:DI_CustomDate02, CannotModifyFieldValue:DI_CustomNumber01, CannotModifyFieldValue:DI_CustomNumber02, CannotModifyFieldValue:DI_CustomNumber03, CannotModifyFieldValue:DI_CustomNumber04, CannotModifyFieldValue:DI_CustomNumber05, CannotModifyFieldValue:DI_CustomMemo01, CannotModifyFieldValue:DI_CustomMemo02, CannotModifyFieldValue:DI_InternalPartNumber [Build: 1.28] | ||
23. For API users, added the events: BeforeSynchronization(sXMLData, bCancel) AND AfterSynchronization(sXMLData) [Build: 1.28] | ||
24. For API users, the event BeforeSaveDocument(ByVal iSaveAction As Integer, ByRef bCancel as Boolean) now fires for the AutoSave events with an iSaveAction=4. [Build: 1.28] | ||
25. For API users, added event AfterSaveDocumentEx(ByVal iSaveAction As Integer, ByVal iResult As Integer, ByVal sXMLData As String). This event provides more information than the existing AfterSaveDocument() event. [Build: 1.28] | ||
26. The creation of user login names is no longer limited by the 8 character user INI file name generation. You used to receive a message like "The User Name specified cannot be added because it conflicts with the {username}.ini file of JLEWE.INI" [Build: 1.28] | ||
27. Under the [Addons] section of the siteboot.ini file there is a new AutoRunXUsers= key. Here you can specify a comma delimited list of users that you want the addon for. For example the AutoRun1=notepad.exe and the AutoRun1Users=John Lewe, Brian Laufer [Build: 1.28] | ||
28. For API users, added a series of methods to read/write/delete settings from the new Settings table since the data has been moved out of ini files into the database.
Application.SiteSettingRead (sSectionName as String, sKeyName as String)
Application.SiteSettingWrite (sSectionName as String, sKeyName as String, sKeyValue as String)
Application.SiteSettingDelete (sSectionName as String, sKeyName as String)
Application.SystemSettingRead (sSectionName as String, sKeyName as String)
Application.SystemSettingWrite (sSectionName as String, sKeyName as String, sKeyValue as String)
Application.SystemSettingDelete (sSectionName as String, sKeyName as String)
Application.UserSettingRead (sUserName as String, sSectionName as String, sKeyName as String)
Application.UserSettingWrite (sUserName as String, sSectionName as String, sKeyName as String, sKeyValue as String)
Application.UserSettingDelete (sUserName as String, sSectionName as String, sKeyName as String, sKeyValue as String) [Build: 1.28] | ||
29. The field size for CostModifier and PriceModifier fields on the DocumentItems tab have been increased from 8 to 18 allowing for longer compound discount modifiers like "D50\10\17". [Build: 2] | ||
30. ACT! version 19 is now supported! [Build: 2.22] | ||
31. SalesLogix (Infor CRM) 8.3 is now supported! [Build: 2.22] | ||
32. For Peachtree (Sage 50 US Edition) users, when using Peachtree as the contact manager you can now retrieve the Customer Terms using the DataLink using the new Data Link field CustomerPaymentTerms. [Build: 2.22] | ||
33. On the Templates tab of the File->New menu you can now search the templates by name with "Begins with", "Contains", and "Ends with". [Build: 2.22] | ||
34. The macro name &APP_LayoutName is available on the Misc tab of Tools->Options for the generation of the file name for the "Document Attachment file" and "PO Document Attachment file". This is very useful because when used the file name generated would contain the name of the primary selected layout or word document used to generate the file giving the file name some meaningful context. [Build: 2.22] | ||
35. There are now the macros &APP_LicensingPrimarySerialNumber, &APP_LicensingEnterpriseLicenseCount, and &APP_LicensingSiteLicenseCount available through the Application.GetMacro API method. [Build: 2.22] | ||
36. ConnectWise 2017.2 is now supported! [Build: 2.22] | ||
37. When adding a File Link from the Links tab, if you select a file that is not under the \QuoteWerks folder, you will be prompted to link directly to the file or copy it to a centralized storage location (\QuoteWerks\Resources) and link to that file. Users can set the default behavior with the option "When adding File Link default to option to Copy to Centralized Storage" under the Misc tab of the Tools->My Preferences menu. Also adminstrators can force the centralized storage with the Misc Access right of "ForceFileLinksAttachModeAsCopy". [Build: 2.22] | ||
38. The Tools->Refresh Item Details menu now an option to choose which Product Data Source you want to refresh the line item data from. Also there is an option "Obtain refreshed data from:" when multiple line items are selected to force the refresh to look in the selected database versus the database specified in the line item. Also the columns are sortable useful in grouping all fields together that have data in them, or sorting the field names alphabetically. [Build: 2.22] | ||
39. For ConnectWise users, when converting a quote to an order and converting the ConnectWise opportunity to Won, you can now specify the Close Date. Also when subsequently updating the order and saving the changes to the ConnectWise Closed Won Opportunity, the Closed date will no longer change unless you change it. [Build: 2.22] | ||
40. There is now a utility feature to cycle through ALL documents in the database and look at the file links and replace the matching folder location of the linked file with a different folder location. [Build: 2.22] | ||
41. When importing a product database, the name of the Product Database is now displayed in the import status window. [Build: 2.22] | ||
42. On the Open Document window, the checkbox "Include Revisions", now remembers the last selection per user. [Build: 2.22] | ||
43. There are now DocumentItems->&ProductDBForeignCurrencyUnitCost and DocumentItems->&ProductDBForeignCurrencyIdentifier fields available in the layout designer for FPC files. These fields will lookup these field values from the product database for the item in the product database. These are only available for native product databases. [Build: 2.22] | ||
44. On the Product Price History window, clicking on the Date column now sorts. [Build: 2.22] | ||
45. On the Open Document window, you can now search the Company and Contact fields by "Begins with", "Contains" and "Ends with". [Build: 2.22] | ||
46. On the File Links tab of the Quote WorkBook, you can now multi-select when removing links. [Build: 2.22] | ||
47. In Select Special can now search number fields UnitCost, UnitPrice, and UnitList with search operator "Equal to", "Not Equal to", "Greater than", "Greater or Equal", "Less than", and "Less or Equal". Also, added text search operators "Not Equal to" and "Ends with" and "Does not Contain". Select Special can now be launched with CTRL-F keyboard shortcut. [Build: 2.22] | ||
48. Added menu shortcut key CTRL-R for Edit->Item Attributes. [Build: 2.22] | ||
49. Added menu shortcut key CTRL-T for Edit->Add SubTotal. [Build: 2.22] | ||
50. In Management Reports you can now use the [Output CSV] button to export the output of the report to a CSV file. This is different than the [Export] button feature in that this [Output CSV] feature takes the output of the Report Layout including the formulas, filtering, sorting, and grouping of sections and then exports that data. [Build: 2.22] | ||
51. For Goldmine users, when using the &Dear field in the DataLink, if you selected a Secondary Contact the DataLink will now grab the Dear value from the Secondary contact.
[Build: 2.22] | ||
52. SugarCRM 7.8 is now supported! [Build: 2.26] | ||
53. For Product Content Subscribers, the Etilize Product Comparison now supports ASI, Westcoast, Northamber distributors. [Build: 2.26] | ||
54. Added Misc Access Right "CannotManuallyModifyProductQuery". When this is set, the "Show SQL" option will not appear on the Product Lookup window. [Build: 2.26] | ||
55. MS CRM version 8.2 now supported! [Build: 3] | ||
56. For MS CRM users, only the first 150 users were displayed in user selection windows. Now the first 250 will be displayed. [Build: 3] | ||
57. For MS CRM users, added field contact->parentcustomerid to the list of available DataLink fields. [Build: 3] | ||
58. For MS CRM users, added an "Update MS CRM Opportunity name with Document name" option under MS CRM Setup. [Build: 3] | ||
59. For MS CRM users, the list of opportunity status codes is now retrieved from MS CRM dynamically, rather than from a hard coded list of "WON", "CANCELED", "OUT-SOLD". [Build: 3] | ||
60. GoldMine 2017.1 is now supported! [Build: 3.13] | ||
61. For Dell Premier customers, a region/country dropdown was added in the Dell Punchout Setup. In addition to USA, the following countries were added: Canada, United Kingdom (UK), Ireland, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, France, Australia, and New Zealand. Dell Punchout Ordering functionality is enabled for these countries. [Build: 3.13] | ||
62. For Product Content Subscribers in the UK, Etilize Upsell items are now available on the Etilize Panel. These products will be better products with more features and usually sold for a higher price. With this, you can easily provide Good, Better, Best options on your quotes increasing the chance that customers will choose the higher priced items, increasing your sales. [Build: 3.13] | ||
63. For Product Content Subscribers in the UK, Etilize Similar items are now available on the Etilize Panel. This is particularly useful when the item you searched for is not in stock, you can use this to find a similar product that is in stock. This also provides you with an easy way to see a list of products to Cross-Sell. [Build: 3.13] | ||
64. Added new option on the Misc.General tab of the Tools->My Preferences menu of "On Print window, when saving PDF and default file name exists, automatically suggest unique name". It is useful to turn this off if when saving a PDF you just want a single current PDF of the current quote and not different versions. [Build: 3.13] | ||
65. On the Leasing tab of tools->Options menu, added new default option "Include monthly recurring Amount in Lease Amount". [Build: 3.13] | ||
66. On the Login tab of the User Properties window, there is now a Notes field. Administrators can save notes about each user in this field. [Build: 3.19] | ||
67. On the Product Lookup window, "InternalPartNumber" was added to the Sort by dropdown. [Build: 3.19] | ||
68. QuoteWerks now supports a real-time leasing integration with Ingram Micro Lease-IT!. Real-time module is required. On the Sale Info tab, just choose the [Add Lease payment Options] button in the Payment Options frame. Once you select your Lease-IT! lease card, the real-time query to Lease-IT! will enable you to see all the lease options available from Lease-IT! such as terms, advance payments, points, and purchase options. Just select the combinations of options you would like to see and Lease-IT! provides all the iterations of those combinations. Once you've had a chance to see them, you can choose which ones you would like to offer to your customer. Leasing options can be specified on the Leasing tab of the Tools->Options menu and also the Leasing tab of the Realtime setup window. [Build: 6] | ||
69. You can now modify the Purchasing PO template that is used when e-mailing or saving as PDF a PO from the Purchase Orders tab of the Purchasing window. You can modify this html layout from the [Edit SYS_PurchasingPO HTML] button on the E-Mail Template Manager window. There is also a new SYS_EmailPurchasingPO template under the (System) email templates on the Templates tab of the E-Mail Template Manager window. The SYS_EmailPurchasingPO template controls what the email looks like including email signature, etc. The SYS_PurchasingPO HTML layout controls what the actual PO looks like and what fields and columns are included. If the Misc Access right of "CannotModifyPrintLayouts" is set, then you cannot access the [Edit SYS_PurchasingPO HTML] button. [Build: 6] | ||
70. For D&H users, when placing orders electronically through QuoteWerks you can now send the end user information to D&H further automating the order process. This is especially useful for licensing and warranty orders. D&H just added this new capability in April 2017. In addition to the end user information you can now also supply D&H with the End User PO Number, Authorization Quote Number, Master Contract Number, CCOID Number, Serial Number, ESD End User E-Mail, and Reseller E-Mail information. [Build: 6] | ||
71. ConnectWise 2017.4 is now supported! [Build: 6] | ||
72. ConnectWise 2017.3 is now supported! [Build: 6] | ||
73. For ConnectWise users, the ConnectWise integration has been completely rewritten to use the new ConnectWise REST API. ConnectWise support for the older SOAP API is being discontinued effective June 1st, 2017. Because of this change in ConnectWise, all ConnectWise users will need to upgrade to ConnectWise 2016.3 or higher and then update to QuoteWerks version 5.2 build 6. Integration with this new REST API also requires that all machines running QuoteWerks and ConnectWise must have Windows 7 or higher installed. [Build: 6] | ||
74. For ConnectWise users, when using ConnectWise as a Product Data Source, Inventory on Hand in ConnectWise is available by right clicking on the product in the QuoteWerks Product Lookup and selecting the "Show ConnectWise Inventory On Hand" menu. The total Availability within ConnectWise is shown along with the breakdown by Warehouse Bins. [Build: 6] | ||
75. For ConnectWise users, there is now a right-click menu to "View the Purchase Order in ConnectWise" on the Purchase Orders Tab of the QuoteWerks Purchasing Window. This feature is only available for purchase orders that QuoteWerks creates in ConnectWise. [Build: 6] | ||
76. For ConnectWise Users, when using ConnectWise as a Product Database Source, the ConnectWise Unit of Measure (UOM) can be used to determine the recurring properties of a product when adding it to QuoteWerks. There is an option to Enable this in the ConnectWise Setup within QuoteWerks. For example if the ConnectWise UOM is "Month", the product when added to the QuoteWerks Document will have a recurring property of Monthly. [Build: 6] | ||
77. For ConnectWise users, when QuoteWerks "Wins" an Opportunity in ConnectWise, there is now an option to convert the Agreement Products on the Opportunity to either a new Agreement or add to an existing Agreement. There is an option in the ConnectWise setup to default this setting. [Build: 6] | ||
78. For ConnectWise users, added field Company->SiteName to the list of available DataLink fields. This enables ConnectWise users to retrieve the selected Site?s Name into the QuoteWerks Document. [Build: 6] | ||
79. For ConnectWise users, added Company Level Custom Fields to the list of available DataLink fields. In QuoteWerks in the Datalink Mapping, if your ConnectWise Custom Field Name is "SpecialField", the External System Field as Source would be "Company->customFields_SpecialField". In addition to the custom fields, additional miscellaneous Company Level fields were added to the list of available DataLink fields. [Build: 6] | ||
80. For ConnectWise users, added Contact Level Custom Fields to the list of available DataLink fields. In QuoteWerks in the Datalink Mapping, if your ConnectWise Custom Field Name is "SpecialField", the External System Field as Source would be "Contact->customFields_SpecialField". In addition to the custom fields, additional miscellaneous Contact Level fields were added to the list of available DataLink fields. [Build: 6] | ||
81. For ConnectWise Users, when using ConnectWise as a Product Data Source, the ConnectWise Unit of Measure (UOM), Category, SubCategory, Class, and ProductType are now a mappable fields. [Build: 6] | ||
82. For ConnectWise users, when adding a product to a ConnectWise Opportunity, the Vendor Part Number (Vendor SKU) is now included. [Build: 6] | ||
83. For ConnectWise users, when using QuoteWerks Purchasing, when receiving an item and linking the item to a PO Item in ConnectWise (a PO item that QuoteWerks did not create in ConnectWise), there is now an option to view the Purchase Order in ConnectWise to assist in linking to the appropriate PO item. [Build: 6] | ||
84. In the layout designer you can now set the color of text to any color (previously there was a 16 color limit). The Format->Font dialog no longer lets you select the color or the text effects like underline or strike through from that dialog. The color can now be set using the Format->Text Color menu and the text effects can now be set using the Format->Text Effects menu. The named fonts have also been changed to accommodate the separation of the text color settings from the Font selection dialog. [Build: 6] | ||
85. For QuoteValet Insight users, on Dashboard->My Summary, there are now several new periods available.
Last Quarter
This YTD
This Quarter
Last YTD
Two Years Ago
Two Years Ago YTD
Three Years Ago
Three Years Ago YTD
These are available depending upon the security rights that have been assigned to the user. [Build: 6] | ||
86. For QuoteValet Insight users, on the QuoteValet Insight Dashboard->Executive Summary, there are now several new periods available.
Last Quarter
This YTD
This Quarter
Last YTD
Two Years Ago
Two Years Ago YTD
Three Years Ago
Three Years Ago YTD
These are available depending upon the security rights that have been assigned to the user. [Build: 6] | ||
87. For QuoteValet Insight users, on Dashboard->Approvals, there is now a drop down to choose to display "Approval Pending" or "Approval Denied". [Build: 6] | ||
88. QuoteWerks Commands (TM) feature. On the Settings Manager window, there is a new [Run QuoteWerks Command...] button. From here you can enter in a QuoteWerks Command to be executed. These commands are used to SET, GET, or DELETE setting data. The example below would change the user setting to make the QuoteValet Dashboard automatically open when QuoteWerks starts.
QuoteWerks Commands have many uses. QuoteWerks technical support can provide these commands to users to more easily make settings changes rather than explaining the steps to set these settings through the normal user interface. Also since you can run multiple commands at the same time, administrators can more easily grab multiple settings and apply them to other users in more automated fashion. Resellers can use these QuoteWerks Commands to apply standardized customizations to any installation. When right clicking on a setting you can choose the 'Copy SET Command' menu to copy into the clipboard the QuoteWerks Command that would SET this setting when run. For more details, please see the help system. [Build: 6] | ||
89. On the Settings Manager the in the spotlight text box you can now press the DOWN arrow key or F3 to move to highlight the next match. You can also press UP arrow key or SHIFT-F3 to highlight the previous match. There is also a new [Remove NON-spotlighted results from list] button. This only removes the settings from the result list and can be used to filter and better focus on what you are looking for. [Build: 6] | ||
90. In all spotlight text boxes you can now press the DOWN arrow key or F3 to move to highlight the next match. You can also press UP arrow key or SHIFT-F3 to highlight the previous match. The spotlight text box is On the Access tab of the User Properties window, the License Manager and the Event Viewer. [Build: 6] | ||
91. In Settings Manager, CTRL-A now selects all the settings in the current list. [Build: 6] | ||
92. In Settings Manager, there is now a "x settings selected" display [Build: 6] | ||
93. In Settings Manager, after running a QuoteWerks Command, the last command in the list of commands will now be selected in the list if the command was for the currently selected table. [Build: 6] | ||
94. On the Purchasing window the list of items available for purchase were ordered by DocumentHeaders.DocDate, DocumentHeaders.ID, but the items were not sorted in the order they existed in the ORDER document. Now this list is ordered by DocumentHeaders.DocDate, DocumentHeaders.ID, DocumentItems.ID. In conjunction with this change, when right clicking on a Purchase Order and choosing to "E-mail PO" or "Save PO as PDF", the items on the PO will be ordered consistent with the order they were in when added to the Purchase Order. Of note, the order of the items on the PO when displayed on the Purchase Orders tab will be ordered by FulfillmentItems.ShippedOn DESC,FulfillmentItems.EstimatedShipDate DESC. [Build: 6] | ||
95. For D&H users, on the Purchasing window, using OrderStatus, now orders with D&H status of "Non Stock Invoice Complete" will now have their QtyShipped automatically set to the QtyOrdered amount. "Non Stock Invoice Complete" status orders are license and warranty orders that do not result in any physical shipping. [Build: 6] | ||
96. For D&H users, on the Purchasing window, using OrderStatus, if no fulfillment item data was returned for a PO item, now when you choose the option to "Mark as Shipped (Override)..." it will automatically create a fulfillment record if it did not exist. When this option is used to fix the above mentioned issue, it will result in the ability to have the PO status become "Shipped" instead of "Partial Shipped". [Build: 6] | ||
97. On the Product Lookup window, there is now an "Exclude from future Etilize results" menu. Use this to prevent Etilize search results from returning results that you know are either outdated or that you have no need to see. [Build: 6] | ||
98. The command line parameter of "/r" now can output a report to a LayoutCSV file, PDF file, or export file. Examples:
Preview (only works when report is configured for Layout output vs TextFile output):
Print (only works when report is configured for Layout output vs TextFile output):
/r:"report14.rcf",2,"HP LaserJet P2055dn"
SaveToPDF (only works when report is configured for Layout output vs TextFile output):
SaveToCSV (only works when report is configured for Layout output vs TextFile output):
Export (only works when report is configured for TextFile output vs Layout output):
See the help file for more details on command line options. [Build: 6] | ||
99. For D&H users, added support for new D&H order status of "Non Stock Invoice Complete". Without this the order status would appear as Unknown. [Build: 6] | ||
100. On the Purchasing window, when items are backordered, the Order status will now say "Backordered" rather than simply "Open", along with a color change. Also the Receive Items box will now be red when the item in Backordered. [Build: 6] | ||
101. For ConnectWise users, When testing the Public and Private API Keys, QuoteWerks will now validate that the API Member has enough rights to use the integration. [Build: 6.02] | ||
102. For ConnectWise users, on the ConnectWise Setup window (Contacts->Setup Contact Manager), the Default Closed 'Lost' Status list of choices will now include Open Status in addition to Lost Statuses. The same change was made for the Default Closed 'Won' Status list of choices. [Build: 6.07] | ||
103. Added new "Search Query" complex query search option in the Operator drop down list for searching some fields. Support was added for the Bundle Search, Configuration Search, New Template Search, and the Open Document window the DocName and Item Search. Each word separated by a space will do a contains search. If more than one word is enclosed in double quotes (") then that will be seen as a single search phrase. If you type a minus character "-" before the word or phrase enclosed in double quotes (") , the search results will not include results that contain that word or phrase.
"Microsoft Office" -2007
"Microsoft Office" -Basic -OEM
"Microsoft Office" -"Upgrade Office" [Build: 6.07] | ||
104. For ConnectWise users, when Linking to an Existing ConnectWise ticket, the ConnectWise Ticket Number is now displayed. There is also now a button next to the Ticket Name drop-down to view the ticket in ConnectWise. [Build: 6.07] | ||
105. QuickBooks Online Integration! Use QuickBooks Online Customer Information in your quote. Add QuickBooks Online product items to your quote. Create new QuickBooks Online customers, items, estimates, invoices, sales receipts, purchase orders, and more. The QuickBooks Online integration requires QuoteWerks Professional or Corporate Edition and requires a monthly or annual subscription. [Build: 8.12] | ||
106. For QuoteValet users, YouTube video support! With your QuoteValet quote you can now include one or more videos to be displayed on the QuoteValet quote. You can even set one of them to start auto-playing as soon as the QuoteValet page is displayed. You can also include one video per line item. You can specify the default video(s) you would like each new Quote, Order or Invoice to include on the General tab of the QuoteValet setup window. You can also specify one video in a native database product definition which will be included in the quote for the line item when the product is added into the quote. You can see the video details for the line item in the quote by selecting the line item and clicking on the "Show/Hide Picture Panel" toolbar button above the line items grid. When adding videos to the quote, if you have setup your YouTube account information on the General tab of the QuoteValet setup, you will be able to choose from a list of all your existing videos that have already been uploaded to YouTube. If you are using a shared standardized QuoteValet template the videos will automatically just appear in the QuoteValet page. If you are using a customized QuoteValet template you will need to make some modifications to your customized template. The layout designer fields and macros of &DH_&Video1_URL, &DH_&Video1_Title, &DH_&Video2_URL, &DH_&Video2_Title, &DH_&Video3_URL, &DH_&Video3_Title, and &DI_&Video1_URL, &DI_&Video1_Title have also been added. [Build: 8.12] | ||
107. For QuoteValet users, you can now have more than one QuoteValet OrderForm Template used by the QuoteValet Shopping Cart. When uploading the OrderForm Template to QuoteValet you can choose which OrderForm template you want to use. [Build: 8.12] | ||
108. Windows Authentication Login support. You can now setup QuoteWerks users to use their Windows Authentication to automatically log into QuoteWerks without having to enter the QuoteWerks Native Login UserName and Password on the QuoteWerks Login window. Windows Authentication only works with domains. When using the Windows Authentication Login, you will still need to set a password for the QuoteWerks Native Login. Holding the SHIFT key down while starting QuoteWerks will force the QuoteWerks Login window to appear. [Build: 8.12] | ||
109. ConnectWise 2017.5 is now supported! [Build: 8.12] | ||
110. The Product Content Subscription now has PartLocator support for D&H Canada. We've negotiated an arrangement with D&H Canada to host their parts list to provide our mutual customers with a better ability to locate D&H Canada part numbers when quoting. [Build: 8.12] | ||
111. The Product Content Subscription now has PartLocator support for Jenne (USA). We've negotiated an arrangement with Jenne to host their parts list to provide our mutual customers with a better ability to locate Jenne part numbers when quoting. Now, on the Etilize panel, a Jenne option will only appear if the Jenne part number was found by the PartLocator. Previously the Jenne option would always appear even if a part number was not offeered by Jenne. [Build: 8.12] | ||
112. For Jenne customers with the Product Content Subscription, Jenne items will now appear in the Etilize Comparison Window if the Jenne part number was found using the PartLocator. [Build: 8.12] | ||
113. The user Maintenance window now has columns to show the UserName, OSLoginName, a Reference column, and also a "Flags" column. An "M" will appear in the Flags column if the user has master rights, and a "*" will appear in the UserName has a blank password. The Reference column will display the first 50 characters of the first line of the Notes field. [Build: 8.12] | ||
114. For QuoteValet users, you are no longer required to fill out the ManufacturerPartNumber field as a requirement for a picture to appear on the QuoteValet quote for a line item. [Build: 8.12] | ||
115. For ConnectWise users, when retrieving a contact from ConnectWise, QuoteWerks now respects the Contact's Communication Defaults for Phone, Fax, and Email if specified. [Build: 8.12] | ||
116. For MS CRM users, custom status reasons for a Lost or Won Opportunity are now supported for versions 6 and higher. [Build: 8.12] | ||
117. Effective July 2017 Supplies Network now requires all xml queries to be sent using the TLS 1.2 protocol. QuoteWerks now supports this. The TLS 1.2 protocol is not available on Windows XP machines, so any users that wish to use QuoteWerks (or any other software) to interact with Supplies Network XML services will need to be running the software on Windows Vista or higher. Additionally TLS 1.2 requires that the Microsoft .NET framework version 4.5 be installed and Internet Explorer (IE) 11 or higher needs to be installed. In Microsoft IE, TLS 1.2 must be enabled. To enable, click on the Gear/Settings button in IE and select Internet Options from the menu. Go to the Advanced tab, and under the Security section, make sure that TLS v1.2 is checked. [Build: 8.12] | ||
118. The action of "DocumentDeletedFromQuoteValet" is now added to the Document Audit Trail log. [Build: 8.12] | ||
119. When documents are deleted, that action is now logged in the event.log, like this: [AuditTrail] John Lewe deleted document 'FLAQ1964' (DocID=3365)
[Build: 8.12] | ||
120. For ConnectWise users, added Datalink mappings for individual TaxCodeLevelRates 1 - 5. This is helpful for Canadian users to be able to map to PST and GST tax rates which was not available with the existing "Company->TaxRate" Datalink that combines all of the tax code levels into a single rate. The new Datalinks are "Company->TaxCodeLevel1Rate" through "Company->TaxCodeLevel5Rate". [Build: 8.15] | ||
121. SugarCRM 7.9 is now supported! [Build: 8.18] | ||
122. Sage 50 Accounting 2018 US Edition (Peachtree) is now supported! [Build: 8.18] | ||
123. For QuickBooks Online Users, the BillTo Email address is now populated in Estimates, Invoices and Sales Receipts. There is a new Setting in the QuickBooks Online Setup in QuoteWerks to default the "Send later" Option for emailing documents. [Build: 8.18] | ||
124. For QuickBooks Online Users, added additional QuoteWerks header fields that can be mapped to QuickBooks Online Custom fields. These fields include: SoldToCompany, SoldToContact, ShipToCompany, ShipToContact, BillToCompany, BillToContact, and SoldToPONumber. [Build: 8.18] | ||
125. For QuoteValet Mobile users, we've updated the user interface, fixed some UI issues like the issue when scrolling through multiple pages of the NEW template list.
You can now select a contact for the Mobile quote from Autotask, and we've updated QuoteValet Mobile to work with the new ConnectWise REST API. Posted live August-23-2017. [Build: 8.19] | ||
126. For ConnectWise users, when writing products to a ConnectWise Opportunity, if the Vendor Name is not empty in QuoteWerks, the vendor will now be added to the ConnectWise Procurement Item. The Vendor Name in QuoteWerks must match exactly to the Vendor Company name in ConnectWise. If no match is found, no vendor will be written to the ConnectWise product on the opportunity. [Build: 8.19] | ||
127. The Amazon consumer pricing feature that was part of the Product Content Subscription is now available again! [Build: 8.20] | ||
128. QuickBooks USA 2018 is now supported! [Build: 8.25] | ||
129. For QuickBooks Online users, you can now map the QuoteWerks InternalPartNumber field to the QuickBooks Item Name. [Build: 8.25] | ||
Misc Features - Version 5.2 | ||
1. For Autotask users, for the next release of Autotask 2016.2, numeric API queries no longer support the Begins With operator. Changes were made to accomodate this. [Build: 1.28] | ||
2. Added more detailed logging of the version 5.2 upgrade process in the event.log. [Build: 1.33] | ||
3. Activated beta testing support for ACT! for Web version 19. [Build: 2.22] | ||
4. The User Preferences Title field was widened. [Build: 2.22] | ||
5. For MS CRM users, additional debug information is displayed when there are errors relating to connecting/logging into MS CRM. [Build: 2.22] | ||
6. ExecuteSchemaChange errors are now logged in the err.log file. [Build: 2.22] | ||
7. The registration grace period when entering new license keys is now 65 days. [Build: 2.22] | ||
8. MS CRM version 3.0 is no longer supported. [Build: 3] | ||
9. For MS CRM users, on the Create Opportunity window, the list of existing Opportunities is now sorted alphabetically. [Build: 3] | ||
10. For Product Content Subscribers in the UK, items that were not found in Etilize, but found in the PartLocator, for Tech Data UK (Computer2000) would be returned with a vendor name of "Computer2000". The vendor name will now be returned as "Tech Data" since that is their new name. [Build: 3.13] | ||
11. The Ingram Micro online ordering window was resized to fit on a 768 vertical height monitor. [Build: 3.13] | ||
12. For MS CRM users, when entering an organization name, it must match the host part of the server url that is supplied. You are now alerted to this. [Build: 3.13] | ||
13. References to QuoteValet Web were changed to QuoteValet Insight to reflect branding change. [Build: 3.19] | ||
14. Updating of RunningInstances table timeout increased from 30 to 45 seconds. [Build: 3.19] | ||
15. DeleteAbandonedInstances increased to 18 minutes. [Build: 3.19] | ||
16. Log files like event.lo, err.log, and debug.log times are now expressed in local with time zone offset displayed. [Build: 3.19] | ||
17. Log file entries now start with the datetime information. [Build: 3.19] | ||
18. QuoteValet Web has been rebranded as QuoteValet Insight. There is a new URL www.quotevalet.com/insight. The old URL of www.quotevalet.com/web will automatically redirect. [Build: 6] | ||
19. When an annual subscription like QuoteValet, QuickBooks Online Integration is expiring within 30 days, the notification window now has a [Request Renewal Quote] button to send an email to request a subscription renewal quote. The Annual Product Content (Etilize) subscription does not have this option at this time. [Build: 6] | ||
20. QuoteWerks will now notify you when your UMP is expiring 10 days before expiration and 5 days after expiration. The notification window has a [Request Renewal Quote] button to send an email to request a UMP renewal quote. This notification will happen annually on the anniversary of your UMP expiration date. There is also an option to 'Don't show me this message again' after 3 days. [Build: 6] | ||
21. The QuickStart tab contents on the QuoteValet setup window is now located on the General tab. [Build: 6] | ||
22. For ConnectWise Users the Sales Rep drop-down on the Create/Update Activity and Opportunity were not sorted Alphabetically. [Build: 6.07] | ||
23. For ConnectWise Users, when creating a ConnectWise Activity, the Activity was only linked to the ConnectWise Contact. New Activities are now linked to both the Contact and the Company [Build: 6.10] | ||
24. Most SQL queries timeout setting was increased from 30 seconds to 45 seconds. [Build: 8.12] | ||
25. During data conversion to version 5.2 build 1, the KeyName from INI data is now trimmed to clean any possible corruption in INI data. [Build: 8.12] | ||
26. For MS CRM users, the MS CRM Lost Opportunity window now has the cancel button disabled. [Build: 8.12] | ||
27. If a field or label in the layout designer has the [ ] Hyperlink option set, the full value of the field or label will now just run outside the bounds of the field or label ensuring that the URL link will not be cutoff. [Build: 8.12] | ||
28. More Debug information added to errors relating to threaded realtime calls. [Build: 8.12] | ||
29. For ConnectWise Users, the Create/Update Opportunity Window is now smaller to fit on laptop screens. [Build: 8.14] | ||
30. For QuickBooks Online users, the maximum search results for products/items and customers/contacts has been increased from 100 to 1000. [Build: 8.18] | ||
31. For ConnectWise users, the ConnectWise User list including Assign Tos would include all ConnectWise Member types including API users. API users are no longer returned. [Build: 8.19] | ||
32. Provantage consumer pricing source is no longer supported. Provantage actively restricted us from accessing their data. [Build: 6.07] | ||
33. NewEgg consumer pricing source is no longer supported. NewEgg actively restricted us from accessing their data. [Build: 6.07] | ||
Fixes - Version 5.2 | ||
1. On installations rehosted to SQL many years ago, when upgraded to v5.1 build 6.01 - 6.06 in some cases, would receive error "INIFileName was empty for user..." when starting QuoteWerks. This version 5.2 Build 1 upgrade will correct this issue for all versions in all scenarios. [Build: 1.28] | ||
2. AutoSave was being prompted during changes in the User Maintenance. [Build: 1.28] | ||
3. Fixed issue with the re-establish connection for SQL database lost connections. [Build: 1.28] | ||
4. Under Utilities->User Maintenance, when deleting a user or creating a new user, the Auto-Save would be triggered. [Build: 1.28] | ||
5. On the Open Document window when resizing the width past a 27 inch monitor size the grid would suddenly shrink. [Build: 1.28] | ||
6. When using Product Lookup and Etilize, clicking on a website link for SYNNEX was not working because SYNNEX changed their website. [Build: 1.28] | ||
7. When using Product Lookup and Etilize, clicking on a website link for Ingram Micro was not working because Ingram Micro changed their website. [Build: 1.28] | ||
8. For ConnectWise 2016.3 and higher users, there is now an option to use the new ConnectWise REST API. This new API contains the fix for the issue where Group Member quantities sent to ConnectWise were not being calculated correctly by ConnectWise. ConnectWise was not applying the group header quantity multiplier. The older ConnectWise SOAP API does not contain a fix for this issue. [Build: 1.28] | ||
9. For Autotask Users, no vendors would be returned when creating Purchase Orders in Autotask 2016.2. [Build: 1.28] | ||
10. For Etilize Users, the 'My Favorites' would return no results if a product was added to the 'My Favorites' that was obtained from the Product Content Server rather than from Etilize. [Build: 1.28] | ||
11. For Synnex users, would receive "Error, warehouse code not found for SYNNEX warehouse..." [Build: 1.28] | ||
12. For Autotask Users, when updating an existing Autotask Quote that had a Project associated with it, the project would be removed. [Build: 1.28] | ||
13. For Autotask users, when receiving an item from the Purchasing window and entering the Serial Number at the same time, would receive an error and the item would not be received in Autotask. [Build: 1.28] | ||
14. For salesforce.com users, when saving an opportunity would receive error 13 when writing opportunity line items that included a product with a part number that was duplicated in salesforce.com, both with the same part number, but one was active and the other was inactive, would receive error 13. [Build: 1.28] | ||
15. For salesforce.com users, when saving an opportunity would receive error 13 when writing opportunity line items that included the same part number on multiple line items in the quote, would receive error 13. [Build: 1.28] | ||
16. Increased SQL Query timeout from 30 to 60 seconds in the Open Document, Management Reports, and Tools->Find Quoted Item areas. [Build: 1.28] | ||
17. Salesforce was removing all opportunity line items when 'Write Products into Opportunity' was unchecked. [Build: 1.28] | ||
18. For salesforce.com users, receiving runtime 13 error when a user was creating an opportunity with lineitems where the Manufacturer Part # was matching multiple products with the same name field in a salesforce.com pricebook. [Build: 1.28] | ||
19. When using the new ConnectWise REST API option to write products to the ConnectWise opportunity, the line items were not being written in the same sequence as they were in QuoteWerks. [Build: 1.28] | ||
20. If you display a layout FPC file in the editor, then close the editor, then preview/print the report and if you click cancel on a dialog input field, an error would occur. [Build: 1.28] | ||
21. If a document was locked and the Misc Access right of "CannotUnLockDocuments" was set you would incorrectly be prompted with "Unlocking will remove Approval - Proceed?". [Build: 1.28] | ||
22. For Dell Punchout users, the multi-line description that came from Dell was appearing as a single line in QuoteWerks. [Build: 1.28] | ||
23. On startup before the version 5.2 conversion is run received error opening recordset in ConnOpenRecordset() SQL=SELECT KeyValue from SystemSettings WHERE SectionName='QuoteValet' AND KeyName='TenantAccountNumber' [Build: 1.29] | ||
24. During the version 5.2 conversion the Most Recently Used (MRU) documents were copied into the MRU Templates list. [Build: 1.29] | ||
25. When sending an email and choosing the "Don't Log' option for "Log sent e-mail in CRM", this option was being ignored and the email was getting logged anyway. [Build: 1.29] | ||
26. LoggedInUserXXXX macros were not working. [Build: 2] | ||
27. For ConnectWise Users in Australia using the ConnectWise Hosted Cloud (au.myconnectwise.net), REST calls would fail from QuoteWerks. [Build: 2.22] | ||
28. On a computer with a single monitor when maximizing the main QuoteWerks window and also maximizing the Open Document window, then minimizing both of them, then switching to another application, then click back on QuoteWerks in the Windows tray would receive run-time error 380 (invalid property value). [Build: 2.22] | ||
29. When making changes to the QuickBooks setup, for some settings you needed to exit QuoteWerks and restart for the changes to take effect. [Build: 2.22] | ||
30. When converting a QUOTE to an ORDER and then document prefix was DJCOQ would incorrectly receive the message about the "Attempt to determine document designator failed!" [Build: 2.22] | ||
31. If all product databases were selected to be used in the Multiple Database Search on the Product Lookup window, after upgrading to version 5.2, none of them would be selected. [Build: 2.22] | ||
32. The Convert to Order window was no longer showing checkboxes to allow you to delete previous revisions, and all previous revisions were being deleted. [Build: 2.22] | ||
33. When converting a QUOTE to an ORDER that had multiple revisions and some revisions where deleted, could receive error: An error occurred in the SaveDocumentToDTFFileEx function. The Document Header record was not found in the database. SQL=SELECT * FROM DocumentHeaders WHERE ID = 0 [Build: 2.22] | ||
34. For API users, in the Backend DLL, the Installation(x).Application.IsRunning() was always returning true no matter which installation was running if at least one was running. Also related is the Installation(x).Application.GetRunningObject(). [Build: 2.22] | ||
35. For API users, setting the value for "RecurringFirstPaymentIncluded", or "RecurringBillingCycle" using ItemFunctions.LineItemSetValue, was not causing the workbook to recalculate. [Build: 2.22] | ||
36. If the Sales Rep picture was not located under the \QuoteWerks\Images folder, it would not display in the Opportunities Dashboard. [Build: 2.22] | ||
37. When installing QuoteWerks update, converting from v5.0 Build 5 or earlier to version 5.2 would receive error: Error opening recordset in ConnOpenRecordset(): QuoteWerks trapped Error (-2147217865) Invalid object name 'SystemSettings'. SQL=SELECT KeyValue FROM SystemSettings WHERE SectionName='System' AND KeyName='PrintElementOrder' [Build: 2.22] | ||
38. When Misc Access rights are set to prevent a user from manually modifying a field on the document items tab, it was preventing system actions (initiated by a user) like refreshing item details from a product data sources from updating those fields.
[Build: 2.22] | ||
39. When customizing Product Lookup columns, the changes would be lost when exiting QuoteWerks. [Build: 2.22] | ||
40. On the Summary Dashboard, QuoteWerks was always calculating the Quota amount based on the number of days rather than by the month. This could show incorrect Quota remaining on the Dashboard depending on the month or period selected. [Build: 2.22] | ||
41. for Autotask users, the "Create Autotask Product Item Name From" setting was not upgraded properly during the v5.2 Build 1 upgrade. This is fixed moving forward. [Build: 2.22] | ||
42. For MS CRM 8.1 users, would return error that MS CRM version 8.0 was not found. [Build: 2.22] | ||
43. Catches error 6 overflow when loading corrupt user ini data for product columns. [Build: 2.22] | ||
44. The Document Purge Wizard was not showing the number of documents to be purged. [Build: 2.26] | ||
45. Selecting an image for a product definition was not getting saved to the product record. [Build: 2.26] | ||
46. When the Paste Special loaded, if the last paste special option selected was "Start "One-Step" Paste Special" or "Start session using the settings of a template", the list of choices for those optionss would be disabled until you clicked away and clicked back on the option. [Build: 2.26] | ||
47. For Goldmine users, DataLink of RetrieveBillTo or RetrieveShipTo was not working. [Build: 2.26] | ||
48. For MS CRM users, when QuoteWerks created the MS CRM opportunity, the Account name was not getting set. Microsoft used to do this automatically, now it requires that the integration explicitly sets it. [Build: 3] | ||
49. For MS CRM users, if Creating a new Opportunity was canceled, would receive an error that the Linked document record could not be created. [Build: 3] | ||
50. For MS CRM users, the user setting of ForecastCloseDate={+15} was not being obeyed when creating a new MS CRM opportunity. [Build: 3] | ||
51. for MS CRM users, when downloading documents through the Merge Remote Documents feature, if a DTF file that was downloaded from MS CRM was corrupt, it would display Run-time error '62' and terminate QuoteWerks. [Build: 3] | ||
52. For MS CRM users, when using the Merge Remote Documents there was an error with version 6.0 and higher which caused the datetime of the attachment to not be in the correct format resulting in error messages about an invalid Year. [Build: 3] | ||
53. For salesforce.com users, if Creating a new Opportunity was canceled, would receive an error that the Linked document record could not be created. [Build: 3] | ||
54. When using the Paste Special wizard to paste data copied from Excel into the clipboard and row had an unpaired double quote symbol that also was the last character in a column, the data would be truncated. [Build: 3] | ||
55. For MS CRM users, When MS CRM was setup with multiple organizations, the wrong Organization URL could end up being used. The Organization textbox has been enabled on the MS CRM Contact Setup window. [Build: 3.13] | ||
56. For Product Content Subscribers, on the Accessories Tab of the Etilize Panel, the Accessory would have a blank description when Etilize did not have a short description for the Item. [Build: 3.13] | ||
57. When choosing the Utilities-> Update Product Database Local Currency Pricing menu would receive Run-time error '5' invalid procedure call or argument. [Build: 3.13] | ||
58. For QuickBooks users, when exporting and when using a custom item name mapping and the item type was empty would receive "Error in SystemSetting_GetEx() You must specify SectionName, AND KeyName values!" [Build: 3.13] | ||
59. For Ingram Micro Australia would receive "getIngramMicroRealtimePricing error 10" message when retrieving real-time pricing and availability for an item that had no physical availability, like Office 365. [Build: 3.13] | ||
60. When printing, when certain printers were selected Would receive error "The selected paper tray 'unknown' was not found in the printer!" [Build: 3.13] | ||
61. When importing products and the source file had part numbers with leading or trailing spaces and the option to "Remove leading && trailing spaces from all field data" was set AND the option was selected to "Update existing products and append new products" existing products would not be found on items that had the leading or trailing spaces and would therefore be added (when they should not be), creating duplicates. [Build: 3.13] | ||
62. When selecting the sort by dropdown on the Product Lookup window, if no grid column was sorted, nothing would happen. [Build: 3.19] | ||
63. For Tech Data Users, in the UK that subscribe to the Product Content Subscription, Tech Data part numbers would not always be returned from Etilize or the PartLocator. [Build: 3.19] | ||
64. When adding a new user on the Utilities->User Maintenance window, you could not log into QuoteWerks Web with that user until you restarted QuoteWerks. [Build: 3.19] | ||
65. PDF files being generated with embedded fonts would have the word "Unicode" appended to the name of the embedded font in the PDF file. This would cause problems with some PDF readers making the PDF unreadable, or if the PDF was modified afterwards, issues would occur. [Build: 6] | ||
66. When creating a PO from the Purchasing window, the ShipToContact name was not getting saved in the PO. [Build: 6] | ||
67. on the DataLink Setup window, when choosing from the QuoteWerks Field as Destination drop down there were two CustomText20 fields to choose from. [Build: 6] | ||
68. For QuoteValet users, if carriage return line feeds where typed into Acceptance notes or comments, errors would occur. [Build: 6] | ||
69. For QuoteValet Insight users, on Dashboard->Approvals, Approval requests that have been "Not Approved" no longer show up in the list. If the quote is resubmitted for Approval again, it appear in the list again. [Build: 6] | ||
70. For QuoteValet Insight users, Lost Quotes would appear in the Outstanding Quotes report on the StatusBoard. [Build: 6] | ||
71. QuoteValet Insight Enhanced support for Internet Explorer, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, in addition to Chrome and Safari. [Build: 6] | ||
72. For ConnectWise users, when QuoteWerks "Wins" an Opportunity in ConnectWise and Products are added to Tickets, the Opportunity Products are migrated to the ticket rather than a clone of the products added to the ticket. This removes the possibility of duplicate billing. [Build: 6] | ||
73. For ConnectWise users using the ConnectWise REST API, Opportunity Product Statuses were not updated when winning or losing the Opportunity in ConnectWise. [Build: 6] | ||
74. For ConnectWise users, Opportunity Products were added to the ConnectWise Opportunity using the Default Location and Business Unit. They now use the Location and Business Unit specified when creating / updating the Opportunity. [Build: 6] | ||
75. For ConnectWise Users, when QuoteWerks added products to a ConnectWise Opportunity or created a new Catalog Item in ConnectWise, the Description and Customer Description would be truncated at the first Line Break. [Build: 6] | ||
76. For MS CRM users, for some MS CRM installations, the list of Lost Status Reasons was not getting loaded correctly. [Build: 6] | ||
77. In Settings Manager, when editing a KeyName that was over 60 Characters, it creates a new truncated 60-character KeyName rather than updating the existing one. [Build: 6] | ||
78. For QuickBooks users, the "Ready for Export criteria" settings and "After Export" settings were not getting saved. [Build: 6] | ||
79. For ConnectWise users, an error could be returned when QuoteWerks attempts to obtain Opportunities for a company (when creating/updating an opportunity). This was occurring because of old data in ConnectWise that did not have a location or business unit set. [Build: 6.02] | ||
80. Error The Field Name 'VideoURLDataDI' specified in the DocumentItemsReturnFieldArrayIndex() function was not found. [Build: 6.02] | ||
81. For ConnectWise users, when QuoteWerks requested Opportunities for a Company, only the first 1000 opportunities were returned. This could cause an issue when QuoteWerks attempted to update an existing opportunity as the opportunity may not have been found/returned. [Build: 6.03] | ||
82. For ConnectWise users, when retrieving Contacts, the Relationship field was retrieved into the Title Field. [Build: 6.03] | ||
83. For ConnectWise users, an error could be returned when QuoteWerks attempts to obtain the ConnectWise Members / Users List. This typically happens when validating a user or when when creating/updating an opportunity. This was occurring because of old data in ConnectWise that did not have Mobile Flags set. [Build: 6.03] | ||
84. For ConnectWise users, QWConnectWiseInt.dll interface version mismatch (70). [Build: 6.04] | ||
85. For SQL 2000 users, QuoteWerks trapped Error (-2147217865) Invalid object name 'sys.syslanguages'. [Build: 6.07] | ||
86. Pressing F2 in the Vendor Part # field on the Product Lookup field would return error "An unknown field type 'C' was passed to the F2Lookup function". [Build: 6.07] | ||
87. For ConnectWise users, when creating a new Purchase Order in ConnecWise, QuoteWerks would set the Purchase Order Status to 'New'. This would cause an issue if the 'New' Status was removed from ConnectWise. The Default PO Status is now used. [Build: 6.07] | ||
88. For ConnectWise users, when saving an opportunity as a "Closing Status" (Won or Lost) and not during a document Conversion, an error would be returned when attempting to add products or forecasts to an opportunity. [Build: 6.07] | ||
89. For ConnectWise users, an error could be returned when QuoteWerks attempts to obtain the ConnectWise Agreement Types List. This could occur before QuoteWerks converts an Opportunity to an Agreement. This was occurring because of old data in a ConnectWise Agreement Type that did not have the locationID set. [Build: 6.07] | ||
90. For ConnectWise users, an error could be returned when QuoteWerks attempts to obtain the ConnectWise Member List. This could occur before QuoteWerks creates/updates and opportunity. This was occurring because of old data in a ConnectWise Member Entity that did not have the defaultDepartmentId set. [Build: 6.07] | ||
91. For ConnectWise users, when searching for a ConnectWise Product in the QuoteWerks Product Lookup and the search term was numeric only, no products would be returned. [Build: 6.07] | ||
92. For ConnectWise users, an error could be returned when QuoteWerks attempted to search ConnectWise for Products / Catalog Items. This was occurring because of old data in a ConnectWise CatalogItem that did not have the minStockLevel set. [Build: 6.07] | ||
93. For ConnectWise users, when searching ConnectWise for a contact, QuoteWerks would return the last Email address for the Contact. In some cases, the last email for a contact was the Private Email. The new behavior is to Return the Main Email Address for the contact. If the Main Email Address is blank, the home email address will be used. If the home email address is blank, the Private Email Address will be used. [Build: 6.07] | ||
94. For ConnectWise users, when creating/updating a ConnectWise Opportunity and adding products to the opportunity, if the mapped Item ID had a trailing space, when QuoteWerks added a product to a ConnectWise Opportunity, an error would be returned regarding part 0 being flagged INACTIVE in the ConnectWise Products Table. [Build: 6.07] | ||
95. For ConnectWise users, when creating/updating a ConnectWise Opportunity and adding recurring products to the opportunity, if the recurring contract End Date was blank, an error would be returned from ConnectWise. [Build: 6.07] | ||
96. For ConnectWise Users, when creating a new ConnectWise Catalog Item, only the Category and Sub Category Names were sent to ConnectWise. This could be an issue if there was an inactive SubCatagory name matching the name provided. ConnectWise would choose the first Subcategory Name matching the name provided regardless if it was inactive or not. [Build: 6.07] | ||
97. For ConnectWise Users, there was an issue creating a New Bundle Header Catalog item in ConnectWise. There was not an issue with using Existing Bundle Catalog Items. [Build: 6.07] | ||
98. For ConnectWise users, on the Create/Update ConnectWise Opportunity window, the Campaign was not sorted and was also showing inactive campaigns. [Build: 6.10] | ||
99. For ConnectWise Users, when linking to an existing ConnectWise Opportunity that had custom fields that were empty, messages similar to the following could be returned by ConnectWise: "customFields/0/value" and "value is not a possible response". [Build: 6.10] | ||
100. For ConnectWise users, when linking to an existing Opportunity, Opportunities with Inactive Opportunity Statuses would appear in the selectable list even if the Inactive Status was a Closing Status. [Build: 6.10] | ||
101. For ConnectWise users, the Business Unit list was only returning the first 25 Business Units. [Build: 6.10] | ||
102. For ConnectWise users, the Forecast Prefix when creating/updating a ConnectWise Opportunity was not remembered. [Build: 6.10] | ||
103. For ConnectWise users, when creating bundles on a ConnectWise Opportunity, if the ItemType for the Grouped Header Line in QuoteWerks was mapped to a NonInventory Product Class, only the grouped header for the bundle would be sent to ConnectWise. The sub-items for the bundle would not be sent to the ConnectWise Opportunity. [Build: 6.10] | ||
104. For ConnectWise users, if the "Other-1" and/or "Other-2" captions were removed in the ConnectWise Manage setup (System > My Company within ConnectWise), a message similar to the following would be returned when attempting to create a sales Forecast on a ConnectWise Opportunity with one of the removed types: "Custom caption Other2 does not exist. [ resource: forecast - field: type]". [Build: 6.10] | ||
105. Issue displaying the QuoteWerks Help file from the Help->Contents & Index or by pressing F1 within QuoteWerks. [Build: 8.12] | ||
106. For ConnectWise Users, added back Company->Territory and Company->Market as Datalink Fields. [Build: 8.12] | ||
107. For ConnectWise users, when creating a new Opportunity in ConnectWise for a company that did not have existing opportunities, a message was displayed "There was an error Retrieving Existing Opportunities for the ConnectWise Contact." After which, a new Opportunity could be created. The Message is no longer displayed. [Build: 8.12] | ||
108. For ConnectWise users, when creating new catalog items / products in ConnectWise, QuoteWerks was providing ConnectWise with both the SubCategory Name and Subcategory ID via the API. This was causing a problem if there were multiple SubCategories Named the same especially if one was inactive. [Build: 8.12] | ||
109. For ConnectWise users, when creating new catalog items / products in ConnectWise, if the field in QuoteWerks that was mapped to the ConnectWise ItemID contained a LineFeed, an error would be returned from ConnectWise. [Build: 8.12] | ||
110. For ConnectWise users, when searching ConnectWise for products via the QuoteWerks Product Lookup, the Manufacturer Part Number Search was only searching the ProductID. This could cause an issue depending on the mappings. The search will now return results for both the ConnectWise Product ID and Manufacturer Part Number. [Build: 8.12] | ||
111. For ConnectWise Users, when updating an Existing Opportunity in ConnectWise that was previously deleted in ConnectWise, there was not an option in QuoteWerks to create a new Opportunity in ConnectWise. [Build: 8.12] | ||
112. For ConnectWise Users, after converting an Opportunity to Lost, the default options for Ticket, Agreement, and Sales Order Conversion would be used as if the Opportunity was Won. [Build: 8.12] | ||
113. For some users, when attempting to preview, print, or save as PDF customized layouts (FPC files) would result in an error about pdc32.dll. [Build: 8.12] | ||
114. For ASI customers with the Product Content Subscription, the ASI cost was appearing as 0.00 in the Etilize Comparison Window. [Build: 8.12] | ||
115. For Autotask Users, when updating an Opportunity in Autotask, the error ?Reference value on field: ProductID of type: Product does not exist or is invalid? in ?DLL method: UpdateOpportunityEX()? was received. This was because the default Product in Autotask was disabled in Autotask. This product is required to update an opportunity via the Autotask API. The message returned when attempting to update an opportunity now returns the specific ProductID and the Name for the Product that must be set to Active in Autotask. [Build: 8.12] | ||
116. For ConnectWise users, when adding products to a ConnectWise Opportunity Bundle, the Cost and Price would be the Cost and Price from the Catalog Item in ConnectWise and not the Cost and Price from the QuoteWerks Document. [Build: 8.12] | ||
117. For ConnectWise users, when creating a Recurring Forecast on a ConnectWise Opportunity, the following error would be returned from ConnectWise when the Cost was $0.00: "The recurring/recurringCost field is required. [ resource: forecast - field: recurring]". This is an issue with the ConnectWise API. To workaround until a fix, QuoteWerks now sends a $0.0001 Cost to ConnectWise when the Cost is $0.00. [Build: 8.12] | ||
118. When selecting items from Etilize for use in Required Items, the item would not be found. [Build: 8.12] | ||
119. For ConnectWise users, when retrieving an Opportunity to create a new Quote via the QuoteWerks Dashboard, Opportunity Line Item Descriptions would not retain Line Formatting. [Build: 8.14] | ||
120. For ConnectWise Users, when converting to an Order/Invoice in QuoteWerks and winning the Opportunity in ConnectWise, if the ConnectWise Opportunity was not found/deleted, the user would be prompted if they would like to create a new or link to an existing Opportunity. If the user selected "Yes", the Opportunity Window would not appear and an Opportunity would not be created or linked to in ConnectWise. [Build: 8.14] | ||
121. For ConnectWise users, when requesting quantity on hand for products/catalog items in ConnectWise, there was an issue when there were inactive warehouses. A message would be returned containing: 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object.' [Build: 8.14] | ||
122. For QuickBooks Online users, when exporting a Purchase Order, a message box was not shown confirming the Purchase Order Number created. [Build: 8.14] | ||
123. For QuickBooks Online users, the confirmation message after exporting an Estimate, Invoice, or Sales Receipt did not have correct instructions for finding the document in QuickBooks Online. [Build: 8.14] | ||
124. For ConnectWise users, addressed an issue when converting opportunities to Agreements where the Agreements in ConnectWise contained unexpected Null values. The Agreement window was not shown and the Agreement was not created in ConnectWise. [Build: 8.15] | ||
125. For QuickBooks Online users, when the option was set to use the "Document Date" as the transaction date in QuickBooks Online, there were times the date exported would be used incorrectly. [Build: 8.18] | ||
126. For QuickBooks Online Users, the QtyMultiplier fields for items were not accounted for when writing products to QuickBooks Online Documents. [Build: 8.18] | ||
127. For QuickBooks Online Users, when using the integration with Canadian QuickBooks Online, there was an issue validating the 'Non-Taxable' Tax Code. [Build: 8.18] | ||
128. For QuickBooks Online Users, when changing the After Export Document Status in the QuoteWerks QuickBooks Online Setup, if QuoteWerks was not restarted, the previous status would be used for export. [Build: 8.18] | ||
129. For QuickBooks Online users, the Quantity for items on documents would only use whole numbers. Decimal Numbers would be rounded to the nearest whole number and used as the quantity. For example, a quantity of 0.25 would be rounded down to 0. [Build: 8.18] | ||
130. For QuickBooks Online users, when creating a Purchase Order in QuickBooks and the option to update item cost/price was enabled, an error would be returned and the Purchase Order would not be created in QuoteWerks or QuickBooks Online. [Build: 8.18] | ||
131. For ConnectWise users, When requesting inventory on hand for a ConnectWise Product an 'Index was outside the bounds of the array.' message was returned. This was due to changes in the way ConnectWise returns data in an update to their REST API. [Build: 8.18] | ||
132. Would receive error "subscript out of range" when using the File->Login as another user and then opening a quote. [Build: 8.19] | ||
133. Would receive error "Object variable or With block variable not set" when using File->Login as another user and then holding down SHIFT when pressing ENTER, and then clicking on the [Event Viewer] button. [Build: 8.19] | ||
134. For ConnectWise users, when attempting to retrieve an existing ConnectWise Activity to update that had a Reminder of "0 minutes", an error would be returned and the Activity would not be available to update in QuoteWerks. [Build: 8.19] | ||
135. For ConnectWise users, when updating an existing opportunity that had Custom Fields, the Custom Fields would revert to the default value (possibly empty or blank). This fix will work with ConnectWise version 2017.5 and higher. ConnectWise 2017.5 or higher is required because there was an issue with updating ConnectWise Opportunity Custom fields in earlier versions of the ConnectWise API. [Build: 8.19] | ||
136. For ConnectWise users, when the first or last name of the ConnectWise Member contained parentheses, QuoteWerks would not be able to determine the correct ConnectWise Member ID. Opportunities, Activities, and other integration points where the sales rep name was selected would not be able to be created if the user with parentheses in the name was selected as the sales rep. [Build: 8.19] | ||
137. For ConnectWise users, when adding a Shipping item to a ConnectWise Opportunity, would receive a Runtime error 9 - subscript out of range. [Build: 8.21] | ||
138. For ConnectWise Users, the ConnectWise REST API currently does not support setting Custom Fields on the ConnectWise Opportunity with a Custom Field Entry Method of List or Option. If QuoteWerks or any other API integrated solution attempts to update these, an error will be returned. Ticket #9431461 has been submitted to ConnectWise regarding the issue with their API. Rather than an error, the Custom fields are sent over without a value so they will revert to the default values when QuoteWerks updates an Opportunity. Custom Fields with an Entry Method of EntryField are written without issue. [Build: 8.25] | ||
139. When creating a new product and before saving the new product tried to add a QuoteValet video and error would occur. [Build: 8.25] |
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