QuoteWerks Update Center
Version 5.1 Summary
182 New, 137 Fixes, and 38 Miscellaneous features | ||
New Features - Version 5.1 | ||
1. ACT! version 18 is now supported! [Build: 1] | ||
2. ACT! for Web version 17 is now supported! [Build: 1] | ||
3. QuickBooks 2016 is now supported! [Build: 1] | ||
4. Sage 50 US Edition (Peachtree) 2016 is now supported! [Build: 1] | ||
5. MS CRM v7.1 (2015 update 1) is now supported! [Build: 1] | ||
6. ConnectWise 2015.5 is now supported! [Build: 1] | ||
7. ConnectWise 2015.6 is now supported! [Build: 1] | ||
8. Autosave feature. Autosave will save the quote to the database about every 2 minutes as triggered by activity. Since AutoSave is automatic and inline while you are composing your quote, AutoSave quickly saves the quote to the database, but does not save changes to the CRM or to QuoteValet since those take much longer. When you do a full save you will be prompted to update your CRM and QuoteValet. Also when a quote is closed that was only AutoSaved, you will be prompted to do a full save. If the currently open quote has never been saved you will be prompted to save the quote, after which auto-saves will then continue automatically without further input. AutoSave can be enabled per user by checking the "Enable AutoSave" checkbox on the Misc tab of the Tools->My Preferences menu. [Build: 1] | ||
9. In June 2015 Google has discontinued the API QuoteWerks (and other apps) used to query Google contacts. Google contacts integration was re-written to use Google's new API.
[Build: 1] | ||
10. Salesforce.com integration re-written to use newer SOAP API. Now salesforce.com custom fields listed in the DataLink mappings will show the actual field names with the "__c" postfix rather than field ids. When this update is installed, it will require that you re-setup any DataLink mappings that mapped data to or from a salesforce.com custom field to use their new "__c" name.
[Build: 1] | ||
11. QuoteWerks now merges Microsoft Word Documents without automating Microsoft Word. As a result, Microsoft Word Merging no longer requires Microsoft Word to be installed or running on workstations. Additionally, instead of a merge taking 90 seconds when automating Word, the merge takes 5 seconds or less. [Build: 1] | ||
12. The printing system has been completely revised. Fundamentally the change is that now all output creates a PDF file that is then previewed, printed, emailed, etc. These changes are required to accommodate the upcoming QuoteWerks Web offering. Additionally, all the individual components are now created as individual PDF files and then merged together. This approach allows for control of the order in which the individual print elements are assembled which now can be manually adjusted on the Print window. These changes will affect the ability to display the "Page X of Y" page totals. The "Page X" will still work, but since the individual print elements are individually created as separate PDF files and then later merged together, at the time of the creation of each individual print element the "of Y" component is unknown and therefore cannot be supplied. As a solution to this QuoteWerks will automatically write into the bottom right corner of each page of all the assembled PDF files the "page x of y" notation onto each page of all the assembled PDF files.
[Build: 1] | ||
13. On the Print window, the Layouts tab now has two subtabs "Primary" and "Additional". You can now select multiple print layouts and combine them together in whatever order you like resulting in a single output. Prior to this feature you could only select one layout that output all the line items. With this new functionality, for example, you can create an output that prints all the line items, and then another layout that just prints the summary of the sections based on item type. You can select a single layout on the "Primary" subtab, and you can select multiple layouts on the "Additional" subtab. [Build: 1] | ||
14. If a Word documents is selected from the File Links tab during the print selections process, that file is now merged and converted to PDF format and included in the Single PDF output file. Previously, when a word document was selected from the Links tab on the Print window and the option to email was selected, the word document would just be included in the email as an attachment. [Build: 1] | ||
15. Word documents can now be used as Spec Sheet documents. [Build: 1] | ||
16. Word documents can now be used as Literature documents. [Build: 1] | ||
17. Word documents can now be used as CoverPage documents. [Build: 1] | ||
18. PNG images can now be inserted into the Print Layouts. [Build: 1] | ||
19. On the Print window, on the "Primary" and "Additional" subtabs of the Layout tab, there is now a "Filter by" section that enables you to quickly filter the type of print layouts displayed in the list. The filters are All/Quote/Order/Sales Order/Purchase Order. [Build: 1] | ||
20. PNG and JPG files are compressed image files. When they are embedded into the layout's FPC file, they were stored in an uncompressed MUCH larger size. Now they are stored in the FPC file in their smaller compressed size. [Build: 1] | ||
21. The Preview window now has [Find] and [Find Next] buttons. [Build: 1] | ||
22. The Preview window now has [Zoom in] and [Zoom out] buttons. [Build: 1] | ||
23. On the Reports window, there is now a [Save as PDF] button to enable you to run and save the report directly to a PDF file. [Build: 1] | ||
24. The Misc Access right "CannotDisplayAllLayouts" has been renamed to "CannotUsePrintLayoutTypeDifferentThanDocType". [Build: 1] | ||
25. Added the new Misc Access rights "CannotUseOrderPrintLayout", "CannotUseInvoicePrintLayout", "CannotUseSOPrintLayout", and "CannotUsePOPrintLayout". These can be used to control if these types of print layouts appear on the Layouts tab of the Print window. [Build: 1] | ||
26. Per each user, you can now set a default Cover Page. You do this by clicking on the black star icon on the Cover Page tab of the Print window. This will set the default for the logged in user for the type of document that is currently open like QUOTE, ORDER, or INVOICE. You can set a default cover page individually for each of the 3 doc types. [Build: 1] | ||
27. Per each user, you can now set a default Print Layout. You do this by right clicking a Print Layout or Word Document on the "Primary" subtab of the Layouts tab of the Print window. This will set the default for the logged in user for the type of document that is currently open like QUOTE, ORDER, or INVOICE. You can set a default Print Layout individually for each of the 3 doc types. [Build: 1] | ||
28. The [New] toolbar button on the main window, now has a split-button menu option for 'New from Template'. [Build: 1] | ||
29. For Product Content Subscribers, when using the Etilize Panel on the Quote Workbook to change the Vendor Cost of an existing line on the quote and the Price for the line is calculated using a price modifier, the Adjust Price window will now appear. This enables you to decide how to handle the cost change like "Keep the original price and clear Price Modifier", "Keep the original Price Modifier", "Keep original price and re-calculate closest Price Modifier", or "Manually adjust the Price Modifier". [Build: 1] | ||
30. Added a Edit->Add Formula menu to make it easier to add Product/Service type line item using a formula to calculate the price for it. You still use the "Edit->Product/Service formula..." menu to edit the formula. [Build: 1] | ||
31. The Summary Line now has some additional features. When a Percent Discount line item is directly below the Summary Line, and the Summary line is summing the ExtendedPrice field, if the TaxCode for the discount line is set to a taxable code, the discount amount will also lower the appropriate amount of sales tax. [Build: 1] | ||
32. On the Edit Product window, the F2Lookup is now supported for the Internal Part Number field. [Build: 1] | ||
33. For Autotask users, when QuoteWerks creates items on an Autotask quote, QuoteWerks can now create Autotask Service Items in addition to Autotask Product and Autotask Cost Items. [Build: 1] | ||
34. For the feature where QuoteWerks automatically writes the "page x of y" notation onto the bottom right of each page of all the assembled PDF files, you can now control the "page x of y text" by setting the ini key "PageCountPhraseMacro=%x% of %y%" under the [Defaults] section of the site.ini file. Also, you can disable this phrase from being written at all by setting the ini key "DisablePageCountPhraseMacro=-1" under the [Defaults] section of the site.ini file. [Build: 1] | ||
35. When a document requires an approval before an action can be performed, there is now a new Misc Access security right "NonMasterRightsUser_CanOverrideApprovalRequirement" that can be assigned to any users that you want to give the authority to be able to override the required approval.
[Build: 1] | ||
36. For MS CRM users, you can now create a new MS CRM Company record from the QuoteWerks SoldTo/ShipTo tab using the information already entered on the SoldTo/ShipTo tab. For the feature to be enabled, the SoldTo field cannot already be populated with a contact that was retrieved from MS CRM. Also, the Company field and Contact field must both be populated. This feature is available on the toolbar above the SoldTo, ShipTo, and BillTo areas of the Quote WorkBook. There is also an Access Right "CannotCreateCRMContact" that you can set if you do not want specific users to be able to use this feature. [Build: 1] | ||
37. For Corporate Edition users, you can now create custom menu items under Tools->Customize Menus that run VBS VBScript files. This enables you to write code to perform actions on the currently open quote when selecting custom menu options. For example, you can create a new Edit->Round Prices by ItemType menu and then have it run VBScript code in the specified file which will perform that action. You can create many different custom menus to perform unique different actions on the quote based on your needs rather than the same script running every time for every quote (like the Event driven scripting). In the script you will have access to the API Application object and other objects. For a complete list of available objects, please see the QuoteWerks API SDK. Additionally, We offer professional services to assist in the writing of these scripts. [Build: 1] | ||
38. You can now edit a Serial Number on the Purchase Orders or Ordered Items tab of the Purchasing window. To edit the Serial Number, hold down the SHIFT key while clicking on the Serial Number hyperlink. [Build: 1] | ||
39. You can now edit a tracking number on the Purchase Orders or Ordered Items tab of the Purchasing window. To edit the tracking number, hold down the SHIFT key while clicking on the tracking number hyperlink. [Build: 1] | ||
40. The Optional Items window now displays the Quantity of the optional item in a column. [Build: 1] | ||
41. The Required Items window now displays the Quantity of the required item in a column. [Build: 1] | ||
42. On the PO Items list on Purchase Orders tab of the Purchasing window there is now a "Change ShipVia..." right click menu. This is useful for changing this if the user made a mistake on a manual PO when initially specifying the ShipVia. This is also useful for specifying the ShipVia for electronically placed orders for situations when the PO item is being drop shipped directly by the manufacturer since you usually do not receive that information back from the distributor. Currently the only ShipVia options are "UPS Ground,FedEx Ground,FedEx Standard Overnight" since those are the ShipVia values that QuoteWerks generates shipping tracking URLs for.
[Build: 1] | ||
43. On the Purchase Orders list on the Purchase Orders tab of the Purchasing window there is now a "E-mail PO..." right click menu. This will generate an HTML formatted Purchase Order and pre-fill the Send Email window with it. You can use this to email purchase orders to your vendors. The html format of the PO is not editable at this time. [Build: 1] | ||
44. On the Purchase Orders list on the Purchase Orders tab of the Purchasing window there is now a "Save PO as PDF..." right click menu. This uses the same non-editable format as the html PO. [Build: 1] | ||
45. On the Purchasing tab of the Purchasing window when you use the [Create PO] button to create a manual PO, you can now enter ship to location details in the new Purchase Order. [Build: 1] | ||
46. On the Purchasing window, when entering tracking numbers manually, USPS is now available as a Carrier selection. You can also click on that tracking number and it will display the tracking information on the USPS (US Postal Service) website. [Build: 1] | ||
47. On the Purchase Orders list on the Purchase Orders tab of the Purchasing window the "Edit PO..." right click menu now enables you to edit ShipTo information if the Purchase Order was a manually created Purchase Order. [Build: 1] | ||
48. There is now a Site-wide setting to exclude up to four ItemTypes from being displayed on the Purchasing tab of the Purchasing window. This feature is used to exclude items that you do not need to create purchase orders for such as labor or items from your own inventory. These exclusions can be setup on the Accounting tab of the Tools->Options menu. [Build: 1] | ||
49. On the Purchase Orders list on the Purchase Orders tab of the Purchasing window there is now a "Disable Real-time Status Updates..." right click menu available for Purchase Orders that QuoteWerks placed electronically with Tech Data, Ingram Micro, SYNNEX, or D&H. In certain cases you will want to start making manual changes to the status of the Purchase order. When you do that you can disable the real-time status updates so that it does not overwrite your changes. Once you have disabled the real-time status updates, you can manually enter tracking numbers, serial numbers, and receive the items manually. Once real-time status updates have been disabled, an "E*" indicator will be displayed next to the order date instead of the regular "E" for electronic order.
[Build: 1] | ||
50. On the PO Items list on Purchase Orders tab of the Purchasing window there is now a "Remove FulfillmentItem record (Override)..." right click menu. This is useful in accommodating distributor changes that happen to orders. For example, if you place an order for 4 hard drives and Tech Data initially returns an order status saying that all 4 will ship together from a single warehouse, QuoteWerks would create that record. However, if a day later, you receive a new order status saying that the 4 drives will ship from 3 different warehouses, you can use this feature to remove the single FulfillmentItem record that contained 4 items, then you can get another order status update and this time QuoteWerks will be updated with the 3 separate FulfillmentItem records from each warehouse that will fulfill the 4 items total.
[Build: 1] | ||
51. On the PO Items list on Purchase Orders tab of the Purchasing window there is now a "Mark as Shipped (Override)..." right click menu. This is useful in accommodating distributor changes that happen to orders. For example, if you place an order for 1 hard drive from D&H and D&H initially returns an order status saying that the hard drive will be backordered, QuoteWerks will record this. Then a day later D&H modifies the PO to create a new sales order for the same item, but this time ordering it direct from Lenovo, this now creates duplicate records for the same order. In this case you will want to use the other new feature "Remove FulfillmentItem record (Override)..." to remove the record for the backordered item that will never ship. Then you will want to use this new "Mark as Shipped (Override)..." feature to flag the direct shipped hard drive as shipped since D&H will not be returning status updates of when vendor drop shipped item is shipped. This feature will then change the QuoteWerks FulfillmentItem record to indicate "Shipped" instead of "Open".
[Build: 1] | ||
52. On the Purchase Orders list on Purchase Orders tab of the Purchasing window there is now an "Export..." right click menu if you are holding the SHIFT key when right clicking. This can be used to email QuoteWerks Technical Support an electronic purchase order for use in debugging issues.
[Build: 1] | ||
53. On the Purchase Orders list on Purchase Orders tab of the Purchasing window there is now a "Cancel PO..." right click menu. This is useful to indicate that an order has been canceled. This does not actually cancel an order with a distributor.
[Build: 1] | ||
54. Added new option in the Item Cost changed window of "Keep original price and clear Price Modifier". All the numbers now are formatted with currency and thousands separators. The first option has been renamed to "Attempt to keep the original price by re-calculating to closest Price Modifier". The text color of this first option will change the color red if the original price cannot be achieved using a Price Modifier.
[Build: 1] | ||
55. The Datalink feature now enables you to configure mappings when retrieving Ship To and Bill To Contacts from your contact manager. Previously, you were limited to only when retrieving the Sold To Contact. This feature is useful if you store Tax Rate information in your CRM under ship to contacts vs your SoldTo contacts as it can now be retrieved when your Ship To contact is added to the QuoteWerks document. This new mapping can be used in so many ways including copying and information from ShipTo or BillTo contact fields in your CRM into a CustomText field in QuoteWerks, effectively filling out numerous fields in the quote with the successive selection of SoldTo, ShipTo, and BillTo contacts. [Build: 1] | ||
56. Added F2Lookup support for the Ship From postal code on the Real-time shipping estimate window. Useful to enter in common Ship From postal codes like the postal codes of each of the warehouses of your distributors. useful in creating shipping cost estimates that your distributors may charge you. [Build: 1] | ||
57. For Product Content Subscribers, there is a [Remove 0 Availability] button on the Etilize Product Comparison window. After retrieving Pricing and Availability from your distributors, click on this button to remove all results in the Product Comparison that do not availability from at least one of the distributors found by Etilize and the PartLocator. While this feature is very useful, it is important to note, that some distributors will show 0 physical warehouse availability, but would be able to drop ship direct from the manufacturer. [Build: 1] | ||
58. For Product Content Subscribers, there is a [Remove 0 Cost] button on the Etilize Product Comparison window. After retrieving Pricing and Availability from your distributors, click on this button to remove all results in the Product Comparison that do not have a Cost > 0 from at least one of the distributors found by Etilize and the PartLocator. This will also remove items that are not available from at least one distributor. If real-time Pricing and Availability is requested from a distributor and the results return that the distributor does not carry the item or you are not authorized to sell the item, QuoteWerks will show the result with a 0.00 cost. Using this feature you can de-clutter and remove lots of results that are non-useable from your search results.
[Build: 1] | ||
59. Outlook 2016 is now supported! [Build: 1.01] | ||
60. The QuoteValet Dashboard and the QuoteValet Web dashboard now indicate when a quote is "LOST" or "Open (EXPIRED)" [Build: 1.01] | ||
61. For QuoteValet users, When you Convert a Quote to Lost, there is now an option to recall the quote if it was uploaded to QuoteValet. [Build: 1.01] | ||
62. For Quotevalet users, if a quote that was uploaded to QuoteValet is converted to Lost, then if the customer views the quote using the old QuoteValet link the customer will not be able to accept the quote and they will see a message indicated that an updated quote is required. [Build: 1.01] | ||
63. SugarCRM 7.6 is now supported! [Build: 2.02] | ||
64. Windows 10 supported since April 2015. [Build: 2.04] | ||
65. SalesLogix 8.2 is now supported! [Build: 2.05] | ||
66. Goldmine 2015.2 is now supported! [Build: 2.06] | ||
67. There are now options of "Default Primary Layout Filter to 'All'" and "Default Additional Primary Layout Filter to 'All'" on the Misc tab of the User Preferences menu. Normally when a QUOTE document is printed, the filter button will default to QUOTE type layouts. These settings override this standard behavior. [Build: 2.10] | ||
68. There is now a column displaying Internal Notes for Bundles and Configurations on the Bundles and Configurations windows respectively. [Build: 2.10] | ||
69. The installation and updating process is 50% faster in most cases. [Build: 1] | ||
70. QuoteValet Auto-Reminders! How much time do you spend following up with customers reminding them that their quotes are about to expire, or resending quotes to them because you know they have not even viewed them yet, or reminding them that they accepted the quote, but have not paid yet? QuoteValet can now do that all automatically for you! You can set the defaults for these options on the Notifications tab of the QuoteValet Setup window. While the defaults will be applied to all quotes uploaded to QuoteValet, you can also control these reminders at the individual quote level through the [Reminder options] button on the Upload To QuoteValet window. As usual all of these email notification templates are editable for you to customize! Here is a complete list of QuoteValet Auto-Reminder email options:
Remind Recipient if document NOT VIEWED within x days.
Remind Recipient when document is EXPIRING in x days.
Remind Recipient when document is accepted but NOT PAID after x days.
Remind SalesRep if document NOT VIEWED within x days.
Remind SalesRep when document is EXPIRING in x days.
Remind SalesRep when document is accepted but NOT PAID after x days. [Build: 2.25] | ||
71. For QuoteValet users, the SalesRep is notified by email the FIRST time a customer views the quote since it was uploaded to QuoteValet. There is now an option to have QuoteValet notify the Sales Rep by email EVERY time the customer views the quote. Contact support to request that option be activated. Posted live Dec-4-2015 10:00am. [Build: 2.25] | ||
72. For Autotask users, you can now create a new Autotask Company and Contact record from the QuoteWerks SoldTo/ShipTo tab using the information already entered on the SoldTo/ShipTo tab. For the feature to be enabled, the SoldTo field cannot already be populated with a contact that was retrieved from Autotask. Also, the Company field, Contact field, and Phone field must also be populated. This feature is available on the toolbar above the SoldTo, ShipTo, and BillTo areas of the Quote WorkBook. There is also an Access Right "CannotCreateCRMContact" that you can set if you do not want specific users to be able to use this feature. [Build: 2.25] | ||
73. For Autotask users, when saving the Quote, you have the ability to create a new Account To-Do. The To-Do can be linked to the Autotask Account, Contact, and/or Opportunity. When saving an existing Quote in QuoteWerks you have the option to up update the existing Account To-Do that was created by QuoteWerks. Autotask Account To-Dos are a great way to set a reminder about the quote you are working on such as a follow-up call. [Build: 2.25] | ||
74. For Autotask users, if QuoteWerks creates an Account To-Do when saving the quote, an auto-link will be generated for you on the Links Tab. Clicking on this auto-link will launch the Autotask Account To-Do in a browser. [Build: 2.25] | ||
75. For Autotask users, there is now a new DataLink option for Account->&AccountManager. This macro will retrieve the Account Manager's name for the specified contact into the designated field. Previously, you could only retrieve the OwnerResourceID field which was a numeric record id for the Account Manager. [Build: 2.25] | ||
76. The new Salesforce.com integration re-written to use newer SOAP API introduced in QuoteWerks version 5.1 Build 1 now integrates with non-Enterprise editions of salesforce.com without requiring the salesforce.com API module. [Build: 2.25] | ||
77. On the Purchase Orders tab and Ordered Items tab of the Purchasing Window, the DocNo that the POItem is from is now displayed with the PO Item details. [Build: 2.25] | ||
78. There are now 3 new options for merging PDF files on the Misc tab of the Tools->My Preferences menu. With the print engine redesign in version 5.1 all of the print elements like Literature, Spec Sheets, File Links, etc are combined into a single PDF file that also contains the quote. When emailing a quote, some users prefer to not combine the Literature, Spec Sheets, and File Links into the actual PDF file that contains the quote itself. We have added the following options to allow for this: "Merge Literature with primary quote PDF", "Merge Spec Sheets with primary quote PDF", "Merge File Link with primary quote PDF". [Build: 2.25] | ||
79. The main toolbar New split-button now has menu items "New Quote", "New Order", "New Invoice". [Build: 2.25] | ||
80. The main toolbar New split-button now has a Most Recently Used (MRU) menu on the recent templates you have used. [Build: 2.25] | ||
81. Added new Misc Access rights "CannotCreateNewQuoteDocuments", "CannotCreateNewOrderDocuments", and "CannotCreateNewInvoiceDocuments". These rights do not have any affect on converting documents or duplicating documents. These rights are designed to stop a user from creating fresh empty documents. [Build: 2.25] | ||
82. On the Search Fields tab of the Open Document window, under the Item drop down, you can now select PONumber and do a line item level search for a PONumber. [Build: 2.25] | ||
83. Added Misc Access right "CannotModifyManagementReports". When this is set, on the Management Reports window, a user cannot click on the [Edit] button which prevents them from changing any aspects of the selected report. [Build: 2.25] | ||
84. The DataLink can now be used to populate the SalesRep field. [Build: 2.25] | ||
85. On the Open Document window, pressing ENTER while a record in the grid is selected will open the document. [Build: 2.25] | ||
86. Multiple Monitor enhanced support. Changes have been made to better control which monitors windows appear on when they open. When the "Don't remember window location" option on the Misc tab under Tools->My Preferences is checked, window locations will not be remembered, so windows like the Product Lookup window will just open on the same monitor as the main QuoteWerks application. If this is unchecked then QuoteWerks will remember the last location you positioned the following QuoteWerks windows: Main window, Product Lookup, Configurator, Purchasing, QuoteValet Dashboard, Send Email, and Email Templates. QuoteWerks will position them in those locations the next time you open those windows. QuoteWerks already remembers window sizes and locations per each machine that you use to run QuoteWerks. Now it will also remember separate settings for when you are remoted (using RDP) into a machine running QuoteWerks, and even per which remote machine you are using. This is very useful since often when you remote in you only have access to one monitor, rather than your multiple monitors you have access to when sitting in front of your machine. [Build: 2.25] | ||
87. ConnectWise 2016.1 is now supported! [Build: 4] | ||
88. Maximizer 2016 (v14) is now supported! [Build: 4] | ||
89. LineNumbering feature. There are two new macro fields DocumentItems.&LineNumber and DocumentItems.&LineNumberActual. By default these will not be visible columns. You can make them visible choosing the View->Customize columns menu. They are also available for use in the print layouts. Any lines with the Excluded=Yes or PrintLine=No will automatically not be numbered. In addition you can set the following options on the Print tab of the Tools->Options menu that control which line items are numbered: "Don't number Heading lines, "Don't number Comment lines", "Don't number Empty Comment lines", "Don't number Group Member lines", "Don't number % Charge lines", "Don't number % Discount lines", "Don't number SubTotal lines", "Don't number Running SubTotal lines", and "Don't number Summary lines". The DocumentItems.&LineNumber feature is designed based on the need to uniquely identify a line on the quote primarily for purposes of talking with the customer about it over the phone or by email. The DocumentItems.&LineNumberActual is designed so that you can see the line numbers for each row at the same time, so that there is always a visual indicator displayed for each line so you no longer have to click on a line to see what line number it is. [Build: 4] | ||
90. You can now highlight line items using up to 5 pre-defined highlight colors. Simply select or multi-select line items and click on the highlighter icon above the grid on the DocumentItems tab. This feature gives you the ability to tag/highlight line items in a way that you can use as a visual aide in reminding yourself that you need to complete something on these line items. You can combine this with the Notes column to enter in notes for yourself regarding what you need to do with the line item. This is a very useful productivity tool! The highlighting is only seen in the QuoteWerks quote, it will not been seen by the customer in the PDF output or when uploaded to QuoteValet. [Build: 4] | ||
91. Double-clicking on a FPC layout or Word document on the Primary or Additional tab of the Print Document window will now run/merge just that FPC layout or Word document file and then preview it. Double-clicking used to edit the layout or Word file. This is a quick preview feature for that layout that does not include cover page, literature, etc. It is useful for looking over details that need to be double checked, typically literature, spec sheets, etc are static items that do not need to be reviewed every time. [Build: 4] | ||
92. For SYNNEX online ordering, re-designed the way addresses are selected for the ShipTo, EndUser, and Reseller fields on the order form. Especially when the items in the online order are from multiple orders, you will now be able to select any of the addresses from any of the orders related to these items. The addresses include the Soldto, ShipTo, BillTo, and Sales Rep location. [Build: 4] | ||
93. For salesforce.com users with multiple currencies activated for Price Books, re-designed how the currency is selected on the Create/Update Opportunity window. Also added some site.ini settings under the [Contact Managers] section. You can add the key "SFPriceBookISOCurrencyCodeList=AUD,NZD,USD,CAD,EUR,GBP" to control which currencies are displayed as choices. You may have 10 price books in salesforce.com but only want to show a couple on the QuoteWerks Opportunity window. You can also set the key "SFOppPriceBookInclusionList=Silver Price List,Gold Price List" to control that. Lastly, if you want the default currency selected for the Opportunity PriceBook to be the Alternate Currency selection in QuoteWerks, you can set the key "SFOppPriceBookCurrencyCodeDefaultToAlternateCurrency=-1" [Build: 4] | ||
94. For salesforce.com users you can now select the Standard Price Book as the Price Book for the Opportunity when creating or updating a salesforce.com opportunity. [Build: 4] | ||
95. On the Open Document window there is a now a new "QuoteValet Document ID" column. You can use this to see if you have uploaded the document to QuoteValet. You can sort on this column and very easily see a list of documents that have been uploaded and not been uploaded. [Build: 4] | ||
96. On the Edit Product window the UI size of the 255 character Notes text box was increased so that you can see and enter all 255 characters. [Build: 4] | ||
97. The Add Item Assistant window is now larger. The form is taller and wider, the description column is wider and more optional items are displayed vertically. [Build: 4] | ||
98. When editing the layout FPC files and you choose File->Printer Setup this will embed the page size into the FPC file and whenever that fpc file is printed (especially to a PDF file), it will use the page size embedded in the FPC file. [Build: 4] | ||
99. On the DocumentItems tab, the width of the description column of the drop down list for the CostModifier and PriceModifier cells was widened by 40%. [Build: 4] | ||
100. The width of the Print Selections display area on the Print window has been increased by 32%. [Build: 4] | ||
101. Added new macro fields: &SYS_FirstDayOfCurrentYearForSQL, &SYS_LastDayOfCurrentYearForSQL, &SYS_FirstDayOfLastYearForSQL, and &SYS_LastDayOfLastYearForSQL. These are especially useful in report filters. [Build: 4] | ||
102. Added new user preference "Auto-close Bundle window after selecting bundle" on the Misc tab of the Tools->My Preferences menu. When on the Bundles window and choosing to add/insert a bundle into the quote, this option will be used. [Build: 4] | ||
103. Added new user preference "Prompt for Bundle Quantity" on the Misc tab of the Tools->My Preferences menu. When on the Bundles window and choosing to add/insert a bundle into the quote, this option will be used. [Build: 4] | ||
104. Added a new column "Exclusive Option Group" for the Document Items tab. This will display the mutually exclusive Group that the line item belongs to - if the item is an optional item. [Build: 4] | ||
105. On the Open Document window you can now search the DocNo field by "Begins with", "Contains" and "Ends with". [Build: 4] | ||
106. On the Open Document window you can now search the DocName field by "Begins with", "Contains" and "Ends with". [Build: 4] | ||
107. On the Open Document window you can now search the DocStatus field by "Equal to", or "Begins with". [Build: 4] | ||
108. There is now an installation option to not install the help files. Since there are over 2500 files in the help system, this speeds up installation time significantly. [Build: 4] | ||
109. All the default layouts have been updated to use the new LineNumbering macros DocumentItems.&LineNumber and DocumentItems.&LineNumberActual as needed. [Build: 4] | ||
110. When adding a new % Charge line item, the default TaxCode is set based on the DocumentItems tab of the Tools->Options menu. [Build: 4] | ||
111. MS CRM 2016 (v8.0) is now supported! [Build: 4.14] | ||
112. For salesforce.com users, there is now a "Write Products into Opportunity" option on the Create/Update Opportunity window. This enables you to choose to write the products into the opportunity at each save. Sometimes you are in the initial stage of quoting and do not have a complete list of products, so rather wait until you are ready to upload the opportunity products. Additionally this speeds up the save process. This option will only appear if the "Write Products into Opportunity" option on the Setup window is checked. [Build: 4.14] | ||
113. For salesforce.com users, you can now populate the salesforce.com opportunity with the Alternate Currency amount from the quote. This is activated with the site.ini setting, under the [Contact Managers] section, with the key SFOppPricingUseAlternateCurrency=-1. [Build: 4.14] | ||
114. For Salesforce.com users, when writing line items to the Opportunity, any errors encountered will be saved until all items have been attempted to be written into the opportunity, then one error message will be displayed containing possibly error messages about multiple items. [Build: 4.14] | ||
115. For Salesforce.com users, when QuoteWerks is finished saving the opportunity, attachment, etc to salesforce.com it will display a message in the status bar on the right side like "Save 'FLAQ2249' to Salesforce.com complete 1:19:27 pm". [Build: 4.14] | ||
116. On the File Links tab, there is a new menu option to "Add a Folder Link". [Build: 4.14] | ||
117. When cloning a print layout you can now specify the name of the FPC file. [Build: 4.14] | ||
118. When creating, editing, or cloning users it will be logged in the event log file (event.log). [Build: 4.14] | ||
119. On the Apply To tab of the User Properties window, when settings are applied to other users it will be logged in the event log file (event.log). [Build: 4.14] | ||
120. On the Login tab of the User Properties window, when Master Rights is assigned to a user it will be logged in the event log file (event.log). [Build: 4.14] | ||
121. On the Apply to tab of the Customize Document Columns window, when a user applies settings to all users or selected users, it will be logged in the event log file (event.log). [Build: 4.14] | ||
122. On the Apply to tab of the Customize Product Database columns window, when a user applies settings to all users or selected users, it will be logged in the event log file (event.log). [Build: 4.14] | ||
123. QuickBooks Canada 2016 is now supported! [Build: 4.15] | ||
124. Effective March 11th, 2016 SYNNEX now requires all xml queries to be sent using the TLS 1.1 protocol. QuoteWerks now supports this. The TLS 1.1 protocol is not available on Windows XP machines, so any users that wish to use QuoteWerks (or any other software) to interact with SYNNEX XML services will need to be running the software on Windows Vista or higher. Additionally TLS 1.1 requires that the Microsoft .NET framework version 4.5 be installed and Internet Explorer (IE) 11 or higher needs to be installed. In Microsoft IE, TLS 1.1 must be enabled. To enable, click on the Gear/Settings button in IE and select Internet Options from the menu. Go to the Advanced tab, and under the Security section, make sure that TLS v1.1 is checked. [Build: 4.21] | ||
125. For Dell Premier Customers, When placing an online order with Dell, there is now an option to pay with terms or credit card. Prior to this update, online orders with Dell would be placed on terms. [Build: 4.21] | ||
126. For Tech Data online ordering, re-designed the way addresses are selected for the ShipTo and EndUser on the order form. Especially when the items in the online order are from multiple orders, you will now be able to select any of the addresses from any of the orders related to these items. The addresses include the Soldto, ShipTo, BillTo, and Sales Rep location. [Build: 4.21] | ||
127. For Ingram Micro online ordering, re-designed the way addresses are selected for the ShipTo, EndUser, and Reseller fields on the order form. Especially when the items in the online order are from multiple orders, you will now be able to select any of the addresses from any of the orders related to these items. The addresses include the Soldto, ShipTo, BillTo, and Sales Rep location. [Build: 4.21] | ||
128. For D&H online ordering, re-designed the way addresses are selected for the ShipTo fields on the order form. Especially when the items in the online order are from multiple orders, you will now be able to select any of the addresses from any of the orders related to these items. The addresses include the Soldto, ShipTo, BillTo, and Sales Rep location. [Build: 4.21] | ||
129. For Dell online ordering, re-designed the way addresses are selected for the ShipTo and Billto fields on the order form. Especially when the items in the online order are from multiple orders, you will now be able to select any of the addresses from any of the orders related to these items. The addresses include the Soldto, ShipTo, BillTo, and Sales Rep location. [Build: 4.21] | ||
130. When displaying payment options in the print output, there is now an option to not show the selection brackets like "[ ]" when there is only a single payment option. To activate this, in the site.ini under the [Defaults] section, add the key LeasingPaymentOptionPrefixHideIfSingleOption=-1. [Build: 4.21] | ||
131. For QuickBooks users, the time it takes to load the Setup window has been reduced dramatically. [Build: 4.21] | ||
132. When a line item is already highlighted in Yellow and you click on the button portion of the highlighting menu button (which normally causes the line to be highlighted yellow), it will remove the highlighting. Essentially, pressing this button repeatedly will toggle the line item highlight between yellow and no highlight. [Build: 4.21] | ||
133. The CTRL-` key combination will now cycle between tabs on the Quote WorkBook. The CTRL-TAB key combination already cycles between currently open Quote WorkBooks. [Build: 4.21] | ||
134. The Edit->Insert Heading now has a CTRL-H keyboard shortcut. [Build: 4.21] | ||
135. While using the Zoom Description Window, you can now use the CTRL-A Keyboard combination to select all text in the Zoom Text. [Build: 4.21] | ||
136. The Product Content Subscription now has PartLocator support for SYNNEX Canada. We've negotiated an arrangement with SYNNEX Canada to host their parts list to provide our mutual customers with a better ability to locate SYNNEX Canada part numbers when quoting. [Build: 4.21] | ||
137. Tech Data Belgium Real-time Pricing & Availability is now supported! [Build: 4.21] | ||
138. For Ingram Micro online ordering users, if you are placing a Dtype order specifying End User information, you no longer have to remember to set the ShipVia to Other. Behind the scenes, it will ignore the ShipVia selection and set it to Other internally since that is what is required by Ingram for a Dtype order. [Build: 4.24] | ||
139. ConnectWise 2016.2 is now supported! [Build: 4.21] | ||
140. ConnectWise 2016.3 is now supported! [Build: 4.33] | ||
141. SugarCRM 7.7 is now supported! [Build: 6.03] | ||
142. Maximizer 14.1 is now supported! [Build: 6.03] | ||
143. For salesforce.com users, creating/updating opportunities containing line items is up to 60% faster. [Build: 6.03] | ||
144. For salesforce.com users, when running merge remote documents, with the "[x] Download attachments from salesforce.com" option checked, it is much faster, and uses less memory especially when choosing the option for "[]DTF files updated or added since last merge" [Build: 6.03] | ||
145. Effective June 25th, 2016 Salesforce.com now requires all SOAP queries to be sent using the TLS 1.1 protocol. QuoteWerks now supports this. The TLS 1.1 protocol is not available on Windows XP machines, so any users that wish to use QuoteWerks (or any other software) to interact with salesforce.com services will need to be running the software on Windows Vista or higher. Additionally TLS 1.1 requires that the Microsoft .NET framework version 4.5 be installed and Internet Explorer (IE) 11 or higher needs to be installed. In Microsoft Internet Explorer(IE), TLS 1.1 must be enabled. To enable, click on the Gear/Settings button in IE and select Internet Options from the menu. Go to the Advanced tab, and under the Security section, make sure that TLS v1.1 is checked. For more details visit: https://help.salesforce.com/apex/HTViewSolution?id=000221207 [Build: 6.03] | ||
146. For Product Content Subscribers, on the grid toolbar there is now a "Refresh Etilize Item detail" icon. You can use this to update the selected line items in the Workbook with Etilize detail such as Description, Weight, Picture and more. This is useful when using a non-Etilize data source when adding products to your quote or when importing a Quote from Tech Data or other vendor. In the line item, the (Manufacturer and Manufacturer Part Number) or (Vendor and Vendor Part Number) fields must be filled out in order to obtain information about this product from Etilize. [Build: 6.03] | ||
147. For Product Content Subscribers, in the Paste Special Feature, there is now an option that enables you to update the items to be pasted with Etilize detail such as Description, Weight, Picture and more. In the data that you are pasting, the (Manufacturer and Manufacturer Part Number) or (Vendor and Vendor Part Number) fields must have data in them in order to obtain information about this product from Etilize. [Build: 6.03] | ||
148. For Product Content Subscribers, Products sourced via Etilize can now be used in QuoteWerks Bundles. The Vendor and Vendor Part Number selected during the setup of the Bundle will be used when adding the product to the QuoteWerks Document when selecting the Bundle. QuoteWerks will also retrieve real-time pricing for the selected product and vendor combination when the product is added to the document. [Build: 6.03] | ||
149. For Product Content Subscribers, Products sourced via Etilize can now be used in QuoteWerks Configurations. The Vendor and Vendor Part Number selected during the setup of Configuration will be used when adding the product to the QuoteWerks Document when using the Configurator. QuoteWerks will also retrieve real-time pricing for the selected product and vendor combination when the product is added to the document. [Build: 6.03] | ||
150. For Product Content Subscribers, Products sourced via Etilize can now be used in QuoteWerks Required Items Sets. The Vendor and Vendor Part Number selected during the setup of Required Item will be used when adding the product to the QuoteWerks Document. QuoteWerks will also retrieve real-time pricing for the selected product and vendor combination when the product is added to the document. [Build: 6.03] | ||
151. For Product Content Subscribers, there is now a per user "My Favorites" folder under the Etilize Product Source on the Product Lookup. To add products to the "My Favorites" folder, right click on the product in the Etilize Source list and Select "Add Etilize Product to 'My Favorites'". To remove a product from the "My Favorites" list, right click on the product list and select "Remove Etilize Product from 'My Favorites'". These actions can be performed on a product by product basis or by multi-selecting products in the list. [Build: 6.03] | ||
152. For Tech Data USA Customers, you can now view a comprehensive list and import all Tech Data Quotes created by Tech Data's sales reps, or created by yourself on the techdata.com website. Tech Data quotes created over the last 45 days will be available. You do not need to know the Tech Data quote number, and you can import all the details into the QuoteWerks quote, saving time and reducing data entry error. To use this feature, on the grid toolbar on the DocumentItems tab, click on the TD icon drop down button and choose "Retrieve Tech Data SAP Quote" menu option. You must have Tech Data XML credentials entered into QuoteWerks to use this feature. Quotes created via StreamOne (Tech Data's Cloud Services Website) are currently not available using this Tech Data API. [Build: 6.03] | ||
153. There is now an option on the Lease Payment Calculator window to "Include Monthly recurring in lease payment". This will enable you to present your customer with a single monthly payment amount that includes both the lease payment for the upfront purchase amount and also your monthly recurring service charges. [Build: 6.03] | ||
154. the Payment Options section on the Sale Info tab has been improved to include a display for the Purchase Amount and also the Monthly Recurring Amount. For the Upfront Purchase options, if there is a monthly recurring amount for the quote, it will display that amount in the upfront purchase option. This will also be displayed in the printed output, making it clear to the recipient that if they choose a non-lease payment option there will be the upfront purchase amount and also a monthly amount. [Build: 6.03] | ||
155. Added new "Purchase Option display macro" customization on the Payment tab under Tools->Options. This gives you better control over the Purchase payment options displayed on the printed/pdf quote. For example, you can now choose to not include the cash price purchase amount in the payment option. [Build: 6.03] | ||
156. The Export feature of the Management Reports has been completely re-designed. In addition to using the normal filter features, you can now choose which fields of information to export into a text file. You can also choose the order in which the columns are exported, you can specify multiple sort orders for the exported data, you can specify the field delimiter, if you want to include the field names in the first row of the export file and more. You can also specify the path and file name of the export file while also having an option to prompt the user for the file name and path. There is also a misc Access right of "CannotModifyManagementReportExportSettings" that will prevent a user from being able to change the export settings including which fields are exported, the format of the export file, etc. There is also a Misc Access right "CannotExportManagementReportDocumentData" which can be used to stop a user from exporting quote/order/invoice type information from the Management Report. [Build: 6.03] | ||
157. After cloning a user, that user is now selected in the user list. [Build: 6.03] | ||
158. When synchronizing, Etilize "My Favorites" can now be synchronized in the initial rollout. [Build: 6.03] | ||
159. On the Product Lookup window you can now search by InternalPartNumber for native product databases, including ones hosted to Azure, and also in the multiple product database search (which will just search for this field in native product databases. [Build: 6.03] | ||
160. On the Search Fields tab of the Open Document window, under the Item drop down, you can now select InternalPartNumber and do a line item level search for an InternalPartNumber. [Build: 6.03] | ||
161. For API users, added new DocFunctions.DocumentPrint2 method. This now allows you to take advantage of the new print selections features allowing you to specify the exact order of each print element you want to print. This method is typically used to automate printing the document directly to a printer or initiating the print preview window, etc. For details, please see the updated SDK. [Build: 6.03] | ||
162. For API users, added new DocFunctions.DocumentPrintPDF method. This can be used to combine print elements in whatever order you would like and output them to a PDF file of your choice without any input from the user. For details, please see the updated SDK. [Build: 6.03] | ||
163. For Ingram Micro Canada online ordering users, added Purolator shipping options: Purolator Air, Purolator Air 9am, Purolator Air 10:30am, Purolator Ground, Purolator Express 9am, Purolator Express 10:30am, and Purolator Weekend. [Build: 6.03] | ||
164. There is now a DocumentHeaders->&QuoteValetTotalPaymentsMade field available in the layout designer for FPC files. This will display the total of payments for this document received through QuoteValet. It is important to note, this sums up the successful payments recorded in the local database, so it is only as current as the last time QuoteWerks communicated with QuoteValet. [Build: 6.03] | ||
165. The File->Duplicate window now has the option "[x] Reset DocDate, DocDueDate, and ExpirationDate like a new document". This setting will be remembered between sessions. [Build: 6.03] | ||
166. For QuoteValet users you will be warned if the quote you are about to upload to QuoteValet is already expired. [Build: 6.03] | ||
167. For Ingram Micro online ordering users, you can now enter special instructions on the Purchase order Info tab even when the "[x] Include End User information (End User information is required in some licensing or warranty orders)." option is checked. [Build: 6.03] | ||
168. For SugarCRM users on the Create Opportunity window you can now specify the AssignedTo user. [Build: 6.03] | ||
169. For SugarCRM users on the Create/Update Follow Up Call window you can now specify the AssignedTo user. [Build: 6.03] | ||
170. Real-time Pricing and Availability is now available for IT Distributor ASI Canada! [Build: 6.03] | ||
171. For Product Content Subscribers, ASI Canada pricing & availability is now available on the Etilize Panel if you have an account with this distributor. [Build: 6.03] | ||
172. Added option "When Adding Items to a Group, default HidePrice to yes." on the Misc tab of the Tools->Options menu. This controls the default behavior when adding an item into a group using the Edit->Convert to Group menu option or when adding items into a Grouped Bundle definition. [Build: 6.03] | ||
173. On the Open Document window the selected DocNo field operator is now remembered per user. [Build: 6.03] | ||
174. On the Open Document window the selected DocName field operator is now remembered per user. [Build: 6.03] | ||
175. On the Open Document window the selected DocStatus field operator is now remembered per user. [Build: 6.03] | ||
176. On the Print Preview window, adding keyboard menu shortcuts, CTRL-P for Print, CTRL-G for Go to Page, CTRL-E for Send E-mail, CTRL-S for Save as PDF, CTRL-U for Attach to CRM, and CTRL-W for close. [Build: 6.03] | ||
177. When running a report and being asked to supply a value for a field filter and you choose cancel, this will now cancel the report. [Build: 6.03] | ||
178. GoldMine 2016.1 is now supported! [Build: 6.04] | ||
179. ConnectWise 2016.4 is now supported! [Build: 6.04] | ||
180. QuickBooks UK 2016 is now supported! [Build: 6.04] | ||
181. Microsoft SQL Server 2016 is now supported! [Build: 6.06] | ||
182. MS CRM 2016 Update (v8.1) is now supported! [Build: 6.06] | ||
Misc Features - Version 5.1 | ||
1. The option to send an email attachment as RTF has been removed. This used to be on the Preview window, File->Send Email->As RTF. Also it was a default on the E-Mail tab of the Tools->User Preferences menu to be used when clicking on the [E-Mail] button on the Print window. [Build: 1] | ||
2. On the Print Preview window the File->Copy To clipboard feature that copied the Preview into the Windows Clipboard in an RTF format has been removed. [Build: 1] | ||
3. On the Reports window, the [Export] button now only has the option to export a report output to a Comma Delimited text file format (CSV). The option to export to HTML and RTF have been removed. Also the option to export to PDF has been removed from here and instead there is a direct [Save as PDF] button to perform this operation. [Build: 1] | ||
4. FaxRush support was removed. [Build: 1] | ||
5. Daily Tip display enhancement. The daily tip will now display only after QuoteWerks has been running for at least 2 minutes. [Build: 1] | ||
6. Beta support activated for Outlook 2016. [Build: 1] | ||
7. When performing a Microsoft Word Merge with Alternate Currency fields, the Alternate Currency Fields are now formatted with the Alternate Currency Symbol and digit grouping separators. [Build: 1] | ||
8. The Autotask integration DLL has been upgraded to .NET framework 4.0 and installed to c:\program files\common files\quotewerks. [Build: 1] | ||
9. The ConnectWise integration DLL is now .NET framework 4.0 and installed to c:\program files\common files\quotewerks. [Build: 1] | ||
10. The SugarCRM integration DLL has been upgraded to .NET framework 4.0 and installed to c:\program files\common files\quotewerks. [Build: 1] | ||
11. Beta support activated for SugarCRM 7.6. [Build: 1] | ||
12. UI changes, Older 3D grey option buttons have been removed, also older 3D drop down combo boxes have been removed. [Build: 1] | ||
13. The Salesforce.com UserName is now encrypted when stored in the ini file. [Build: 2] | ||
14. On the Primary sub-tab of the Layout tab selecting the print layout will now automatically check the checkbox. [Build: 2] | ||
15. Pressing the ESCAPE key while on the Print Window now closes the window. [Build: 2.06] | ||
16. If the Primary layout selected for a ORDER type document is a SALES ORDER, then the SALES ORDER filter ribbon button will be selected by default. [Build: 2.10] | ||
17. Increased the width of the fields on the Custom tab of the Quote WorkBook by 20%. [Build: 2.10] | ||
18. The File->Save As menu has been removed. The functionality is replaced with the File->Duplicate menu. [Build: 2.25] | ||
19. The Act for Web integration DLL has been upgraded to .NET framework 4.0 and installed to c:\program files\common files\quotewerks. [Build: 2.25] | ||
20. Activated Beta testing support for MS CRM v8.0 (2016). [Build: 4] | ||
21. On the Management Reports window double-clicking on a report now runs the [Preview] action instead of the [Edit] action. [Build: 4] | ||
22. The Misc tab of the Tools->My Preferences menu now has sub-tabs of General and Printing. [Build: 4] | ||
23. The contact import feature is now more robust, it can handle more bad data situations like inconsistent number of columns, mismatched delimiters, etc. [Build: 4] | ||
24. DTF file synchronizing updated to be based on the truly globally unique DocumentHeaders.RecGUID field vs the DocumentHeaders.DocNo field. Prior to this change, documents with duplicate DocNo values could cause incorrect replacement or duplications when performing linked document merging, dtf opening, etc. [Build: 4] | ||
25. The option to "Embed fonts in PDF file" on the Misc.printing tab of the Tools->User Preferences has been removed. Now, fonts will always be embedded. Without embedded fonts, the PDF preview the sender sees will not look the same to the recipient if the recipient does not have the same fonts installed on their computer.
[Build: 4] | ||
26. The columns on the Open Document window can now be customized by editing the {username}.ini file. Under the [OpenWindowGridSettings] section, modify the "ColumnNames=" key to include the additional DocumentHeader fields. [Build: 4.14] | ||
27. Activated Beta testing support for Act for Web v18. [Build: 4.14] | ||
28. The startup splash screen now shows each product data source name that it is loading during startup. [Build: 4.21] | ||
29. When creating a contact in Autotask, the status message was saying "Creating contact in ConnectWise" [Build: 4.21] | ||
30. For salesforce.com users, widened the opportunity name drop down by 35%. [Build: 4.33] | ||
31. For Tech Data USA Customers, the ability to search Tech Data for a specific Tech Data SAP Quote Number has been moved from the grid toolbar on the Quote Workbook to the new 'Import Tech Data SAP Quotes' window. Click on the Magnifying glass icon. [Build: 6.03] | ||
32. For Ingram Micro online ordering users, on the order form, the heading will now display "Ingram Micro Online Order Form (DType Order)" if the checkbox "Include End User information (End User information is required in some licensing or warranty orders)." is checked. If it is not checked, it will display "Ingram Micro Online Order Form (Standard Order)". This is useful for troubleshooting with these different order types. [Build: 6.03] | ||
33. Computer 2000 is now officially Tech Data UK. QuoteWerks was updated with this name change. [Build: 6.03] | ||
34. The reporting engine has been upgraded to rep9. [Build: 6.03] | ||
35. On the Print tab of the Tools->Options menu, by default the line numbering options of "Don't number Heading lines, "Don't number Comment lines", "Don't number SubTotal lines", and "Don't number Running SubTotal lines"are now enabled. [Build: 6.03] | ||
36. For Autotask users, Autotask increased the length of the Product Description available through the Autotask API from 200 to 2000 characters. This increased has been implemented in QuoteWerks. [Build: 6.03] | ||
37. Contains new updated SHA256 Code Signing Certificate for Microsoft SmartScreen. [Build: 6.05] | ||
38. Activated Beta testing support for SalesLogix (Infor CRM) 8.3. [Build: 6.06] | ||
Fixes - Version 5.1 | ||
1. In v4.9 Build 9, database changes were applied to native product databases. If a native product database was not located in the root \QuoteWerks folder, the database changes would not be applied to it. [Build: 1] | ||
2. When selecting optional items to add to the quote, the quantity specified for the optional item was not being applied. [Build: 1] | ||
3. When using Azure hosted product databases, they would sometimes lose their connection. When that would happen you would receive errors like: "Error (-2147467259) TCP Provider: An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine." and "Error (-2147467259) Communication link failure" in QWOpenRecordset and in FindProductRecordEx. Now, this disconnect will be detected and you will be prompted with "It appears the connection to the database was lost. Would you like to try to re-connect now?" which will then re-connect to the Azure Product database. [Build: 1] | ||
4. For QuoteValet users if payment processing was not enabled, on the Reporting tab of the QuoteValet Dashboard the word "PAID" would appear in front of the entry for an accepted quote. [Build: 1] | ||
5. For Autotask users, when a Autotask quote was created or updated and it contained a Labor item that did not exist in Autotask, then the default Allocation Code for the item would be used instead of the mapped Allocation Code. Since the Autotask API does not support creating a Labor item, QuoteWerks instead creates a Cost item on the quote. [Build: 1] | ||
6. For Autotask users, on the Product Data Source tab of the Autotask Setup window, the Tax Code selection for the Autotask Services database was being saved, but not used and was always defaulting to Taxable. [Build: 1] | ||
7. For Autotask users, QuoteWerks used the a Product's Manufacturer Part Number to determine if a new product needed to be created in Autotask. QuoteWerks now uses the Autotask Item Name to determine if a new product needs to be created. [Build: 1] | ||
8. If the "ProfitAmount Option vs the Sale Amount" was enabled in a CRM that supported the feature and then the user switched CRMs to Autotask or ConnectWise, the numbers in QuoteWerks would not match Autotask/ConnectWise as the Profit was being sent instead of the actual sale amount. [Build: 1] | ||
9. Westcoast users, retrieving Pricing and Availability with a part number that contained non-alpha numeric characters like #, an error would be returned. [Build: 1] | ||
10. When performing a Microsoft Word Merge, the &DI_AlternateExtendedCost macro was being ignored. [Build: 1] | ||
11. For ConnectWise users, the Create Contact Button on the Sold To / Ship To Tab would return error "Error 438, object doesn't support this property or method." [Build: 1] | ||
12. On the Purchase Orders tab of the Purchasing window, clicking on the Order Date column heading now sorts correctly. [Build: 1] | ||
13. For Product Content Subscribers, "Auto retrieve realtime pricing & availability for Etilize" setting under the Misc tab of the Tools->My Preferences menu was ignored on the Quote Workbook when showing the Etilize panel by pressing the "Show / Hide Etilize Panel" toggle button. [Build: 1] | ||
14. For ConnectWise users, when creating/updating a ConnectWise Opportunity and QuoteWerks groups are configured to be sent to ConnectWise bundles, products would not be written to the opportunity and an error would be returned when the first line of the QuoteWerks document is a Group Header and there is a shipping item that is being saved back to the ConnectWise opportunity as a product. [Build: 1] | ||
15. For ConnectWise users, when adding a recurring forecast line to a ConnectWise Opportunity, if the Cycle Basis in QuoteWerks was not set correctly, ConnectWise would return "The error returned was: 'Server was unable to process request. ---> Object reference not set to an instance of an object.'" and the Opportunity creation in ConnectWise would Rollback. [Build: 1] | ||
16. For ConnectWise users, when adding Bundles to a ConnectWise Ticket, the Bundle Header was not linked to the sub-items. This caused a problem with total value of the bundle to the individual values of the group members, effectively doubling the value of the bundle. The unlinked group header is no longer sent to the ConnectWise Ticket. [Build: 1] | ||
17. For SugarCRM users, saving a new quote to an existing Opportunity, would show the campaign's ID field instead of the campaign's name. [Build: 1] | ||
18. For SugarCRM users, Opportunity Probability can no longer be set in SugarCRM 7.5+. You can change the probability by changing the Sales Stage. We have now disabled the probability field to reflect this SugarCRM change in SugarCRM versions 7.5 and higher. [Build: 1] | ||
19. For SugarCRM users, the AssignedTo field was getting cleared out when updating an existing opportunity. [Build: 1] | ||
20. For SugarCRM users, not setting a CloseDate for an existing opportunity on SugarCRM Enterprise 7.5+ would cause a Type mismatch error 13. [Build: 1] | ||
21. For SugarCRM users, the AssignedTo field in QuoteWerks will now display the User's Name instead of the Logged In name in SugarCRM 7.0+. [Build: 1] | ||
22. For SYNNEX users, using online ordering, the Third Party Freight account number information was not being included in the online order submission. [Build: 1] | ||
23. For Tech Data users, when verifying pricing and availability during the ordering process would receive error "Error, a warehouse code was not found...". [Build: 1] | ||
24. When entering a values like "--9%", "--25", "++25.35" or "++10%", in a UnitCost or UnitPrice cell on the Document Items tab, a Data type conversion error would occur. [Build: 1] | ||
25. For salesforce.com users, the "Update salesforce.com Opportunity name with Document name." option on the salesforce.com setup window was not getting saved. After this update is applied you will need to go back to the setup window and check option again to save it. This issue was reported as the File->Rename not updating the salesforce.com opportunity name.
[Build: 1] | ||
26. For MS CRM users, when saving a new quote and choosing to create an MS CRM opportunity, and then immediately closing the quote you would be prompted to save the quote saying that changes needed to be saved. [Build: 1] | ||
27. For MS CRM users, when saving a quote and choosing to update an existing MS CRM opportunity, if the MS CRM opportunity was created initially with a certain contact and then in QuoteWerks you changed the SoldtoContact, and then chose the option to Create/Update the MS CRM opportunity, the MS CRM opportunity was not getting updated to reflect the new SoldToContact associated with the MS CRM opportunity. [Build: 1] | ||
28. For MS CRM users, after converting a quote into an order, the existing MS CRM opportunity description would be removed resulting in a blank description in the closed won MS CRM opportunity. [Build: 1] | ||
29. For MS CRM users, On the SoldTo/ShipTo tab of the Quote WorkBook, clicking on the "Display Contact in Contact Manager" button would not work for MS CRM 4.0 users. [Build: 1] | ||
30. For QuickBoooks users, on the Purchase Orders tab of the Purchasing window, choosing the "Sync Received Items to QuickBooks" button sometimes would encounter the error message "Creation of ItemReceipt record in QuickBooks failed, QuickBooks is reporting that this PO Item is already fully received!". In some cases QuoteWerks would then terminate. Changes have been made so that when this situation occurs, you will be provided with information about the specific PO item that is already received and will be given a chance to manually mark that PO item receipt as fully exported to QuickBooks, eliminating this message from occurring again. If multiple items have been received in QuickBooks, then each time you run or re-run this "Sync Received Items to QuickBooks" you will be prompted and you can continue to choose "yes" to manually mark the item as received until all the items manually received in QuickBooks are marked as exported in QuoteWerks. [Build: 1] | ||
31. For Tech Data USA customers, the "View URL" on the Etilize Panel has been updated to accommodate changes to the Tech Data website. [Build: 1] | ||
32. When changing the Line Item Attributes, the Edit->Edit Line Attributes menu, of a line item on the Quote Workbook, if the option "Is Recurring" is set to "Yes", the Billing Cycle and Cycle Basis fields are now required. [Build: 1] | ||
33. In the layout designer formula, Using the formula: round(documentitems->qtytotal,2) when documentitems->qtytotal was negative number like "-1" was incorrectly rounded to "-0.99". [Build: 1] | ||
34. For Autotask users, when linking to an existing Autotask Opportunity, the drop-down list of existing Autotask Opportunities would return all Opportunities including Closed Opportunities. QuoteWerks will now only return Open Opportunities from Autotask. [Build: 1] | ||
35. For Autotask users, when retrieving Products from Autotask, multi-line descriptions with line breaks would be printed as a single line on QuoteWerks Print Layouts. [Build: 1] | ||
36. If a user has been set as Inactive, and that user is listed as an Approver or Escalated approver, the user was still being included as a recipient when an email request for approval was sent out. [Build: 1] | ||
37. On the select email address window, the list of QuoteWerks Users email addresses no longer include Inactive users. [Build: 1] | ||
38. Setting Default literature would not retain the last literature selected. [Build: 1.01] | ||
39. Would receive error message about blank sQuoteWerksOUM passed into ConnectWiseReturnUnitOfMeasureForQuoteWerksUnitOfMeasure. [Build: 1.01] | ||
40. On the Remote tab of the Tools->Options menu the "Location of laptop installation:" selection was not being saved. [Build: 2] | ||
41. The "Keep the original price and clear Price Modifier" option on the Adjust Price dialog was not clearing the Price Modifier. [Build: 2] | ||
42. Error "bad request" when attempting to upload files to the QuoteValet tenant site. [Build: 2] | ||
43. For SugarCRM users, the AssignedTo field was getting cleared out when updating an existing opportunity. This issue was introduced again in Version 5.1 Build 1. [Build: 2.02] | ||
44. QuoteWerks would terminate during PDF generation in certain circumstances related to the pictures on the quote. [Build: 2.03] | ||
45. Duplex selection on the Printer Selection dialog was being ignored. [Build: 2.04] | ||
46. When generating print output, in certain cases would receive Error in RvdPictureListAddFromFile or Error in RvdPictureListReplaceFromFile. This issue would also consume system resources. [Build: 2.05] | ||
47. When running the Medic Utility, would receive Run-time error '339', Component 'MSADODC.OCX' or one of its dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid. This issue was introduced in v5.1 Build 1. [Build: 2.05] | ||
48. When Word merging, the "Begin" and "End" macro fields for a section would remain after the merge. This issue was introduced in v5.1 Build 1 [Build: 2.06] | ||
49. When Word merging, if an "items" section used a CustomText or ItemType identifier that contained non-alpha numeric characters or if the casing did not match, macro fields for the section would remain after the merge. This issue was introduced in v5.1 Build 1 [Build: 2.06] | ||
50. For MS CRM users, only the first 21 existing MS CRM opportunities were being displayed in the existing opportunities list on the "Create MS CRM Sales Opportunity" window. Now the first 200 are listed. [Build: 2.07] | ||
51. For API users, the DocFunctions.DocumentPrint method was returning error 2. [Build: 2.07] | ||
52. When applying changes to selected users, when customizing columns, publishing menus, etc would receive error similar to "Note, the user '<Outside Sales>' does not have View rights for the menu item 'test2' that you have selected to apply to this user!". In this case the error message would reference users that you did not select. [Build: 2.07] | ||
53. When printing from the Preview window, you can now specify the page range to print. This issue was introduced in v5.1 Build 1. [Build: 2.07] | ||
54. For SalesLogix users, now the software is renamed to "Infor CRM" so it was not detecting SalesLogix as running when it was. [Build: 2.10] | ||
55. For Etilize users, When pulling a part number through Etilize (sample part number - "01-SSC-0215"), the picture shows in the Etilize panel, but if the part is added to the quote, an error appears at the bottom of QuoteWerks saying that it can't find the product database "{vendor name}" where it lists the name of the vendor chosen in Etilize. The image does not display in the Picture Preview window or on the quote that is created. [Build: 2.10] | ||
56. Medic Utility error. The QuoteWerks Backend DLL initialized is not for version 5.1 of QuoteWerks. It appears to be for version 5.2. [Build: 2.10] | ||
57. The SelectAll and Deselect all buttons on the Print Window for Literature, Spec Sheets, and File Links were not working. [Build: 2.13] | ||
58. When Word merging some line shapes had arrows displayed on the end even though the word document did not have that option set. [Build: 2.13] | ||
59. When using the Reporting option to export to a CSV file, quotation characters (character #34) are now doubled up. [Build: 2.13] | ||
60. For SalesLogix 8.1 and earlier version users, the changes made to detect if Infor CRM was running caused issues with these earlier versions still named SalesLogix. [Build: 2.13] | ||
61. For Autotask users, Inactive Labor items will no longer be retrieved from Autotask from a Product Lookup search. [Build: 2.25] | ||
62. For Autotask users, there was an issue when creating Service Items in Autotask. Service Items would always be created as Charge Items. [Build: 2.25] | ||
63. For Autotask users, from the Save Window, if you were in 'offline' mode, the 'Create New Account Note(s)' option would still be enabled. [Build: 2.25] | ||
64. For salesforce.com users, when copying date or date time/information into a salesforce.com field that was a text type field, the time information would be stripped and the date would be reformatted as "YYYY-MM-DD". [Build: 2.25] | ||
65. In the Medic Utility, when using the Utilities -> System Database Setup, would receive error "Item cannot be found in the collection..." [Build: 2.25] | ||
66. When a SQL hosted Remote installation of QuoteWerks is in the middle of a synchronization and the network connection is lost, when restarting QuoteWerks the error "Error, no records found in SecurityAccounts table!" could be received. Changes have been made. Now the records from the table SecurityAccounts are copied into the SecurityAccounts_BACKUP_DataOnly table immediately before all the records are deleted out of SecurityAccounts in preparation to receive the newer records from the master installation. When QuoteWerks starts, if it detects that there are no SecurityAccounts records, it checks to see if it is a Remote installation and checks to see if the SecurityAccounts_BACKUP_DataOnly table exists. If both conditions are true then it restores the SecurityAccounts data back to the pre-synchronization version. At this point the user can log back into QuoteWerks and run the synchronization process again. [Build: 2.25] | ||
67. When performing a Microsoft Word Merge with picture macros, the picture would appear using the original dimensions of the picture. The image will now obey the bounders of the container of the macro such as a Table Cell Width or the size of the page itself if the image is not inserted into a bounded section. [Build: 2.25] | ||
68. For API users, calling the DocFunctions.DocumentPrint method and passing an empty "" printer name parameter, QuoteWerks was prompting for a printer selection instead of printing to the default printer. [Build: 2.25] | ||
69. The Auto-Links window was not being populated when QuoteWerks was set up to use MS CRM as the Contact Manager. [Build: 2.25] | ||
70. For Autotask Users, when the Autotask Product Item Name Mapping was not ManufacturerPartNumber, an error could occur when attempting to use an existing Autotask Service Item when creating/updating an Autotask Quote. [Build: 4] | ||
71. When using the OpenICEcat integration to retrieve product information for "Lenovo" products, a message would be returned stating "Real-time Product Content not available" and the content would not be returned from OpenICEcat. [Build: 4] | ||
72. Using the Recent Templates feature, after 9 different templates were used would get Run-time error '35600': Index out of bounds. [Build: 4] | ||
73. On the SYNNEX online ordering End User tab, the Clear button did not clear the fax number. [Build: 4] | ||
74. On the main QuoteWerks window in the status bar area, the section that would display, for example, "Ln 1/9" that displayed the total lines in the quote and the current line number the cursor was in would become invisible after closing a quote and would not appear again until QuoteWerks was restarted. [Build: 4] | ||
75. For Act for Web users, Error in CreateOrUpdateACTForWebActivity() retrieving Activity Details! Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Issue Introduced in v5.1 Build 2.25. [Build: 4] | ||
76. For GoldMine users, when a record was owned by a Group and the record was completely curtained, QuoteWerks would not return this record in a contact search result even if the logged in user was a member of the Group that owned the record. [Build: 4] | ||
77. For salesforce.com users would receive Fault Code (QWSALESFORCE_UNKNOWN) not valid for the type xsd:double, when trying to populate salesforce.com number fields with QuoteWerks macro fields that contained the currency symbol using the DataLink. [Build: 4] | ||
78. When the Printer Setup in the layout file (FPC file) was set to Legal size paper and a PDF was generated from this, the PDF page size would be letter size, not legal size. With this fix, the the Legal Paper size under the Printer Setup of the layout file must be re-selected and saved to fix this issue. [Build: 4] | ||
79. If a PDF file page size is legal and a printer is selected that does not have a legal paper tray, the printer will prompt you to insert legal size paper. [Build: 4] | ||
80. When merging word documents and converting the output to a PDF file, sometimes Arial font would be swapped for Times Roman font and some text would get overlapped. [Build: 4] | ||
81. When printing, the printer color selection of color or black and white is now being obeyed. [Build: 4] | ||
82. When printing the paper source selection is now being obeyed. [Build: 4] | ||
83. Issue with determining SQL Server version for SQL Server 2012 for the "CU" cumulative update notation like "SQL Server 2012 (SP3-CU1)". [Build: 4] | ||
84. If a document was already open by a user on the system and another user tried to open that same quote by double-clicking on a linked document in a CRM, or by double-clicking directly on a DTF file, you would receive a notice that the file was already open but would not get the options to [Open as Ready only copy]. [Build: 4] | ||
85. Tooltips were incorrect for the Move up and Move down print selection buttons on the Print window. [Build: 4] | ||
86. For salesforce.com users, when updating a salesforce.com opportunity with products and currencies were turned on for the product database, would receive error "error 76 Pricebook currency code mismatch". [Build: 4] | ||
87. For customers with the comma as the decimal separator, the numbers on the payments frame on the Sale Info tab of the Quote WorkBook would be displayed incorrectly. [Build: 4.14] | ||
88. When synchronizing product databases and choosing not to synchronize a specific product database, the DataSource record was still getting updated. [Build: 4.14] | ||
89. Print layout text fields will now like TaxCode will not print a value in the print layout if the line type is a comment line, since in the Quote WorkBook grid this field is blanked out. [Build: 4.14] | ||
90. The "Totals for selected items" display when no line items were selected was not taking into account the "Include First payment" option for recurring line items or recurring groups. Also when a recurring line item is selected that has the "Include First payment" option set, the amount will be included in the "Totals for selected items" display, also when a Recurring Group Header line is set. [Build: 4.14] | ||
91. When printing and a part number references a spec sheet that is stored outside of the \QuoteWerks folder, it would print fine the first time you selected it, but then subsequently on the Print window it would indicate the spec sheet was missing. [Build: 4.14] | ||
92. On the File->Duplicate window, when you select a Document Type, it was not defaulting the DocStatus to the default setting for the DocStatus for a new document of that Document Type. [Build: 4.14] | ||
93. On the Literature tab of the Print Window, when choosing to Insert Literature File and the file already existed in the Literature would encounter error 13. [Build: 4.14] | ||
94. On the Preview window, starting on page 1 and clicking on the [Next] button would skip to page 3. [Build: 4.14] | ||
95. When printing in landscape mode, the printer was being told to print in portrait, resulting in the printer asking for a custom paper size. Issue introduced in v5.1 Build 4.00 [Build: 4.14] | ||
96. While editing an FPC layout file that was set to landscape mode, if you re-opened it, it would display the rules in portrait mode and also when printing it, it would print in portrait, ignoring the landscape selection. Any FPC files that were saved that experienced this issue will need to be re-opened, to reselect the Printer Setup and choose landscape and save the FPC file to correct the issue. [Build: 4.14] | ||
97. For QuoteValet Web users, users with the security right "CannotUseQuoteValetLicense" were not available to QuoteValet Web for historical reporting purposes. [Build: 4.14] | ||
98. When emailing a quote from the preview window, it was not obeying the Tools->My Preferences options for "Merge Literature with primary quote PDF", "Merge Spec Sheets with primary quote PDF", or "Merge File Link with primary quote PDF". Note that the preview will be a preview of all the items merged into a single PDF, but when you email from this window, it will separate out the PDF files in the email attachments area. [Build: 4.14] | ||
99. On the Print window, when the Primary layout was unselected so that no Primary Layouts were selected the "Primary" tab would still show "Primary [1]". [Build: 4.14] | ||
100. For Salesforce.com users, Inactive values for the Opportunity Stage Picklist on the opportunity save window were appearing. [Build: 4.14] | ||
101. For Salesforce.com users, when writing line items to the Opportunity, a status screen was not displaying the progress. [Build: 4.14] | ||
102. For Salesforce.com users, the setup option of "Update salesforce.com Opportunity name with Document name." was not being obeyed. [Build: 4.14] | ||
103. Error in Word Merge "The Field Name 'xxxx' specified in the DocumentItemsReturnFieldArrayIndex() function was not found." Introduced in v5.1 Build 4.14. [Build: 4.15] | ||
104. During the node installation, the Start menu program group names of previous versions like QuoteWerks 4.8, QuoteWerks 4.9, and QuoteWerks 5.0 were getting left behind instead of being renamed to the current version of QuoteWerks being installed. This has been improved, but if newer and older data still exist, manual cleanup will be required. [Build: 4.15] | ||
105. During the node installation, the Windows Uninstall entries were being left behind for older versions. [Build: 4.15] | ||
106. For Ingram Micro online ordering, choosing a Pricing Type that was not commercial was not displaying the "Government & Educational Details" frame. [Build: 4.21] | ||
107. When importing DTF files would receive "Error 3265 - Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal." about the DocumentItems.LineNumber field. [Build: 4.21] | ||
108. Would receive error "RowRef xin lookup table did not exist!" error when exporting a PO to QuickBooks Canada. [Build: 4.21] | ||
109. For QuickBooks users, when loading the Setup window for users with large numbers of Items in QuickBooks, like 85,000 items, could encounter Error 14 Out of String Space. [Build: 4.21] | ||
110. for salesforce.com users, when non-adminstrator users try and save products into the salesforce.com Opportunity would receive error: *Error adding product in opportunity! Fault Code (107). Unable to create/update fields: TotalPrice. Please check the security settings of this field and verify that it is read/write for your profile or permission set. This product will not be included in the salesforce.com Opportunity. [Build: 4.21] | ||
111. Error inserting a document using the File->Insert Document menu. Error in GetDynNumFld, field = LineNumberActual' Error (3265) Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal. Also error in UI_InitializeWorkBookGrid. [Build: 4.21] | ||
112. When using the &LineNumberActual field in a print layout received error "The ValueName '&LineNumberActual' was not found in DHGetEx() or ReturnSystemMacro() [Build: 4.21] | ||
113. If a quote was saved and then uploaded to QuoteValet, and then closed without any more changes, the DTF file was not being re-saved. This would cause issues when the "Look for synchronized data in dtf files" option was set on the Synchronization tab of the Tools->Options menu. Combined with the Daylight savings time change, it would appear that the older DTF file was newer resulting in the quote from the database being replaced with a version of the quote that did not have the QuoteValetDocumentID saved into it, so the QuoteValet tab would be disabled even though the quote had been uploaded to QuoteValet. After applying this fix you will need to choose the Utilities->Rebuild CM Transport files to rebuild all the DTF files with current data from the database. Also QuoteWerks now checks for if the QuoteValetDocumentID exists in the database, but not in the DTF, in which case it will now prevent you from replacing the database when attempting to replace the database record with the data from the DTF file which prevents you from updating the database record with the data from the DTF file. [Build: 4.23] | ||
114. When opening a quote would sometimes receive error like "Error opening recordset in ConnOpenRecordset(): Error (-2147217900) Incorrect syntax near 'A26DDA8F4DF6963FE629216E7534'. adoConnState=1 SQL=SELECT DocNo, ID FROM DocumentHeaders WHERE RecGUID=6979A26DDA8F4DF6963FE629216E7534" [Build: 4.22] | ||
115. Error in GetDynTextFld, field = QuoteValetDocumentID' when merging remote documents. [Build: 4.24] | ||
116. When right clicking and choosing Append paste on a Native Product database grid when the product database does not have the option to show all products and there are no products currently displayed in the grid, would receive Run-time error '3705': Operation is not allowed when the object is open. This issue was introduced in v5.0 build 4.08. [Build: 4.30] | ||
117. For salesforce.com users in regions where the comma is the decimal separator would receive error Fault Code (QWSALESFORCE_UNKNOWN). '[UNITPRICE]' is not valid for the type xsd:double when creating/updating the salesforce.com opportunity. [Build: 4.30] | ||
118. When using the DocFunctions.DocumentPrint API and passing the parameter of qwPrint and specifying a Printer name, QuoteWerks was prompting to confirm the printer selection instead of silently printing.
[Build: 4.30] | ||
119. The DocumentItems.LineNumber field was still in the database that was installed when installing a fresh copy of QuoteWerks, even though the LineNumber database field was removed in v5.1 Build 3.00. [Build: 4.33] | ||
120. For salesforce.com users, if the decimal separator for fractional numbers was a comma, then when updating an opportunity the close probability would be multiplied by 10. [Build: 4.33] | ||
121. For Tech Data Europe Real-time users (Including Tech Data UK/Computer 2000), an error regarding XML formatting was received when requesting pricing and availability. [Build: 4.33] | ||
122. When pressing the down arrow key while on the last row of the quote, after having used the F2 look on any cell in that row, if you changed the data in the cell before pressing the down arrow key, then changes would not be retained. [Build: 6.03] | ||
123. For Product Content Subscribers, when double-clicking on the Vendor Name on the Etilize Panel when selecting to add a product during setup to a Configuration Container, Required Item Set, or Bundle, QuoteWerks could close unexpectedly. [Build: 6.03] | ||
124. For Etilize users, the character +- was being displayed as ± [Build: 6.03] | ||
125. For salesforce.com users, using the Utilities->Merge Remote Documents with the "DTF files updated or added since last merge." option and the "Download attachments from salesforce.com" option checked no files would be downloaded. [Build: 6.03] | ||
126. Outlook 2016 64-bit no longer writes the bitness value into the 32-bit registry key causing the following error message to display when it should not "Error, when checking if Outlook is 32-bit or 64-bit, the registry key 'Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Outlook\Bitness' was not found!" [Build: 6.03] | ||
127. For salesforce.com users, in v5.1 build 3.16i - build 4.33, when opening a quote or dbl-clicking on a dtf file link and the option to "Look for synchronized data" is checked, and the document in the database was found to be older than the contents of the dtf file, would receive a series of errors including "An error occurred in the SaveDocumentToDTFFileEx function." and "while processing a dtf file, an attempt to create a document backup ... failed". [Build: 6.03] | ||
128. For Autotask users, when converting a quote to an order and an Autotask opportunity was linked to the quote and an Autotask Quote was created for the opportunity, the Autotask Quote was not getting updated with the current line item information in the QuoteWerks order. [Build: 6.03] | ||
129. For Autotask users, when QuoteWerks saved a quote in Autotask and a Product or Service Line was on the QuoteWerks Quote with a blank Description, a Run-time error 91 occur. [Build: 6.03] | ||
130. For MS CRM users, when creating a follow up call in MS CRM, the UserName for the call was defaulting to the first name in the list instead of the logged in MS CRM users. [Build: 6.03] | ||
131. In the layout designer the ToCurrency() function used in a formula was not handling decimal places correctly. A number like 121.03, when passed into it, like ToCurrency(121.03,2), would output 121.30 instead of 121.03. [Build: 6.03] | ||
132. When using a dialog field with a print layout and cancelling the dialog field input window an error would occur. [Build: 6.03] | ||
133. For D&H online ordering users, when obtaining real-time pricing and availability would receive errors like "The AssignedID of "BLS8G4D240FSA" from the PARTNUM node of the xml returned from D&H does not match the .VendorPartNumber of the "GAH170MDS3H" at ordinal position 1 in the ordereditems collection.
iParseError=0 [Build: 6.03] | ||
134. For Dell Premier Customers, When placing an online order with Dell, if an Amex card was used to pay for the order, would receive an error message about credit card length. [Build: 6.03] | ||
135. For Windows 10 users, the Register Online option on the License Manager window was not working. [Build: 6.05] | ||
136. On installations rehosted to SQL many years ago, when v5.1 Build 6.01 - 6.06 was installed, in some cases, would receive error "INIFileName was empty for user..." when starting QuoteWerks. User that install v5.1 Build 6.07 that have not installed build 6.01 - 6.06 will no longer receive this error. Any users that installed v5.1 Build 6.01 - 6.06 that experience this issue will need to contact technical support for assistance. [Build: 6.07] | ||
137. On the Payment options display on the Sale Info tab, changes to the recurring amounts on the quote did not update the "[plus $ monthly] amounts" on the "Credit Card" or "Terms" purchase options. [Build: 6.07] |
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