QuoteWerks Update Center
Version 4.0 Summary
628 New, 465 Fixes, and 230 Miscellaneous features | ||
New Features - Version 4.0 | ||
1. New SQL backend offered in the new Corporate Edition. This edition will have a Utilities|Rehost
backend to SQL menu. This will create a QuoteWerks database and tables on a Microsoft SQL server. When the rehost is complete, simply restart QuoteWerks and you will be running QuoteWerks on a MS SQL backend. [Build: 1] See a screenshot/video of this feature | ||
2. In Corporate Edition, added new Utilties|Sync menu. This feature is used to copy data from a master network installation to a remote laptop installation. The feature requires a network connection and copies all data except for the documents from a QuoteWerks master install to a remote install. [Build: 1] | ||
3. In Corporate Edition, added feature to copy all security information from a SQL Server master installation to an access backend security.mdb file. [Build: 1] | ||
4. The PC industry edition is now called the Professional Edition, and includes the Peachtree link, QuickBooks link, and Open Export module. [Build: 1] | ||
5. For Standard Edition and Professional Edition, the Access 97 database backend has been upgraded to Access 2002 database backend which has improved record locking performance. [Build: 1] | ||
6. In Professional and Corporate Editions only, you can link to any product database source such as Microsoft SQL tables and views, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Excel, or any ODBC or OLEDB compliant data sources. [Build: 1] See a screenshot/video of this feature | ||
7. A new real-time live link to the QuickBooks product database enables you to search the QuickBooks product database real-time for products and services to use in your quote. Current availability for inventory items is displayed too (Professional/Corporate Editions only). [Build: 1] See a screenshot/video of this feature | ||
8. A new real-time live link to the salesforce.com price book enables you to search the salesforce.com product databases real-time for products and services to use in your quote (Professional/Corporate Editions only). [Build: 1] See a screenshot/video of this feature | ||
9. There no longer is a limit of 200 maximum product databases, you can have as many product databases as you need. [Build: 1] | ||
10. You can now insert JPEG formatted pictures (in addition to BMP formatted pictures) into the print layouts and report layouts. [Build: 1] | ||
11. Increased maximum number of line items in any single quote/order/invoice to 600. Previously the limit was 300. [Build: 1] See a screenshot/video of this feature | ||
12. New QuoteWerks Launcher app makes it easier to choose on-the-fly which QuoteWerks installation you want to use to open a quote when double-clicking on the dtf file or launching from a contact manager. This is most useful when QuoteWerks is installed on both a laptop and the network. Prior to this Launcher support, the last installed copy of QuoteWerks was the installation that would be used to open the document. [Build: 1] See a screenshot/video of this feature | ||
13. Multi-language spell checker supporting 14 languages including custom dictionary/word support. Also now, if no text is selected, the entire text will be spell checked, and if some text is selected, then only that text will be spell checked. [Build: 1] See a screenshot/video of this feature | ||
14. There are now separate city, state, and postal code fields in addition to the address3 field for quotes, contacts, and vendors. [Build: 1] See a screenshot/video of this feature | ||
15. The QuoteWerks contact records now store more information with the contact record such as terms, tax rate, mobile #, AccountingCustomerID and website. [Build: 1] | ||
16. Products/Services in the product databases can now be associated with more than one folder. Also, when editing the product, on the Advanced tab, the full path of all the folders that the product is in will be displayed. [Build: 1] | ||
17. Added new File|Save As Next Revision menu. This feature will auto-number (either alpha or numeric) your revisions, and will automatically update your contact manager links to redirect them to your latest revision. Previous revisions can be kept. They can be searched for, however they are not reflected in reports as previous revisions will have been superceeded by the current revision. A history of all previous and newer can be viewed with the new View|Document Revisions menu. [Build: 1] See a screenshot/video of this feature | ||
18. When converting a quote to an order, or quote/order to invoice, the details of the conversion such as the date/time of the conversion, the source document number, and the logged in user that performed the conversion are now logged and stored with the document. If you have chosen the option to preserve the quote, this quote is also updated with the converted date, and document number of the order. [Build: 1] | ||
19. When converting a quote to order, or quote/order to invoice, and you have chosen the option to preserve the existing quote/order, the doc status of the existing quote/order will be updated with a docs status such as "Closed" that you can specify. [Build: 1] | ||
20. Support for 15 volume costing levels, so you can setup your cost to be different based on the quantity of the item that you are selling. [Build: 1] See a screenshot/video of this feature | ||
21. Increased volume pricing levels from 10 levels to 15 levels. [Build: 1] | ||
22. Added new cost modifier column on the document items tab. This enables you to base your cost column as a discount from the list column. [Build: 1] See a screenshot/video of this feature | ||
23. The cost of products can now be based on the list price of the product such as a discount from list price. [Build: 1] | ||
24. Items that use the Pricing based on Volume or customer price levels now support the ability to use price modifiers for each of the price levels in addition to a static or fixed numeric price. This enables the price levels to be based on cost the list price of the product. [Build: 1] | ||
25. In the product lookup window, there are now sub folders for Tech Data that include a unique list of manufacturers, and a 3 level deep category folders that when clicked on will display the products from the manufacturer or category selected. [Build: 1] | ||
26. In the product lookup window, there are now sub folders for Ingram Micro that include a unique list of manufacturers, and a 3 level deep category folders that when clicked on will display the products from the manufacturer or category selected. [Build: 1] | ||
27. In the product lookup window, for QuoteWerks native product databases, there is now a (Manufacturers) folder that automatically lists all the unique manufacturers contained in the product database, and when a manufacturer folder is clicked on, only the products made by that manufacturer will be displayed. [Build: 1] | ||
28. There is now a Spec Sheets tab on the File|Print window that contains a list of all the spec sheets avaiable for the products in the quote. On this tab, you can choose which spec sheets you want to print with the quote. You can also double-click on a spec sheet in the list to view/modify it. There is also a new setting under the Tools|My Prefences menu to set per user if by default you want to print all or print no spec sheets. [Build: 1] See a screenshot/video of this feature | ||
29. The Literature tab on the File|Print window now supports multi-level folders to organize your literature. [Build: 1] | ||
30. The literature and spec sheets that you choose to include in the quote are now saved with the quote so that the next time you open the quote, those literature and spec sheets will be remebered and pre-selected for you. [Build: 1] | ||
31. When selecting the option to print multiple purchase orders, you will now be prompted with a window that lets you choose which vendors you want to print the purchase orders for. Additionally, if you have selected to preview the purchase orders, they will be previewed one after the other. As each po is previewed, you will now have the ability to look through all the pages in the po whereas before, you could only see the
first page. [Build: 1] See a screenshot/video of this feature | ||
32. When printing documents, if any spec sheets or literature files included with the document are in pdf format, a dialog is now displayed that enables you to choose to print those pdf spec sheets and/or literature files by sending them to Adobe Acrobat to be printed. [Build: 1] | ||
33. 30% speed increase when importing product data from a text file source. [Build: 1] | ||
34. Purchase Order macros now include a macro for your vendors account number (&POVendorAccountNumber), your accounting software's id for the vendor (&POVendorAccountingID), Terms (&POVendorTerms) and SalesRep (&POVendorSalesRep). So, when printing purchase orders, the terms that you have established with your vendor will automatically print along with your vendor's account number and salesrep. [Build: 1] | ||
35. Added DocumentHeader macro fields &SoldToAddress and &SoldToFullAddress that will combine the 3 address fields and the city,state, and postal code and remove any blank lines. Also added Address and FullAddress components to the &ShipTo, and &POVendor counterparts. [Build: 1] | ||
36. The node installation now has the option to install shortcuts for all users on the machine, or only the logged in user. [Build: 1] | ||
37. A feature to delete a native product database file. [Build: 1] | ||
38. More fields on the File|Open window and others now have lookup lists and date selection windows. [Build: 1] | ||
39. Added new API method Application.GetUserINIFileName() to return the ini file name for the specified user. [Build: 1] | ||
40. Added new API method Application.SetStatusBarMessage() to allow api developers to display status messages in the QuoteWerks status bar. [Build: 1] | ||
41. Added new API method Application.GetMacro() to return a QuoteWerks macro like cover page macros, report macros, etc. [Build: 1] | ||
42. Added a new site.ini option, under the [Defaults] section, the DocDueDate ini key={Empty} will cause the DocDueDate on the Sale Info tab for new documents to stay empty instead of defaulting to a date or calculated date. This new option is useful in the example when it is left blank, and exporting the document to QuickBooks, the terms field can be used to have QuickBooks automatically calculate this due date date. [Build: 1] | ||
43. The importing/synchronizing of dtf files received by QuoteWerks by double-clicking on a contact manager linked document, or double-clicking on a dtf file is not longer affected by the "Look for Synchronized data" option. QuoteWerks will now always attempt to import/synchronize dtf files provided to it in this manner. [Build: 1] | ||
44. On Product|Lookup window, added new right click menu "Insert item into quote" for inserting instead of adding. [Build: 1] | ||
45. Added Memo text field DocumentHeaders.IntegrationData to be used by 3rd party integrated applications to store their data in a QuoteWerks quote. [Build: 1] | ||
46. Added filter operator of "Ends with" for creating management report filters. [Build: 1] | ||
47. Added new column auto-size to fit icon on the product lookup window. [Build: 1] | ||
48. The Medic Utility now has a Utilities|System Database Setup when using the SQL backend for QuoteWerks. This menu enables you to modify SQL server connection settings such as server name, database, name, user id, etc. [Build: 1] | ||
49. Added new File|Save As Template menu to simplify creating document templates. [Build: 1] | ||
50. You can now set per product data source if you want to show all records in the database when first selecting the product database. [Build: 1] | ||
51. Added &ProfitPercent macro to DocumentHeaders table. [Build: 1] | ||
52. Added new API event BeforePreviewAction. This enables developers to intercept when a user is on the preview window, and chooses to print, email, save to a file, etc. [Build: 1] | ||
53. When creating a new GoldMine opportunity from within QuoteWerks, the owner of the opportunity will now be based on the user selected for the forecast instead of always being the user that is logged into GoldMine. [Build: 1] | ||
54. The product price history columns can now be sorted on the fly by clicking on the column heading. [Build: 1] | ||
55. When adding bundle items, required items, and configuration items, the sort order field is now automatically set to the next highest increment of 10. [Build: 1] | ||
56. Custom menus will now obey the security settings for hiding these menus. [Build: 1] | ||
57. After updating the exchange rate list, you no longer have to restart QuoteWerks for the changes to take effect. [Build: 1] | ||
58. Added UnitOfPricing key under the System section of the site.ini to specify an alternative default unit of pricing and unit of measure other than "ea". [Build: 1] | ||
59. DocumentHeaders->SoldToPONumber field length increased from 20 to 30. [Build: 1] | ||
60. Added new access right "CannotDeleteDocuments". When a user has this right, they cannot delete any documents, including their own. [Build: 1] | ||
61. Added "Close" toolbar button on the Print Preview window. [Build: 1] | ||
62. Added the computer machine name to the event.log and error.log log file entries. [Build: 1] | ||
63. The AfterSaveDocument API event now returns more return codes that indicate if a salesforce.com create/update opportunity window was canceled during the save. [Build: 1] | ||
64. System information is now displayed on a new System tab of the Help|About menu. [Build: 1] | ||
65. The QuickBooks export list is now sorted by DocDate. [Build: 1] | ||
66. When import xml files from the File|Import Document menu, you can now archive the .xml file. [Build: 1] | ||
67. Added a Vendor column to the results of the Find Quoted Item window. [Build: 1] | ||
68. On the QuickBooks link "Select sales tax item name" window, the tax rate from the quote is now displayed. [Build: 1] | ||
69. SQL command error window now displays sql command in a scrollable text box. This enables user to copy and paste the error data in order to email to support staff. [Build: 1] | ||
70. QuoteWerks now supports SalesLogix 6.2. [Build: 2] | ||
71. Increased the supported length for the Document Number (DocNo) from 12 to 20. [Build: 2] | ||
72. The print layout last selected when printing a specific document is now saved with the document so that next time you open the document and select File|Print, the print layout that you printed last time will be selected. This also applies when printing a quote, order, or invoice type layout. A separate last used layout will be stored for each document type for that document. [Build: 2] | ||
73. When importing products, you can now specify which line of the import file you want to start importing from. This is useful for when the first line of data in the import file contains the column titles of the data, you can now not import that line. [Build: 2] | ||
74. When importing products, added a new import option that only updates existing products and if an existing product is not found, then nothing is done for that product. [Build: 2] | ||
75. When creating management reports, old revision documents where automatically filtered out so you could not report on them. Now, if you specify a filter for the DocumentHeaders.Superceeded field in the filter, the report will obey whatever setting you specify. Set the filter to Superceeded<>0 to only include old revisions in the results, or set the filter to Superceeded=0 to only include the current revision. [Build: 2] | ||
76. For customers using the USA tax system, added new global "Shipping Is Taxable" option on the Installation tab of the Tools|Options menu. When checked any shipping amount will be subject to the tax rate specified in the document. [Build: 2] | ||
77. Added new cover page macros &DH_&SoldToAddress, &DH_&SoldToFullAddress, &DH_ShipToAddress, &DH_&ShipToFullAddress, &DH_ShipVia [Build: 2] | ||
78. In the contact lookup for the QuoteWerks contact database, there is now a "contains" operator search used when searching by company name. [Build: 2] | ||
79. Added site.ini key BundleItemQuantityDisplayFormat under the [System] section. When set to 1, the quantity of the bundled item will not be displayed at the beginning of the description for that bundled item like "(2) Speakers" when printing the document. [Build: 2] | ||
80. Added a refresh button to the File|Open window. This re-runs the search using the same filter crtieria. Useful when you have opened a quote from the list, made a change, saved the quote and then have come back to the File|Open window, clicking on Refresh will update that quotes data in the grid. [Build: 2] | ||
81. In the backend api (qw4.dll) the Installations.Installation.Licensing.Licenses collection now fully populates with all the licensing information for the installation. [Build: 2] | ||
82. When saving a new document the Document name is always blank and you need to type in a name. Many people type in the company name, date, and a brief description of the document. Now there is a new feature that you can customize to automatically default the document name to the company name and today's date! Customize this on the Document tab of the Tools|Options menu. [Build: 2] | ||
83. On the Notes tab of the quote workbook, the Introduction Notes, Closing Notes, PO Notes, and Internal Notes all have a zoom button now that enables you to view and edit the text in a full screen window. Also when Editing a product from the Product Lookup window there are zoom buttons for the Description and CustomMemo01 and CustomMemo02. [Build: 3] | ||
84. In the Document Purge Wizard added new date filter options for "DocDate after", "Last Modified after", and "Created after". Also the preview results of the filter are now sorted by the most relevant field. [Build: 3] | ||
85. Added macro &DI_&Line1Manufacturer. [Build: 3] | ||
86. Support for QuickBooks 2005 has been added. [Build: 4] | ||
87. The tab names of the quote workbook can now be renamed by holding down the CTRL key and double-clicking on the tab name. The original tab names can be viewed when selecting the View tab of the Tools|My Preferences menu. [Build: 4] | ||
88. Added additional fields CustomText11, CustomText12,CustomText13,CustomText14,CustomText15, and CustomText16 to the Custom tab of the quote workbook. [Build: 4] | ||
89. For Corporate edition users that have rehosted to MS SQL, the Utilities|Sync feature has been improved. Now, when rolling out data to a remote install you can choose which data to rollout. Previously all data except the quotes/orders/invoices was automatically rolled out. For example, you can choose to rollout Bundle data, but not configuration data. [Build: 4] | ||
90. When exporting documents to QuickBooks, there is now a new option to specify the class name for the QuickBooks estimate/invoice by retrieving this class name value from a field in the QuoteWerks document like the SoldToPriceProfile field. [Build: 4] | ||
91. The File|Duplicate feature now has an option to let you set the DocStatus of the document. This is especially useful for QuickBooks users since documents that have already been exported to QuickBooks have a DocStatus value set to "Exported" and when duplicating, this can now be changed. [Build: 4] | ||
92. Added the macros &DH_&SalesRepPhone, &DH_&SalesRepFax, &DH_&SalesRepTitle, &DH_&SalesRepEmail for the cover page. [Build: 4] | ||
93. The manufacturer auto folder on the Product Lookup window now has different icons to differentiate it from the other static folders. [Build: 4] | ||
94. Added option on the Misc tab of the Tools|My Preferences menu to "Enable double-click to bring up F2 Lookup on Document Items grid." [Build: 4] | ||
95. The "Show SQL" checkbox is now available again (it used to be in version 3.0) on the Product Lookup window. Advanced users can use it to manually edit SQL queries used to search for the products. [Build: 4] | ||
96. The result window of the Tools|Find Quoted Item feature now displays a column that lists the value that was found by using the search. This is useful when doing a search like ManufacturerPartNumber Begins with MOB. This will return a list of all matches and with this newly added column you will be able to see the full part number that was found. [Build: 4] | ||
97. In the site.ini file under the [AutoRun] section, the AutoRunX keys now allow you to specify what the window state should be when running an external application. For example, AutoRun1=c:\program files\Our App\qwapp.exe,6. The second parameter is the window state parameter. 0=Hide,1=NormalFocus,2=MinimizedFocus,3=MaximizedFocus,4=NormalNoFocus,6=MinimizedNoFocus [Build: 4] | ||
98. For salesforce.com users, when an existing document is linked to a salesforce.com opportunity and a different sold to contact is selected, you are now prompted to keep the link to the existing opportunity instead of it automatically being unlinked. [Build: 4] | ||
99. Added an ini setting to set a default name for a GoldMine Sales Opportunity when creating one from QuoteWerks. The key is OpportunityName under the [Preferences] section of the {UserINIFile}. [Build: 4] | ||
100. Better detection of SalesLogix attachments folder location including support for the location being only a Windows share (with no child folder). Also more debugging information was added to make it easier to detect the various SalesLogix Network user, remote user, remote database, main database configurations. [Build: 4] | ||
101. When performing the "Rebuild CM Transport Files" process, for salesforce.com users there is now an option to "Upload to salesforce.com after rebuild". This option is required when users have upgraded from QuoteWerks 3.0 to QuoteWerks 4.0. The dtf files are located in the QuoteWerks \DTF folder and when integrating with salesforce.com, a copy is uploaded to salesforce.com, so after the upgrade, the old QuoteWerks 3.0 files are still hosted by salesforce.com. This causes a problem since QuoteWerks 3.0 dtf files are not compatible with QuoteWerks 4.0. This new feature will replace all the version 3.0 dtf files hosted at salesforce.com with the version 4.0 format. Another need for this feature is when upgrading between QuoteWerks editions since the License Key information changes and the DTF files created with the old License Key information will no longer by authorized to be accepted by the upgraded installation. [Build: 4] | ||
102. There is now a progress gauge displayed when rebuilding CM Transport (DTF) files. [Build: 4] | ||
103. Added new API method Application.RunCommandLineOption which can be used to run command line options while QuoteWerks is running, such as merging remote documents, open a document, etc. [Build: 4] | ||
104. Line item macros with names starting with "&DI_" are now available for use in the New Document Name macro on the Documents tab of the Tools|Options menu. [Build: 4] | ||
105. In the site.ini file under the [AutoRun] section, the AutoRunX keys now allow you to specify what the window state should be when running an external application. For example, AutoRun1=c:\program files\Our App\qwapp.exe,6. The second parameter is the window state parameter. 0=Hide,1=NormalFocus,2=MinimizedFocus,3=MaximizedFocus,4=NormalNoFocus,6=MinimizedNoFocus [Build: 4] | ||
106. When entering a license key into QuoteWerks, you can now copy the entire key and then paste it, instead of having to type in each segment of the license key. [Build: 4] | ||
107. The delete key can now be used to delete static product folders in the product lookup window. [Build: 4] | ||
108. QuoteWerks now integrates with ACT! 2005. New integration includes retrieving current contact information, searching the ACT! database by company, name, last name, and phone number to find a contact to pull into the quote. Also includes the creation of a document attachment under the ACT! Documents tab and supports the QuoteWerks DataLink feature. [Build: 6] | ||
109. Added support for the PictureFileName field when mapping fields to an external product data source. [Build: 6] | ||
110. Added ini setting GoldMineMaxSearchResultRecords under the [Contact Managers] section of the site.ini file. You can change this setting to enable QuoteWerks to return more than the default 20 max search result records. [Build: 6] | ||
111. Added new document sync feature available in the Professional and Corporate Editions. This feature lets any remote laptop or remote site installation synchronize documents in both directions with the master installation. The synchronization process is simple and only requires a network connection between the remote and the master installation. The synchronization wizard is found under the Utilities|Sync menu. [Build: 8] | ||
112. For Outlook users, you no longer have to respond to those irritating Outlook Security Warning messages! They are eliminated so they never come up again while using QuoteWerks. [Build: 8] | ||
113. The importing engine has been improved to handle very large import files exceeding 950,000 product records. [Build: 8] | ||
114. When importing new products into the product database, if a CostModifier or PriceModifier is imported, then QuoteWerks will use it to calculate the appropriate Cost, Price and List prices during the import process. Also when using the update existing products feature of the import, if any cost or price related fields are updated, QuoteWerks now recalculates the cost, price, and list fields for the product. [Build: 8] | ||
115. When importing new products or updating products in a product database, and you import Foreign pricing, the base pricing will now automatically be calculated during the import process. [Build: 8] | ||
116. When running the Utilities|Update Product Database local Currency Pricing feature it now recalculates updates the cost, price, and list values for products that have a Cost Modifier. [Build: 8] | ||
117. Added new Utilities|View Logs menu for viewing and deleting log files. [Build: 8] | ||
118. For ACT! 2005 users, you can now insert ACT! 2005 contact manager fields into print layouts so that when printed, they pull field information from ACT! 2005 and print that information in the layout. [Build: 8] | ||
119. Print layout formulas now support multiple lines, so that you can place formula code on different lines making the formula easier to read. [Build: 8] | ||
120. For GoldMine users that use the built-in QuoteWerks SMTP email feature, when emailing a quote/order/invoice the attachment is now saved in the \QuoteWerks\History\Email folder so that when you open up the sent email in GoldMine at a later date, the email attachment can be viewed. [Build: 10] | ||
121. If you use Outlook to send emails from QuoteWerks, the attachments in the emails are now saved to the \QuoteWerks\History\Email folder so that when you open up the sent email in Outlook at a later date, the email attachment can be viewed. [Build: 10] | ||
122. When QuoteWerks creates a PDF file, there is now an option to embed the fonts used into the pdf file so that the fonts will be correctly displayed even if the recipient of the pdf file does not have the fonts used when creating the pdf file. This option is under the Misc tab of the Tools | My Preferences menu. [Build: 10] | ||
123. The PDF file printing window now has a right click menu to individually view or print the pdf files. [Build: 10] | ||
124. When creating a report filter on a date/time combination field (such as Created, LastModified, RecLastModified, and ConvertedOn), when using the operator "less or equal" and only specifying the date portion, the results would non intuitively exclude results that matched the date, but not the time portion. For example if the filter was to include all quotes created or lastmodified less or equal to may 30th, any quotes modified laster 12:00am on May 30th would not be included in the results. [Build: 10] | ||
125. In reports for date/time combination fields (such as Created, LastModified, RecLastModified, and ConvertedOn), you can now format the field to display the time portion of the date/time field. [Build: 10] | ||
126. Added new command line option for logging into QuoteWerks. Now when you supply the /u: user login name parameter, you can use /u:&SYS_CMLoggedInUser to obtain the user login name from the user currently logged into GoldMine. You can also use /u:&SYS_WindowsLoggedInUser to obtain the user login name from the user currently logged into Windows. [Build: 10] | ||
127. Added new API method DocFunctions.PrintDocument to allow a 3rd party developer to automate QuoteWerks to open and then print, preview, email, fax quotes/orders/invoices, etc. [Build: 10] | ||
128. Need to store extra contact information in the quote? Now 3 sets of contact information can be stored - Sold To, Ship To, and Bill To. [Build: 11] | ||
129. Support for "Home Address" in outlook (in addition to Business Address). [Build: 11] | ||
130. Added support for the FOB field through the QuoteWerks Web Connector. [Build: 11] | ||
131. Added new Properties menu to Product Lookup folders right click menu which contains the folder ID of the folder. This is useful to know when importing products into folders. [Build: 11] | ||
132. On File|Print window when creating a new print layout, renaming a print layout, cloning a print layout, or choosing the layout will now be selected by default when the list of layouts is reloaded. [Build: 11] | ||
133. The Serial Number field is now available for display as a column on the product lookup window. [Build: 11] | ||
134. The TaxCode field was added to the list of fields that you can sort products by in the product lookup window. [Build: 11] | ||
135. For SalesLogix users "C" type "Support" users are now supported by QuoteWerks. [Build: 11] | ||
136. QuoteWerks now supports ACT! 2006. [Build: 12] | ||
137. For ACT! 2005/2006 users QuoteWerks now creates Sales Opportunities. [Build: 12] | ||
138. For ACT! 2005/2006 users we have added the ability to Create/Update Calls, Meetings, TODOs. The "Private Activity" option in the ACT 2004 integration is not available in ACT 2005/2006. [Build: 12] | ||
139. QuoteWerks now can create Sales Orders in QuickBooks in addition to Estimates and Invoices. This new feature is supported only in QuickBooks 2005 (USA edition), QuickBooks 2004 (USA edition), QuickBooks 2003 Release 7 and higher (USA edition), QuickBooks 2005 (Canadian edition), and QuickBooks 2004 (Canadian Edition). [Build: 12] | ||
140. Added new option "Keep the same numeric sequence and change document type designator." on the Installation tab of the Tools|Options menu. When converting quotes to orders, and then to invoices this option causes the same document number to be used for the quote, order and invoice with the exception that the document designator letter (Q, O, or I) in the document number will be changed depending upon the document type. This option only works if the "Quotes, Orders, and Invoices use different number sequences." option is unchecked. [Build: 12] | ||
141. Configuration flowcharts can now be printed! [Build: 12] | ||
142. Added a zoom and fit to page feature on the configuration flowchart setup window. [Build: 12] | ||
143. When cloning a configuration container, you can now choose if you want to clone the items in the container, the navigation links, the part number based links, the default link, etc. Your selections are also remembered for the next use. [Build: 12] | ||
144. When editing a configuration flowchart, you can now select multiple containers and/or links and delete or clone them all at once. [Build: 12] | ||
145. When editing a configuration selection container, the navigator items will now display the container they are setup to navigate to. [Build: 12] | ||
146. There is now an option on the Misc tab of the Tools|My Preferences menu to change the size of the link creation handle used when creating a link in the configuration flowchart [Build: 12] | ||
147. When searching for an ACT!, GoldMine, Outlook, SalesLogix, or salesforce.com contact from within QuoteWerks, the field that you last searched for will now be remembered so the next time that you perform the search you will not have to re-select it. [Build: 12] | ||
148. For Outlook users, added contact search options for Business phone number and Home phone number. [Build: 12] | ||
149. For Outlook users, added option to choose the Home or Business address as the default address that is retrieved when you click on the card button on the Sold to / Ship to tab. [Build: 12] | ||
150. Added support for the DocumentHeaders.CreatedBy field. Useful for reporting. [Build: 12] | ||
151. When setting up a native product database, there is now an option to "Auto-Generate dynamic '(Manufacturers)' folder.". This enables you to turn this feature on/off for each native product database. [Build: 12] | ||
152. When editing the configuration flowchart and clicking on the window X button to close, you will now be prompted to save the configuration. [Build: 12] | ||
153. Added &DH_ProjectNo as a macro for the cover page, literature and spec sheets. [Build: 12] | ||
154. On the File|Import window, the last Look in path is now remembered for next time. [Build: 12] | ||
155. On the Literature tab of the File|Print window, you can now double-click on a literature item to view it. [Build: 12] | ||
156. On the Misc tab of the Tools|My Preferences menu, there is a new option "Auto-close Print window when after previewing or printing." Unchecking this option is useful if you often edit a print layout and then want to preview it, and then go right back to editing the layout again. If this option is checked, the Print window will close after the preview forcing you to have to select the File|Print menu again. [Build: 12] | ||
157. When exporting documents to QuickBooks as Estimates which contained line items that had a discount or list price modifier ("D" or "L") and there was a cost amount for the line item, the cost amount is now used as the reference "Rate" amount on the Estimate. This amount is then in turn used when you manually convert the Estimate to a Purchase Order in QuickBooks. Previously since the Price was being calculated based on the List price, the List price was being sent to QuickBooks as the "Rate" amount. [Build: 12] | ||
158. When exporting an XML file using the Open Export Module, the last folder that you saved the file to will now be remembered for the next time. [Build: 12] | ||
159. In the Open Export Module, there now is a Destination tab where you can change the location and name of the files that are exported. [Build: 12] | ||
160. When exporting to QuickBooks, the Memo can now be fully customized. Previously it was hard coded to "Imported from QuoteWerks Doc# XXX (on YYY)" [Build: 12] | ||
161. Added Export shortut menu item to the QuickBooks export right click menu. [Build: 12] | ||
162. Added "Hide Bill to fields" option to the Installation tab of the Tools|Options menu. This is useful if you do not have a use for the bill to fields. [Build: 13] | ||
163. Added a [Clear fields] button to the Sold to /Ship to tab. Useful for clearing all the data out of the fields. [Build: 13] | ||
164. When editing a print layout and choose the File|Save As menu, the newly saved layout file will now appear in the list of print layouts. [Build: 13] | ||
165. QuoteWerks Corporate Edition now supports MS CRM v1.2. The integration includes: a) From within QuoteWerks you can search for a MS CRM contact or account and pull that information into the quote. b) The QuoteWerks DataLink feature can be used with MS CRM enabling you to retrieve information like Terms and shipping method from the MS CRM account or contact into the quote. c) QuoteWerks will create/update sales opportunities in MS CRM and will also close opportunities as Won or Lost. d) QuoteWerks will create/update a follow up call in MS CRM. e) When printing, QuoteWerks can retrieve data from MS CRM and include it in the printed output. [Build: 14] | ||
166. For users of the Corporate Edition of GoldMine, you can now search for a partial company name, last name or phone number. [Build: 14] | ||
167. QuickBooks 2006 is now supported. [Build: 14] | ||
168. GoldMine 7.0 is now supported. [Build: 14] | ||
169. For Canadian users, on the DocumentItems tab there is now a column for PST Tax and for GST Tax. Now you can see the GST and PST tax breakdown per line item in the quote. These columns can also be printed by adding the fields DocumentItems.&PSTTax and DocumentItems.&GSTTax to the print layout. [Build: 14] | ||
170. Added the QuoteWerks contact database field "Mobile" to the list of fields that can be pulled into the quote using the DataLink feature. [Build: 14] | ||
171. QuoteWerks macro fields like &DH_DocNo can now be used in the menuopts.add file. This enables you to create custom menus under the Tools menu that performs actions such as opening a document or running an external program. With the new macro field support you can for example pass the quote number of the currently open quote as a command line parameter of the external program like "c:\program files\apps\apiap.exe &DH_DocNo". [Build: 14] | ||
172. Added support for Bill To fields in the DataLink. [Build: 14] | ||
173. Double-clicking on a contact in the Contact Lookup window now selects the [Use for Sold To] button. [Build: 14] | ||
174. Using the API Event BeforeSaveDocument, you can now specify the DocNo to be used when saving a new document. [Build: 14] | ||
175. When creating a report filter on a date/time combination field (such as Created, LastModified, RecLastModified, and ConvertedOn), when using the operator "Equal To" and only specifying the date portion, the results would non intuitively exclude results that matched the date, but not the time portion. For example if the filter was to include all quotes converted on May 30th, only quotes converted at exactly midnight on May 30th would be included in the results. [Build: 14] | ||
176. On the Misc tab of the Advanced GoldMine Setup window (from the Contacts|Setup Contact Manager menu) there is now an option to set the maximum number of records to return when performing a GoldMine search for contacts. [Build: 14] | ||
177. When inserting a DocumentHeaders field into the print layout the LocalTax field will now be displayed as LocalTax (PST Tax) if the Canadian Tax option is enabled. [Build: 14] | ||
178. For Outlook users. Outlook has this behavior of setting the contact country to the country that you are in whenever you enter a new contact into Outlook and do not specify a country. There is now an option "Leave country blank if the country is:" on the Contacts|Setup Contact manager menu. Use this option to enter in the country name that you do not want to have pulled into QuoteWerks when you select the contact for use in the quote. For example, if you live in the United States of America you might not need to pull the country for the contact since you are in the same country as they are. [Build: 15] | ||
179. On the MS CRM follow up call window added F2 Lookup support for the Category and Sub-Category fields so that you can maintain a list of possible selectsion for those fields. [Build: 15] | ||
180. When using the QuickBooks link on the Create Item window, the item description is now displayed for reference. [Build: 15] | ||
181. When using the QuickBooks link on the Create Item window and creating an "Inventory Part", the last accounts used for Asset and COGS is now used as the default for the next item that is created. [Build: 15] | ||
182. On the Product Lookup window, you can now sort the columns by clicking on the column header in addition to selecting a field from the Sort By drop down. Not all fields are listed in the Sort By drop down, so by clicking on the column header you can sort by any field in the grid. You can also click a second time to reverse sort. [Build: 15] | ||
183. On the File|Open window, you can now now sort the columns by clicking on the column header in addition to selecting a field from the Sort By drop down. Not all fields are listed in the Sort By drop down, so by clicking on the column header you can sort by any field in the grid. You can also click a second time to reverse sort. [Build: 15] | ||
184. In the site.ini file under the [Addons] section, for the AutoRunX keys, there is now a macro named %ProgramFiles%. You can use this macro to refer to the "Program Files" folder path wherever it may be located. [Build: 15] | ||
185. The macro field %ProgramFiles% can now be used in the menuopts.add file. This enables you to create custom menus under the Tools menu that performs actions such as opening a document or running an external program. With this new macro field the program could be installed on a different drive letter on different machines. Using the %ProgramFiles% macro will determine what drive the "Program Files" are on and will supply the correct path. For example you can start an external program like "%program files%\CustomApp\apiap.exe". [Build: 15] | ||
186. For API users, added the 3rdPartyLinkName and 3rdPartyLinkDescription keys under the [Contact Managers] section of the site.ini. Setting these values will cause the (None) contact manager setting under the Contacts|Setup Contact Manager menu to instead display the name of the contact management link you have created like "Our CRM (3rd party). The 3rdPartyLinkDescription key lets you enter in text describing the features of the link and will be displayed on the Setup Contact Manager window. [Build: 15] | ||
187. On the Layout tab of the File|Print window, pressing F5 while on the layouts list will re-load the list of layouts. This is useful if you have copied a new layout into the QuoteWerks installation while QuoteWerks was running. Similarly this also works for the Cover Page tab and the Literature tab. [Build: 15] | ||
188. Under the Reports menu pressing F5 while on the reports list will re-load the list of reports. This is useful if you have copied a new report into the QuoteWerks installation while QuoteWerks was running. [Build: 15] | ||
189. Under the File|Open menu, pressing F5 while on the documents list will re-load the list of documents. This is useful if you or a colleague have opened one of the documents and have saved changes that would affect whether or not the document should still be in the list based on the filtering and sorting. [Build: 15] | ||
190. The Edit|Convert to Group menu now has a keyboard shortcut CTRL-G. [Build: 15] | ||
191. Added the "Check for in-use documents" checkbox on the Installation tab of the Tools|Options menu. When this is checked, QuoteWerks will not let you open a document that is currently open by another user on the network. Since this feature requires extra database queries there will be a small performance decrease so this feature has been added as an option. [Build: 16] | ||
192. Added new API method "DocFunctions.DocumentInUseBy". You can use this method to check to see if a particular document is in use by anyone including other users on the network. [Build: 16] | ||
193. Added support for MS CRM v3.0. [Build: 17] | ||
194. Product Volume pricing now supports fractional starting quantities including the initial starting quantity begin less than 1. Also the difference between quantity ranges used to be hard coded with a value of 1. Now the quantity difference between ranges can be less than 1. [Build: 17] | ||
195. For salesforce.com users added columns "BillingState", "Type", and "Site" to the contact lookup results to assist in locating contact records when there are many contact records with similar company names. [Build: 17] | ||
196. For API users, added the 3rdPartyLinkSettings key under the [Contact Managers] section of the site.ini. When the user has selected "None" under the Contacts|Setup Contact Manager window as the contact manager to integrate with you can use this key to for example explain how to setup the link between QuoteWerks and the 3rd party app, or what settings can be set in the 3rd party app that control how it integrates with QuoteWerks. [Build: 17] | ||
197. On the Misc tab of the Tools|My Preferences menu added the option "Confirm when exiting QuoteWerks". When this option is checked, you will be prompted to select if you are sure that you want to exit QuoteWerks when closing QuoteWerks using the X button in the upper right of the main window. [Build: 17] | ||
198. The Web Connector now supports the passing of the DocNo field to QuoteWerks. [Build: 17] | ||
199. Added new "Spelling" tab under the Tools|My Preferences menu. This tab has 3 new options: "Ignore words in UPPERCASE", "Ignore words with numbers", and "Ignore Internet and file addresses" [Build: 17] | ||
200. The default email subject of "QuoteName <#QUOTENUMBER>" can now be customized on the Internet tab of the Tools|My Preferences menu. Using QuoteWerks macros, you can setup almost any default email subject that includes current data from the quote that you are emailing. [Build: 17] | ||
201. For QuickBooks users, when exporting to QuickBooks and QuickBooks 5 address line maximum is reached, QuoteWerks will now attempt to merge the address1 and address2 lines together in an effort to stay under the QuickBooks 5 line maximum. [Build: 17] | ||
202. QuoteWerks creates/updates SalesLogix 6.2 opportunities (Corporate Edition only). [Build: 20] | ||
203. Follow up calls can now be scheduled by QuoteWerks in SalesLogix 6.2 (Corporate Edition only). [Build: 20] | ||
204. DataLink feature is now supported with SalesLogix 6.2 (Corporate Edition only). ACCOUNT, CONTACT and custom ACCOUNT or custom CONTACT table data can now be retrieved. [Build: 20] | ||
205. SalesLogix 6.2 field data can now be printed in print layouts and used in formulas in print layouts (Corporate Edition only). [Build: 20] | ||
206. SalesLogix 6.2 field data can now be retrieved using the F2 Lookup macro of ~SLX_Macro() (Corporate Edition only). [Build: 20] | ||
207. QuoteWerks now supports the UK edition of QuickBooks 2005 and 2006. [Build: 20] | ||
208. Support for Microsoft SQL Server 2005 backend. [Build: 20] | ||
209. QuoteWerks now supports Peachtree 2006. [Build: 20] | ||
210. With the Corporate Edition (when rehosted to SQL), Product Data Sources on a Remote Install can now be synchronized instead of just replaced. Also, if the Product Data Sources reference an external Excel file, external Access file, the Tech Data or Ingram Micro offline price files the files will be copied over to the remote replacing the copy of the files on the remote if older. You can now also select individual product databases to synchronize or overwrite. Also, when products or entire product data sources are deleted from the master install, they will be deleted from the remote install too. [Build: 20] | ||
211. Remote PC installations can now be synchronized with both Master installations AND Remote Site installations. [Build: 20] | ||
212. The maximum number of line item supported in a quote has been increased to 1500 for Corporate Edition users that have rehosted to SQL. For Standard and Professional Edition users and Corporate Edition users that have not rehosted to SQL, the maximum number of line items is 600. Please note that while the number of supported line items has increased, more line items equates to more data that will be saved thereby increasing the amount of time it takes to open and save these larger documents. Additionally, opening and saving 1500 line item quotes may require additional RAM on the PC. Saving a 1500 line item quote with 350 characters of description in each line item takes around 30 seconds to save on a Pentium 4 (1.6 MHz) machine running Windows 2000 with 1.2 GB RAM saving to a Microsoft SQL Server 7 database. [Build: 20] | ||
213. Synchronization settings can now be saved as Synchronization Profiles for use in the future. [Build: 20] | ||
214. The Synchronization process can now be initiated using the /sync: command line option. [Build: 20] | ||
215. Each time the synchronization process is run, a new log file is now generated. [Build: 20] | ||
216. On the Synchronization tab of the Tools|Options menu there is now an option to set the "Synchronization Log Detail Level". [Build: 20] | ||
217. The Medic Utility now has a Utilities|Purge Sync Transactions menu used to purge sync transactions. [Build: 20] | ||
218. Misc Access right. You may want to restrict a user so that if the user selects to run the One-Step sync they can only run a pre-specified One-Step synchronization profile. In other words, the user is not able to select a different one step sync profile than the default one the adminstrator has specified. To set this restriction, Use the security right "CannotSetOneStepSyncProfile". [Build: 20] | ||
219. Misc Access right. You may want to restrict the user from making any changes to synchronization settings before running them. Using the security right "CannotModifySyncSession" will disable the Advanced Sync options of "Start new session" or "start session using profile". When this security option is set, the only option for the user in the synchronization wizard is to run the One-Step sync. If you have hidden the Utilities|Sync menu from this user, then this user would have no access to run a synchronization. [Build: 20] | ||
220. Misc Access right. You want a user to be able to load an existing sync profile, make changes and run the changes, BUT NOT save the changes into the profile. Use the security right "CannotSaveSyncProfileChanges". [Build: 20] | ||
221. Misc Access right. The user may have access to modifying a sync session, and possibly the rights to save the changes to the existing sync profile, but you do not want them to be able to create a new sync profile file. Use the security right "CannotCreateSyncProfile" which would prohibit them from saving to a new .qsp Sync Profile file. [Build: 20] | ||
222. Misc Access right. You may want to restrict a user from being able to delete a sync profile. Use the security right "CannotDeleteSyncProfile". [Build: 20] | ||
223. Misc Access right. You may want to restrict a user from changing the sync path translations specified on the Synchronization tab of the Tools|Options menu. Typically only the administrator would need to setup these translations. Use the security right "CannotModifySyncPathTranslations". [Build: 20] | ||
224. ACT! 2005/2006 field data can now be used in print layout formulas. [Build: 20] | ||
225. MS CRM field data can now be used in print layout formulas. [Build: 20] | ||
226. The Open Export module now has additional options for exporting including the ability to export to a single file, an option to specify a record type value for each line item type (header or item) in the text file, an option to specify tab or comma delimiters, an option to include the field names, and an option to not export Comment Lines. Also, the text file output is now adhering to delimited text formats with support for delimiters inside of data and carriage return / line feeds inside of data. [Build: 20] | ||
227. For Outlook users, added option "Address type(s) to use" on the Contacts|Setup Contact Manager window. Outlook stores both business and home addresses. When searching the Outlook database for contacts to use, QuoteWerks can return the Business address, Home address, or both. Some users only use the business addresses in which case their search results are cluttered with double the results (business and home) with most of the home address data being empty. This option lets you tailor the results to your needs. [Build: 20] | ||
228. Added Misc Access right "CannotManuallyModifyUnitCostInDocument" which prohibits the user from modifying the Unit Cost cell on the Document Items tab. [Build: 20] | ||
229. When installing an update, the installation program now has an option to control if the default templates are installed. The Default templates include: Print Layouts, Reports, Cover Pages, Spec Sheets, Literature, and Sample Product Images. [Build: 20] | ||
230. When installing a fresh install of QuoteWerks, the installation program now has an option to control if the default product database includes sample data. Also for a fresh installation, the installation program now has an option to control if the default templates are installed. The Default templates include: Print Layouts, Reports, Cover Pages, Spec Sheets, Literature, and Sample Product Images. [Build: 20] | ||
231. On the View|Customize columns window there are now [Select All] and [Deselect All] buttons. [Build: 20] | ||
232. Improved the performance of the Rebuild CM Transport files feature. [Build: 20] | ||
233. The Product Import Wizard now interprets numeric values encapsulated in parenthesis like (567.97) as negative numbers. [Build: 20] | ||
234. Sometimes contact address data is imported into Outlook in a non-Outlook format. This non-Outlook format can now also be pulled into QuoteWerks. [Build: 20] | ||
235. For security reasons, the QuoteWerks Web Connector will now only process requests received from the local machine (with IP of [Build: 20] | ||
236. When composing an e-mail in QuoteWerks and attaching files, you can now select multiple attachments to add at the same time. [Build: 20] | ||
237. For CoverPage/Literature/SpecSheet pages, the macros &DH_GrandTotal, &DH_SubTotal, &DH_TotalTax, &DH_LocalTax, &DH_GSTTax, &DH_ShippingAmount, &DH_CommissionAmount, &DH_ProfitAmount are now formatted as $1,234.00. Note, the currency symbol, thousands separator and decimal point will be appropriately set for the region. [Build: 20] | ||
238. On Internet tab of Tools|My Preferences menu added new option "Review e-mail in Outlook before sending" when sending e-mails using Outlook, now the e-mail will be displayed in Outlook giving you more control over when it will actually be sent. [Build: 20] | ||
239. The PO Number field on the Sale Info tab has been increased to 30 characters. [Build: 20] | ||
240. The QuoteWerks SoldToPONumber field is now availabe for use in the DataLink. [Build: 20] | ||
241. The Amount column on the Open Documents window now displays the quote amounts formatted with currency symbol and thousands separators. [Build: 20] | ||
242. On the Product Lookup window, when a QuickBooks Product Data Source is selected and the grid has focus, pressing the F5 key will force QuoteWerks to re-retrieve the list of products from QuickBooks. [Build: 20] | ||
243. When copying a product from the Product Lookup Window and then right clicking and choosing the "Append Paste" menu, foreign pricing information will now be copied and then included in the "pasted" product. [Build: 20] | ||
244. The Product Import Wizard can now import data directly into the PricingLevelXX, CostingLevelXX and the AlternateCurrency fields. In the QuoteWerks database, these fields contain more than one piece of data formatted in a specific way. Macro fields like &PricingLevel01.Amount exist so that users can easily import data into one of the data placeholders in these fields. If you export a QuoteWerks product database and need to re-import it, with this new feature, you can now map the actual database field of PricingLevel01 to the PricingLevel01 field in the import file which will import all pieces of data into the database field. [Build: 20] | ||
245. On the Products|Setup Product Data Sources menu, you can select a QuoteWerks native Product Data Source, right click and choose the Export menu to export all the items in the data source into a tab delimited text file. Now, text or memo type field data that contain carriage returns, line feeds, or tabs will now be encapsulated in double-quote symbols following text file format standards. [Build: 20] | ||
246. On the Advanced step of the Products Import Wizard, there is now a button that can auto map all the fields using the field name displayed in the sample data. To use this feature, the first row of the import file must contain the field names for the columns of data. [Build: 20] | ||
247. When linking to external product data sources, you can now map the QuoteWerks PriceModifier field to an external field. Please note, the data in the field needs to conform to the data format of the PriceModifier field (like P20, M20, etc). [Build: 20] | ||
248. When linking to external product data sources, on the mapping step, there is now a button that can auto map all the fields based on matching field names. [Build: 20] | ||
249. Changing the Synchronization Log Detail Level on the Synchronization tab of the Tools|Options menu no longer requires that you restart QuoteWerks for the change to take effect. [Build: 21] | ||
250. When creating a new link to the Tech Data or Ingram Micro product databases, the default order of the columns now is ordered to display the commonly used columns like description, price, etc at the left side of the Product Lookup Window. [Build: 21] | ||
251. The QuoteWerks DocNo field is now also exported into the Peachtree Invoice and Sales Order export files when using the Peachtree accounting link. [Build: 21] | ||
252. ACT! 2007 is now supported! [Build: 22] | ||
253. The Utilities|Merge Remote Documents menu now has an option to merge only the documents that have been updated/added since the last merge instead of all the documents in the /DTF folder. This yields large performance increases. [Build: 22] | ||
254. Added third parameter to the /action: command line option that starts the Merge Remote Documents process. This third parameter controls whether or not the Merge Remote Documents process merges all files or only the files that have been updated/added since the last merge. [Build: 22] | ||
255. You can now use the CTRL-TAB key combination to cycle between open quotes. [Build: 22] | ||
256. Added the option "Start with blank document." on the Misc tab of the Tools|My Preferences menu. [Build: 22] | ||
257. You can now cancel the Rebuild CM Transport files process. [Build: 22] | ||
258. The fields "RevisionMasterDocNo" and "Superceeded" are now available in the QuoteWerks API functions DocFunctions.GetDocumentHeaderValue() and DocFunctions.SetDocumentHeaderValue(). [Build: 22] | ||
259. SalesLogix 7.0 is now supported! [Build: 23] | ||
260. QuickBooks 2007 USA and Canadian editions are now supported! [Build: 23] | ||
261. QuoteWerks can now create Sales Orders in the Asia Pacific editions of QuickBooks. [Build: 23] | ||
262. QuoteWerks can now import the SYNNEX .zip product data file. You no longer have to create an import template, do field mappings and import into QuoteWerks. All of this is now handled automatically. Requires QuoteWerks Professional or Corporate Edition. [Build: 23] | ||
263. QuoteWerks can now download the SYNNEX .zip product data file from the SYNNEX FTP server and then import the data into QuoteWerks automatically without creating and import template, field mappings and import. All of this is now handled automatically. Requires QuoteWerks Real-time module and Professional or Corporate Edition of QuoteWerks. [Build: 23] | ||
264. QuoteWerks can now retrieve Real-Time Pricing and Availability from SYNNEX (USA or Canadian). Requires QuoteWerks Real-time module and Professional or Corporate Edition of QuoteWerks. [Build: 23] | ||
265. When using the Copy and Append Paste menu items on the Product Lookup window, all the fields (including Category, Availability, SerialNumber, SpecSheet, Picture file, keyword list, etc) on the tabs of the Edit Product window are now supported. [Build: 23] | ||
266. There is now a command line option /a:3 that can be used to automate download the SYNNEX product file from the FTP server and import, or just import a manually downloaded SYNNEX product file. "/a:3,1" will download the file from the FTP server and import it. "/a:3,2,f:\data\110486.zip" will import a manually downloaded SYNNEX file. [Build: 23] | ||
267. When using salesforce.com offline and saving quotes, there is now a new "I'm Offline" option that enables you to save the quote and not attempt to integrate with salesforce.com online. This is very useful for laptops using salesforce.com that do not have access to the internet while out in the field. With this option, it is now easy to still save quotes even though salesforce.com is not available. Please note, any quotes saved while offline will need to be re-opened, linked to a salesforce.com contact and saved in order to update salesforce.com online. [Build: 23] | ||
268. Support for compounded discount modifier in Discount Cost Modifiers and Discount Price Modifiers. This supports a Discount Modifier like "D50\20" which applies a 50% discount and then a 20% discount on top of that 50% discount. [Build: 23] | ||
269. Support for compounded "Markup from Cost" modifier in Price Modifiers. This supports a Markup from Cost Modifier like "M50\20" which applies a 50% markup from cost and then a 20% markup on top of that 50% markup. [Build: 23] | ||
270. On the New Document window (File | New menu) there is now a [Delete] button that can be used to delete document templates from that window. [Build: 23] | ||
271. You can now import products while other users are logged into QuoteWerks. If you are using the Standard or Professional Edition, the compacting of the database would be skipped and will need to be run manually at a time when no other users are in QuoteWerks. [Build: 23] | ||
272. When selecting a document template to use, on the New Document window (File | New menu), there is now a "Refresh item prices" checkbox. As the template is used to generate the new document, the item prices will be updated with the current pricing. [Build: 23] | ||
273. There is now an unattended.log file that contains log entries generated during command line initiated processes. [Build: 23] | ||
274. The /p: password command line option now supports an encrypted password. Often, to use command line options, you need to specify your username and password in the command line. Anyone that has access to the scheduler or shortcut you are using to run QuoteWerks with the command line options will be able to clearly see your password. To use an encrypted password the syntax is /p:"DECRYPT:A7DGKE8Y". The encrypted equivalent of your password is displayed on the Edit User window where you enter your password. [Build: 23] | ||
275. There is now a "/notify:" command line option that can be used to send an e-mail notification upon the successful or unsuccessful completion of a command line process. This command line option has two arguments. First is the QuoteWerks user that you want to notify, and second is the NotifyCondition that lets you specify if you want to receive notification upon successful completion only, unsuccessful completion only, or either successful or unsuccessful completion. This command line option is available for the following command line processes: /a:1 ("Merge Remote Documents"), /a:2 ("Tech Data re-index"), /a:3,1 ("SYNNEX FTP and import"), /a:3,2 ("SYNNEX import file"), /import: ("Import products into native product database"), /sync: ("Synchronize using profile"), /report: ("Report"). An example command line would be: /notify:"John Lewe",1. Also, the macro &APP_LoggedInUserName can now be used in the user name parameter like /notify:"&APP_LoggedInUserName",1. Also, if no user name parameter is specified, then currently logged in user will be used. [Build: 23] | ||
276. Added new "Auto-create product folders" option in the Product Import Wizard. When this option is checked, the folder name data mapped to the &FolderName field in the Advanced Mappings step of the import wizard will be used to automatically create the folders in the product database. [Build: 23] | ||
277. When importing products and specifying the folder name to import the product into you can now specify that the product be associated with more than one folder by separating each folder name with a comma. [Build: 23] | ||
278. The Product and Contact Import Wizards now support the ability to concatenate (merge) multiple columns from the text file into a single field. For example, if a product description is spread between two different columns ,like <Field1> and <Field2>, you can now set the mapping to "<Field1> <Field2>". Notice the space between the two fields. This will result in a space inserted between the two fields. You can also set a mapping to "The color of the product is <Field6> and the size is <Field3>" and the field data will be merged into the text. This example illustrates using two fields, but there is no limit to the number of fields you can include in the mapping. [Build: 23] | ||
279. Add Access Right "CannotModifyCoverPages" used to prevent a user from modifying a cover page document on the Cover Page tab of the Print window. [Build: 23] | ||
280. When merging remote documents and choosing to download the dtf files from MS CRM or salesforce.com, if you choose to merge only the documents since the last merge, QuoteWerks will now only download the files from MS CRM or salesforce.com that have changed since the last merge. This improves performance tremendously. [Build: 23] | ||
281. On the Internet tab of the Tools|My Preferences menu there are now options to set the default CC and BCC addresses used when creating a new e-mail. [Build: 23] | ||
282. When linking to an Excel spreadsheet external product data source, there is now a View/Modify button that can be used to view or modify the spreadsheet while linking to it. [Build: 23] | ||
283. When importing a product text file and viewing the first 20 lines of the text file, there is now a button that can be used to view or modify the text file. [Build: 23] | ||
284. Added DocType column to the Product Price History window. Useful in determining if the product was actually sold versus quoted. [Build: 23] | ||
285. When trying to use a feature that a user does not have the Access Right to the message that is displayed now displays the name of the Access Right. [Build: 23] | ||
286. When editing a required item (or an optional item), there is a tool tip for the read-only description that displays a larger portion of the description than the description field on this window. [Build: 23] | ||
287. Optional items can now be located in product database other than the item that the options are for. Also you can now specify the order in which each the options is displayed, the quantity of each optional item, and line attributes of the optional item like "Hide Price" and "Print Picture". [Build: 23] | ||
288. Subtotal, Running SubTotal, % Discount, and % Charge line items now display the sales tax on the line item. Please note, line item detail level of sales tax calculations are for approximation purposes only. This is due to rounding factors. The completely accurate sales tax is calculated and displayed in the quote totals. [Build: 23] | ||
289. Added API event BeforeEmailRecipientSelection. This can be used to create a custom written interface for selecting email addresses from the QuoteWerks Send Email window. [Build: 23] | ||
290. Added Misc Access right "CannotSeeCostOnAddItemAssistant". This can be used to prevent the user from viewing cost information while on the Add Item Assistant. [Build: 23] | ||
291. Outlook 2007 is now supported. [Build: 24] | ||
292. The feature that suppresses the Outlook security warning message now works with Outlook 2007. [Build: 24] | ||
293. When setting the value of a report filter item, there is now a drop-down list that will display a list of all the unique data values that are contained in this field in the database making it easy to choose the value that you want to filter on. [Build: 24] | ||
294. When setting the value of a report filter item for the SalesRep field, you can now choose from a list that will display a list of all User Groups. This will make it easy to set one filter item that filters on a group of Sales Reps like <Inside Sales> for example. [Build: 24] | ||
295. The PDF files that QuoteWerks generates automatically detects web site URL strings and flags them as hyperlinks that you can click on when viewing the PDF document. Previously only hyperlinks at beginning of sentences would be detected. Now, this feature has been improved to automatically hyperlink web site URL strings embeded anywhere inside a sentence. [Build: 24] | ||
296. Added new product import option "Remove leading & trailing spaces from all field data". This is useful when importing data that comes from a system that considers the unused characters in a field as spaces (such as an Ingram Micro text file). [Build: 24] | ||
297. On the File|Open window, the search results are now limited based on the document rights that have been assigned to the logged in user. Also when performing a product price history search, the results will also be limited by the document rights. [Build: 24] | ||
298. Added Misc Access right "CannotReportOnDataUserCannotView". If this right is set for a user, then any document reports the user runs will be limited to documents that the user has the right to view. [Build: 24] | ||
299. When on the Product Lookup Window the ToolTip displayed while hovering over a product now displays 20 seconds instead of 3 seconds. [Build: 24] | ||
300. When a License Key was not yet registered and the user did not have the rights to access the Utlities|License Manager menu, the user would have to wait until the day that the 30 day grace period expired before they had a chance to register the License Key. Now, each day they receive the registration reminder, they will have the option to register the License Key. [Build: 24] | ||
301. The QuoteWerks Help system has been converted to browser based HTML help. This format is supported on all versions of Windows and offers greater flexibility and functionality. [Build: 24] | ||
302. The PDF Generator is now installed during the node setup rather than upon first use by a user running QuoteWerks. This will make it easier to make sure the PDF Generator installs correctly in an environment where regular users do not have Administrator rights or rights to install printers. [Build: 24] | ||
303. When importing products and using the "Auto Create Folders" option the speed has been improved to take up to 50% less time by optimizing the creation of folders. [Build: 24] | ||
304. All grids now have the tooltip hovering feature and Multi-line data can now be viewed in tooltip hover for all grids. [Build: 24] | ||
305. When adding new records that are displayed on a grid, the newly added record is now selected instead of the first record in the grid. [Build: 24] | ||
306. When editing records that are displayed on a grid, and the edit triggers a re-positioning for the grid (for sorting purposes) the edited record will be re-selected after the re-positioning instead of the first record in the grid being selected. [Build: 24] | ||
307. When deleting a record that is displayed on a grid, the record below the deleted record will now be selected after the delete process instead of the first record in the grid. [Build: 24] | ||
308. The DEL key can now be used to delete a record in any grid. [Build: 24] | ||
309. When editing a required item, optional item, bundle item, or configuration item and changing the Source Database for the item, the description display is now updated immediately on that screen using the description from the selected database. [Build: 24] | ||
310. Added new command line parameter "/shutdown". This is used when you want to force QuoteWerks stop running. This is particularly useful if you need to make sure that QuoteWerks is not running before you run some other process like a file backup or behind the scenes manipulation of QuoteWerks data. This command line can be used like "qw4.exe /shutdown". If QuoteWerks is not running, then it will start briefly and then shutdown. If it is running, then it will be shutdown. It is important to note that this command line parameter is designed to make sure QuoteWerks stops running. As such, if there are any open documents in the running instance of QuoteWerks, they will not be saved. [Build: 24] | ||
311. If the /c: or /t: command line parameters are detected and there is no currently open document, QuoteWerks will create a new default document. [Build: 24] | ||
312. When closing the Product Lookup window, any open connections to Excel Product Data Sources will be closed enabling you to edit these Excel spreadsheets without having to exit QuoteWerks. [Build: 24] | ||
313. When right clicking on a row in the Product Lookup Window grid, the row will now become the selected row. [Build: 24] | ||
314. When right clicking on a row in the Document Items grid, the row will now become the selected row. [Build: 24] | ||
315. Added macro field &POVendorMobile. This macro field can be inserted on a purchase order layout to display the vendor's mobile number on the PO. [Build: 25] | ||
316. Added date ranges "This Week" and "Last Week" to the QuickBooks Batch export window. [Build: 27] | ||
317. On Email Address selection window, double-clicking on an e-mail address now selects it. [Build: 27] | ||
318. GoldMine Premium Edition (version 8.0) is now supported. GoldMine Premium Edition is a new offering from GoldMine and was first released as version 8.0. [Build: 29] | ||
319. Added option "Enable individual Product Data Source level security." on Security tab of Tools|Options menu. When this is enabled, View Products/Create Products/Modify Products/Delete Products rights can be individually granted for each Product Data Source per User or per Group. [Build: 29] | ||
320. Real-time Pricing and Availability is now available for IT distributor Ingram Micro (for both USA and Canadian customers). [Build: 29] | ||
321. Real-time Pricing and Availability is now available for IT distributor D & H. [Build: 29] | ||
322. The Price Comparison window now displays the Real-time availability (including ETA dates when applicable) as a tooltip when hovering over a real-time vendor's price cell. [Build: 29] | ||
323. On the Price comparison window, there is now a [Get Real-time data] button that retrieves Real-time Pricing and Availability from all the vendors at once for all the selected items. [Build: 29] | ||
324. On the Price comparison window, there is now a [Source item(s) from best cost vendor] button that determines the best cost vendor and changes the vendor to the best cost vendor for all the selected items. [Build: 29] | ||
325. On the Price comparison window, there is now a [Source item(s) from best cost vendor with Stock] button that determines the best cost vendor and changes the vendor to the best cost vendor with actual stock of the item for all the selected items. [Build: 29] | ||
326. On the Price comparison window, there is now a [Source item(s) from best cost vendor with Stock in Preferred Warehouse] button that determines the best cost vendor and changes the vendor to the best cost vendor that has actual stock of the item located in your preferred warehouse (usually your local warehouse) for all the selected items. The preferred warehouse for each P&A distributor can be specified on the Real-time tab of the Tools|Options menu. [Build: 29] | ||
327. The [Export to Clipboard] button on the Price Comparison window will now export all the items if none are selected, otherwise it will export all selected items. Previously, it always exported all the items. [Build: 29] | ||
328. Added [Save All] button to the Price Comparison window that will save changes to all selected line items or all line items if none are specifically selected. [Build: 29] | ||
329. The [Add to document] button on the Price Comparison window will now add any selected items rather than just the current row. [Build: 29] | ||
330. On Price Comparison window the Availability from native QuoteWerks product databases is now displayed and can be used in conjunction with new "In stock" best cost options. [Build: 29] | ||
331. Added Region selection for Tech Data to support different warehouses based on region. [Build: 29] | ||
332. Added new Quick Start Guide to the QuoteWerks Help file! [Build: 29] | ||
333. Added Misc Access right "CannotCreateProductDataSource". [Build: 29] | ||
334. Added Misc Access right "CannotDeleteProductDataSource". [Build: 29] | ||
335. Tremendously improved Peachtree link. This new Peachtree link uses the interactive Peachtree API instead of the older manual export and import methods which brings many new features and benefits. You can now export batches of invoices/sales orders and/or purchase orders to Peachtree. If a customer does not exist in Peachtree, QuoteWerks can now create customers in Peachtree for you. Customer information is also updated automatically. If an Inventory Item does not exist in Peachtree, QuoteWerks can now create items in Peachtree for you. Item prices in Peachtree are also updated automatically. Grouped bundles can now be exported as a single line item in Peachtree. When purchase orders are created in Peachtree, there is now an option to lookup the vendor full name in Peachtree to obtain the Vendor ID for the Peachtree Vendor. Using this option, you no longer need to maintain a manual translation between vendor names and Peachtree Vendor ID's. You can now choose which vendors you want to create purchase orders for instead of just all of them. The Peachtree link now has Purchase Order creation options of Never, Always, and Prompt. The invoice and SO due date is now based on the DocDueDate field on the Sale Info tab instead of just 30 days from the document date. The PO Good Through date passed to Peachtree is now 30 days from the export date. There are now 5 sales rep id mapping options and the manual mapping now displays the Peachtree Sales Rep ID and Peachtree Sales Rep full name on the mapping window making it much easier to setup. When exporting, if a manual sales rep id mapping is not found, you will be prompted to select the appropriate rep. Purchase Orders can now be exported separately from the corresponding Invoice/Sales Order. There is now an option for 'Part Numbers are required for all items exported to Peachtree'. QuoteWerks can link directly to the Peachtree product list (without the need to import the data) giving you access to real-time availability, part numbers, description, and pricing. Peachtree can now be used as a source of customer/contact information just like the integration to the contact management software! DataLink support has been added for Peachtree including ability to pull from ShipVia, BillToTaxCode, and Custom fields into the quote. Works with Peachtree 2006, 2007, and 2008. [Build: 31] | ||
336. Improved Paste Special Wizard now supports the ability to copy data from outside of QuoteWerks and paste it into QuoteWerks as line items in the quote. Static information such as descriptions, prices, etc can be pasted in and/or a part number can be used to retrieve all the product details from a product database. This feature can be useful for integrating with external software outputs like the Cisco and HP configurators. The Cisco configurator outputs a ManufacturerPartNumber, Description, and Quantity. QuoteWerks can now import this data as line items and automatically retrieve the price for these items from a QuoteWerks product database. The HP configurator outputs a ManufacturerPartNumber only. QuoteWerks can now import this data as line items and automatically retrieve the Description, and Price for these items from a QuoteWerks product database. All settings can be saved to templates and with the One-Step option, a paste special can be run with a single click. Pre-defined sources like the "Tech Data Shopping Cart File" and "Tech Data Search Result File" already contain all the paste special template details like field mappings, file names, etc enabling you to get up and running fast. [Build: 31] | ||
337. Added Misc Access right. You may want to restrict a user from being able to delete a Paste Special Template. Use the Misc Access right "CannotDeletePasteSpecialTemplate". [Build: 31] | ||
338. Added Misc Access right. A user may have the rights to save the changes to an existing Paste Special Template, but you may not want them to be able to create a new Paste Special Template. Use the Misc Access right "CannotCreatePasteSpecialTemplate" which would prohibit them from saving to a new .qii Paste Special Template file. [Build: 31] | ||
339. Added Misc Access right. You want a user to be able to load an existing Paste Special Template, make changes and run the changes, BUT NOT save the changes into that template. Use the Misc Access right "CannotSavePasteSpecialTemplateChanges". [Build: 31] | ||
340. There is now an toolbar button for the Peachtree link. [Build: 31] | ||
341. There is now a User Full Name setting on the Personal tab of the Tools|My Preferences menu. While we recommend that you setup QuoteWerks User Login names to be the reps name like "John Lewe", in the event you setup the QuoteWerks User Login name to be more like "JLEWE", this Full Name setting enables you to set it to a full name like "John C. Lewe IV" and then display this Full Name on print layouts, reports, and cover pages. [Build: 31] | ||
342. Added 4 more CustomText fields on the Custom tab of the Quote WorkBook. Added fields CustomText17, CustomText18, CustomText19, and CustomText20. [Build: 31] | ||
343. The manual Sales Rep ID mapping setup in the interactive QuickBooks link now displays the QuickBooks Sales Rep Initials and QuickBooks Sales Rep full name on the mapping window making it much easier to setup. [Build: 31] | ||
344. In the QuickBooks link, when prompted to have QuoteWerks create an item in QuickBooks for you, you can now modify the description for the new QuickBooks item definition to be different than the description of the item in the current document. [Build: 31] | ||
345. Added [Save] button on Finish step of Import Wizard and Sync Wizard so that the settings can be saved without having to run the import or sync process. [Build: 31] | ||
346. Added new option "When choosing Optional item(s), default to keeping them Optional." under the Misc tab of the Tools|My Preferences menu. This sets the default for the "Display as optional item(s) on document" checkbox on the Add Item Assistant window and the "When adding to quote, flag as Optional item." checkbox on the Optional Items window. [Build: 31] | ||
347. The QuoteWerks WebConnector now supports the additional parameters of &QuoteWerksUserName= and &QuoteWerksUserPassword=. If these new parameters are added to the URL string passed to the WebConnector, and QuoteWerks is not already running, the QuoteWerks WebConnector login window will be bypassed using the supplied credentials. Note, you can use the DECRYPT: feature of the QuoteWerks login password so that the actual password does not have to be included in the URL as plain text that anyone can see. [Build: 31] | ||
348. Added new salesforce.com option "Enable 'SandBox' mode testing environment". This option enables QuoteWerks to to take advantage of the salesforce.com Sandbox which enables you to create a fully replicated, scalable on-demand customer replica environment for customization, integration, testing, development and training purposes. [Build: 31] | ||
349. When using alternate currencies, in the "Totals for All items" frame, a button will appear that when pressed will display the totals in the alternate currency instead of the base currency. [Build: 31] | ||
350. When saving a document as a template, if the DocDate is cleared, when the template is used, the DocDate will be set to today's date. [Build: 31] | ||
351. When saving a document as a template, if the DocDueDate is cleared, when the template is used, the DocDueDate will be set to today's date (or using the DocDueDate default feature it can be set to x days from today). [Build: 31] | ||
352. On the Documents tab of the Tools|Options menu there is now a Doc Due Date days setting. You can use this to default the due date for the document to a specified number of days in the future. [Build: 31] | ||
353. If the CannotDeleteDocuments Misc Access right is set, it will now prevent the user from using the "Delete previous revision" option when saving as next revision. [Build: 31] | ||
354. When adding a formula based item to the quote from the Edit|Add Formula line menu, there is now a drop down that contains a list of all the unique part numbers in the quote so that you no longer have to manually type in the part number. [Build: 31] | ||
355. ACT! 2008 is now supported (The ability to set associated groups for an
opportunity is disabled due to an issue in ACT! See KB article #<a href="http://www.quotewerks.com/kbase/showArticle.asp?id=6484">6484</a>
for details). [Build: 31] | ||
356. Added macro field &DH_&SalesRepFullName. [Build: 31.03] | ||
357. New Online Ordering module (requires real-time module) can place online orders with Tech Data (USA) from within QuoteWerks. Order items from a single order, or combine items from multiple QuoteWerks orders into a single Tech Data order. This will save you the time and hassle of calling your Tech Data sales rep and reading each part number, quantity, and price to him/her. Another benefit is that the order date and Tech Data sales order number will automatically be stored with your QuoteWerks order for reference. When placing Tech Data online orders electronically through QuoteWerks, there is an option that will let you flag the order for manual review and release by a sales rep. This will afford you an opportunity to review the order with your distributor rep and negotiate pricing without the time consuming process of reading to your sales rep all the part numbers, quantities, ship to location, etc. You can also place a note in the order to ask the sales rep to call you to confirm pricing. No more calling your distributor sales rep only to reach voice mail (understandable - sales reps can't be on the phone with more than one customer at a time) and then have to remember try again later in the day to place the order - or wait for a call back! This is truly the best of both worlds - automation with sales rep service! Supports government and educational pricing, Tech Data MyOrderTracker, and assists Tech Data MyOpportunityTracker by optionally supplying end user details with the order. [Build: 33] | ||
358. QuickBooks 2008 (USA only) is now supported! [Build: 33] | ||
359. Microsoft SQL Server 2008 is now supported! [Build: 33] | ||
360. GoldMine 7.5 is now supported! [Build: 33] | ||
361. Maximizer 10 is now supported! [Build: 33] | ||
362. SalesLogix 7.2 is now supported! [Build: 33] | ||
363. Ingram Micro United Kingdom real-time Pricing & Availability is now supported! [Build: 33] | ||
364. When closing certain windows like the main QuoteWerks window, the Product Lookup window, the Open Document window, the View Log window, Configuration Setup, and Edit Item window the position and size of the window is saved for the next time that you open that window. In situations where a user runs QuoteWerks from more than one machine like if QuoteWerks is run from a network workstation (that has dual monitors) and then also is run through terminal services (which does not have dual monitors), when QuoteWerks is run through Terminal Services, if one of those windows was last open on the second monitor, the window would display outside of your viewable area (so you could not see it). Now all window memorized position data is stored per user per machine name which supports differing monitor configurations. [Build: 33] | ||
365. Added CustomNumber03, CustomNumber04, and CustomNumber05 fields to the Edit Product window. These fields also display in the Product Lookup and Document Items grids. [Build: 33] | ||
366. Added CustomText11, CustomText12, CustomText13, and CustomText14 fields to the Edit Product window. These fields also display in the Product Lookup and Document Items grids. [Build: 33] | ||
367. On the Personal tab of the Tools|My Preferences menu, added fields Address1, Address2, Address3, City, State, PostalCode, Country, PhoneExt and FaxExt. This is useful for Terminal Server or Citrix type of environments where sales reps from various geographical locations connect to the server and all need to display their own address information on print layouts rather than the central company address information. These fields are available in the layout designer under the 'Application' table as LoggedInUserAddress1, LoggedInUserAddress2, LoggedInUserAddress3, LoggedInUserCity, LoggedInUserState, LoggedInUserPostalCode, LoggedInUserCountry, &LoggedInUserAddress, &LoggedInUserFullAddress, LoggedInUserPhoneExt and LoggedInUserFaxExt. Additionally, these same fields are available as cover page/literature document macros as &APP_LoggedInUserAddress1, &APP_LoggedInUserAddress2, &APP_LoggedInUserAddress3, &APP_LoggedInUserCity, &APP_LoggedInUserState, &APP_LoggedInUserPostalCode, &APP_LoggedInUserCountry, &APP_&LoggedInUserAddress, &APP_&LoggedInUserFullAddress, &APP_LoggedInUserPhoneExt, and &APP_LoggedInUserFaxExt. [Build: 33] | ||
368. In conjunction with the new LoggedInUserXXXX fields, added the fields &SalesRepAddress1, &SalesRepAddress2, &SalesRepAddress3, &SalesRepUserCity, &SalesRepUserState, &SalesRepUserPostalCode, &SalesRepUserCountry, &SalesRepAddress, &SalesRepFullAddress, &SalesRepUserPhoneExt and &SalesRepUserFaxExt in the layout designer under the 'DocumentHeaders' table. Additionally, these same fields are available as cover page/literature document macros as &DH_&SalesRepAddress1, &DH_&SalesRepAddress2, &DH_&SalesRepAddress3, &DH_&SalesRepCity, &DH_&SalesRepState, &DH_&SalesRepPostalCode, &DH_&SalesRepCountry, &DH_&SalesRepAddress, &DH_&SalesRepFullAddress, &DH_&SalesRepPhoneExt, and &DH_&SalesRepFaxExt. [Build: 33] | ||
369. Added macro field &DH_&SalesRepFullName. [Build: 33] | ||
370. Added Misc Access right "CannotManuallyModifyFixedPriceInAddItemAssistant". When an item is selected from the product database and the item pricing method is set to "Fixed" and this right is set, the user will not be able to change the Unit Price in the Add Item Assistant.
-New: Added Misc Access right [Build: 33] | ||
371. "CannotManuallyModifyPriceModifierInAddItemAssistant". When an item is selected from the product database and the item pricing method is set to a price modifier based method and this right is set, the user will not be able to change the Price Modifier in the Add Item Assistant. [Build: 33] | ||
372. Added support for CustomMemo01 and CustomMemo02 fields when linking to an external product data source. [Build: 33] | ||
373. When running the Configurator, full description field value will now be displayed in a tool-tip. [Build: 33] | ||
374. When inserting fields into the layout designer, the last field that you just inserted will now be selected by default which will help when selecting several fields in a row by defaulting the selection to a selection close to the next field that you may be inserting. [Build: 33] | ||
375. For QuickBooks users, there is now an option to specify 'Ready for Export' criteria. With this new feature, only documents that match your criteria will be displayed in the Non-Exported documents tab on the QuickBooks batch export window. The DocType can now be specified in addition to the DocStatus being 'Equal to' or 'Not Equal to' one or more values. This is useful to set, for example, DocStatus 'Not Equal to' "Lost,Void,Exported" so that any documents that have been Lost, Voided, or Exported will not be displayed. The drop-down list will display all DocStatus F2 Lookup values and all unique values from the database. [Build: 33] | ||
376. For QuoteWerks built-in contact database users, on the Lookup QuoteWerks contact window accessed by the Contacts|Lookup menu added a [Clone] button to clone existing contacts. [Build: 33] | ||
377. On the File|Save and File|Save As windows you can now manually modify the Project No or choose to have the next available Project No assigned. [Build: 33] | ||
378. On the Advanced section of the File|Open window, there is now a drop down list for the Project Number field that displays a list of all project numbers referenced in any documents that the currently logged in user has access to. [Build: 33] | ||
379. Added Misc Access right. You may want to restrict a user from being able to delete a contact record in the QuoteWerks contact database. Use the Misc Access right "CannotDeleteContactRecord". [Build: 33] | ||
380. Added Misc access right "CannotManuallyModifyProjectNo" [Build: 33] | ||
381. Added cover page/literature document macros &DH_&TotalCost and &DH_&TotalList. [Build: 33] | ||
382. Added cover page/literature document macros &DH_&FirstName, &DH_&LastName, &DH_LastModified_Date, &DH_LastModified_Time. [Build: 33] | ||
383. Added macro "&SYS_45DaysAgoForSQL". [Build: 33] | ||
384. The QuoteWerks webconnector now supports a new method of "opendocument", and you can pass either the DocNo or DocName to initiate the opening of a document. This enables you to open a QuoteWerks document from a hyperlink on a webpage. [Build: 33] | ||
385. For QuickBooks users, on the Product Lookup window, you can now enter a % symbol before the value in the manufacturer part number field (QuickBooks Item Name) to return any products that end with the value you are searching for. If you also check the "Begins with" checkbox, it will return any products that contain the value you are searching for. You can also just use the % symbol before and/or after to value to accommodate all combinations ("%door", "door%", "%door%") without having to check the "Begins with" checkbox. [Build: 33] | ||
386. For Peachtree users, on the Product Lookup window, you can now enter a % symbol before the value in the manufacturer part number field (Peachtree Item ID) to return any products that end with the value you are searching for. If you also check the "Begins with" checkbox, it will return any products that contain the value you are searching for. You can also just use the % symbol before and/or after to value to accommodate all combinations ("%door", "door%","%door%") without having to check the "Begins with" checkbox. [Build: 33] | ||
387. For salesforce.com users, on the Product Lookup window, you can now enter a % symbol before the value in the manufacturer part number field (salesforce.com Product Code) to return any products that end with the value you are searching for. If you also check the "Begins with" checkbox, it will return any products that contain the value you are searching for. You can also just use the % symbol before and/or after to value to accommodate all combinations ("%door", "door%","%door%") without having to check the "Begins with" checkbox. [Build: 33] | ||
388. On the Product Lookup window, when a salesforce.com Product Data Source is selected and the grid has focus, pressing the F5 key will force QuoteWerks to re-retrieve the list of products from salesforce.com (rather than use the cached values normally used for increased performance). [Build: 33] | ||
389. Added new Utilities|API Info menu to the Medic Utility. This will verify that the qw4.dll is registered and functioning, and will display the location, version and date/time of the file. [Build: 33] | ||
390. On the QuickBooks and Peachtree batch export window, pressing the F5 key will refresh the list of documents displayed. [Build: 33] | ||
391. For Peachtree users, when exporting an Invoice to Peachtree, if the DocDueDate field on the QuoteWerks Sale Info tab was empty, a Due Date will be calculated using the Terms value with the reference date being the Document Date or Date Exported depending upon the setup option you have selected in the Peachtree link setup. [Build: 33] | ||
392. On the Compare Assistant window, when searching for a part number, any part numbers that begin with the entered value will be displayed rather than only exact matches. [Build: 33] | ||
393. For Peachtree users, "Cost of Sales" type accounts are now listed in the Default GL Purchase Account drop down on the Items subtab of the Mappings tab under the Tools|Options menu. [Build: 33] | ||
394. Add "Our Company Location" settings on the Company tab under the Tools|Options menu (company tab was added for this feature). Here you can specify the physical location of your company which can then be used in print layouts, cover pages. The cover pages macros for this information are: &APP_OurLocationCompany, &APP_OurLocationContact, &APP_OurLocationAddress1, &APP_OurLocationAddress2, &APP_OurLocationAddress3, &APP_OurLocationCity, &APP_OurLocationState, APP_OurLocationPostalCode, &APP_OurLocationCountry, &APP_OurLocationPhoneNumber, &APP_OurLocationPhoneExt, &APP_OurLocationFaxNumber, &APP_OurLocationFaxExt, &APP_OurLocationEmail, &APP_&OurLocationAddress, &APP_&OurLocationFullAddress. The similiarly named fields are also available in the print layout designer through the Insert|Data Field menu, under the "Application" table. [Build: 33] | ||
395. On the Documents tab of the Tools|Options menu, the default Doc Due Date can now be cleared (set to blank). When this is done, the default Doc Due Date will be blank. [Build: 33] | ||
396. In Customize Product Columns window, double-clicking on a field will now Add or Remove the item from the list depending upon which list the field is in. [Build: 33] | ||
397. In the Product Lookup window, the product database resizing pane can now be resized 20% wider. [Build: 33] | ||
398. Added new 'DLL' object to the QuoteWerks API Backend qw4.dll. Through this QuoteWerksBackend.DLL interface you can retrieve the properties: VersionMajor, VersionMinor, VersionRevision, File. These are useful in determining which version of the backend object is currently installed. This feature was added in revision 10 of version 4.0. [Build: 33] | ||
399. For API users, QuoteWerksBackend.Installations collection now includes all the installations that are available through the local machine. The collection lists the installations in the priority assigned through the QuoteWerks Launcher app. The collection only lists installations that are currently valid and accessible which is useful in situations where QuoteWerks is installed on the network and on the local laptop. Typically in that environment, the QuoteWerks Launcher would be used to set the Network installation as the first installation to try and use and if it is not available, then use the laptop installation. When the laptop is disconnected from the network, the Laptop installation will be the first installation listed in the collection. For existing code, this change mostly changes which installation is located in the (1) position of the installations collection. Before build 33 it was the last installation installed. After build 33 it is whichever installation has been set as the top priority. [Build: 33] | ||
400. Added new Peachtree option "Use company name instead of contact name for Ship To Name" on the Customers subtab of the Mappings tab on the Peachtree Interactive Link Setup. When this option is selected, the company name instead of the contact name will be used when creating the ship to record in the Peachtree customer record and also in the Peachtree Invoice, Sales Order, and/or Purchase Orders. [Build: 33.02] | ||
401. MS Dynamics CRM 4.0 is now supported! [Build: 35] | ||
402. For MS CRM users that have changed their statuscode or opportunityratingcode values to anything other than the default there are now INI settings in the site.ini that can be set to accommodate these non-default codes. Under the [Contact Managers] section of the site.ini file the following keys can be set: MSCRMOppStatusCodeOpen, MSCRMOppStatusCodeWon, MSCRMOppStatusCodeCanceled, MSCRMOppStatusCodeOutSold, MSCRMOppRatingCodeHot, MSCRMOppRatingCodeWarm, and MSCRMOppRatingCodeCold. [Build: 35] | ||
403. The QuoteWerks contact lookup search window has been redesigned. You can now perform searches by company name, last name, phone number, or e-mail address. You can run "Equal to", "Not Equal to", "Begins with", "Ends with", "Contains", and "Does not Contain" searches. The matching results will automatically populate as you type. Columns can be re-ordered, resized, and sorted (by clicking on column header). Clicking the column header again will reverse sort the column. Column orders, sizes, and last sort column are remembered per each user. [Build: 35] See a screenshot/video of this feature | ||
404. Added fields AccountRep, LeadSource1, LeadSource2, CustomText01, CustomText02, CustomText03, CustomText04, CustomText05, CustomText06, CustomText07, CustomText08, CustomText09, CustomNumber01, CustomNumber02, CustomDate01, CustomDate02 fields to the QuoteWerks contact database. Also added DataLink support for all these fields. [Build: 35] See a screenshot/video of this feature | ||
405. All the labels on the QuoteWerks Edit Contact window can now be customized. Any label customizations here will also be reflected as column headings when viewing these columns in the QuoteWerks contact lookup window. [Build: 35] | ||
406. F2Lookup support has been added for the fields AccountRep, LeadSource1, LeadSource2, Terms, and TaxRate. [Build: 35] | ||
407. All the QuoteWerks contact database fields are available as columns on the QuoteWerks Contact Lookup window. You can re-arrange and resize these columns. The settings will be remembered for each user. [Build: 35] | ||
408. On the Sold To/Ship To tab, added "Copy" buttons to the Sold To, Ship To, and Bill To fields. These are very useful if you have manually typed the customer information into any one of the Sold To, Ship To, or Bill To fields and want to copy that information into any other area. [Build: 35] See a screenshot/video of this feature | ||
409. In a multiple monitor environment, status windows are now displayed on the same monitor as the main QuoteWerks window instead of always displaying on the primary monitor. [Build: 35] | ||
410. On the Price Comparison window (Tools|Compare Prices between Vendors menu), after retrieving real-time information, the quantity in stock is now displayed next to the price for both your preferred warehouse availability and the total availability. [Build: 35] | ||
411. Added [Select All] and [Deselect All] buttons to the Price Comparison window (Tools|Compare Prices between Vendors menu). [Build: 35] | ||
412. Re-designed the File|Insert Document window to add the ability to search by DocName, DocNo, and SoldToCompany. You can run "Equal to", "Not Equal to", "Begins with", "Ends with", "Contains", and "Does not Contain" searches. SalesRep and DocDate columns will be displayed in addition to the search fields. Columns can be re-ordered, resized, and sorted (by clicking on column header). Clicking the column header again will reverse sort the column. Column orders, sizes, and last sort column are remembered per each user. [Build: 35] See a screenshot/video of this feature | ||
413. QuickBooks 2008 Canada is now supported! [Build: 36] | ||
414. QuickBooks 2008 Canada (multi-currency version) is now supported! Starting with 2008, there are two versions of QuickBooks Canada. The primary version uses the new unified QuickBooks SDK and does not support multi-currency. This is the version that is widely available. There is also a multi-currency version which is now only sold direct to consumers over the phone. [Build: 36] | ||
415. QuickBooks 2008 UK is now supported! [Build: 36] | ||
416. Ingram Micro Belgium Real-time Pricing & Availability is now supported! [Build: 36] See a screenshot/video of this feature | ||
417. Updated QuoteWerks to support the new real-time URL that Ingram Micro has implemented. [Build: 36] | ||
418. Added an [Export to Clipboard] button on the File|Open menu. Now, you can export any results of searches to the clipboard. [Build: 36] See a screenshot/video of this feature | ||
419. In the View|Customize columns window, you can now drag items up or down to change their order instead of having to repeatedly use the [Move Up] or [Move Down] buttons. [Build: 36] | ||
420. In the Customize Product columns window, you can now drag items up or down to change their order instead of having to repeatedly use the [Move Up] or [Move Down] buttons. [Build: 36] | ||
421. In Tools|Export to Clipboard and Tools|Export to Excel double-clicking in the Columns Available list now adds the column to the Selected Columns list. Also you can now drag items up or down to change their order instead of having to repeatedly use the [Move Up] or [Move Down] buttons. [Build: 36] | ||
422. In Tools|Export to Clipboard and Tools|Export to Excel the Columns that are selected (including their order) are now saved (per user) so that the next time you do the export, your last selections are automatically applied. [Build: 36] | ||
423. Added new print layout DocumentItems macro field DocumentItems->&LineItemCount. This can be used to display the total number of line items in the quote in any location of the print layout such as a header or footer section. [Build: 36] | ||
424. Added support for "&DH_DocName", and all the &APP and &SYS macros in the QuickBooks Export Memo field. [Build: 36] | ||
425. On the Defaults subtab of the Internet tab under the Tools|My Preferences menu, the default cc and bcc email address now support macro fields. [Build: 36] | ||
426. Added macro fields %CommonFiles% and %MyDocuments% that can now be used in the menuopts.add file. This enables you to create custom menus under the Tools menu that performs actions such as opening a document or running an external program. With these new macros, you do not have to hard code the path to these folders, so if they are different on different machines, these locations will automatically be correctly identified. For example you can start an external program and have it open a document in your My Documents folder with a command like "%program files%\CustomApp\apiapp.exe %MyDocuments%\readme.txt". [Build: 36] | ||
427. Added command line option "/dontstartaddons" command line option. This option is useful when you are automating QuoteWerks to for example run a product import through the command line, and a 3rd party addon is loading and stopping the process because it is asking for you to supply login credentials. This command line option requires the /exit command line option, so when the process has finished, QuoteWerks will shutdown. Requiring QuoteWerks to shutdown after it has performed the automated action, when the /dontstartaddons command is used, will prevent the situation where QuoteWerks is running and the QuoteWerks user is logged in and using QuoteWerks, but their addon is not running. [Build: 36] | ||
428. The Product Import Wizard can now auto-detect the "|" (pipe character) as a field delimiter. [Build: 36.03] | ||
429. You can now export the list of users to the Windows Clipboard from the Utilities|User Maintenance menu. [Build: 36.03] | ||
430. On the Create GoldMine forecasted sale window, Create GoldMine call window, and Create GoldMine Completed sale window, the GoldMine activity codes are now displayed in a drop down combo (so you do not have to manually re-create this list in a QuoteWerks F2 Lookup list) [Build: 36.03] | ||
431. On the Create GoldMine Completed sale window, the GoldMine Result codes are now displayed in a drop down combo (so you do not have to manually re-create this list in a QuoteWerks F2 Lookup list) [Build: 36.03] | ||
432. Added SoldToCompany column to the Online Orders window. Useful as a reference when deciding which items to place on the Tech Data order. [Build: 36.05] | ||
433. On the Online Orders window you can now re-arrange the columns. The re-arrangements are not saved. [Build: 36.05] | ||
434. When selecting the picture file for a product on the Edit Product window, if sub folders have been created under the QuoteWerks\Images folder and an image file from one of those subfolders is selected, only the relative path will be stored like "subfolder\speaker.jpg". This is particularly useful when product databases are used in different installations that have different paths. [Build: 36.05] | ||
435. When selecting the Spec Sheet file for a product on the Edit Product window, if sub folders have been created under the QuoteWerks\SPECS folder and a spec sheet file from one of those subfolders is selected, only the relative path will be stored like "subfolder\specs.rtf". This is particularly useful when product databases are used in different installations that have different paths. [Build: 36.05] | ||
436. After selecting a file for the Product Import wizard, the next time during that QuoteWerks session you select an import file, it will default to the last folder that an import file was selected from. [Build: 36.05] | ||
437. After selecting a file for the Paste Special, the next time during that QuoteWerks session you select a file for the Paste Special, the default folder will be the last folder you selected the last file from. [Build: 36.05] | ||
438. Peachtree 2009 is now supported! [Build: 37] | ||
439. The F2 Lookup window is now resizable! It also remembers the last location and size (per user). [Build: 37] | ||
440. Configurations can now be cloned. [Build: 37] | ||
441. When adding a Configuration to the quote, you can now choose to either add or insert it. [Build: 37] | ||
442. When adding a Bundle to the quote, you can now choose to either add or insert it. [Build: 37] | ||
443. When a User is cloned, the Individual Product Data Source security settings are now cloned. [Build: 37] | ||
444. The AfterNewDocument API event is now fired after duplicating a document. An iSource value of 3 is passed to indicate that it is a new document as a result of the duplication feature. [Build: 37] | ||
445. Custom Menus can now be created under all of the root menus of the Quote Workbook. So custom menus can be created under the File/Edit/View, etc root menus. These custom menu items can be used to launch external programs, open documents, or open a website URL. Macro field can be included in the command line used to launch these external programs effectively enabling you to pass information about the current line item such as &DI_ManufacturerPartNumber to the external application when the custom menu item is clicked on. You can also specify whether or not to start the application in normal window or maximized window size and can choose to run this command only once, or once per each line item that is currently selected. This new Menu Customization functionality is available under the Tools|Customize Menus menu. It can also be accessed from the User Preferences window and also by right clicking on a User in the User Maintenance window and selecting Customize Menus. Both users and administrators can create menu items and then specifically choose which users are allowed to have access to that menu item. This enables users to create their own menu items and to share those menu items with other users. Once a menu item has been created and made available to a user, the User can choose to include this menu item in their menus and choose the location of this menu item within the assigned root menu. Misc Access right of "CannotCreateMenuItems" is available to prevent specific users from being able to create menu items. The Misc Access right "CannotModifyMenus" can be assigned to specific users to prevent them from being able to customize their menus at all. [Build: 39] | ||
446. Custom Menus can now be created for the Product Lookup Context Menu. This enables you to right click on a product in the Product Lookup window and launch an external application or open a website based on this item. Macro fields &PL_VendorPartNumber, &PL_ManufacturerPartNumber, &PL_UnitCost, &PL_&SelectedPDS, &PL_RecID, &PL_CustomText01, &PL_CustomText02, &PL_CustomText03, &PL_CustomText04, &PL_CustomText05, &PL_CustomText06, &PL_CustomText07, &PL_CustomText08, &PL_CustomText09, &PL_CustomText10, &PL_CustomText11, &PL_CustomText12, &PL_CustomText13, and &PL_CustomText14 are specifically supported for this context menu. This enables an external application to be launched with the selected part number being passed to the application as a command line parameter so that the 3rd party app could perform an action based on that part number. You can also use this functionality to view product details on a website by passing the product part number as a macro in the url. Menu items created for this Product Lookup Context Menu will be displayed when any product data source product is right clicked on (subject to view rights assigned when the Menu Item is defined). Menu Items can also be created that are specific to individual product data sources. So for example a custom Menu Item will only be displayed when you right click on a product. For example, if you right click on a product in the Tech Data Product Data Source it could run a command like "http://www.techdata.com/tools/ProductDetail/ProductDetail.aspx?P=&PL_VendorPartNumber". This would open the Tech Data website and display the Specifications and Details for the product that you have selected in QuoteWerks. Another example would be the web URL of "http://www.google.com/products?q=&PL_ManufacturerPartNumber&price1=&price2=&PL_UnitCost&lnk=prsugg". This would perform a froogle search that will search the web to see if the selected item can be purchased for a cost lower than what you have in the database! [Build: 39] | ||
447. ACT! 2009 is now supported! [Build: 39] | ||
448. SalesLogix 7.5 is now supported! [Build: 39] | ||
449. Ingram Micro France Real-time Pricing & Availability is now supported! [Build: 39] | ||
450. Tech Data UK (Computer 2000) Real-time Pricing & Availability is now supported! [Build: 39] | ||
451. In the QuickBooks link (USA version only), there is now a new option "Use tax item from QuickBooks customer (if exists), otherwise use Default tax item." on the Sales Tax tab of the QuickBooks link setup. When this is selected, and exporting estimate or invoice to QuickBooks for a customer that already exists in QuickBooks, the default tax item name associated with the customer definition in QuickBooks will be used. [Build: 39] | ||
452. The User Maintenance window now has a right click menus for the existing buttons, and also add new menu items "Customize Menus..." and "Customize Document Items columns..." enabling the administrator to more quickly access those settings for the selected user. [Build: 39] | ||
453. Added "This server requires an encrypted connection (SSL)" option to the Sending sub tab of the Internet tab under the Tools|My Preferences menu. With this option, you can use the QuoteWerks built-in SMTP email to send emails using SMTP email servers (such as Google's GMAIL and AT&T mail) that require an encrypted connection. [Build: 39] | ||
454. The Paste Special Wizard now accepts data copied from HTML tables. This is useful when copying information from tables listed on web pages or Dell HTML quotes. [Build: 39] | ||
455. Added macros &SYS_InstallPath, &SYS_ExecPath, &SYS_DataPath, &SYS_AppVersion, &SYS_AppBuildNumber, &SYS_AppEdition, and &SYS_BackendDBType. [Build: 39] | ||
456. When cloning a Product Data Source, the PDS Access Rights are now cloned. [Build: 39] | ||
457. When searching the QuoteWerks contact database by phone, if you search using the Begins with operator and enter the area code '215' for example, the value '(215' will also be searched for automatically. [Build: 39] | ||
458. The DocumentItems.&Line1Manufacturer field is now available in the print layout designer. [Build: 39] | ||
459. In the Sync Wizard, when selecting to start a new session, the location of the master install last selected when starting a new session will be set as the default. [Build: 39] | ||
460. When the API method FindAndCopyProductsIntoMLIBuffer was called and external product data sources like QuickBooks, Peachtree where not running, a message box would be displayed to that effect. This would interrupt the program execution of the external API application. Now, no message boxes are displayed if there is a problem with QuickBooks or Peachtree not running; essentially normal usage. However, if there is a configuration or setup issue, message boxes may still be displayed. In the case where QuickBooks or Peachtree is not running the error of -40 will be returned. [Build: 39] | ||
461. The API method FindAndCopyProductsIntoMLIBuffer will now return error -11 if the Operator being passed is not supported by the product data source. For example, QuickBooks, Peachtree, and salesforce.com product data sources only support the "Equal to" operator. [Build: 39] | ||
462. When F2 Lookup display for memo field type columns on the Document Items tab is displayed, the values can now be multi-line. Also when zooming on the Description, CustomMemo01, or CustomMemo02 Document Item cell, if use lookup from the Zoom window, these values can now also be multi-line. [Build: 39] | ||
463. You can now search by Account Number in the QuoteWerks contact database search window. The Account Number column is also displayed in the results grid. If QuoteWerks was installed prior to this build, you will need to delete the [ContactSearchWindowGridSettings] section from the user ini file (by selecting the [Edit User INI] button from the Installation tab of the Tools|Options menu) for the new Account Number column to appear. [Build: 39.01] | ||
464. You can now drag files, web pages, and text into the Edit Menu Item Command field. [Build: 39.01] | ||
465. Added macro field &PL_Manufacturer. [Build: 39.01] | ||
466. A new and improved format was adopted for the sample layouts that ship with QuoteWerks. A Canadian layout was added, and color coding was applied to distinguish quotes/orders/sales orders/invoices/purchase orders. [Build: 39.01] | ||
467. DataLink is now supported for salesforce.com! [Build: 39.07] | ||
468. For salesforce.com users, when saving the quote and choosing to create a salesforce.com opportunity, you can now choose to attach to an existing salesforce.com opportunity. [Build: 39.07] | ||
469. Added [Export Contacts] button to the Contacts|Setup Contact Manager menu for the QuoteWerks contact database. You can now export all the contacts in the contact database to a tab-delimited text file. [Build: 39.07] | ||
470. Added an [Export to Clipboard] button for the QuoteWerks contact database. Now, you can export any results of searches to the clipboard. [Build: 39.07] | ||
471. When right-clicking on the Export menu from the Products | Setup Product Data Sources menu, you can now specify the file name and location for the export file. [Build: 39.07] | ||
472. Added "CannotExportProducts" Misc Access right. This can be used to prevent a user from exporting products out of a QuoteWerks product database to a text file. An example is when the right-click Export menu is selected from the Products | Setup Product Data Sources menu. [Build: 39.07] | ||
473. Added "CannotExportContacts" Misc Access right. This can be used to prevent a user from exporting contacts out of the QuoteWerks contact database to a text file which is accessed through the [Export Contacts] button under the Contacts|Setup Contact Managers menu. This is a useful security feature that would prevent a user from exporting your entire customer list. [Build: 39.07] | ||
474. Added Select All and De-Select All buttons to the QuickBooks and Peachtree Batch Export window. [Build: 39.07] | ||
475. Added Select All and De-Select All buttons to the Apply to selected user(s) only" option on the Apply to tab of the Publish Menu Items for Display window and Customize Document Columns window and Customize Product Database Columns window. [Build: 39.07] | ||
476. Added Select All and De-Select All buttons to the Customize Document Columns window and Select PDF Files to Print window. [Build: 39.07] | ||
477. An Grand Total Amount column was added to the Associated Documents tab of the View|Associated Documents menu. [Build: 39.07] | ||
478. Added macro fields &DI_&CurrentCellName, &DI_&CurrentCellText, &DI_&CurrentCellSelectedText, and &DI_&CurrentCellSelectedOrAllText. An example of their use would be to create a custom menu item called "Open in browser" in the Edit menu, set the Action to "Open a Web URL", and in the Command use the macro &DI_&CurrentCellSelectedOrAllText. Then when you right click on any cell in the Document Items tab and choose that menu item, the selected text in the cell will be passed to your default web browser to be opened. If no text is selected, then the entire contents of the cell will be passed to the web browser. [Build: 39.07] | ||
479. QuickBooks 2009 USA is now supported! [Build: 43] | ||
480. QuickBooks 2009 Canada is now supported! [Build: 43] | ||
481. Added support for Real-time Product Content through OpenICEcat. OpenICEcat is a worldwide open catalogue developed in co-operation with over 150 sponsoring manufacturers for the purposes of providing real-time product content such as detailed product descriptions, pictures, and spec sheets. There is no charge for the OpenICEcat service. The QuoteWerks Real-time module is required to access this information. You can right click on a product and choose the Real-time Content menu to display real-time detailed product descriptions, pictures, and spec sheets for the product. For products in native product databases, you have the option to update the product with this real-time content, and by doing so, the pictures and/or spec sheet files will be downloaded and saved into your QuoteWerks installation for future use. On the Document items tab, you can select the Tools|Real-time Product Content menu to update the descriptions of any selected items already in the quote with Real-time Content. [Build: 43] See a screenshot/video of this feature | ||
482. When attempting to open a document that is already in use by another user, you will now have the option to open the document in Read-Only mode. In a situation where a colleague has the document open, has locked their workstation, and is out of the office, other users can still open it (subject to normal rights restrictions) so they can view it. When a customer calls in and asks for information about their quote, other users need to be able to see it instead of being locked out from it. A document opened in Real-Only mode will have “(Read-Only)" displayed in the title bar of the document. [Build: 43] | ||
483. Added Misc Access right "CannotModifyFieldValue:DH_InternalNotes" and "CannotModifyFieldValue:DH_PurchasingNotes". Useful for restricting a user from modifying those fields on the Notes tab of the WorkBook. These fields could then be updated with information about the quote that other users can see, but not change. [Build: 43] | ||
484. Added Misc Access rights "CannotModifyFieldValue:DI_Description" and "CannotModifyFieldValue:DI_ManufacturerPartNumber". When these rights are set, the user cannot modify these fields on the Document Items tab. This is useful in restricting a user from modifying these values to be anything other than what is defined in the product database. Preventing a user from modifying the Manufacturer Part Number is especially useful in that if it is changed, it no longer matches the entry in the database and/or accounting software. When these rights are set, these columns on the DocumentItems tab will have a grey (disabled) background, and when the user clicks in the cell, the status bar will display "You do not have rights to modify this field. This field is read-only". [Build: 43] | ||
485. The list of Misc Access Rights has been re-ordered in order of categorical groupings and can now be sorted alphabetically. [Build: 43] | ||
486. Added the default option "Don't update Order with real-time ordered price." to the General tab of the Tech Data Online Ordering Options window. Also added the corresponding option "After order submitted, don't update Order with real-time ordered price." to the Tech Data online ordering window, so that this can be changed per order. This option is useful when you receive special discount pricing from Tech Data that Tech Data does not make available through real-time pricing & availability or ordering. When this option is set, the special pricing in the QuoteWerks order that you have manually entered will not be overwritten with the generic pricing that is returned by real-time pricing & availability in the order. [Build: 43] | ||
487. Added Misc Access right "CannotCreateContactRecord". This can be used to prevent a user from creating or cloning contacts in the QuoteWerks contact database. [Build: 43] | ||
488. Added Misc Access right "CannotUseRealtimeLicense". Useful for preventing users from using real-time features and thereby reserving a Real-time module license. [Build: 43] | ||
489. Added "Use comma (not space) to delineate part number from quantity in Quick Lookup Bar." option to the Misc tab of the Tools|My Preferences menu. This is useful when your part numbers contain spaces. [Build: 43] | ||
490. When searching for contacts under the Contacts|Lookup menu, the ability to sort columns in the results grid by clicking on the column header is now also supported for ACT!, MS CRM, Outlook, Peachtree, QuickBooks, SalesLogix, and salesforce.com users. [Build: 43] | ||
491. Added a View/Modify button for the Spec Sheet field on the Advanced tab of the Edit Product window. [Build: 43] See a screenshot/video of this feature | ||
492. Added View/Modify and Refresh buttons for the Picture File field on the Picture tab of the Edit Product window. [Build: 43] See a screenshot/video of this feature | ||
493. For API users, added new Database backend object. With this developers can read from and write to any QuoteWerks database, except the product databases. This is useful for performing database related activities like importing and exporting records, running queries to find particular data, etc. For security purposes a Developer Access Key system was implemented so that the QuoteWerks administrator will have control over what applications will have this access to the QuoteWerks databases. This security is administered under the Security tab of the Tools|Options menu. [Build: 43] | ||
494. For API users, added new DocFunctions.DocumentSave method. This method can be used to save a new document, or save changes to an existing document. It does not however perform any CRM related integrations. [Build: 43] | ||
495. For API users, added the Installation.UniqueID property. This is the counterpart to the Application.GetMacro method. The Application.GetMacro("&SYS_InstallUniqueID") will return a unique ID that indentifies this QuoteWerks installation. Then, with this, the developer loop through all the installations (using the backend dll object) to find the installation with the matching unique id. [Build: 43] | ||
496. For API users, added new Application.DoAction method. This .DoAction method enables developers to initiate menu selections. Currently supported are "CallMenuFileSave", and "CallMenuToolsOptions". [Build: 43] | ||
497. Added macro &SYS_InstallUniqueID. [Build: 43] | ||
498. Updated QuoteWerks on October 16th, 2008 to support another new real-time URL that Ingram Micro has implemented for USA and Canada. [Build: 43] | ||
499. Retrieving product data from salesforce.com product data source is now faster when only linking to one salesforce.com Price Book. [Build: 43] | ||
500. For API users, in the FindAndCopyProductsIntoMLIBuffer method, the "Begins with" operator is now suported for QuickBooks, Peachtree, and salesforce.com Data sources. [Build: 43] | ||
501. When cloning a product using the Product Lookup window right click menu, there is now a Clone Product window where you can choose to optionally clone this item's Required, Optional, and Substitute items. [Build: 43.03] | ||
502. The Project No field was added to the Sale Info tab of the Quote WorkBook. [Build: 43.03] | ||
503. On Documents tab of Tools|Options menu you can now set a default value for the Cust PO# (SoldToPONumber). [Build: 43.03] | ||
504. Increased the vertical size of the Bundles and Configurations windows by 30%. [Build: 43.03] | ||
505. When first running QuoteWerks, when the country is selected in the setup wizard, the default language for the Real-time Product Content will be set based on the Country selection. [Build: 43.03] | ||
506. On the Product Lookup window right click menu, the Show Item Requirements, Show Item Options, and Show Substitutions menu items will now be disabled if there are no items for each type respectively. [Build: 43.03] | ||
507. Added Misc Access rights CannotModifyFieldValue:DI_VendorPartNumber, CannotModifyFieldValue:DI_CustomText01, CannotModifyFieldValue:DI_CustomText02, CannotModifyFieldValue:DI_CustomText03, CannotModifyFieldValue:DI_CustomText04, CannotModifyFieldValue:DI_CustomText05, CannotModifyFieldValue:DI_CustomText06, CannotModifyFieldValue:DI_CustomText07, CannotModifyFieldValue:DI_CustomText08, CannotModifyFieldValue:DI_CustomText09, CannotModifyFieldValue:DI_CustomText10, CannotModifyFieldValue:DI_CustomText11, CannotModifyFieldValue:DI_CustomText12, CannotModifyFieldValue:DI_CustomText13, and CannotModifyFieldValue:DI_CustomText14. [Build: 43.05] | ||
508. When running management reports, you can now insert the fields Application->ReportFileName, Application->ReportName, and Application->ReportDescription into layouts used in reports. This is useful when a report layout is used with multiple reports. For example you might have several reports like Today's Quotes, This Week's Quotes, and Last Month's Quotes. The layout format for all of them will most likely be the same. If you wanted the layout to print the text "Last Month's Quotes" you would have to manually insert a label with that text and would have to create a different layout for each report just to have that unique label. By inserting the new Application->ReportName field into the same layout shared by these reports, whichever report is printed will display the respective report name like "Last Month's Quotes". [Build: 43.05] | ||
509. Added new &APP_CompanyMessage1 and &APP_CompanyMessage2 macros. The values for these macros can be set on the Company tab of the Tools|Options menu. These are useful for storing, for example, a daily special and/or the monthly special. What is so powerful about this feature is that these macros can be inserted into cover pages, print layouts, email signatures, etc. When you change the Company Message value, it automatically changes everywhere it is used, so you do not have to manually update your cover pages, print layouts, and email signatures with the daily special - EVERYDAY! Alternatively, you could store something like "Serving the Chicago land area for over 15 years." and when you’ve reached year 16, you will just need to make the change in one place. [Build: 43.05] | ||
510. Macros are now supported in Document Names for templates. For example, if you save a document as a template and give the template a name like "Standard System - &DH_SoldToCompany &SYS_TodaysDate", then when you use the template by selecting this template from the File|New menu, and then save the resulting document, those macro values will be replaced with the actual values. [Build: 43.05] | ||
511. Added support to increase the maximum number of open documents allowed at the same time. The default maximum number is 5. Editing the SITE.INI file and adding the INI key MaxNumOpenDocs under the [System] section you can set this maximum number to a value between 1 and 10. We recommend that you use this setting with caution as the use of this setting may cause you to run into memory issues depending upon your machine and usage (size of each document). If you run into issues, we recommend you reduce the MaxNumOpenDocs . [Build: 43.05] | ||
512. On the Utilities|User Maintenance window, pressing the DEL key will now initiate the delete for Users or Groups. [Build: 43.05] | ||
513. Advanced Outlook integration! The new advanced integration includes: a) When searching for contacts, subfolders within the specified Outlook contact folder will now be included in the searching. b) QuoteWerks will create/update linked documents (as Outlook journal entries) in Outlook. c) QuoteWerks will create/update a follow up call (as an Outlook appointment) in Outlook. d) The QuoteWerks DataLink feature can be used with Outlook enabling you to retrieve information like Terms and shipping method from the Outlook contact into the quote. e) When printing, QuoteWerks can retrieve data from Outlook and include it in the printed output. [Build: 44] See a screenshot/video of this feature | ||
514. Product pictures are now displayed in the Configurator. [Build: 44] See a screenshot/video of this feature | ||
515. On the Add Item Assistant, if a picture is available for the product, it will be displayed. You can also double-click on it to open the picture using the default application associated with the picture file type. [Build: 44] See a screenshot/video of this feature | ||
516. On the Picture tab of the Edit Product window, there are now buttons to view the picture as [Auto Size] or [Original Size]. The Auto Size option resizes the image while respecting the aspect ratio. [Build: 44] See a screenshot/video of this feature | ||
517. On the Real-time Product Content window, the pictures are now resized to the size of the display area while maintaining the aspect ratio. [Build: 44] | ||
518. On Real-time Product Content window, if available, a "View product on Manufacturer Website" hyperlink is now displayed. [Build: 44] | ||
519. On the Add Item Assistant, for products with a pricing method of Volume Pricing or Customer Based Price Levels, you can now view the complete list of all the pricing levels. [Build: 44] | ||
520. On the Add Item Assistant, for products with a pricing method of Customer Based Price Levels, the pricing is now displayed instead of "TBD". [Build: 44] | ||
521. If Product Data Sources are located under the QuoteWerks installation folder, the QuoteWerks installation path will be replaced with a macro instead of the hard coded path when this path is saved in the database. This will make it easier to move the QuoteWerks installation folder without the links breaking due to invalid paths. [Build: 44] | ||
522. When inserting a file path and name into a custom Menu Item command, and the QuoteWerks installation path is contained within the file path, you will be asked if you want to use the &SYS_InstallPath macro. This will make it easier to move the QuoteWerks installation folder without the links breaking due to invalid paths. [Build: 44] | ||
523. Added new File|Save & Close menu and toolbar button to report designer. [Build: 44] | ||
524. Added shortcut keys of CTRL-S (to select File|Save) and CTRL-W (to select File|Close) on Report Designer window. [Build: 44] | ||
525. Added shortcut keys CTRL-W (to select File|Close) on Quote Workbook. [Build: 44] | ||
526. When printing, QuoteWerks can retrieve data from salesforce.com and include it in the printed output. [Build: 44.06] | ||
527. Added support for Outlook 2007 Business Contact Manager (BCM). The integration includes: a) The currently open Outlook BCM Contact or Account can be pulled into the quote. b) The Business Contacts and Accounts can be searched to find Contacts or Accounts to pull into the quote. c) When searching for contacts, subfolders within the specified Outlook BCM Accounts or Contacts folder are included in the search. d) QuoteWerks will create/update linked documents (as Outlook journal entries) in Outlook BCM. e) QuoteWerks will create/update a follow up call (as an Outlook appointment) in Outlook BCM. f) QuoteWerks will create/update Sales Opportunities (as an Outlook BCM opportunity) in Outlook BCM. g) The QuoteWerks DataLink feature can be used with Outlook BCM enabling you to retrieve information like Terms and shipping method from the Outlook BCM contact into the quote. h) When printing, QuoteWerks can retrieve data from Outlook BCM and include it in the printed output. [Build: 45] | ||
528. Online Ordering module can place online orders with Ingram Micro (USA and Canada) from within QuoteWerks (requires Real-time and Online Ordering modules). Order items from a single order, or combine items from multiple QuoteWerks orders into a single Ingram Micro order. This will save you the time and hassle of calling your Ingram Micro sales rep and reading each part number, quantity, and price to him/her. Another benefit is that the order date and Ingram Micro sales order number will automatically be stored with your QuoteWerks order for reference. When placing Ingram Micro online orders electronically through QuoteWerks, there is an option that will let you place the order on hold. This will afford you an opportunity to review the order with your distributor rep and negotiate pricing without the time consuming process of reading to your sales rep all the part numbers, quantities, ship to location, etc. No more calling your distributor sales rep only to reach voice mail (understandable - sales reps can't be on the phone with more than one customer at a time) and then have to remember try again later in the day to place the order - or wait for a call back! This is truly the best of both worlds - automation with sales rep service! Supports government and educational pricing. [Build: 45] | ||
529. Online Ordering module can place online orders with SYNNEX (USA and Canada) from within QuoteWerks (requires Real-time and Online Ordering modules). Order items from a single order, or combine items from multiple QuoteWerks orders into a single SYNNEX order. This will save you the time and hassle of calling your SYNNEX sales rep and reading each part number, quantity, and price to him/her. Another benefit is that the order date and SYNNEX sales order number will automatically be stored with your QuoteWerks order for reference. When placing SYNNEX online orders electronically through QuoteWerks, there is an option that will let you place the order on hold. This will afford you an opportunity to review the order with your distributor rep and negotiate pricing without the time consuming process of reading to your sales rep all the part numbers, quantities, ship to location, etc. No more calling your distributor sales rep only to reach voice mail (understandable - sales reps can't be on the phone with more than one customer at a time) and then have to remember try again later in the day to place the order - or wait for a call back! This is truly the best of both worlds - automation with sales rep service! Supports vendor promotion, government, and educational pricing. [Build: 45] | ||
530. When no documents are open, the File|New and File|Open menus now have shortcut keys CTRL-N and CTRL-O respectively. [Build: 45] | ||
531. The Bundles window (Products|Bundles menu), Configurations window (Products|Configurator menu), Required Items window (Products|Required Items menu), Optional Items window (Products|Optional Items menu), and Substitute Items window (Products|Substitute Items menu) are now all resizable. [Build: 45] | ||
532. Added macro fields &DH_&SoldToFirstName, &DH_&SoldToLastName, &DH_&ShipToFirstName, &DH_&ShipToLastName, &DH_&BillToFirstName, and &DH_&BillToLastName. [Build: 45] | ||
533. When creating Sales Opportunities in MS CRM, QuoteWerks now supports custom CRM Opportunity Rating Codes in addition to the standard codes of "Hot", "Warm", and "Cold". [Build: 45.01] | ||
534. Real-time Pricing and Availability is now available for IT distributor Accutech (<a href="http://www.accutechdata.com">www.accutechdata.com</a>). [Build: 46] | ||
535. Real-time Pricing and Availability is now available for IT distributor Arbitech (<a href="http://www.arbitech.com">www.arbitech.com</a>). [Build: 46] | ||
536. Real-time Pricing and Availability is now available for IT distributor Bell Micro (<a href="http://www.bellmicro.com">www.bellmicro.com</a>). [Build: 46] | ||
537. Real-time Pricing and Availability is now available for IT distributor Digitek (<a href="http://www.digitek.com">www.digitek.com</a>). [Build: 46] | ||
538. The Price Comparison window is now resizable, and also remembers the last location and size (per user). [Build: 46] | ||
539. Added Misc Access right "CannotModifyDocStatusWhenConvertingDocument".Useful for preventing a user from changing the DocStatus to a value other than the default value specified in the setup. [Build: 46] | ||
540. Added support for SugarCRM (versions 5.1 and 5.2) open source web based contact management software ( www.sugarcrm.com ). The integration includes: a) SugarCRM can be searched to find Contacts or Accounts to pull into the quote. b) QuoteWerks will create/update a linked document (as a SugarCRM note attachment). c) QuoteWerks will create/update a follow up call (as a SugarCRM Call). d) QuoteWerks will create/update a Sales Opportunity (as a SugarCRM Opportunity). e) The QuoteWerks DataLink feature can be used with SugarCRM enabling you to retrieve information like Terms and shipping method from the SugarCRM Contact or Account into the quote. f) When printing, QuoteWerks can retrieve Contact or Account data from SugarCRM and include it in the printed output. g) SugarCRM Contact and Account data can be retrieved using the F2 Lookup macro of ~SugarCRM_Macro(). [Build: 47] | ||
541. Online Ordering module can place online orders with D & H (USA and Canada) from within QuoteWerks (requires Real-time and Online Ordering modules). Order items from a single order, or combine items from multiple QuoteWerks orders into a single D & H order. This will save you the time and hassle of calling your D & H sales rep and reading each part number, quantity, and price to him/her. Another benefit is that the order date and D & H sales order number will automatically be stored with your QuoteWerks order for reference. When placing D & H online orders electronically through QuoteWerks, there is an option that will let you place the order on hold. This will afford you an opportunity to review the order with your distributor rep and negotiate pricing without the time consuming process of reading to your sales rep all the part numbers, quantities, ship to location, etc. No more calling your distributor sales rep only to reach voice mail (understandable - sales reps can't be on the phone with more than one customer at a time) and then have to remember try again later in the day to place the order - or wait for a call back! This is truly the best of both worlds - automation with sales rep service! [Build: 47] | ||
542. Added Real-time Pricing & Availability support for D&H Canada. [Build: 47] | ||
543. Real-time Pricing and Availability is now available for IT distributor BlueStar ( www.bluestarinc.com ). [Build: 47] | ||
544. GoldMine 8.5 (Premium Edition) is now supported! [Build: 47] | ||
545. Peachtree 2010 is now supported! [Build: 47] | ||
546. Added support for linking to Microsoft Access 2007 databases as a Product Data Source. [Build: 47] | ||
547. Added Misc Access right CannotModifyLiterature, this is useful in preventing users from modifying these files from the Literature tab on the Print window. [Build: 47] | ||
548. Added Misc Access right CannotModifySpecSheets, this is useful in preventing users from modifying these files from the Spec Sheets tab on the Print window, and also on the Advanced tab of the Edit Product window. [Build: 47] | ||
549. Added Misc Access right CannotModifyFieldValue:DH_DocStatus. [Build: 47] | ||
550. Formula based line items can now references prices in group header line items. [Build: 47] | ||
551. Added Edit | Append Paste menu. [Build: 47] | ||
552. Added support for setting the Document default values for CustomText13 - 20 through the SITE.INI file. Under the [Defaults] section of the SITE.INI file, you can set ini keys (for example) of CustomText13=my default. [Build: 47] | ||
553. On the Lookup Contact window the [Select for Sold To], [Select for Ship To], and [Select for Bill To] buttons now display their customized labels instead of their hard coded names (if they have been customized). [Build: 47] | ||
554. On the Defaults tab of the QuickBooks Setup window, increased the size of the account dropdowns enabling you to fully see larger account names, and also added tooltip support for extremely long account names. [Build: 47] | ||
555. For QuickBooks users, on the Create QuickBooks Item the size of the account dropdowns has been increased, enabling you to fully see larger account names, and also added tooltip support for extremely long account names. [Build: 47] | ||
556. Updated the View Log file window to add support for shortcut keys CTRL-F for find and F3 for find next. Also the text to find will default to the text that is currently selected. [Build: 47] | ||
557. If an error occurs while submitting an online order a .log file containing the error details will be created with the same base file name as the online order xml response file. [Build: 47] | ||
558. With the improved implementation of the &SYS_InstallPath macro you do not have to setup Path Translations between the Master and Remote installations as long as the external files being synchronized are located under the \QuoteWerks installation folder of both the Master installation and the Remote Installation and both have the same relative path under the \QuoteWerks folder. [Build: 47] | ||
559. In SITE.INI file under the [Contact Managers] section added support for the following INI keys (With their default values specified) "SalesLogixOppStatusOpenValue=Open", "SalesLogixOppStatusClosedLostValue=Closed - Lost", "SalesLogixOppStatusClosedWonValue=Closed - Won". This is particularly useful for German or Non-English versions of SalesLogix. [Build: 47] | ||
560. For API users, added new DocFunctions.DocumentSaveAsNextRevision(byval bDeletePreviousRevision As Boolean) method. [Build: 47] | ||
561. For API users, when an unknown field is requested through the the DocFunctions.GetDocumentHeaderValue method, a message box will no longer be displayed (which would stop the API application). Instead an error code "$$$Error:002" will be returned. [Build: 47] | ||
562. On the File | Insert Document window, the last selected operator is now memorized (per user), so the next time you open this window, it will be remembered. [Build: 47] | ||
563. On the QuoteWerks Contact Lookup window, the last selected operator is now memorized (per user), so the next time you open this window, it will be remembered. [Build: 47] | ||
564. For API users, added support for the macros "&ReadOnlyMode", "&ViewOnlyMode", "&NeverBeenSaved" available through the DocFunctions.GetDocumentHeaderValue method. [Build: 47] | ||
565. On the System tab of the Help|About menu, there is a new value of "Terminal Services Detected". [Build: 47] | ||
566. On the System tab of the Help|About menu, there is a new value of "UAC Enabled". [Build: 47] | ||
567. ACT! 2010 is now supported! [Build: 49] | ||
568. For ACT! 2005 and higher users, under the Contacts|Setup Contact Manager menu, there are now options to write line item level product detail into ACT! opportunities. [Build: 49] | ||
569. There is now a QuoteWerks ACT! Integration Medic utility. It is located in the "C:\Program Files\Common Files\QuoteWerks" folder and is accessible directly, or through the QuoteWerks Medic Utility under the Utilities|QuoteWerks ACT! Medic Utility menu. This is very useful in debugging complicated ACT! integration issues, including detecting and repairing ACT! framework registration issues due to failed ACT! updates, and blocked (by anti-virus or firewall) tcp ports which interfere with .NET component communication. [Build: 49] | ||
570. Real-time Pricing and Availability is now available for Canadian IT distributor Supercom ( www.supercom.ca ). [Build: 49] | ||
571. Real-time Pricing and Availability is now available for IT distributor Printer Essentials ( www.printeressentials.com ). [Build: 49] | ||
572. On the Documents tab of the Tools|Options menu, you can set the default literature to use when creating a new Quote, new Order, and/or new Invoice. On this "Select Default Literature..." window, you can also specify if this default literature will be applied by default when converting, for example, a Quote to an Order using the "Apply this literature to documents that are converted to an Order/Invoice" checkbox. When specify which literature documents to use as a default, you can specify individual literature documents, or you can specify to select all the literature contained within a particular literature folder. When adding new literature later, any files added into the specified literature folder will automatically be included in the default literature, whereas if you choose specific literature documents, the newly added literature would need to be specifically added to the default literature selections. [Build: 49] | ||
573. On the Literature tab of the Print window, there is now a [Apply default literature for Quote/Order/Invoice] button. This can be used to apply the default literature selections by adding them to the existing literature selections. If you wish you replace the existing literature selections, click on the [Deselect All] button before applying the default literature. [Build: 49] | ||
574. When converting, for example, a Quote to an Order, on the Convert Document window, there is now an option to "Apply default literature for new Order/Invoice" which will add the default Order/Invoice literature to the existing selections currently associated with the Quote. [Build: 49] | ||
575. Added Misc Access Right CannotMaintainLiterature which prevents user from inserting a file, renaming or creating a new folder on the Literature tab of the File|Print window. [Build: 49] | ||
576. Added Misc Access Right CannotModifyLiteratureSelections. When this right is set, the user cannot change literature selections on the Literature tab of the File|Print window, specifically they cannot manually select literature, or use the [Select All] or De-Select All] buttons, or use the [Apply Default literature] button. Additionally, they cannot change the selection for "Apply default literature for new Order/Invoice" on the Convert Document window. [Build: 49] | ||
577. For Canadian users, added support for a document level GST Tax rate. This is important now that the Canadian government has started changing the GST tax rate. Before installing this update we recommend that you do a Utilities|Merge Remote Documents, then install the update, then using the medic utility, you will need to run a SQL command to update all documents prior to the date that you changed the GST Tax Rate in QuoteWerks with the older GST Tax Rate. For MS Access backend database the SQL command would look similar to: "UPDATE DocumentHeaders SET GSTTaxRate=0.05 WHERE LastModified < #01/01/2008#", and for a MSSQL backend the SQL command would like similiar to "UPDATE DocumentHeaders SET GSTTaxRate=0.05 WHERE LastModified < '01/01/2008'". After you run the SQL update query, run the Utilities|Rebuild CM Transport files to update all the DTF files with the new field and data. [Build: 49] | ||
578. For Canadian users, the GSTTaxRate field is now available as a DataLink field. [Build: 49] | ||
579. Innovative Context-Sensitive Tutorial Video links are now displayed on various QuoteWerks windows as a hyperlink labeled "Watch Tutorial Video". These links make it easy to play the appropriate tutorial video based on the window you currently have open, without having to manually go to the website, determine if a video on this topic exists, and then manually play it. The Context-Sensitive Tutorial Video links obtain their content from the Tutorial Videos page on the QuoteWerks website ( http://www.quotewerks.com/tutorial.asp ). The "Watch Tutorial Video" hyperlink is now available on the Tools|Export To QuickBooks window, the QuickBooks Interactive Link Setup window, Tools|Export To Peachtree window, the Peachtree Interactive Link Setup window, the Realtime tab of the Tools|Options menu, the Products|Setup Products Data Sources menu, the Products|Import Wizard menu, and then Utilities|Sync menu. [Build: 49] | ||
580. There is now a new format option "Bottom Align" for Report Footers in a print layouts and report layouts. This is used to force the section down to the bottom of the page (after the last detail section) even if the detail ends in the middle of the page. [Build: 49] | ||
581. On the Installation tab of the Tools|Options menu, added the options "Allocate inventory for Orders" and "Allocate inventory for Invoices". This are used to set the default values for their counterparts on the Convert Document window. [Build: 49] | ||
582. Added Misc Access Right CannotModifyInventoryAllocation which prevents the user from changing the "Allocate inventory for Orders/Invoices" checkbox on the Convert Document window. Restricting the user with this right, and setting the default for this option effectively sets this value, and then prevents the user from changing it. [Build: 49] | ||
583. Added support for default values for "GST Tax Exempt" and "No PST on Shipping" on the Regional tab of the Tools|Options menu. [Build: 49] | ||
584. Added Select All and Deselect All buttons on the Literature tab of the Print window. [Build: 49] | ||
585. On the File | Insert Document window, the last selected ascending/descending order is now memorized (per user) for each column, so the next time you search by that field, your sort order will be remembered. [Build: 49] | ||
586. On the QuoteWerks Contact Lookup window, the last selected ascending/descending order is now memorized (per user) for each column, so the next time you search by that field, your sort order will be remembered. [Build: 49] | ||
587. Added "Disassociate copied item(s) with this folder" menu item to the Product Lookup Window's folder menu. With this you can remove the association of one or more products with the folder simultaneously. [Build: 49] | ||
588. Added Help|QuoteWerks on the Web|Remote Assistance menu. This will open your web browser and take you directly to a support page where you can enter the remote assistance meeting id (provided to you by QuoteWerks technical support) to initiate a remote assistance session. [Build: 49] | ||
589. Added support for DocumentHeaders.&AlternateCurrencyIdentifier macro field in report layouts. [Build: 49] | ||
590. When importing into the KeywordList field while importing into a product database, required leading and trailing spaces are automatically added to the data value being imported. [Build: 49] | ||
591. The total count of Real-time Module Licenses is now displayed in the License Manager window. [Build: 49] | ||
592. For Emails sent using the Built-in SMTP email, the pdf or rtf file for the quote/order/invoice that is attached in the email will now be saved in the QuoteWerks\History\Email folder. Previously this only happened if you used GoldMine as your CRM or if you sent emails through Outlook from within QuoteWerks. The file name will have a postfix added to it to ensure unique file names. Only the quote document file itself is saved here. Copies of literature or spec sheet documents will not be saved here. [Build: 49] | ||
593. If a document is already open and you try to open it again from the Most Recently Used (MRU) on the File menu, you will hear a beep, and it will now be brought to focus. Previously you would receive a message asking you to find it in the Window list. [Build: 49] | ||
594. On the Literature and Spec Sheets tab of the File | Print window there is now a selection count display. [Build: 49] | ||
595. Real-time Pricing and Availability is now available for IT distributor Dexxxon Digital Storage ( www.digitalstorage.com ). [Build: 50] | ||
596. New and improved PDF generator no longer requires that a printer driver be installed. Requiring a printer driver be installed involved great complexity and many issues arised relating to security (users have to have OS level permissions to install/remove printers) and low level Operating System (OS) functionality such as functionality on 32-bit vs 64-bit Operating Systems, and even would have issues relating to how many processing cores a machine's CPU had. While PDF Generating Printer Drivers are the most prominent means of creating PDF files (because it is easy for the programmer, but problematic for the end user), we have chosen to rise above all this and create a solution that does not require a printer driver thereby leaving all these problems in the past. [Build: 50] | ||
597. When choosing the option to embed fonts in the PDF file, the size of the PDF file is now smaller due to the fact that only the font characters that are used in the document are actually embedded in the PDF file. This also makes the document even more tamper-resistant since the only font characters that are embedded in the file are the characters that were used in the file. [Build: 50] | ||
598. On the Misc tab of the Tools|My Preferences menu, there is now a new "Color and underline hyperlink URLs when creating PDF file" option. The PDF generator automatically detects hyperlink link strings so that when viewed in Adobe Acrobat you can click on those links to display the link in your web browser. Until now, those links did not look any different than the rest of the text. Now, with this new option, you can choose to have these automatic hyperlinks display as blue underlined links. [Build: 50] | ||
599. When PDF files are created, you now have the option to flag them as Read-Only. You can set this option under the Misc tab of the Tools|My Preferences menu. Additionally, when setting the PDF file as Read-Only, you also have the option to prevent the recipient from copying text out of the PDF file. When receiving quotes/estimates, many customers/leads often copy out part numbers and descriptions, and then paste this copied information into a web search engine in an effort to search for better pricing. Without the ability to copy and paste so easily, the recipient would have to spend a lot of time having to re-type all this information which would be a deterrent against them price shopping. [Build: 50] | ||
600. When printing a document from the preview window, if the document being printed included PDF formatted Spec Sheets, or PDF formatted Literature Files, a Print PDF file window will now appear that enables you to simply choose which PDF files you want to print, and then it will print them using Adobe Acrobat to the printer that you just printed to from the Preview window. [Build: 50] | ||
601. Added Misc Access Rights CannotModifyFieldValue:DH_&SoldToFields, CannotModifyFieldValue:DH_&ShipToFields, and CannotModifyFieldValue:DH_&BillToFields. These completely revoke the user's ability to modify any of the SoldTo/ShipTo/BillTo fields located on the Sold to/Ship to tab of the WorkBook. The user cannot type directly into the fields, nor can they use the Retrieve current contact, Search for Contact, Clear fields, or Copy from buttons to affect the data in the fields. Note, the SoldToPriceProfile field is not included in CannotModifyFieldValue:DH_&SoldToFields. There is a separate CannotModifyFieldValue:DH_SoldToPriceProfile right for this field. [Build: 50] | ||
602. Added Misc Access Rights CannotManuallyModifyFieldValue:DH_&SoldToFields, CannotManuallyModifyFieldValue:DH_&ShipToFields, and CannotManuallyModifyFieldValue:DH_&BillToFields. These revoke the user's ability to manually type into any of the SoldTo/ShipTo/BillTo fields on the Sold to/Ship to tab of the WorkBook. They can still retrieve contacts from a CRM using the Retrieve current contact or Search for Contact buttons, as well clear the fields using Clear fields button. They will also still be able to copy the fields from either the Ship to or Bill to sections using the Copy from button. Note, the SoldToPriceProfile field is not included in CannotManuallyModifyFieldValue:DH_&SoldToFields. There is a separate CannotManuallyModifyFieldValue:DH_SoldToPriceProfile right for this field. [Build: 50] | ||
603. Added Misc Access Rights CannotManuallyModifyCRMRetrievedFieldValue:DH_&SoldToFields, CannotManuallyModifyCRMRetrievedFieldValue:DH_&ShipToFields, and CannotManuallyModifyCRMRetrievedFieldValue:DH_&BillToFields. These rights behave just like the CannotManuallyModifyFieldValue:DH_&SoldToFields rights, but they only apply once a CRM contact has been retrieved (versus manually typed in) into the quote. Note, the SoldToPriceProfile field is not included in CannotManuallyModifyCRMRetrievedFieldValue:DH_&SoldToFields. There is a separate CannotManuallyModifyCRMRetrievedFieldValue:DH_SoldToPriceProfile right for this field. [Build: 50] | ||
604. Added Misc Access Rights CannotManuallyModifyCRMRetrievedFieldValue:DH_SoldToXX, CannotManuallyModifyCRMRetrievedFieldValue:DH_ShipToXX, and CannotManuallyModifyCRMRetrievedFieldValue:DH_BillToXX. These revoke the user's ability to modify a specific SoldTo/ShipTo/BillTo field on the Sold to/Ship to tab, where XX is the field name, when the contact was retrieved from a CRM. If the contact was not retrieved from the contact manager, the user still has the ability to manually type into the field and they still have the ability to clear the field using the Clear fields button, but if the data is retrieved from a contact manager, the returned data will not be modifiable. The complete list of Access Rights are:
CannotManuallyModifyCRMRetrievedFieldValue:DH_BillToEmail [Build: 50] | ||
605. While in the list of layouts on the Layouts tab of the Print window, the DEL key is now supported. [Build: 50] | ||
606. On the Notification Log window there is now a "Copy all to Clipboard" button. The Notification Log contains a list of all messages posted to the QuoteWerks status bar and is viewed by double-clicking on the status bar. [Build: 50] | ||
607. QuickBooks 2010 (USA and Canadian versions) are now supported! [Build: 51] | ||
608. For MS CRM 4.0 users, the MS CRM integration now supports Multi-Tenancy installations, Internet Facing Deployments (IFD), and Active Directory Impersonation. [Build: 51] | ||
609. For MS CRM 4.0 users, there is now an option to create quotes in MS CRM that are associated with the MS CRM opportunity. These Quotes are populated with line item detail from the QuoteWerks quote. [Build: 51] See a screenshot/video of this feature | ||
610. For MS CRM 4.0 users, you can now link to existing MS CRM Opportunities rather than having to use a new MS CRM opportunity created by QuoteWerks. [Build: 51] See a screenshot/video of this feature | ||
611. For MS CRM 4.0 users, on the Create/update MS CRM Sales Opportunity window, there is now a button that will open the MS CRM Opportunity in MS CRM. [Build: 51] See a screenshot/video of this feature | ||
612. For MS CRM 4.0 users, on the Create/update Follow up call window, there is now a button that will open the MS CRM follow up call in MS CRM. [Build: 51] See a screenshot/video of this feature | ||
613. For MS CRM 4.0 users, there is now a button on the SoldTo / ShipTo tab that will open the MS CRM Contact in MS CRM for the SoldTo, ShipTo, or BillTo linked contact. [Build: 51] See a screenshot/video of this feature | ||
614. For MS CRM 4.0 users, Emails sent from within QuoteWerks (using the built-in QuoteWerks SMTP email or by automating Outlook) are now logged as sent emails in MS CRM history. [Build: 51] | ||
615. For MS CRM 4.0 users, on the newly redesigned Select Email Address window, there is now a "'Sold To' E-mail Addresses from MS CRM" email list. This will be a list of all email addresses associated with the MS CRM account or contact record that is linked to the Sold To fields in QuoteWerks. If linked to a MS CRM account record, all the email addresses associated with the account and all the email addresses associated with the contacts under this account will be displayed. [Build: 51] See a screenshot/video of this feature | ||
616. For MS CRM 4.0 users, on the newly redesigned Select Email Address window, there is now a "'Ship To' E-mail Addresses from MS CRM" email list. This will be a list of all email addresses associated with the MS CRM account or contact record that is linked to the Ship To fields in QuoteWerks. If linked to a MS CRM account record, all the email addresses associated with the account and all the email addresses associated with the contacts under this account will be displayed. [Build: 51] | ||
617. For MS CRM 4.0 users, on the newly redesigned Select Email Address window, there is now a "'Bill To' E-mail Addresses from MS CRM" email list. This will be a list of all email addresses associated with the MS CRM account or contact record that is linked to the Bill To fields in QuoteWerks. If linked to a MS CRM account record, all the email addresses associated with the account and all the email addresses associated with the contacts under this account will be displayed. [Build: 51] | ||
618. For MS CRM 4.0 users, on the newly redesigned Select Email Address window, there is now an option to "Search MS CRM" for an email address. You can search your entire MS CRM database for an email address, searching by Account, Name, or Phone. [Build: 51] See a screenshot/video of this feature | ||
619. Re-designed Select Email Address window enables you to specify the TO, CC, and BCC email addresses all at once from the same screen without having to go back to the Send Email window and choose a different recipient type. Also, this window is now resizable. [Build: 51] | ||
620. New and improved Maximizer 10.0 and 10.5 integration! The improved integration includes: a) Maximizer can now be searched to find Companies, Individuals, or Contacts to pull into the quote. Previously you could only retrieve the currently displayed Maximizer contact. b) QuoteWerks now creates/updates linked documents in Maximizer as embedded documents allowing for them to be synchronized using Maximizer's synchronization. c) The QuoteWerks DataLink feature now retrieves the information from the Maximizer record that the quote is linked to, rather than just the current record. This can be used with Maximizer enabling you to retrieve information like Terms and shipping method from the Maximizer Company, Individual, or Contact (whichever is linked to the quote) into the quote. d) When printing, QuoteWerks can retrieve Contact data from the Maximizer contact that is linked to the quote and include it in the printed output. Previously only data from the current Maximizer record could be used. e) Maximizer Contact data can be retrieved using the F2 Lookup macro of ~Max_Macro() to pull data from the Maximizer contact that is linked to the quote. Previously only data from the current Maximizer record could be used. With these changes, Maximizer versions earlier than 7.0 are no longer supported. [Build: 51] | ||
621. For GoldMine users, on the newly redesigned Select Email Address window, there is now a "'Sold To' E-mail Addresses from GoldMine" email list. This will be a list of all email addresses associated with the GoldMine contact record that is linked to the Sold To fields in QuoteWerks. [Build: 51] | ||
622. For GoldMine users, on the newly redesigned Select Email Address window, there is now a "'Ship To' E-mail Addresses from GoldMine" email list. This will be a list of all email addresses associated with the GoldMine contact record that is linked to the Ship To fields in QuoteWerks. [Build: 51] | ||
623. For GoldMine users, on the newly redesigned Select Email Address window, there is now a "'Bill To' E-mail Addresses from GoldMine" email list. This will be a list of all email addresses associated with the GoldMine contact record that is linked to the Bill To fields in QuoteWerks. [Build: 51] | ||
624. For GoldMine users, on the newly redesigned Select Email Address window, you can now easily choose email addresses from the GoldMine contact record linked to the Sold To, Ship to, and Bill to contacts respectively. [Build: 51] | ||
625. In the layout designer when setting background colors, you can now save custom colors in the layout so they will be available to apply to other fields during your editing session, and then next time you edit the layout. [Build: 51] | ||
626. Using the "Microsoft Text Driver (*.txt; *.csv)" ODBC text driver, you can now link to comma delimited text files as Product Data Sources. This is very useful when you receive product and pricing information from your vendors in a comma delimited text file format. With this new functionality, you can simply link to that text file instead of having to import the data into a database. [Build: 51] | ||
627. On the Online Ordering window, the last selected Online Vendor is now memorized (per user), so the next time you open this window, it will be remembered. [Build: 51] | ||
628. On the Layout Designer window, there is now a [Close] button on the toolbar right next to the [Save & Close] button. This button is generally closer to your mouse than the window's close "X" button in the upper right corner. While this change may seem trivial, if you've ever done a lot of layout designing, you'll put a lot less miles on your mouse with this new button. [Build: 51] | ||
Misc Features - Version 4.0 | ||
1. With the introduction of QuoteWerks 4.0, ACT! 3.0 is no longer supported by QuoteWerks. [Build: 1] | ||
2. More icon changes. [Build: 1] | ||
3. When adding or removing license keys, the menus on all open quote workbooks are now updated to reflect the new licensing changes. [Build: 1] | ||
4. The auto-generated 4 letter/number location prefix for remote users is now screened for offensive 4 letter words, and filtered out. [Build: 1] | ||
5. Alternate currency last updated date/time in the product database is now stored in ISO format. [Build: 1] | ||
6. When exporting to QuickBooks, we now check to see if the terms field (15) and the ShipVia field (31) data is larger than what QuickBooks supports, and if so user is notified. [Build: 1] | ||
7. Renamed the "Don't Print" item attribute to "Print Line" - removing the double negative. [Build: 1] | ||
8. DocumentHeader Macros are now listed under the DocumentHeaders table with an ampersand symbol preceeding the macro name. The DocumentHeadersMacro table has been superceeded. [Build: 1] | ||
9. When more than one Standard Edition or Professional Edition license is entered, the C or J letter no longer gets changed to a "B" to indicate a bump license when displayed in the License Manager window. [Build: 1] | ||
10. Whenever a file selection dialog was displayed, the main quote workbook window would be brought to focus hiding the window that was displayed prior to the file selection. This no longer happens. [Build: 1] | ||
11. If a group member line item does not have the Hide Price attribute set, the unit price will be printed. [Build: 1] | ||
12. When linking configuration selection containers together, you now need to select from the list of options, you cannot type it in. [Build: 1] | ||
13. After deleting, editing or cloning a user account, the selected item position in the list is preserved. [Build: 1] | ||
14. You can no longer move a product folder to a subordinate folder. You will now receive a message to that effect. [Build: 1] | ||
15. When upgrading the version 3.0 .dta archived files located in the \QuoteWerks\Archives folder are now not deleted. QuoteWerks 4.0 cannot upgrade/import archived QuoteWerks 3.0 .dta files. [Build: 2] | ||
16. QuickBooks 2004 is now listed as supported when selecting QuickBooks as the contact manager to use with QuoteWerks on the Contacts|Setup Contact Manager menu. [Build: 2] | ||
17. When error about ConvertISODateTimeToLocalizedFormatAndTimeZone is displayed, the error message now includes the ISOData being passed. [Build: 2] | ||
18. Added error catching for OS permissions when writing log file entries. [Build: 2] | ||
19. Added QuickBooks Debug mode technical support feature for debugging QuickBooks interactive link issues. [Build: 2] | ||
20. When selecting a file to import the number of columns detected is now sampling all twenty first lines of data instead of just the 20th line of data. [Build: 2] | ||
21. When importing PriceModifier and CostModifier field values, the import process now upper cases the value (which is required) [Build: 2] | ||
22. For the user access right "CannotModifyContactRecord", this security right now allows the user to click on the edit button to view a contact record, but prevents the user from saving changes to the contact record. [Build: 2] | ||
23. On File|Insert Document window, changed behavior of selection of document by name to avoid confusion when typing in a document name. [Build: 4] | ||
24. The Product Data Source Wizard now shows the selected data source type in the title bar. [Build: 4] | ||
25. Changed the "Explanation of Configuration" and "Explanation of Bundle" labels to "Configuration Internal Notes" and "Bundle Internal Notes" respectively. [Build: 4] | ||
26. When inserting a ContactMgr macro field into a print layout (Insert | Data Field menu), the ContactMgr table name will now only be displayed if the contact management integration supports it. [Build: 6] | ||
27. When doing a File|Save As from the print preview window, the file name that you enter is no longer forced to lower case. [Build: 6] | ||
28. In rare cases, when loading a configuration, if there was an error loading a container link, the error message will now contain more detailed information. [Build: 6] | ||
29. When an adminstrator is logged in to a workstation and the network and installs QuoteWerks running nsetup.exe and does not log in as the users that will be using QuoteWerks to run the nsetup the appropriate registry entries are not made for other users. Now each time QuoteWerks starts it will automatically register the installation that is now running in the current user's H_KEY_CURRENT_USER key in the WIndows registry. This information will be used by the QuoteWerks Web Connector. [Build: 6] | ||
30. Increased the length of the AccountNo fields from 20 to 50. [Build: 6] | ||
31. Applications that request the name of a document that has a dtf extension will now be returned a value of "QuoteWerks Document" [Build: 6] | ||
32. For salesforce.com users, in version 4.0 we added a feature that updated the name of the salesforce.com opportunity associated with the quote whenever the quote was converted to an order or renamed. Now, there is an option called "Update salesforce.com Opportunity name with Document name." on the salesforce.com settings under the Contacts | Setup Contact Managers menu. If this option is not checked, the opportunity name will not be updated. [Build: 6] | ||
33. In Windows Add/Remove programs on 2000/XP machines, the correct QuoteWerks icon is now displayed next to the QuoteWerks entries. [Build: 6] | ||
34. Internal Build. This build was not released to the public and is not available for download. [Build: 5] | ||
35. Added [Delete Log] button to the Medic Utility Utitlies|Log Files menu. Also added support to select multiple logs to delete at the same time. [Build: 8] | ||
36. When importing products and the option is selected to create a new product database, the ShowAll default feature for the new product database is now only set if the text file being imported is smaller than 1Mb. [Build: 8] | ||
37. Added Location Prefix, and Primary License Type items to the System tab of the Help|About menu. [Build: 8] | ||
38. If a file type other than rtf or pdf was in the Literature folder, the icon will now be show up as the default windows icon for an unknown file type. [Build: 8] | ||
39. Added new error resolution feature for an issue with FoxPro ODBC drivers being out of date. The error resolution feature will now display a hyperlink directing the user to an article explaining why the error occurred and how to obtain and install newer ODBC drivers. Also an error resolution was added for a missing MSystables table. [Build: 8] | ||
40. Changed the QuickBooks link XML encoding type from the default to ISO-8859-1. [Build: 8] | ||
41. If a QuoteWerks installation is activated with a Corporate Edition License Key and is rehosted to SQL, when removing this primary key you will be notified that if you do not replace this key with another Corporate Edition License Key, your installation will become unusable. [Build: 9] | ||
42. On the File|Insert Document window, for the document name dropdown selection you can now type multiple letters to narrow down the selection. [Build: 10] | ||
43. On the File|Open windown, when the sort by dropdown is selected, the grid is given focus so that it is ready to be scrolled through. [Build: 10] | ||
44. If Customer/Product profile pricing product information was imported with incomplete data an error message now indicates this when the product is being selected. [Build: 11] | ||
45. Added error resolution feature for "The data returned from Tech Data does not appear to be formatted as XML" error. [Build: 11] | ||
46. When in demo mode and changing the password for the Adminstrator login id, would receive error like " is in DEMO MODE, and the 'Demo User' default password of {empty} is no longer valid." when starting QuoteWerks, however the message was referencing "Demo User" instead of correctly referencing "Adminstrator". [Build: 11] | ||
47. When in demo mode, and trying to use the QuickBooks, Peachtree, or Open Export module links, the message text has been changed to refer to the new QuoteWerks editions versus the older version 3 optional module references. [Build: 11] | ||
48. Made change to the reporting engine to not cause a conflict between QuoteWerks 3.0 and 4.0 if they are installed side-by-side on the same machine. [Build: 11] | ||
49. Updated supported MS Outlook version list to include Outlook 2003 on the Internet tab of the Tools|My Preferences menu. [Build: 12] | ||
50. Help file updated with updated salesforce.com web connector link URL strings. [Build: 12] | ||
51. When using the QuickBooks link and exporting a document, if a document item has a USA tax code (for example) and you are exporting to the Canadian version of QuickBooks, you are notified of this mismatch. [Build: 12] | ||
52. When exporting a document to QuickBooks, QuoteWerks now checks to make sure that you have setup QuoteWerks to use the Canadian tax system if you are integrating with the Canadian version of QuickBooks. The same applies for the USA version. [Build: 12] | ||
53. On the File|Open window, the Delete key can now be used to delete documents. Previously you would have to click on the [Delete] button. [Build: 12] | ||
54. The Getting Started Window has been replaced with the Getting Started Panel in the main quote window. [Build: 12] | ||
55. New Getting Started panel on the main QuoteWerks window enables companies evaluating the demo version of QuoteWerks to submit pre-sales questions from within QuoteWerks. [Build: 12] | ||
56. Added feature to notify users when they are running the nVidia Desktop manager that causes applications including QuoteWerks to appear to freeze. [Build: 12] | ||
57. When negative quantities are used in grouped bundle (or configuration) items, the quantity with parenthesis around it will now be displayed in the same way that numbers greater than 1 were previously displayed. [Build: 14] | ||
58. In the DataLink mapping window, widened the contact manager field selection drop down. [Build: 14] | ||
59. Added more error reporting for the Outlook integration when creating the Outlook.Application object. [Build: 14] | ||
60. When using a contact manager with QuoteWerks that does not support the ability to retrieve the current contact, the card button on the Sold To / Ship To tab will now be disabled. [Build: 14] | ||
61. Improved error catching on the 521 Clipboard error when sending an email. [Build: 14] | ||
62. If you are not using the Corporate Edition and you select the MS CRM entry on the Contacts|Setup Contact Manager window, all the MS CRM options are now disabled. [Build: 15] | ||
63. Changed the default QuickBooks link part number field mapping from VendorPartNumber to ManufacturerPartNumber. [Build: 15] | ||
64. On the File|Open window, the "Sales Person" column was renamed to "Sales Rep." for consistency. [Build: 17] | ||
65. For non-Canadian tax users, when adding a percent discount line item, the taxable status of the discount line will now default to taxable. [Build: 17] | ||
66. Added the "Management Reports" menu under the Reports menu. [Build: 17] | ||
67. Internal Build. This build was not released to the public and is not available for download. [Build: 18] | ||
68. Internal Build. This build was not released to the public and is not available for download. [Build: 19] | ||
69. On the Edit Selection Container Item window the bundle name and product data source name fields were expanded so that longer names could be fully displayed. [Build: 20] | ||
70. For ACT 2005/2006 users, if you open a quote that was previously linked with an earlier version of ACT and then you emailed the quote to the customer, you would receive an error "Error in CreateItem(ofMailItem) Error (91) Object variable or With Block variable not set" when QuoteWerks was attempting to log the sent email in ACT. [Build: 20] | ||
71. For GoldMine users, if a secondary contact field like "Contact" contains data with spaces after it, GoldMine does not trim the spaces so QuoteWerks would retrieve the space values which is undesirable. QuoteWerks now trims the field values for GoldMine. [Build: 20] | ||
72. When a Remote PC syncs with a Master Installation of QuoteWerks, it now checks to make sure that the Remote PC License Key exists in the Master Installation License Key table. [Build: 20] | ||
73. In the Product Import Wizard, you can now save the template and specify the name of the template in the wizard which is much smoother than having a dialog box open after the import starts to ask you to save the file. [Build: 20] | ||
74. When a product data source path or file is not valid, the two separate low level error messages are no longer displayed. In the Products|Setup Product Data Sources menu the data source will be listed in red with a status of "Disabled". [Build: 20] | ||
75. On the Installation tab of the Tools|Options menu changed the label text for "'Closed' Quote" to 'Converted' Quote" and also changed "'Closed' Order" to 'Converted' Order" [Build: 20] | ||
76. If the record in the DocumentNumbering is missing the error message will clearly indicate this. [Build: 20] | ||
77. When querying the DocumentNumbering table, we now look for the first record versus a specific record id. [Build: 20] | ||
78. When selecting File|Print and there are products with duplicate manufacturer part numbers in a product database, the message that notifies you of this will only appear once instead of once for each line item that has duplicate part numbers. [Build: 20] | ||
79. The SetDocumentHeaderValue in the QuoteWerks API no longer allows you to set the DocNo field to an empty value. [Build: 20] | ||
80. When Windows control panel date and time separators and set to non supported values QuoteWerks is better able to translate them into acceptable values automatically. [Build: 20] | ||
81. When creating or editing a DataLink mapping, QuoteWerks now checks to make sure that the same QuoteWerks field has not been mapped more than once. [Build: 20] | ||
82. Due to a limitation of ACT!, ACT! 2005/2006 secondary contacts cannot be used as the 'Sold To' in QuoteWerks. A message will be displayed in this instance. [Build: 20] | ||
83. When changing user credentials on remote installations, there is now a notification saying that the changes "..may be overwritten by the credentials from the Master installation during synchronization." [Build: 20] | ||
84. When linking to an external product data source and mapping the manufacturer part number field, QuoteWerks now checks that you are linking the field to a text or memo type of field in the external data source. [Build: 20] | ||
85. In the Quick Lookup bar, if you enter a comma to indicate the separation of the part number from quantity, the quantity will default to 1 if you do not specify a quantity. [Build: 20] | ||
86. After deleting a line item from the Document Items tab, the grid will now have focus so that the cursor keys can be used to move up or down to another line item. [Build: 20] | ||
87. When retrieving product items from QuickBooks that contain characters greater than 127, if an error is encountered, it will not prevent the rest of the items from being retrieved into QuoteWerks. Also, specifically character 149 is accounted for. [Build: 20] | ||
88. All the file selection dialog boxes have been updated to the current Windows standard dialog boxes. [Build: 22] | ||
89. The Tech Data Real-time setup tab was moved from the Tools|My Preferences menu to the Tools|Options menu. [Build: 22] | ||
90. The Real-time Pricing & Availability window description field now has a tool tip that shows more of the description. [Build: 22] | ||
91. The Rehost Wizard now displays a final confirmation step before the rehost starts. [Build: 22] | ||
92. On the Mapping step of the Product Data Source Wizard, the external database field type now also displays the QuoteWerks field type that corresponds to the external database field ADO field type. [Build: 22] | ||
93. When creating a new user on the Utilities|User Maintenance menu, if the user name entered conflicts with the user ini file of an existing user, you will receive a message to that effect with a list of possible user name variations to choose from in order to avoid the conflict. [Build: 22] | ||
94. When selecting the File|Print menu, it takes a while for the Print Window to load. Part of this delay is the time it takes to load the list of literature documents. The load time of the list of literature documents has been improved by 74%! [Build: 23] | ||
95. Added new right click menu "Copy to Folder..." to the Product Lookup Window. [Build: 23] | ||
96. On the Regional tab of the Tools|Options menu the Windows Time Format is now displayed. [Build: 23] | ||
97. DTF files now contain data that indicates what application created the DTF file. [Build: 23] | ||
98. More detail has been added to the QuoteWerks System Files Appendix in the user manual. [Build: 23] | ||
99. On the Contact Lookup window when QuoteWerks is the selected contact manager, clicking on the sort by company or sort by last name option button after the search is run now sorts the results post search. [Build: 23] | ||
100. When QuoteWerks exits, it now explicitly releases the license lock file. [Build: 23] | ||
101. The logged in user lock file is now deleted upon exiting QuoteWerks. [Build: 24] | ||
102. On the System tab of the Help|About window, the Windows Version (including build and service pack information) is now displayed. [Build: 24] | ||
103. Changed "Preserve Quote/Order" option descriptions to "Preserve Quote when converting to Order or Invoice." and "Preserve Order when converting to Invoice." respectively. [Build: 24] | ||
104. In preparation for Windows Vista support, removed TList warning message when running on Windows Vista. [Build: 24] | ||
105. In preparation for Windows Vista support, corrected unable to connect password issue on Windows Vista with product databases that were hosted on SQL Server that required a password. Similar issue also occurred with Configurator "Login Failed for user 'xx'. [Build: 24] | ||
106. In preparation for Windows Vista support, Fixed window sizing issues on Vista for zoom, email signature editing, product lookup window, Open Document, Configuration Setup, Print Preview, Layout Designer, View Log, Edit Exchange Rate, Show Results With Log, and SalesLogix Opportunity windows. [Build: 24] | ||
107. On the Send E-Mail window when typing in a long email address, the elipsis button no longer covers the text. [Build: 24] | ||
108. When performing an operation that requires no other users be logged into QuoteWerks, the message will now display all the users that are currently logged in. [Build: 24] | ||
109. When creating an attachment record in MS CRM, the note has now been modified to read "Right click on the attachment file and select Open to open the QuoteWerks document." since the positioning of the note relative to the attachment has changed. [Build: 24] | ||
110. Changed the retrieval of the Windows Time Zone information to support Unicode. [Build: 24] | ||
111. PDF drivers now include 64-bit drivers. [Build: 24] | ||
112. The pipe character '|' is no longer stripped from text data when saving data to the database. [Build: 24] | ||
113. The mswinsck.ocx control was updated to version [Build: 24] | ||
114. When deleting a Cost Modifier or Price Modifier from the Cost Modifier Maintenance or Price Modifier Maintenance windows respectively, when the delete confirmation prompt appeared, the window would disappear during the prompt. [Build: 24] | ||
115. When deleting a Product Data Source, when the delete confirmation prompt appeared, the window would disappear during the prompt. [Build: 24] | ||
116. Internal Build. This build was not released to the public and is not available for download. [Build: 28] | ||
117. The grid on the Lookup Contact window when looking up a QuoteWerks contact record, now has the same enhancements added in Build 24 relating to the repositioning of the current row after adding, editing and deleting records. [Build: 29] | ||
118. When canceling the Main installation, there is now an option to Rollback the files. [Build: 29] | ||
119. If error occurs with QuickBooks integration when QuickBooks 2007 is running on Vista in a configuration not supported by QuickBooks, a Self Help Issue Resolution dialog is displayed. [Build: 29] | ||
120. When selecting Literature documents, there is no longer a checkbox next to folders. Previously, nothing would happen if a folder checkbox was checked, so it was removed for clarity. [Build: 29] | ||
121. The "Start with blank document" option was set, a document would load and then get closed. Now, it only loads if the option is set. [Build: 29] | ||
122. For users without Master rights, they can now see the contents of the Installation, Real-time, and Security tabs under the Tools|Options menu, but cannot modify any of the settings on those tabs. [Build: 29] | ||
123. API method FindAndCopyProductsIntoMLIBuffer now returns more negative number error codes if issue encountered when attempting to find a product. Previously would return only -1 if there was an issue. Now returns the following: -1 is does not exist, -2 is not enabled, -3 if user does not have access to the product database, -30 if empty search value passed in, and -10 if product database does not support the search field. [Build: 29] | ||
124. Navigation bar was added to QuoteWerks Help system. [Build: 29] | ||
125. On Products|Setup Product Data Sources menu, if a Product Data Source is disabled, the reason will now be displayed in the Status like "Disabled:File not found" [Build: 29] | ||
126. The QuoteWerks on the Web | Check for Updates menu now passes if the version of QuoteWerks you are running is an interim or not. [Build: 31] | ||
127. When selecting the File|Print menu, the Print window would take a long time to load. The more users logged into QuoteWerks, the longer it would take to load. Performance enhancements were made relating to building the list of spec sheets available for the quote. In most cases, the Print window loaded 50% faster. [Build: 31] | ||
128. When choosing "Display QuickBooks Item list in QuoteWerks Product Lookup." on the Items tab of the QuickBooks Interactive Link Setup window, the "Show all products" default is now automatically set. [Build: 31] | ||
129. The error "Error: All keys a-z are in use in QuoteWerks Installation registry key." message has been updated to include an explanation of how to correct the issue which is "This occurs when QuoteWerks has been installed in over 26 different locations. To correct this issue, run the QuoteWerks Launcher located at 'c:\program files\common files\QuoteWerks\qwlaunch.exe' and right click on any unused installations and choose 'Unregister this installation...'.". [Build: 31] | ||
130. For Maximizer users, on the Sold To /Ship To tab, the search button is now disabled since QuoteWerks does not support searching the Maximizer contact database at this time. [Build: 31] | ||
131. Added Debug mode command line for the PDF Generator installer. [Build: 31] | ||
132. Added new Utilities|Install PDF Generator in Debug mode menu to the Medic utility. [Build: 31] | ||
133. When exporting to QuickBooks or Peachtree using the interactive link, if the document contains a grouped bundle with a % discount price modifier and the option to "Convert grouped items to single item" is not set, a message is now displayed alerting you that the discount will not be applied to the items in the accounting software and will give you an option to not proceed. [Build: 31] | ||
134. When all menu items between two menu separator bars were hidden, "doubled-up" separator bars are no longer displayed. [Build: 31] | ||
135. On some message display forms the QuoteWerks version, build number, and edition, and backend database type are now displayed. This will further improve our technical support turn around time and efficiency by not having to request these details from the customer when the customer emails technical support a screenshot of an error message. [Build: 31] | ||
136. Encrypted user data is now using a higher level of encryption (192 bit). Encrypted data includes user passwords for 3rd party CRM products like Salesforce.com, SalesLogix, and TeleMagic. Also external database passwords, SMTP password, Dialup login passwords, etc. These respective passwords must be re-saved to take advantage of the new encryption level. If they are not re-saved, they will continue to use the older encryption. [Build: 31] | ||
137. When checking to see if ACT! 2008 is running, the status message displays "Checking to see if ACT 2005-2007 is running..." instead of "2005-2008". [Build: 31.01] | ||
138. In the Peachtree Link Setup, when selecting the Peachtree Company ID a message is now displayed explaining that QuoteWerks integrates with the Peachtree Company that is currently open in Peachtree. [Build: 33] | ||
139. When the Print Window is loaded, if the product database for a line item is not found, the status bar message notification will only beep the first time instead of beeping for each one. [Build: 33] | ||
140. When entering Remote License Key, QuoteWerks will now notify you that you need to copy the security.mdb database file to this installation to complete the acceptance of the Remote License Key. Additionally, for Corporate Edition users, until this has been done, the ability to rehost the backend to SQL will not be available. [Build: 33] | ||
141. With the Peachtree link, if an error occurs when sending a transaction to Peachtree, the temporary import transaction file will not be deleted so that it can be used for troubleshooting. [Build: 33] | ||
142. Clarified the 'Existing Installation Options' step in the QuoteWerks Installer Shared Installation to better define "Install Samples" [Build: 33] | ||
143. In the Peachtree link, when exporting purchase orders, if the Accounts Payable account has not been specified in the setup, you are notified and the export is cancelled. [Build: 33] | ||
144. In the Trial License Key reminder dialog, the licensing description of the license key is now displayed (like 'Professional Edition' license) in addition to the License Key letter type of 'J'. [Build: 33] | ||
145. Sage fixed the bug in ACT! 10.0 (2008) with the release of ACT! 10.1 (2008). With this fix in place, the ability to set associated groups for an opportunity is now enabled for ACT! version 10.1 or higher. (See KB article #6484 for details). [Build: 33] | ||
146. When opening a quote, the line items would load first and then the quote header information. Now, the quote header information is loaded into the workbook first and then the items. This design flows better. [Build: 33] | ||
147. Added verification prompt when clicking on the [Restore defaults] button when customizing the document items columns or product columns. [Build: 33] | ||
148. The checkbox "Shipping is taxable." on the Installation tab of the Tools|Options menu will now only appear when the "Base sales tax calculations on country" setting on the Regional tab is not to "Canada". This will avoid confusion since this option only applies under this circumstance. [Build: 33] | ||
149. In Peachtree link if the "Part Numbers are required for all items exported to Peachtree" option is set, then QuoteWerks will no longer require that a Default GL Purchase Account be specified. [Build: 33] | ||
150. When installing a QuoteWerks update, QuoteWerks now checks to see if the qw4.dll backend api file is in use and if it is, the update will not be able to proceed. Without this check, this file was not getting updated, as 3rd party addon products that integrate with QuoteWerks would often be running when a QuoteWerks update was installed and therefore the in-use file could not be updated resulting in and incomplete update. [Build: 33] | ||
151. In the Medic Utility, when selecting the Utilities|Remove Read-Only Properties menu, a progress window is now displayed. [Build: 33] | ||
152. On the Product Lookup window, renamed the Manufacturer Part Number "Partial" checkbox to "Begins with". [Build: 33] | ||
153. The title bar of a critical error message now includes the version of the SQL backend if a SQL backend is in use. [Build: 33] | ||
154. On the Create New Peachtree Customer window, added a note clarifying that any changes made on this window will be reflected in the Peachtree customer definition, but not on the Peachtree Invoice, Sales Order, or Purchase Order. [Build: 33.02] | ||
155. For Tech Data online ordering, if the city name is too long, now a message is displayed with suggestions on how to proceed. [Build: 33.02] | ||
156. Internal Build. This build was not released to the public and is not available for download. [Build: 34] | ||
157. Internal Build. This build was not released to the public and is not available for download. [Build: 32] | ||
158. When deleting a group header line item, the HidePrice line item attribute of each of the group members will be removed. [Build: 35] | ||
159. In a multiple monitor environment, some windows would display center screen, some windows would display on the primary monitor, and some windows would display centered over the main QuoteWerks window. Now, all windows will display centered over the main QuoteWerks window. [Build: 35] | ||
160. The Contact Import Wizard UI was re-designed to make it look more consistent with the Product Import Wizard. [Build: 35] | ||
161. For processes that take a long time like product and contact imports, the progress bar now displays as a top most window on the bottom right of the screen instead of the center of the screen. [Build: 36] | ||
162. If somehow a blank user login name is in the user list, it will no longer be accepted as a valid user login name. [Build: 36] | ||
163. If the ter32.dll file is detected in the QuoteWerks root folder it is now deleted to avoid issues. This file is installed into the \Windows\System32 folder by the node installation. [Build: 36] | ||
164. When the backend dll (qw4.dll) detects an invalid installation registration, a message will now be displayed with possible solutions to this issue. [Build: 36] | ||
165. The Online Ordering Module item selection window now requires that at least one item is selected for ordering. [Build: 36] | ||
166. In Tech Data online ordering form, the ship to phone field max size is 12 characters (as determined by Tech Data). A typical phone number like "(407) 248-1481", is 14 characters, so if any parenthesis are detected, they are removed which would make the phone number exactly 12 characters long. [Build: 36] | ||
167. The Real-time Pricing & Availability window has been re-designed. [Build: 36] See a screenshot/video of this feature | ||
168. QuoteWerks now detects if the data in the site.ini is from a newer build of QuoteWerks and if so displays a message about it. [Build: 36] | ||
169. Updated the look of all the wizards. [Build: 36.03] | ||
170. When QuoteWerks is creating an item in Peachtree, if the description is greater than the 160 max characters that Peachtree supports, you will now receive a message notifying you that QuoteWerks will truncate the description to 160 characters. [Build: 37] | ||
171. When QuoteWerks creates a QWDISCOUNT item in Peachtree, the item type of "Non-Inventory" is now the only option. [Build: 37] | ||
172. Updated View Log File window icon. [Build: 37] | ||
173. Internal Build. This build was not released to the public and is not available for download. [Build: 38] | ||
174. Improved the Product Data Source physical data storage deletion confirmation window. [Build: 39] | ||
175. On the Menus tab of the Utilities|User Properties, custom menus defined through the menuopts.add file will be displayed in green to distinguish them from the standard menus. [Build: 39] | ||
176. For emails sent using the QuoteWerks built-in SMTP email will now contain the Organization email header property which will be set to the Company name from the QuoteWerks registration. [Build: 39] | ||
177. With the newer SMTP email control (for new SSL support), it no longer requires the use of the Windows Clipboard during the email creating process. This will avoid locked clipboard issues encountered when other applications would lock the clipboard preventing other applications (like QuoteWerks) from using the clipboard. [Build: 39] | ||
178. If a native product database is named "Computer 2000" the Tech Data Realtime Pricing & Availability functionality will be available to it. [Build: 39.01] | ||
179. When retrieving Realtime Pricing & Availability from Tech Data UK (Computer 2000), the status message will reference "Tech Data UK" rather than the name of the product data source. [Build: 39.01] | ||
180. A new document always starts with a blank line. If a contact is then selected and if the sales tax rate is updated (as a result of a DataLink mapping), when a product is then added to the document, the empty first line remains which is most cases then requires that the user manually delete it. [Build: 39.07] | ||
181. The View | Customize Columns window was redesigned. [Build: 39.07] | ||
182. When clicking on the Edit|Zoom description menu and double-clicking on CustomMemo cells in the Document Items tab, the Zoom window loads much faster. [Build: 39.07] | ||
183. Internal Build. This build was not released to the public and is not available for download. [Build: 40] | ||
184. Internal Build. This build was not released to the public and is not available for download. [Build: 41] | ||
185. Internal Build. This build was not released to the public and is not available for download. [Build: 42] | ||
186. Starting with QuoteWerks 4.0 Build 33 we discontinued support for Windows 95, 98, and Me. Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Vista are still supported. [Build: 33] | ||
187. When creating a new Product Data Source under the Products|Setup Product Data Sources menu and clicking the [New] button, and choosing "Ingram Micro", text will appear that will let you know that the Ingram Micro EPG database has been discontinued. [Build: 43] | ||
188. The Access Denied message box has been re-designed to show the user a friendlier message while allowing for a details drilldown to specifically see what right is being denied. [Build: 43] | ||
189. Increased width of Document Status and Sales Rep drop down boxes on the Open Document window to match the widths of these fields on the Sale Info tab. [Build: 43] | ||
190. When creating or updating an MS CRM opportunity, a warning message is displayed if no rating was selected. [Build: 43] | ||
191. The Tech Data Online Ordering form was re-styled. [Build: 43] | ||
192. The default Document Items Background Color now defaults to "Light Color" [Build: 43] | ||
193. All extended and calculated fields in document items tabs are now locked and a message displays in the status bar indicating that these fields are automatically calculated. [Build: 43] | ||
194. If the Access Right "CannotManuallyModifyUnitCostInDocument" or "CannotManuallyModifyUnitPriceInDocument" is set, these columns will now be displayed with a grey (disabled) background. [Build: 43] | ||
195. Added a menu separator bar above the "Show Item &Requirements..." menu item in the Product Lookup window right click menu. This makes it easier to find the Show Item Requirements, Show Item Options, and Show Substitutions menu items. [Build: 43.03] | ||
196. When installing a QuoteWerks build update, and mistakenly choosing a folder that did not contain an existing QuoteWerks installation, a misleading message of "Update Key NOT recognized ... Reason Code: DOCSNOTEXIST" would be displayed. Now a message of "QuoteWerks docs.mdb database was not found!" will be displayed. [Build: 43.05] | ||
197. To accommodate the addition of more fields to the DocumentHeaders table, the method of saving records to this table was modified to split the update into multiple queries. [Build: 44] | ||
198. When using the Add Item Assistant to add a zero quantity of an item that has required items, the quantities of the required items would be their original quantities instead of 0. [Build: 44] | ||
199. Added Help|Contents and Index and Help|About menus to the MDI window that is displayed when all documents are closed. [Build: 44] | ||
200. The tab order on the Product Content subtab of the Real-time tab under the Tools|Options menu was corrected. [Build: 44] | ||
201. For CRM users, when attempting to save a quote, that is not linked to a CRM contact, and the Look for synchronized data option is set, the user can now save without having to exit their CRM software. [Build: 44] | ||
202. In the Tech Data and Ingram Micro online ordering form, the prices are now formatted with decimal places. [Build: 44.06] | ||
203. The Configurator window has been re-designed. [Build: 44.06] | ||
204. QuoteWerks now supports a one step configuration. Previously would receive an error about a missing starting container. [Build: 44.06] | ||
205. The Required Items window (Products|Required Items menu), Optional Items window (Products|Optional Items menu), and Substitute Items window (Products|Substitute Items menu) have been re-designed. [Build: 45] | ||
206. When creating a Bundle, the maximum length of the Bundle name was increased from 40 to 255 characters. [Build: 45] | ||
207. Added new Technical support Debug Command for changing seed numbers. [Build: 45] | ||
208. The fields on the SoldTo/ShipTo tab, SaleInfo, Notes, and Custom tabs now limit the number of characters that can be entered based on the size of the field in the database. [Build: 45.01] | ||
209. When the logged in user opens a document that the user has "View" rights to, but not "Modify" rights, "(View only)" will appear in the title bar, and all the fields on the tabs will be locked from manual input. Like before, any changes made to this open quote cannot be saved. [Build: 47] | ||
210. In preparation for Windows 7 support, Windows 7 is now detected. Windows 7 UTC (versus GMT) terminology is now supported. [Build: 47] | ||
211. Updated the Version Checker with the updated Codejock.ReportControl.v13.0.0.ocx file. [Build: 47] | ||
212. The D&H Real-time URL was updated. [Build: 47] | ||
213. Internal Build. This build was not released to the public and is not available for download. [Build: 48] | ||
214. For SalesLogix laptop users that have a root drive other than the C drive, the Application Data Path is now retrieved from the Windows registry. [Build: 49] | ||
215. Added additional 4 letter location prefix to the do-not-use list of remote user location prefixes. [Build: 49] | ||
216. When select ACT! 2005 or higher as your preferred contact manager under the Contacts|Setup Contact Manager menu, if the required ACT! Integration files are not detected, you will now be prompted to re-run the QuoteWerks node installation to correct this issue. [Build: 49] | ||
217. Updated Ingram Micro real-time P&A requests to include QuoteWerks specific "SenderID". [Build: 49] | ||
218. Added new Debug Command for displaying the internal Squawk Log. [Build: 49] | ||
219. Custom Literature path is now validated when starting QuoteWerks. [Build: 49] | ||
220. Modified ReduceItemInventoryCount() to support fractional reduction. [Build: 49] | ||
221. The file Security.dbt is now always installed whether an installation has been rehosted to SQL or not. This is an empty Security.mdb database with the current security database schema. [Build: 49] | ||
222. Added new [Create Security.mdb for Remote PC or Site] button under the Utilities | License Manager. This is useful for populating an Access Security.mdb file with the current security data from a SQL hosted QuoteWerks backend. This is needed in situations where the Master installation has been rehosted to SQL, but the Remote PC (or Remote Site) installations may not have been re-hosted having opted to stay with the MS Access Backend. [Build: 49] | ||
223. The CRM AccountNo label displayed under the Email address of the Sold To, Ship To, and Bill To fields now has a tooltip explaining what this information is. [Build: 49] | ||
224. For Maximizer users, changed the DataLink field name of "Mr/Mrs" (listed in the list of available fields) to "Mr_Ms" since "Mr/Mrs" no longer works in Maximizer 9.5 or higher. [Build: 49] | ||
225. In preparation for Windows 7, the PDF generator was replaced with a new one that is supported by Windows 7. [Build: 50] | ||
226. In Build 49 we stopped upper casing the keywords field on the Edit Product window. In this build we reversed that changed so that those keywords are now always forced to upper case. [Build: 50] | ||
227. For new installations, the default EMail attachment format is now PDF. [Build: 50] | ||
228. The QuoteWerks Communicator is included in this build. From time to time you may receive messages from Aspire Technologies through this QuoteWerks Communicator. It is a new way for us to keep in touch with our customers. Typically, you will only receive a message from us every two months or so regarding updates. [Build: 51] | ||
229. When error 53, 339, or 429 is encountered unexpectedly during startup, the user will now be prompted to run the node installation. Typically these types of errors are the result of forgetting to re-run the QuoteWerks node installation on each workstation that uses this QuoteWerks installation after installing an update. [Build: 51] | ||
230. Internal Build. This build was not released to the public and is not available for download. [Build: 52] | ||
Fixes - Version 4.0 | ||
1. When importing product information containing volume pricing or volume costing and the price level amount being imported was a price modifier or cost modifier it was getting replaced with 0. [Build: 2] | ||
2. When selecting a cost modifier on the Volume costing or customer based cost levels windows, the selection dialog was incorrectly titled "Select Price Modifier" [Build: 2] | ||
3. QtyMultiplier1, QtyMultiplier2, QtyMultiplier3, QtyMultiplier4 fields were displaying on the Advanced tab of the Product Import Wizard and should not have been. [Build: 2] | ||
4. When importing product information if a "\n" character combination was used to represent a new line, QuoteWerks was changing it to CRCRLF instead of CRLF. [Build: 2] | ||
5. Double clicking in the CustomMemo01 or CustomMemo02 cell on the Document Items tab of the Quote Workbook did not bring up the zoom window. [Build: 2] | ||
6. The help file table of contents was missing and there were references to old QuoteWerks 3.0 information and old business hours. [Build: 2] | ||
7. On product import wizard, QuoteWerks would ask you if you wanted to save a template when beginning the import even if you saved the template prior to beginning the import. [Build: 2] | ||
8. Typo in error import message when a column to import did not exist. [Build: 2] | ||
9. The select all and de-select all buttons for the Product spec sheets on the File|Print window were appearing to select or deselect the items, but they were not. [Build: 2] | ||
10. The list of items to choose from in the configurator was not being sorted by the SortOrder specified. [Build: 2] | ||
11. Bug in Windows XP SP2 causes the print preview window to appear empty until you use the scrollbar. [Build: 2] | ||
12. When printing grouped line items on a purchase order, the qunatities of the grouped items were not printing. [Build: 2] | ||
13. For Corporate Edition users, when creating a report on a product database and using a filter, an error would occur regarding 'Products' does not match with a table name. [Build: 2] | ||
14. For GoldMine users, when saving a document as the next revision, if there was a sales forecast for this document the sales forecast value was not getting updated. [Build: 2] | ||
15. When exporting to QuickBooks, the Terms field value was incorrectly being limited to 15 characters. It has been corrected to the QuickBooks max supported length of 31 chars. [Build: 2] | ||
16. Then ConvertedOn, ConvertedBy, and ConvertedRef field values were getting cleared when the document was opened and saved after it had been converted. [Build: 2] | ||
17. When checking the option to delete dtf files when using the Purge Document Wizard the dtf files were not getting deleted. [Build: 2] | ||
18. After printing a document, and then closing the document, you would be prompted to save changes even if no changes to the selections of layout, cover page, literature or spec sheets were made. [Build: 2] | ||
19. When downloading dtf files from salesforce.com using the Merge Remote Documents feature, would receive an error about an invalid month in the file. [Build: 2] | ||
20. When adding bundle items to a large relation database, "Overflow" error. [Build: 2] | ||
21. Error 430 in Medic utility when selecting Utilities|Data Manager for QuoteWerks databases [Build: 2] | ||
22. Using the new ShippingIsTaxable ini option, now works with the old iif export method of the older outdated QuickBooks link. [Build: 2] | ||
23. Improvements to the upgrade process when converting combined city, state, postal code data into separate fields. [Build: 2] | ||
24. When upgrading a QuoteWerks 3.0 installation, if the 3.0 installation contained more than one reference to the same product database file (listed under the Products|Setup Product Databases menu), an error would occur when upgrading this file that would cause the entire upgrade process to fail. [Build: 2] | ||
25. Grouped bundles individual bundle item QtyTotal fields were showing. [Build: 2] | ||
26. Double clicking on an installation listing in the QuoteWerks Launcher did not select it. [Build: 2] | ||
27. A wizard step in the Rehost wizard was titled "Upgrade Options". [Build: 2] | ||
28. Pressing ENTER key on File|Open window did not initiate search. [Build: 2] | ||
29. In the Rebuild CM Document Transport Files window, the label %DTFFolder% was not
getting replaced with the actual folder location. [Build: 2] | ||
30. QuoteWerks was not finding existing GoldMine forecasted sales, completed sales, and call backs causing duplicates when attempting to update existing records. [Build: 3] | ||
31. When duplicating a document or selecting File|Save As, if the document was a revision, the revisioning information is not duplicated or saved as into the new document. [Build: 4] | ||
32. If the QuoteWerks Web Connector was passed the SoldToPriceProfile field, the value was not getting passed to QuoteWerks. The value of "SoldToPriceProfile" was incorrectly being received. The same problem occurred with the "Terms" field. [Build: 4] | ||
33. If the fields ConvertedOn, ConvertedBy, or ConvertedRef were placed on a print layout would receive an error "The field name x is not in the document header lookup array" [Build: 4] | ||
34. In the QuoteWerks launcher, would receive an error about "The QuoteWerks Launcher cannot find any QuoteWerks installations registered in the Windows registry". This error could be misleading in cases where QuoteWerks was installed in the root of a share. [Build: 4] | ||
35. When selecting the Utilities|Update Local Currency Pricing menu, selecting the [Cancel] button did not cancel the operation. [Build: 4] | ||
36. For SalesLogix users, line 2 of the address was being replaced with the address information from line 3 when retrieving the address from SalesLogix. [Build: 4] | ||
37. When printing a document including pictures, the windows clipboard would have debugging information copied into it. [Build: 4] | ||
38. If there was an error opening a dtf file because it was from an earlier version of QuoteWerks, you would not be able to save the dtf file when saving the document. [Build: 4] | ||
39. If the Product Lookup window was opened to a product database that you were importing data into and error would occur. Now, the Product Lookup window is automatically closed before any import operations. [Build: 4] | ||
40. On the Advanced tab of the Product Import wizard, if you selected a mapping and clicked on the [Properties] button and then cleared the property, it would not fully clear, leaving behind two quote symbols. [Build: 4] | ||
41. When adding a new product to a native product database, if a folder was not currently selected, the item would be associated with a non-existent folder '(0)' [Build: 4] | ||
42. For SalesLogix users that are defined in SalesLogix as a Network user that are logged into a remote database (not the main network database), the attachment files were not getting saved into the correct attachments folder. [Build: 4] | ||
43. Typo in message saying "You do not have sufficient rights". [Build: 4] | ||
44. When removing a native product database link, and asked if you want to delete the product database, the product database was not getting deleted. [Build: 4] | ||
45. The DocType column was not showing in the File|Open window. [Build: 4] | ||
46. On the Send Email window, if there were no entries in the list of TO, CC, or BCC email addresses and the user clicked on the Edit or Delete button an error would occur. [Build: 4] | ||
47. When editing the flowchart area of a configuration, if you deleted a selection container without first deleting the flow links pointing to it, you would receive error message about source or destination container id not found. [Build: 6] | ||
48. Error "specified index is invalid" when using the Corporate Edition rehosted to SQL and using the debug command "security" to copy all the security information to an access security.mdb file. [Build: 6] | ||
49. For SalesLogix users issues with detecting the location of the saleslogix.exe program file. [Build: 6] | ||
50. ACT! 2005 users would receive an error about the ACT! 2005 attachment path being invalid when the ACT! 2005 database was located on a remote machine. [Build: 7] | ||
51. Error "The vendor's information '{vendor name}' was not found in GoldMine, and therefore will not be printed." when QuoteWerks would try to lookup a vendor in GoldMine, it would not find it even though it did exist. This happened with GoldMine 6.7. [Build: 7] | ||
52. Issue with the DocumentHeaders.Superceeded field in report filters. [Build: 7] | ||
53. For ACT! users, would receive error that ACT! 2005 was running when using versions prior to ACT! 2005. [Build: 7] | ||
54. When setting up the QuickBooks link, if you selected the option to map the QuickBooks class name to a QuoteWerks field, but then forgot to select the QuoteWerks field, would receive an error about GetDynTextFld when exporting to QuickBooks. [Build: 8] | ||
55. For salesforce.com users, when selecting a contact to use in the quote, if a contact was already associated with the quote, you would receive a message "..quote has a salesforce.com opportunity already associated with it. Do you want to keep this quote linked with the existing opportunity?" even though there may not have been an associated sales opportunity. [Build: 8] | ||
56. When Printing/Previewing a Purchase Order having selected the option to "Generate a PO for each Vendor", if the Layout tab on the File|Print window was not the active tab, then a PO would not be generated for each vendor. [Build: 8] | ||
57. When editing a product, and choosing to base the product's prices on foreign pricing and selecting a currency, the last updaed date/time of the currency was not being displayed. [Build: 8] | ||
58. The field DocumentHeaders.CreatedBy was displayed in the list of fields to insert into a print layout. This field is reserved for future use and should not have been displayed in the list. [Build: 8] | ||
59. The [Paste Key] button on the Enter License Key window was incorrectly returning the error that "Sorry. Cannot paste. Seed Number segment of License Key is not correctly formatted!" for master License Keys beginning with C, J, or F. [Build: 8] | ||
60. In the Contacts|Lookup Contact menu, for Outlook users the result grid displayed an "Ext" column and listed the fax number in it and then listed the email address under the FaxNumber column. [Build: 8] | ||
61. When editing or creating a vendor under the Utilities|Vendor Maintainance menu, if the Min order amount or Min order fee field were left blank would receive error "Multi-step operation generated errors..." [Build: 8] | ||
62. Issue with Error message about GetGenericTimeZoneDescriptionForCurrentTimeZone() for Windows NT time zone not found in Windows Time Zone list. [Build: 8] | ||
63. On Literature tab of the Print window, for subfolders nested 3 deep, the files would not display in the correct folder. [Build: 8] | ||
64. For GoldMine users sometimes would receive error about SeekCalRecordUsingDataStream or SeekCompletedSaleRecordUsingDataStream when saving quotes/orders/invoices that had apostrophes in the quote name. [Build: 8] | ||
65. When using the CTRL-TAB key combination and then using the CTRL-V key combination, would receive an error 91. [Build: 8] | ||
66. When using the QuoteWerks online License Key registration feature and the length of the license key was greater than 40 characters, it would be truncated. [Build: 8] | ||
67. When creating a Remote Site license key from the Utilities | License Manager menu you were able to enter a site name that was the same as the master installation's location prefix which caused conflicts. [Build: 8] | ||
68. "Error 453 Can't find DLL entry point..." when starting QuoteWerks. [Build: 9] | ||
69. When opening DTF files would receive "Error 13 type mismatch". [Build: 9] | ||
70. When emailing a quote and choosing to attach it as an rtf file. Sometimes the cover page would be overwritten with the page header from the layout. [Build: 10] | ||
71. When setting the quantity of a grouped bundle or grouped configuration located in a quote to 0 and saving would cause the group header UnitPrice and UnitCost to be zeroed out when the quote was re-opened. [Build: 11] | ||
72. Error "fault Code (1116). HTTPS Required" for salesforce.com users that had configured salesforce.com to "require secure connections". [Build: 11] | ||
73. When converting a quote to an order or order to an invoice and the quote or order was a revision, the convert to order/invoice window was not showing the previous revisions. This issue was introduced in build 4. [Build: 11] | ||
74. Error about file ssa3d30.ocx or one of its dependencies has been corrected. [Build: 11] | ||
75. Error "Run-time error '9': Subscript out of range" when selecting a product to add to the quote. This was happening if the product vendor was set to a vendor database that existed, but that was disabled. [Build: 11] | ||
76. Error "Run-time error '9': Subscript out of range" when synchronizing and only sending new/updated documents to Master Installation. [Build: 11] | ||
77. When using &SYS_..ForSQL macros in report filters and your computer's date format is not set to the USA date format, the macros would not resolve to the correct date values. [Build: 11] | ||
78. When creating a new selection container in the configurator setup, if you had scrolled the flowchart, then the new selection container would not be positioned in the place you had right-clicked at. [Build: 11] | ||
79. The tabbing order on the Custom tab of the quote workbook was incorrect. [Build: 11] | ||
80. The QuoteWerks WebConnector now supports CustomText fields 11-16. [Build: 11] | ||
81. When editing the last cell in the last row in the Document Items grid, if you pressed the down arrow key to create a new line/row, then data in the last cell would be cleared. [Build: 11] | ||
82. Error "Error in GetDynNumFld, field=''" or "Error in GetDynTextFld, field=''" when comparing prices and using an external linked product database that did not have a Cost field mapped to a field in the external linked product database. [Build: 11] | ||
83. On the Products|Setup Product Data Source menu, if you select a QuoteWerks native product database and right click and choose "Export", an error would occur if there were no records in the product database that you are trying to export. [Build: 12] | ||
84. Error 35603: Invalid Key when attempting to customize Document Item columns or Product Lookup columns. [Build: 12] | ||
85. When changing the Exchange Rate for a currency under the Utilities|Exchange Rate Maintenance menu, the exchange rate for any currently open quotes would be changed in the open quote to reflect the change to the exchange rate. The correct behavior is to require the user to manually reselect the Alternate currency on the Sale Info tab in order to update the quote with the current exchange rate. [Build: 12] | ||
86. When deleting a selection container in a configuration that had a navigational link pointing to it would result the error "An invalid container ID was passed to the ReturnFieldFromSelectionModule procedure" when running the configuration. [Build: 12] | ||
87. Macro fields used in cover pages or literature pages like &DH_ShipToFullAddress contained an extra carraige return and line feed at the end of the value causing an unnecessary additional space. [Build: 12] | ||
88. In the configurator flowchart, if you deleted a link for a part number based branch it would not be deleted. [Build: 12] | ||
89. Some settings from the User Preferences window would not be saved under rare circumstances. [Build: 12] | ||
90. &BillToXXXX Cover page macros were not working. [Build: 12] | ||
91. On the QuickBooks Export window, there was a list of month names in the date range drop down combo that would change based on the language settings of the machine. This caused a problem, so now the month names are now hard coded in English. [Build: 12] | ||
92. For users of the USA edition of QuickBooks version 2005 or higher the time it takes to search QuickBooks to see if an estimate or invoice number already exists has been dramatically improved. [Build: 12] | ||
93. When setting up the Customer/Product profile matrix, if all the customer profiles were not setup, the message indicating that all of the customer profiles have not been setup indicated an incorrect number of customer profiles. [Build: 12] | ||
94. On the Menus tab of the User Properties in User Maintenance, if a Tools|Custom menu was set to be hidden, it would still be visible. [Build: 12] | ||
95. Issue with integrating with ACT 2005 when another application on the machine is using port 9000. [Build: 12] | ||
96. The field DocumentHeaders.LastModifiedBy was listed as a field that could be used in a print layout, however it should not have been. [Build: 12] | ||
97. On the Documents tab of the Tools|Options menu, when using the macro &DH_DocNo in the New Document Name setting, the macro will now be replaced with the actual quote number. This was a chicken versus the egg type issue. [Build: 12] | ||
98. If a DocumentItems Custom column was renamed and was positioned as the first column in the Document Items grid, then the customized column name (like "CustomText01 (My Renamed Field)") would not appear in the field selection list when inserting the field into a layout. [Build: 12] | ||
99. When exporting an item to Peachtree that is a "Description Only" type of Peachtree item would receive error about an Invalid G/L Account field value on line x when importing the .csv file into Peachtree. [Build: 12] | ||
100. If using the F2 lookup to select a date for a date column on the DocumentItems column and then you immediately saved the quote, the change would not be saved. [Build: 12] | ||
101. When exporting documents to QuickBooks as Estimates which contained line items that had a price modifier of "C" (Customer based price levels) or "V" (Volume pricing levels), the QuickBooks Amount and MarkupRate would be set to 0. [Build: 12] | ||
102. When using the Open Export Module to export documents as xml documents, certain data characters used like chr(4) and chr(5) are not fully supported by xml parsers. These characters are now replaced with characters chr(127) and chr(128) respectively. Also, the DocumentItems.Formula and DocumentHeader.CommissionStructure fields were not getting exported and therefore if you attempted to import that xml file back into QuoteWerks, that data would not be imported. [Build: 12] | ||
103. When rehosted to the SQL backend, and running a report that used custom fields from both the DocumentHeaders and DocumentItems tables, the data returned for those fields could be mixed between the fields. [Build: 12] | ||
104. When using &POVendorXXX fields in formulas, their values were returning as empty. [Build: 12] | ||
105. When using volume pricing and entering a fractional quantity like 5.5 when the volume pricing ranges end at 5 and then start at 6 for the next range, the highest range pricing would be returned. [Build: 12] | ||
106. Using the Configurator if you were on the "Finished" step and clicked the [Back] button, it would take you back two steps instead of correctly going back one step. [Build: 12] | ||
107. On the Sale Info tab for the PO# field, pressing F2 would display the F2 Lookup window, but double-clicking would not. [Build: 12] | ||
108. In the QuickBooks link setup when specifying a Sales Tax Group Item to "Use for all Estimates/Invoices" would receive an error "Error: The QuickBooks Sales Tax item name xxx specified in the QuoteWerks QuickBooks link setup does not exist in QuickBooks. Please specify an item that exists in QuickBooks, or create the item in QuickBooks. Export cancelled." [Build: 12] | ||
109. Error 91 when searching for an Outlook contact. [Build: 13] | ||
110. Error 1009 "Outside allowed area" when editing a configuration. [Build: 13] | ||
111. When searching for a GoldMine contact, the search field selection would change back to the last selection each time you clicked on the [Find] button. [Build: 14] | ||
112. When selecting to use ACT 2005/2006 as your contact manager, the [Ship To / Bill To Setup] button should have been disabled since it is no longer needed now that ACT 2005/2006 supports additional contacts that can be used for Ship Tos and Bill Tos. [Build: 14] | ||
113. For Canadian customers, the Sales Tax column on the Document Items tab now displays the correct GST and/or GST combined tax amount per each line item. Previously it would display only the PST tax amount. [Build: 14] | ||
114. For Maximizer users, when selecting the search button on the Sold To / Ship To tab and then clicking on the [Use for Sold To] button, would receive an error 13 type mismatch. [Build: 14] | ||
115. For ACT! users (all versions), if you selected a contact to use from the Contacts|Lookup menu, the DataLink fields would not be pulled into the quote. [Build: 14] | ||
116. If a GoldMine contact record had more than 100 email addresses in it a message could be incorrectly displayed when selecting a contact indicating that there is no email address designated as the primary email address. [Build: 14] | ||
117. In the Product Data Source Wizard, the option "Auto-Generate dynamic '(Manufacturers)' folder." was being displayed for non native product databases. [Build: 14] | ||
118. When creating a new Quote, Order, or Invoice through the File|New menu, the document number and document type designator generated will now follow the "Keep the same numeric sequence and change document type designator." option. So if a new order is created, the order number would be AAAO1021 where AAA is the document prefix, O is for Order, and 1021 is the next available QUOTE number sequence. Previously the document number generated would have been AAAQ1021. [Build: 14] | ||
119. When running the Merge Remote documents feature through the command line, now the MS CRM attachments are downloaded from MS CRM before the Merge Process is run. [Build: 15] | ||
120. In the Activity Scheduler, if you selected to Merge Remote Documents and you are using MS CRM, now it will ask you if you want to download the attachments from MS CRM before merging the remote documents. [Build: 15] | ||
121. If the MS CRM link was not installed and QuoteWerks tried to install it from the Contacts|Setup Contact Manager menu would receive an error that it could not find QWMSCRMInt.msi [Build: 15] | ||
122. Error introduced in build 14. When doing a File|Save As on an existing document, a new document number would not be assigned. [Build: 15] | ||
123. The Enable Add Item Assistant feature would be enable although the checkbox on the Misc. tab of the Tools|My Preferences menu would not be checked. [Build: 15] | ||
124. When copying a line item and then inserting a blank line item or performing a similar operation that created a new line item in the quote, the line item that was copied is lost. [Build: 15] | ||
125. Error in GetDynNumFld, field = 'PST Tax' when inserting a document using the File|Insert Document menu. [Build: 15] | ||
126. "Error 9 subscript out of range" when printing or previewing a product database management report in the event that the product database no longer exists. [Build: 15] | ||
127. When setting up the QuickBooks link if you choose to have QuoteWerks create a mapping part number for you in QuickBooks and you have selected the "I do not charge tax" option, would receive an error if you had not completed the tax code mappings. [Build: 15] | ||
128. In demo mode, the MS CRM integration setup was disabled. [Build: 16] | ||
129. When deleting a document, it would appear to still be in use. [Build: 17] | ||
130. Error with API ItemFunctions.AddLineItemToDocumentEx. The LineType parameter was being ignored. [Build: 17] | ||
131. For non-Canadian tax system users, the Sales Tax column on the Document Items tab was displaying a zero regardless of the taxable amount. This issue did not affect the actual total tax calculation, only the display of it on each line item. This issue was introduced in Build 14. [Build: 17] | ||
132. If files other than rtf or pdf where saved into the \Literature folder, they would be displayed in the literature list, but would cause errors when printing or previewing. [Build: 17] | ||
133. Error "installation ended prematurely because of an error" when installing the QuoteWerks ACT or MS CRM link on a Windows 2003 Server machine running Terminal Services. [Build: 17] | ||
134. Error "Unable to resolve address" when sending email to a person whose name contained a comma like "Jeffrey Smith, DMD" <jsmith@anywhere.com> [Build: 17] | ||
135. DataLink mappings mapped to the BillTo fields were not working. [Build: 20] | ||
136. On the Advanced search of the File|Open window the F2 Lookup list for the CustomText06 field was listing data from the CustomText05 list. [Build: 20] | ||
137. When importing product descriptions that contained multiple lines with carriage returns and line feeds, the description would be imported with an additional line feed character causing the lines to look double spaced. [Build: 20] | ||
138. Using MS CRM 3.0 and converting a quote to an order would receive the error message "Error updating opportunity before closing it. Error: SOAP Server Application Faulted ..." [Build: 20] | ||
139. In the Product Data Source Wizard, the option "Auto-Generate dynamic '(Manufacturers)' folder." was being displayed for non native product databases. [Build: 20] | ||
140. Error "installation ended prematurely because of an error" when installing the QuoteWerks MS CRM link on a Windows 2003 Server machine running Terminal Services. [Build: 20] | ||
141. The default values for CustomText11 and CustomText12 on the Documents tab of the Tools|Options menu were not being saved. [Build: 20] | ||
142. For GoldMine users, the contact search feature was acting with case sensitivity for versions of GoldMine using Dbase/Firebird backend. [Build: 20] | ||
143. When rehosting an installation of QuoteWerks to a SQL backend that was first installed as build 16 or build 17 would receive error "Error in ExecuteSchemaChange:" ... "Column name 'Index_3E260F3F_9C20_4D99" does not exist in the target table". This will no longer occur for installations first installed as build 18 or higher. [Build: 20] | ||
144. Error "(-2147217900) Syntax error in FROM clause. SQL=Select * from" when upgrading from QuoteWerks 3.0 to QuoteWerks 4.0. Related to new InUseDocuments table added in build 16. [Build: 20] | ||
145. If a quote is converted to an order with the "keep same numeric sequence and use different doc designator" option set and then the user attempts to convert the same quote to an order again you will now receive an error message stating that the converted document number already exists. [Build: 20] | ||
146. If a user had the Misc Access right "CannotModifyTemplates", it was preventing the user from selecting a template document when using the File|Insert Document menu. [Build: 20] | ||
147. When setting up products to use volume based costing and pricing in combination with Price Modifiers used for the volume pricing, the unit price was not being formatted to the correct number of decimal places when the item was added to the quote. [Build: 20] | ||
148. On the File|Open window, the Sort by DocDate and SortBy LastModified were sorting from oldest to newest. [Build: 20] | ||
149. When importing products using a mode that updates existing products, if the PriceModifier or CostModifier field was being updated, the calculations would still be based on the values in the existing product record. [Build: 20] | ||
150. When selecting the product import mode of "Update existing products, but do not append new products." and you did not select any fields to update, you would not be notified that at least one field is required. [Build: 20] | ||
151. Issue when using the Product Import Wizard to update an existing product database and selecting the import mode of "Update existing products, but do not append new products." or "Update existing products, and append new products.". If for example, only the Price field was selected to be updated, the Cost and List fields were also getting updated with the data from the import file. [Build: 20] | ||
152. Error "sharpgrid operation failed" when clicking on the column header of the Product Lookup grid when there were no records in the grid. [Build: 20] | ||
153. For salesforce.com users, when creating a quote from within salesforce.com by clicking on a link, the quote auto-numbering was malfunctioning resulting in a blank quote number. [Build: 20] | ||
154. In the Product Import Wizard using the [View] button, the data would not be parsed the same way as the actual import process would parse it. This would result in an inaccurate preview of how your data was being parsed by QuoteWerks. This was especially true with data that contained carriage return data and field delimiter data inside field data. [Build: 20] | ||
155. For GoldMine users when searching for a contact in QuoteWerks, contacts would not be found due to a case sensitivity with the DBASE versions of GoldMine 6.5, 6.6, 6.7 and the FireBird version of 7.0. [Build: 20] | ||
156. Error 91 will now be captured when using ACT! 2005/2006 and using an ACT secondary contact for the 'Sold To' and sending an email to that contact. [Build: 20] | ||
157. When editing an existing Product Data Source that is linked to an Access database and clicking on the [Next] button an error occurred because the Access path and file name was not being retrieved into the editing window. [Build: 20] | ||
158. Issue sending email to recipient email address containing an apostrophe like: Johnny.o'Malley@quotewerks.com <Johnny.o'Malley@quotewerks.com> [Build: 20] | ||
159. Double-clicking on a product database name in the Product Lookup window will cause it to expand to show the folders in the product database. Previously only the +- symbol or double-clicking on the product database icon would cause the product database to expand. Also, double-clicking on an expanded product database icon will now collapse it. [Build: 20] | ||
160. If a quote was opened and then you selected the Edit|Select All menu, only the first 100 line items would be selected. [Build: 20] | ||
161. When Printing a quote and using a cover page, the next time you went to print the quote, the cover page that was last used with the quote was not being remembered. [Build: 20] | ||
162. When printing a purchase order that contained a single line item that contained a vendor name that did not exist in the Utilities|Vendor Maintenance Menu, the item would not be included in the purchase order. [Build: 20] | ||
163. On the File|Save window, when manually entering the document number and entering more than 20 characters, the error message incorrectly stated that the maximum number of characters is 12 when in fact it is 20. [Build: 20] | ||
164. Pressing the F2 key while in a text field on the Sold to / Ship to tab would display an error "An Unknown field type (xxxx) was passed to the F2Lookup function." The F2 Lookup feature is not available for these fields. The misleading error message has been removed. [Build: 20] | ||
165. When entering a License Key into QuoteWerks by pasting it, if the pasted data contained carriage return or line feed characters it would cause a variety of problems. [Build: 20] | ||
166. When using the One-Step sync feature and the option to "synchronize documents since the last time the sync was run" option was set, all the documents would be synched. [Build: 21] | ||
167. On the mapping step of the Product Data Source wizard, when attempting to map the ManufacturerPartNumber field, in some cases you would receive the error "Unknown ADOToQuoteWerksFieldType detected=129". [Build: 21] | ||
168. In the Product Data Source wizard, when creating a new link to a Tech Data database or editing an existing link to a Tech Data database, the default field mappings for a new link were not being set and existing field mappings were not being retrieved. [Build: 21] | ||
169. In the Product Data Source Wizard, if you selected to create a new QuoteWerks native product data source and then click on the [Back] button and then select to create a link to an Ingram or Tech Data product data source, the wizard step that lets you select the location of the Ingram or Tech Data database was not displayed. [Build: 21] | ||
170. In the Product Data Source Wizard, if you selected to create a new QuoteWerks native product data source and then click on the [Back] button and then select to create a link to an Access, SQL, ODBC, OLEDB or Excel product data source, the wizard step that lets you select mappings and titles would not be displayed. [Build: 21] | ||
171. When using the F2Lookup on a Document Items cell like CustomText01, if you selected a value ending in a % (the code for inserting value in front of existing text), the value was not getting inserted in front of the existing cell contents. [Build: 21] | ||
172. When selecting the File|Export To Document Transport file menu and choosing to export the current document, if it was a new document with no changes that has never been saved, would receive an error "An error occurred in the SaveDocumentToDTFFileEx function. The Document Header record was not found in the database. SQL=SELECT * FROM DocumentHeaders WHERE ID = -1" [Build: 21] | ||
173. When import products and mapping to the PrintPicture field, values of Yes or True were not being imported as Yes/True. [Build: 21] | ||
174. For SalesLogix users. If the SalesLogix 6.2 Client Alias was different from the database name you would receive the error "Error establishing ADO connection with SalesLogix". Would receive same error if the database connection name was not the same as the actual database name. [Build: 21] | ||
175. On the SalesLogix Sales Opportunity window, SalesLogix Remote and SalesLogix Support users will now be listed in the user dropdown in addition to the SalesLogix Network users. [Build: 21] | ||
176. When performing certain function that required that only one user be logged into QuoteWerks and there was more than one user logged in, but then all users logged out except the one user, you would still receive the message saying that there was more than one user logged into QuoteWerks. [Build: 22] | ||
177. The Tech Data password on the Real-Time tab of the Tools|My Preferences menu was not saving correctly. [Build: 22] | ||
178. When selecting multiple files to attach on the Send Email window, the file names displayed where the short file name equivalents to the long file names. [Build: 22] | ||
179. In the Product Import Wizard, when selecting a Product Import Template that uses a LF character as the line delimiter, the wizard would be incorrectly loaded with a CRLF line delimiter. [Build: 22] | ||
180. When using the File|Insert Template menu to insert a template into the current document, if the PriceModifer or CostModifier contained a decimal separator, the place holder character would be displayed instead of the decimal separator. [Build: 22] | ||
181. If literature files contained more than one ".", they would not be displayed in the list of literature documents. [Build: 22] | ||
182. "Overflow" error when a search for an MS CRM contact returned roughly more than 60 matches. [Build: 22] | ||
183. If the results for a MS CRM contact searched returned more than 50 matches, only the first 50 would be displayed. [Build: 22] | ||
184. Error "The error (3265) Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal. was encountered in the MIDA_RecordsetEditRec function. Error occured at FieldName=LastModified ..." on the Product Lookup Window when selecting the "Associate copied item(s) with this folder" menu. [Build: 22] | ||
185. In the Tools|Export to QuickBooks window document templates could appear in the list of documents to export and should not have. [Build: 22] | ||
186. On the Product Lookup window when searching an External Product Data Source based on Description and using the AND/OR operator the AND/OR would be ignored. [Build: 22] | ||
187. The End Quantity on the 14th volume level on the Edit Volume Costing and Edit Volume Pricing window was not displaying. [Build: 22] | ||
188. When cloning a product from the Products Lookup window, if a ManufacturerPartNumber longer than 40 characters was entered (40 is the max size for the ManufacturerPartNumber field), then would receive error "Multiple-step operation generated errors. Check each status value." [Build: 22] | ||
189. Tab order was not correct for the Bill to fields on the SoldTo/ShipTo tab. [Build: 22] | ||
190. For MS CRM users, when closing sales opportunities, the "ActualAmount" field was not getting updated so it would be set to 0.00. [Build: 23] | ||
191. For MS CRM users, when attempting to schedule an activity for a sales opportunity that was created by QuoteWerks would receive an error "An unhandled exception occurred during the execution...". This will no longer happen for any new sales opportunities created in MS CRM by QuoteWerks. Existing opportunities in MS CRM will still have this problem unless they are updated by QuoteWerks. [Build: 23] | ||
192. When starting with a new order (not converting from a quote) and integrating with MS CRM, the sales opportunity was created in MS CRM, but it was not being closed. [Build: 23] | ||
193. When using ACT! 2005/2006/2007 and converting a quote to a lost sale or a completed as won sale, the % probability was not being set to 0 for a lost sale and 100 for a completed as won sale. [Build: 23] | ||
194. When exporting to QuickBooks UK would receive "error parsing xml text stream" when the link was creating a new item. [Build: 23] | ||
195. When saving from the Preview window, if the path to the folder that you selected to save the file to contained a "." in the name, then the file would not be saved with the extension that you had selected like PDF or RTF, etc. [Build: 23] | ||
196. If you edited the user preferences from the Utilities |User Maintenance menu, the and numeric preferences would not be loaded with the user's preferences, just the empty defaults. [Build: 23] | ||
197. If a quote was opened, and only the shipping amount was changed, and you closed the quote, you would not be prompted to save the changes and the change would not be saved. [Build: 23] | ||
198. When importing products and specifying a folder location like "\shirts\colors\blue" to associate the product with that folder and a folder "\shirts\blue" existed, the product would be associated with the "\shirts\blue" folder instead of the "\shirts\colors\blue" folder. If a "blue" folder existed anywhere (but only once) in the folder tree, the product would be associated with that folder instead of the correct folder. This issue would only become apparent in the rare case that the folder name that you are trying to import into does not exist. [Build: 23] | ||
199. If a product database folder was deleted and then some action was performed that required the context of a selected folder, would receive error "Error, .listindex=-1 in ReturnActiveFolderTextProperty". [Build: 23] | ||
200. The import file was not being displayed on the "Contents of Selected File" window displayed by clicking on the [View Data] button in the Contact Import Wizard. [Build: 23] | ||
201. In the Contact import Wizard, when selecting the file to import, if you cancelled the file selection, the existing selected file would be cleared. [Build: 23] | ||
202. In the Product Import Wizard when mapping a field to a static value, if that static value contained a comma, and you saved the import template, when loading that template, the field mapping would not be correctly loaded. [Build: 23] | ||
203. On the File|Save window, if you had selected to perform activities with SalesLogix, or MS CRM and did not retrieve a SoldToCompany into the quote, you would not be warned that you must retrieve a SoldToCompany into the quote in order to proceed. [Build: 23] | ||
204. In the Medic utility the password box for the Utilities|Data Manager did not have password * masking. [Build: 23] | ||
205. When a new document was created and saved (but not opened from the database) the In-Use Documents feature would incorrectly display how long the document had been opened for. [Build: 23] | ||
206. On the In-Use Documents display that showed what time the document was opened, the second minute digit was not being displayed. [Build: 23] | ||
207. With some Document Rights messages you would receive two messages notifying you of the same rights issue. [Build: 23] | ||
208. When the number of decimal places for line items was set to more than 2, the % profit margin display would sometimes be off by a hundredth of a % due to rounding. [Build: 23] | ||
209. After performing certain actions like adding a new product to a product database the Product Import Wizard would fail indicating that the database was in exclusive use. [Build: 23] | ||
210. If you created a new document using a template, and then created another new document using the same template you would incorrectly receive an error message indicating that the template document was in use and therefore you could not use it. [Build: 23] | ||
211. On the QuickBooks batch export window the document date was always being displayed in USA date format instead of using the Windows regional settings. [Build: 23] | ||
212. When creating a new product in the Product Lookup window (or Append Pasting) and the product was created in a product database that was setup to not "show all products" by default, after creating the product, it would be displayed in the grid momentarily and then would disappear. [Build: 23] | ||
213. On the Product Lookup window when using the Append Paste feature after having previously searched the QuickBooks or salesforce.com external product data source, the product would appear to have been pasted but would disappear when the product list was refreshed. [Build: 23] | ||
214. When selecting or un-selecting literature documents the asterisk symbol in the Literature tab caption was not getting updated. It is used to display at a glance if any literature is selected or not. [Build: 23] | ||
215. Form size issues on Windows XP for the Zoom description and View Log windows. [Build: 23] | ||
216. When converting a quote to and order and no contact manager contact had been linked into the quote would receive an error about the SoldToCMAccountNo field being empty. [Build: 23] | ||
217. When using QuoteWerks with the SQL backend and creating a management report where a filter item for a date field is compared to an empty value like "Equal to {empty}" would receive error "IsNull() requires two parameters". [Build: 23] | ||
218. When using keyboard shortcuts like "ALT+D" for Edit|Delete Line Item, and then pressing the tab key on the grid, it would not tab through the cells, furthermore, if there was more than one quote open, pressing the tab key would cycle through the currently open quotes. [Build: 23] | ||
219. When using grouped bundles or grouped configurations and setting the grouped bundle or grouped configuration discount to a decimal value like "D23.68" and synchronizing this data to another installation that used a different character for the decimal separator the discount would be interpreted as "D2368". [Build: 23] | ||
220. On the Product Price History window, if a price modifier that contained a decimal separator was displayed, a vertical line would be displayed instead of the decimal separator. [Build: 23] | ||
221. When running the Corporate Edition of QuoteWerks that is rehosted to MS SQL. If you deleted a product from a product database, or deleted all products from the product database (during a product import), or removed a product data source would receive error "trapped error Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'SyncTransactions' with unique index 'TransactionGUID'". [Build: 24] | ||
222. When importing products, if the data in a field that was being imported contained a value contained in a less than and greater than symbol (like <blah>), the import would freeze. [Build: 24] | ||
223. On the Send Email window, when selecting an email address and then choosing to edit the email address, if the email address only contained the email address with no name and was initially entered in build 17 or earlier, then the edit email address window would truncate the email address. [Build: 24] | ||
224. When editing a product and selecting the Customer/Product Profile based pricing the following error would be displayed: "The maximum length the PriceModifier can be is 8 characters. The price modifier 'Txxxxxx'... where xxxxx was the name of the selected product profile. [Build: 24] | ||
225. Searching for a product in the Ingram database and searching for a description using the "AND" or "OR" feature, would not get the correct results for the second phrase being searched for. [Build: 24] | ||
226. Error "...Syntax error in date in query expression 'ManufacturerPart#=''..." when doing a price comparison and including the SYNNEX database. [Build: 24] | ||
227. For GoldMine 7.0 users when saving a forecasted sale, the Forecasted Date was not getting updated on the Summary tab and a duplicate contact2 record was getting added. [Build: 24] | ||
228. When closing the Configuration Setup window using the control box X and choosing to Save the changes, any changes made on the Flowchart tab would be saved, but any changes made on the Settings tab would not be saved. [Build: 24] | ||
229. When deleting more than one line item at the same time AND the CTRL key was used to select the line items AND the line items were selected ordinally from bottom to top, the wrong line items would be deleted. [Build: 24] | ||
230. When running QuoteWerks on machines with a large horizontal resolution, the width of the main QuoteWerks window would resize to be about 60% of the width of the screen. When decreasing the width of this window, the width you reduced the window to would not be remembered the next time you started QuoteWerks and the width would again be reset to about 60% the width of the screen. [Build: 24] | ||
231. In the Configurator setup, when creating a link between selection containers the drop down combo would contain an empty item for each navigation only branch. [Build: 24] | ||
232. When editing a selection container item and the item type is a "Navigator" the "Edit Selection Container Navigator Item" dialog is now displayed. This enables you to specify the Sort Order of the Navigation only branches. [Build: 24] | ||
233. When attempting to delete a Navigation Only branch from the Items tab of the Edit Selection Container window you will now receive the message "To delete a Navigation only branch, delete it from the flowchart." Prior to this change, a deletion from this window would not succeed, although it would initially appear to succeed. [Build: 24] | ||
234. When renaming a Required Item on the Products | Required Items menu would receive error "...Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal.." [Build: 24] | ||
235. If a product in a native product database was configured to use Volume pricing and an invalid vendor name was supplied in the VendorName field, after the product was added to the quote and if the quantity was changed, then would receive error "run-time error '13':type mismatch" after the error "The vendor database 'x' was not found, so the manufacturer part number 'y' could not be found." [Build: 24] | ||
236. When a User login id was deleted from the Utilities|User Maintenance menu, any references to the user relating to DocViewAccess, DocModifyAccess, DocDeleteAccess, and GroupMembership were not removed. [Build: 24] | ||
237. When a User Group was deleted from the Utilities|User Maintenance menu, any references to the User Group relating to DocViewAccess, DocModifyAccess, and DocDeleteAccess were not removed. [Build: 24] | ||
238. If a product data source table name contained non alphanumeric characters like "&" or a space would receive SQL error about Incorrect Syntax when querying the database and when trying to delete the database. [Build: 24] | ||
239. If entering a non-numeric value into, for example, the Quantity column for a Comment type line item (Comment line items do not support entering numeric data, they are for text description data only) would receive a data type mismatch error that would persist until you pressed the ESC key. [Build: 24] | ||
240. When importing products and using the "Auto Create Folders" option and a folder name to create was like "\Modems\Desktop\NETCOMM\Modems" where the root folder had the same name as a last folder in any folder path an error would incorrectly report "Error: More than one product folder with the same folder name '\Modems' was found!". [Build: 24] | ||
241. When editing the name of a Product Data Source and changing the name to the name of an existing product Data Source, QuoteWerks would appear to be frozen because you could not click away from the current window. [Build: 24] | ||
242. Error "Row cannot be located for updating. Some values may have been changed since it was last read.". This error could occur in various QuoteWerks windows that contain a grid control. [Build: 24] | ||
243. Error "Row handle referred to a deleted row or a row marked for deletion." in Required Items, Optional Items, Selection Container Items and Bundle Items grid when the grid contained only one record and a second record was added that had the same part number. [Build: 24] | ||
244. When deleting a document from the Open Document window, the status bar would not be updated with the updated recordcount. [Build: 24] | ||
245. Error in GetGenericTimeZoneDescriptionForCurrentTimeZone() [Build: 24] | ||
246. Right clicking on a column heading of the grid on the Document Items tab would generate error "Run-time error'9': Subscript out of range" [Build: 25] | ||
247. When creating an opportunity in SalesLogix, if two accounts in SalesLogix had the exact same account name then the sales opportunity would be created in the first matching account name returned in the query which is not necessarily the account the quote is for. [Build: 25] | ||
248. Error "Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression" when running a document report that did not have any filter items. [Build: 25] | ||
249. When right clicking on a line item on the Document Items tab, if the line item right clicked was not on the first page of line items in the grid, then the current row would be changed to a random row. [Build: 26] | ||
250. On some Vista machines, when browsing for a folder would receive error "QuoteWerks has stopped working". [Build: 27] | ||
251. When the Send E-Mail window would load, an error "QuoteWerks has encountered a problem and needs to close". This error would only occur if the "Show only True Type fonts in the programs on my computer" option was set on the True Type Fonts tab of the Tools | Folder Options menu from the Control Panel | Fonts applet. [Build: 27] | ||
252. When double-clicking or press the F2 key while in the Send Email Window TO, FROM, CC, or BCC box would receive error "An unknown control was specified for the F2 Lookup during retrieval..." [Build: 27] | ||
253. On the Document Items grid, when right clicking to then paste text into a cell of the current line item, the entire row becomes selected preventing the pasting into an individual cell. [Build: 27] | ||
254. On the Document Items grid, when one line item is currently selected, right clicking on a different line item leaves the original line item selected and changes the current row to the row that was right clicked on. The net effect of this was that the line item that QuoteWerks would perform an action on would be the original selected line item and not the new line item that was clicked on. [Build: 27] | ||
255. User Login naming issue. [Build: 27] | ||
256. If there were no results displayed in a grid list and the [Edit] or [Delete] button was selected, the fact that no item was selected would not be detected and an error similar to "Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted..." would occur. [Build: 29] | ||
257. When editing the UnitCost, UnitPrice, or UnitList cell on the last line item in the quote, and pressing the down arrow key to add a new line, the value being edited would be changed the value of that cell that was in the first line item in the quote. [Build: 29] | ||
258. On the Document Items tab, if a single line item was selected when the right click menu was displayed, the single line item would lose its selection, but still be the current row. [Build: 29] | ||
259. When using data from the Tech Data offline price guide, text data would be padded with trailing spaces. [Build: 29] | ||
260. In Corporate Edition rehosted to SQL, when synchronizing Product Data Sources, if you selected "Do Not Synchronize" for a Product Data Source, a Product Data Source listing would be created and appear under the Products|Setup Product Data Sources menu, but the actual data tables for the Product Data Source would not be created resulting in errors whenever the Product Data Source was accessed in the Product Lookup window. [Build: 29] | ||
261. Error "Object variable or With block variable not set" when clicking on the [Close] button of the Contacts|Lookup menu. [Build: 30] | ||
262. Would receive error "Unknown License Type 'X-......' in ReturnEditionOfLicenseType()" when starting QuoteWerks during build data conversion. [Build: 30] | ||
263. When individual Product Database Security is enabled, there was an issue with User security settings for the first group or user in the internal combined group and users list not being seen. This would affect Product Data Source Security so that if view/modify/delete rights where set for a specific user or group, the rights would not be seen resulting in no rights to that PDS. [Build: 31] | ||
264. An issue with User security settings for the first group or user in the internal combined group and users list not being seen. This affected the documents that sales reps had rights to view, which would result in that group or user not having the rights to view documents that their rights should allow them to view. [Build: 31] | ||
265. When individual Product Database Security is enabled, in some cases users could access a product database they had not been given access to. (Security Fix # 4001) [Build: 31] | ||
266. On the QuickBooks or Peachtree batch export window, if you right-clicked and selected the Open the document, when you later closed the batch export window, clicking in the currently displayed quote grid or text boxes would not accept focus into it. [Build: 31] | ||
267. On Windows Vista would receive error "The component, TList7, being loaded by this application was not designed for the current operating system..." when displaying the F2 Lookup window, the QuoteWerks Notification Log window, and the Customize Document Columns window. [Build: 31] | ||
268. When refreshing a line item with the latest price and using the SYNNEX real-time link, the UnitPrice would be set to 0. [Build: 31] | ||
269. For ACT! 2005 and higher users, when creating a new Order in QuoteWerks and immediately saving and choosing the option to "Create/Update Completed Sale", the an opportunity was created in ACT!, but the amount was set to 0 and it was not closed. [Build: 31] | ||
270. If One-Step Sync profile used and the folder location specified for the Master Installation does not exist when the profile is run the erroneous error message of "Synchronization process or portions of the process failed. Errro 2...Details..."Remote and Master instalaltion are not on the same build version" [Build: 31] | ||
271. If a demo installation of QuoteWerks 3.0 was upgraded to version 4.0, would receive error "Error in ch_OpenConnection! Missing GUID detected in Data Source..." [Build: 31] | ||
272. When upgrading QuoteWerks 3.0 to a build of QuoteWerks 4.0 that applied database structure changes, when first starting QuoteWerks would sometimes receive error messages saying that field names already existed and therefore could not be created. Although these messages were displayed during the upgrade, QuoteWerks will function correctly after the upgrade. [Build: 31] | ||
273. When upgrading from QuoteWerks 3.0 directly to Build 30 of QuoteWerks 4.0 would receive errors such as "The field name BundleDeleteAccess was not found in ReMapAndGetFieldData" during the upgrade of the SECURITY database. You would receive a message for each field and for each record in the database. Although these messages were displayed during the upgrade, QuoteWerks will function correctly after the upgrade. [Build: 31] | ||
274. Sometimes receive error 339 for component 'Codejock.ReportControl.v10.4.2.ocx' when setting up Product Data Sources. Re-running the node install of build 30.09 or higher fixes the issue. [Build: 31] | ||
275. When setting the Timeout value for the real-time links to a value higher than 32 seconds would receive HTTP Request Error 6 HTTP Protocol Error #0 when requesting real-time data. [Build: 31] | ||
276. When the WebConnector AutoStart login window appeared, the UserName would not default to the last logged in User Name. [Build: 31] | ||
277. When the "Start with blank document" option on the Misc tab of the Tools|My Preferences menu was unchecked, the File menu would not contain a list of the last documents opened until at least one document was opened. [Build: 31] | ||
278. When editing the 10th Product Data Source in the list of Product Data Sources, various issues would occur such as: the last step of the wizard would incorrectly mention SYNNEX, a message about default field mappings would incorrectly be displayed, and the SYNNEX import process would start when the [Finish] button was clicked. [Build: 31] | ||
279. When adding items to the list of optional items or substitute items, if the length of the ManufacturerPartNumber was greater than 30, the part number would be truncated to 30 characters even though the supported length is 40 characters. [Build: 31] | ||
280. When attempting to Clone a product data source would incorrectly receive error "You cannot clone a product database that is not Enabled" [Build: 31] | ||
281. If a document was open you could delete it from the File|Open window, would receive an error when you tried to save the already open document that you just deleted. Also, if a document template was open you could delete it from the Templates tab of the File|New menu. [Build: 31] | ||
282. On the File|Open window, when opening a document sometimes would receive error "Error opening the selected document! It may be deleted. (DocID=xxxxx)". In some cases this occurred because the document was opened and during the opening process it was updated with the contents of a newer contents from its corresponding DTf file resulting in a DocID change. [Build: 31] | ||
283. Would receive status bar message about "Problem with product database ''. The product database was not found! As a result, the manufacturer part number '' could not be found to inspect for spec sheet." whenever select the File|Print window for any empty lines in the quote. [Build: 31] | ||
284. When QuoteWerks starts and if the option to "Start with a blank document" is unchecked, toolbar buttons like the Print button would incorrectly be enabled, causing an error when clicked on. [Build: 31] | ||
285. When hiding a top level menu for a user, any toolbar items associated with any child menu items of that top level menu were not hidden. For example, if the "Products" top level menu was hidden, the child menus of "Products|Bundles" and "Products|Configurator" would also be hidden, but the toolbar buttons for "Bundles" and "Configurator" were not hidden. [Build: 31] | ||
286. When using the WebConnector to start a new document in QuoteWerks using a template, some values in the template would be cleared if those values were not passed as parameters in the web link URL string. [Build: 31] | ||
287. Resolves Ingram Micro issue with their Version 1.0 XML specifications for certain part numbers. Would receive error 'EV' or 'WV'. Updated QuoteWerks to use Ingram Micro version 2.0 XML specifications to "resolve" problem. [Build: 31] | ||
288. The settings on the Field Links tab of the Tools|Options menu control which custom field data is copied from a product definition to the corresponding custom columns on the quote. These settings were being applied even when copying and pasting line items within the quote which was not the intent of the design. [Build: 31] | ||
289. When creating a new native product database, and Individual Product Data Source security was enabled, the PDS rights selected were not saved. [Build: 31] | ||
290. When importing product information and choosing the option to update existing products, sometimes would receive error "File sharing lock count exceeded. Increase MaxLocksPerFile regitry entry.". The batch commit size was reduced from 100,000 records to every 30,000 records. [Build: 31] | ||
291. If the the &PricingLevel_xxxx field was in a report layout and a &CostingLevel_xxxx was not in the report layout would receive error "Error in GetDynTextFld, field = 'CostingLevel01' Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal." [Build: 31] | ||
292. In the Synchronization Wizard, the One-Step step drop down list of profiles was not visible. [Build: 31.01] | ||
293. On the Pricing tab of the Edit Product window, after selecting Item Pricing Method such as Gross Margin, the tab key did not tab to the "Enter Points" field. Similiar issue with Item Costing Method. [Build: 31.01] | ||
294. When enter a value in the VendorPartNumber column on the Document Items tabbed, the value would always be converted to upper case. [Build: 31.03] | ||
295. In some cases, when Opening a quote using the Open Document window and then using the QuoteWerks title bar close button (X button) to exit QuoteWerks, the qw4.exe would still be running as a process. When you attempted to start QuoteWerks again, you would be notified that it was already running. [Build: 33] | ||
296. In the Medic Utility when selecting the Utilities|Data Manager for QuoteWerks databases menu, would receive run-time error '3709' The connection cannot be used to perform this operation. It is either closed or invalid in this context. This would be received if a password protected database was in the QuoteWerks root folder. [Build: 33] | ||
297. If Internet Explorer 7 is installed, selecting the Help|Contents and Index menu would not display the Contents and Index. [Build: 33] | ||
298. Also, when opening a quote, the hourglass mousepointer was reset before the quote was fully loaded giving the impression it was done loading. [Build: 33] | ||
299. In the Medic Utility Data Manager, on the Pre-defined Product Database Queries tab, choosing the "Copy Part Number" option to copy the manufacturer part number to the vendor part number and vice-versa would result in the opposite action. [Build: 33] | ||
300. In Peachtree link, some item types do not have a GL_Sales_Account or GL_Inventory_Account. This would cause an error about these accounts when exporting purchase orders to Peachtree. [Build: 33] | ||
301. In the Peachtree link when creating new items you could proceed without completing the required account selections. [Build: 33] | ||
302. Issue with detecting SalesLogix version for advanced SalesLogix features when the comma character was the decimal separator and no character was specified in Windows settings for the digit grouping character. [Build: 33] | ||
303. In Contacts|DDE Center menu when selecting or typing a field name, the Most Recent selection functionality would truncate the first 6 characters of the macro that was selected or typed in. [Build: 33] | ||
304. For GoldMine 4.0 users would receive error "Invalid Datastream iHandle was returned in FindGoldMineContactUsingDataStreamEx()...." when searching for a GoldMine contact under the Contacts|Lookup menu. [Build: 33] | ||
305. For installations with an Access backend, when cloning a bundle, the new cloned bundle would not appear until you closed and re-opened the bundle window, or clicked on the "Show All" option button. [Build: 33] | ||
306. SYNNEX Canada users would receive an error "FTP Download of SYNNEX category codes file failed so the default will be used...login incorrect". [Build: 33] | ||
307. If an alternate currency had the same currency symbol as the base currency, then the alternate currency 'Totals for selected items' ribbon button would not appear, removing the ability to see the alternate currency 'Totals for selected items' [Build: 33] | ||
308. When importing products and selecting an update mode and choosing to update Cost, Price, or List, but no cost modifier or price modifier was mapped would receive error "Invalid Cost Modifier '0'" or error "Invalid Price Modifier '0'". [Build: 33] | ||
309. When loading a product import template, if the text file that is specified to be imported is not found, and you then select a valid file, and the product import template import mode was in update mode, the list of available fields to update would not be populated. [Build: 33] | ||
310. When importing products, and selecting an update mode, if you mapped a field that you want to update to a field in the import file that was empty, this empty value would not replace the existing value. [Build: 33] | ||
311. When adding a new QuoteWerks license through the License Manager, if you pasted a License Key that was in lower case (using the [Paste Key] button), the License Key would be recognized as invalid. [Build: 33] | ||
312. The Preferred Warehouse could not be set for Ingram Micro users when Canada was set as the Region. This setting is on the Ingram Micro tab of the Real-time tab under the Tools|Options menu. [Build: 33] | ||
313. On the Ingram Micro subtab of the Realtime tab under the Tools|Options menu, the list of preferred warehouses would display Canadian warehouses when USA was selected. [Build: 33.02] | ||
314. When retrieving pricing and availability for the items in a Tech Data online order, in some cases the Tech Data server does not return an XML formatted response which caused a "Run-time error '91' Object variable or With block variable not set" error in QuoteWerks. [Build: 33.02] | ||
315. When upgrading a QuoteWerks 3.0 installation directly to QuoteWerks 4.0 build 33 would receive error "The field name SONumber was not found in ReMapAndGetFieldData" [Build: 33.02] | ||
316. When the Getting Started panel was displayed and then a modal window was closed that used the hyperlink control an error "QuoteWerks encountered an error" error message would display and then QuoteWerks would shutdown. [Build: 33.02] | ||
317. With the release of ACT! 10.2 (2008) the ability to set associated groups for an opportunity is disabled again (See KB article #6484 for details). Additionally, without this fix, when ACT! 10.2 is run with QuoteWerks, ACT! would crash QuoteWerks when updating an ACT! opportunity. [Build: 33.02] | ||
318. In Contact Import Wizard you could click on the [Next] button without specifying a file to import. [Build: 35] | ||
319. For ACT! version 10.1.199 have disabled (See KB article #6484 for details) the ability to associate groups with an opportunity. [Build: 35] | ||
320. More than one W-type Online Ordering Module License Key could be entered under the Utilities| License Key Manager menu. The same applied to version 3.0 O-type, Q-type, and P-type License Keys. [Build: 35] | ||
321. If a W-type Online Ordering Module License Key was based on a primary License Key that was version 3.0 (happens when a 3.0 installation was upgraded to 4.0), would receive error message "The License Key XXXXX is not a valid version 4.0 License Key. The License Key appears to be a valid QuoteWerks version 3.0 License Key. It will not be accepted" when trying to enter the W key. [Build: 35] | ||
322. Read error when using RTF files modified by Microsoft Word 2007. [Build: 35] | ||
323. In a multiple monitor environment, if the primary monitor is in the middle of 3 monitors, and QuoteWerks was last closed on the left most monitor, when it was re-opened, it would be located on the middle (primary) monitor. [Build: 35] | ||
324. For Ingram Micro preferred warehouse setting, Ingram Micro is returning full name of the state of the warehouse, but the list was using the abbreviated state name resulting in the preferred warehouse not being recognized. After installing this update, the Ingram Micro preferred warehouse must be reselected on the Ingram Micro subtab of the Real-time tab under the Tools|Options menu. [Build: 35] | ||
325. If there are more than 32,767 quotes in the database and you select the File|Insert Document menu, would receive error "Run-time error '381': Invalid property array index". [Build: 35] | ||
326. In the Outlook contact manager setup, when selecting the "Shared Public Contacts Folder", if the user does not have access to, for example, the 3rd Outlook folder in a list of 5 Outlook folders, only the 1st and 2nd folders in the list would be displayed for selection. [Build: 35] | ||
327. When duplicating a document (and choosing to Copy the project # into the duplicated document) and then saving the document, on the Save As window the Project No would display {Next Available} instead of the Project number that was copied when the document was duplicated, and a new project number would be generated for the document. Issue introduced after build 31.03. [Build: 35.04] | ||
328. When using the Interactive Peachtree link to generate POs in Peachtree the "PO Distribution" field was being set incorrectly. This caused the "Received" column Quantity data to incorrectly roll-up to the top on the PO after doing a "Receive Inventory" in Peachtree. [Build: 35.04] | ||
329. Tab order on login screen. [Build: 35.04] | ||
330. When using the Interactive Peachtree link to generate POs in Peachtree the "PO Distribution" field was being set incorrectly. This caused the "Received" column Quantity data to incorrectly roll-up to the top on the PO after doing a "Receive Inventory" in Peachtree. [Build: 36] | ||
331. On the Sold To/Ship To tab, when using "Copy from" split buttons the CMAccountNo of the destination would be cleared but would only show the next time a field was updated. [Build: 36] | ||
332. When drilling down on a root Ingram Micro Categories folder would receive Query Error (-2147217913) Automation error SQL=SELECT * FROM [CATALOG] WHERE left$(CATSUBCAT,2)='11' ORDER BY VENDOR. [Build: 36] | ||
333. If a QuickBooks tax code description contained a "(" or ")" character would receive error that the tax code did not exist in QuickBooks. After installing this update you need to go into the QuickBooks link setup and click on the [Ok] button to correct any bad data saved previously as a result of this issue. [Build: 36] | ||
334. When duplicating a document (and choosing to Copy the project # into the duplicated document) and then saving the document, on the Save As window the Project No would display {Next Available} instead of the Project number that was copied when the document was duplicated, and a new project number would be generated for the document. Issue introduced after build 31.03. [Build: 36] | ||
335. The File|Insert Document feature improvements introduced in build 35, inadvertently prevented document templates from being displayed in the list of search results. [Build: 36] | ||
336. When clicking on the [Restore Defaults] button while customizing the product Lookup columns, could receive error about invalid key. [Build: 36] | ||
337. If http communication error occurred while attempting to retrieve Tech Data Real-time Pricing & Availability the communication would appear to have been successful. [Build: 36] | ||
338. Tab order on login screen. [Build: 36] | ||
339. In the Product Import, Contact Import, and SYNNEX imports, the last field value on the last row of data would not be read. [Build: 36.03] | ||
340. When creating a new User under the Utilities|User Maintenance and the user already exists, would receive "Run-time error '5'". [Build: 36.03] | ||
341. In the Product Import Wizard, if you select a Field Delimiter other than a comma or period, such as a "|" (pipe character), when you click on the [View Data] button the data is not separated by the field delimiter. All the data is displayed in the first column. [Build: 36.03] | ||
342. The [Export to Clipboard] button on the File|Open menu will now export the entire list if only one document is selected (since one document is usually always selected). If multiple documents are selected then only those selected documents will be exported. Also, if the first grid cell had no data in it, an empty placeholder would not be reserved for it, so all the column data to the right of that cell would shift left one column. [Build: 36.03] | ||
343. If the Refresh item w/Best Pricing feature was used and the item was in a native product database and the item pricing method was set to customer based, the Price would be returned as 0. [Build: 36.03] | ||
344. When clicking on the [Setup] button on the Export to QuickBooks window would receive "Error in GetXMLListOfQBItemsByType() ... A query request did not find a matching object in QuickBooks" when the list of (for example) Classes in QuickBooks had no classes defined. [Build: 36.03] | ||
345. When having a document template open and then choosing to use the template to start a new document would receive an error about the document already being open. [Build: 36.05] | ||
346. When importing products, the progress window would disappear if the option to "Delete all existing products" was selected. [Build: 36.05] | ||
347. When the alternate currency totals were being displayed on the main quote window, the alternate GST Tax amount was incorrectly being calculated using the alternate PST taxable amount. [Build: 37] | ||
348. In the Product Data Source Wizard, if you selected to create a new QuoteWerks native product database, and then clicked [Back] and then chose a different database type, the Table selection and Name steps of the wizard would not be displayed. [Build: 37] | ||
349. The AfterSaveDocument event was not returning the correct values to indicate when the creation of a salesforce.com opportunity was being cancelled by the user. [Build: 37] | ||
350. The Open Document, Product Lookup, Configuration Setup, Item Zoom, Setup E-mail signature, Forecasted sale notes, and View Log windows were not being restored to their memorized position. This issue was introduced in Build 35. [Build: 37] | ||
351. Run-time error '381' invalid property array index when only one item in a list and clicked on the [Move Down] button. [Build: 37] | ||
352. In the Paste Special if only one line of data was in the clipboard, would receive a message "...nothing to paste." [Build: 39] | ||
353. When pressing the Enter key while on the Opportunity list drop down on the Create Forecasted sale window or Complete Forecasted sale window would result in error 91 when clicking on the Ok button. This scenario happened more frequently after the Build 35 update which changes the tab order making the opportunity list drop down the default control on the form. Issue was corrected and tab order changed to make the Ok button the default control on the form. [Build: 39] | ||
354. If the menuopts.add file was missing or empty, an empty custom menu item would appear in the Tools menu. [Build: 39] | ||
355. On Literature tab, sub folders list under a root folder would be ordered in reverse alphabetical order. [Build: 39] | ||
356. On Literature tab, if files with unsupported file types (files with extensions other than .rtf or .pdf) were located under the Literature folder, the organization and relative location of the folders and files as displayed under the literature tab would be incorrect. [Build: 39] | ||
357. If the Refresh item w/Best Pricing feature was used and the item was in a native product database and the item pricing method was set to volume, the UnitPrice was not getting updated and the UnitList would change to the value intended for the UnitPrice. [Build: 39] | ||
358. For QuickBooks Canada 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, and QuickBooks Canada 2008 (multi-currency edition) when item definitions were created, the tax code was not being specified for them so QuickBooks would assign a default tax code to them (the item tax code in the estimate/invoice was correct however). The same issue would cause all the QuickBooks items to appear to be not taxable when listed in the QuoteWerks Product Lookup window. This issue was introduced in Build 36. [Build: 39] | ||
359. If the phone/fax number extension macro fields &APP_OurLocationPhoneExt, &APP_OurLocationFaxExt, &APP_LoggedInUserPhoneExt, &APP_LoggedInUserFaxExt, &DH_&SalesRepPhoneExt, or &DH_&SalesRepFaxExt were used with their corresponding phone/fax number macro fields, the extension macro would not be resolved correctly. [Build: 39] | ||
360. If a QuickBooks account name contained a "(" or ")" character would receive error when that account was referenced during the QuickBooks integration. After installing this update you need to go into the QuickBooks link setup and click on the [Ok] button to correct any bad data saved previously as a result of this issue. This fixes the issue when the account name contains these characters. The similar Build 36 fix fixed the issue when the account description contains these characters. [Build: 39] | ||
361. When exporting to the Canadian version of QuickBooks, if you specified a shipping amount, the amount would always be sent over to QuickBooks as not taxable. Now, depending upon the "Do not charge PST tax on Shipping" and "GST Tax Exempt" checkboxes on the Sale Info tab the appropriate tax code will be passed to QuickBooks for the shipping amount. [Build: 39] | ||
362. When sending email using the built-in SMTP email with GoldMine as your contact manager, QuoteWerks would terminate. Applicable to Build 39 users only as this issue did not effect any other builds. [Build: 39.01] | ||
363. When the SYNNEX category codes text file is not formatted correctly would receive "Run-time error '9': Subscript out of range" error. [Build: 39.01] | ||
364. If "This SMTP server requires authentication" was selected (On the Sending subtab of the Internet tab under Tools|Options menu) an error would be received when attempting to send emails using the QuoteWerks Built-in SMTP E-Mail if "This server requires an encrypted connection (SSL)" was not also checked. This issue was introduced in Build 39.00. [Build: 39.01] | ||
365. When using the QuoteWerks Built-in SMTP email, CC and BCC recipients were not receiving the email. This issue was introduced in Build 39.00. [Build: 39.07] | ||
366. When retrieving salesforce.com product descriptions that contained multiple lines, a block character would represent the line break and the line break would be ignored. [Build: 39.07] | ||
367. Error "The data returned from Tech Data does not appear to be formatted as XML)" when attempting to retrieve Realtime Pricing & Availability from Tech Data UK (Computer 2000). [Build: 39.07] | ||
368. If a QuickBooks Product Data Source was removed from the Products|Setup Product Data Sources menu, but on the Items tab of the QuickBooks setup the option was selected to "Display QuickBooks item list in QuoteWerks Product Lookup", then the QuickBooks Product Data Source would be automatically re-added the next time QuoteWerks started. [Build: 39.07] | ||
369. If no documents were open, the File|Exit menu had no effect. [Build: 43] | ||
370. When creating a salesforce.com opportunity for a salesforce.com contact that had no existing opportunities associated with it you would not be able to create a new opportunity in salesforce.com. Introduced in Build 39.07. [Build: 43] | ||
371. When calling the API method DocFunctions.DocumentClose, QuoteWerks was not releasing the in-use flag for the document. [Build: 43] | ||
372. When creating a salesforce.com opportunity, if you are integrating with salesforce.com professional edition, and have not purchased the salesforce.com optional feature set that includes Price Book support, would receive error "Fault Code (1111). type opportunityLineItems is not supported". Similiary would receive error "Fault Code (1111). type pricebook is not supported" when attempting to link to a salesforce.com Price Book as a Product Data Source. [Build: 43] | ||
373. In some cases the mousepointer icon would remain the hourglass icon after the activity had finished. [Build: 43] | ||
374. The default value for new documents for the CustomText06 field specified on the Documents tab of the Tools|Options menu can now be multi-line. [Build: 43] | ||
375. When in demo mode, and attempting to export to QuickBooks, Peachtree, Open Export Module, or Place an Online Order, would receive a message stating that there were more than 8 documents in the database when there was actually exactly 8. [Build: 43] | ||
376. When entering data into the CustomText11 through CustomText14 cells on the Document Items tab, the data would not be saved. [Build: 43] | ||
377. When rolling out the Synnex database using the synchronization features would receive an error that "the file ...\QuoteWerks\sys_synnex.mdb\sys_synnex.mdb cannot be found". [Build: 43] | ||
378. When printing/previewing/emailing a document, for any items that had a spec sheet associated with it, if the Spec Sheet file specified in the product definition was no longer valid, a message will now be displayed letting you know that the spec sheet could not be found. [Build: 43] | ||
379. When selecting a spec sheet or picture file from the Edit Product window, the selection dialog would not default to the path of the file if the file did not have a fully qualified path. This issue was introduced in Build 36. [Build: 43] | ||
380. When editing a print or report layout, if the report was opened, and only a section was deleted that contained no fields, then when existing, the changes would not be saved. [Build: 43] | ||
381. In the Configurator, when the last selection was a navigational branch, clicking the [Back] button would not remove the branch selection. [Build: 43] | ||
382. In the Configurator, when clicking on the [Back] button, the menu button options for insert and append would appear on the [Cancel] button. [Build: 43] | ||
383. F2 Lookup item list displayed when zooming in on the DocumentItems columns Description, CustomMemo01, and CustomMemo02 was different than the F2 Lookup from within the grid cell itself. This issue was introduced in Build 39.x. [Build: 43] | ||
384. Removed &DI_ID and &DI_DocID from list of fields available for use with custom menu item commands. [Build: 43] | ||
385. Removed DocumentItems->DocID as an available field to be inserted into a print layout. Would receive error "Error in ReturnDocumentItemsFieldArrayIndex(). The field name 'DocID' does not have a counterpart in the StrMatrix or NumMatrix." [Build: 43] | ||
386. When calling the Application.GetMacro() method in the QuoteWerks API, the macro data was not always current. [Build: 43] | ||
387. For API users, when using the ItemFunctions.LineItemSetValue to set values for AlternateUnitCost, AlternateUnitPrice, or AlternateUnitList, the alternate currency override flag was not getting set, so these manually specified values would be ignored. [Build: 43.03] | ||
388. When append pasting products into a Product Data Source, duplicate manufacturer part number checking was not being performed. [Build: 43.03] | ||
389. In some cases users could modify data in locked fields. (Security Fix # 4002) [Build: 43.03] | ||
390. When cloning a user, the Group Membership was not getting cloned unless the Group Membership was modified before clicking on the OK [button] to complete the cloning. This issue was introduced in Build 37. [Build: 43.05] | ||
391. ICEcat changed the specifications for their real-time product content which broke the integration. [Build: 44] | ||
392. For API Users, the method AddLineItemToDocument() was ignoring the lItemType parameter used to set the type of line item type like a comment, subtotal, etc. [Build: 44] | ||
393. For API Users, the methods AddLineItemToDocument() and AddLineItemToDocumentEx() were ignoring the lItemAttributes parameter used to set Line Attributes like Don't Print, Hide Price, etc. [Build: 44] | ||
394. On Product Lookup window, the Manufacturer and Vendor Part # field background color appeared black on Windows Vista machines. [Build: 44] | ||
395. For MS CRM users, if you preview or print a quote layout that contains an MS CRM field before you have retrieved a contact from MS CRM, would receive "Runtime Error 91" error. [Build: 44] | ||
396. When copying selected data from an Excel spreadsheet and using the Paste Special feature, extra leading spaces would appear in the data. [Build: 44] | ||
397. When using the Paste Special feature to paste from the clipboard, if the clipboard data was formatted as HTML and the data contained reserved HTML formatting tags, the reserved formatting tags were not replaced with their original counterparts. For example, if the HTML data that was copied into the clipboard contained a reserved character like the ">" symbol, when it was pasted in QuoteWerks it would be represented as "& g t ;" without the spaces. [Build: 44] | ||
398. The title of Some error message dialogs would incorrectly say "{Edition not detected yet}" [Build: 44] | ||
399. When converting a quote to an order or invoice and choosing to reduce inventory, if any line items had a blank manufacturer part number would receive "error 9 subscript out of range". [Build: 44] | ||
400. When clicking in the Purchasing Notes, or Internal Notes fields on the Notes tab of the Quote Workbook, the message "You do not have rights to modify this field. This field is read-only." would incorrectly be displayed in the status bar. In this situation, if the user did have rights to modify these fields, they could still modify the fields even though the message was displayed. [Build: 44] | ||
401. Pressing the F1 key (for help) while in QuoteWerks would display the error "Cannot find the qw4.hlp file. Do you want to try find this file yourself?" [Build: 44] | ||
402. For salesforce.com users, if a DataLink field was manually typed in, and the table name was not all in lower case letters, the field would not be found. [Build: 44.06] | ||
403. After a document purge process completed, a message would remind the user to compact the database even if the database was hosted to SQL. [Build: 44.06] | ||
404. While running the Configurator, if a bundle was selected for use, when you went to finish the configuration, the bundle would not be found. [Build: 44.06] | ||
405. If the last step in a configuration required at least one item, the [Remove] button could be used to circumvent this requirement. [Build: 44.06] | ||
406. The confirmation message when clicking on the [Restore Defaults] button for the product or quote columns said "...delete the restore the..." instead of "...restore the...". [Build: 44.06] | ||
407. On the vendor price comparison window, the availability for the preferred warehouse in some instances was incorrectly returning 0 for Tech Data real-time preferred warehouses of Suwanee and Ft Worth. Changed warehouse description "Suwannee, GA" to "Suwanee, GA" and changed "Ft. Worth, TX" to "Ft Worth, TX". This change will require that the preferred warehouse be re-selected. [Build: 44.06] | ||
408. If a salesforce.com field was used in a print layout and there were no DataLink mappings defined, would receive error "For loop not initialized". [Build: 44.06] | ||
409. If a quote was linked to an existing Outlook call or linked document record and the card button was clicked to pull in the currently displayed Outlook contact which was different from the contact currently linked to the quote, you would not receive the prompt verifying if you want to keep the existing links. [Build: 44.06] | ||
410. For SalesLogix users, issue with German / European decimal and date formatting when creating SalesLogix Opportunities. [Build: 45] | ||
411. On some machines, Would receive "Run-time error '339': Component 'comctl32.ocx' or one of its dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid" when downloading the price file from SYNNEX FTP site. [Build: 45] | ||
412. In the Open Export Module wizard, the title bar would repeat the step like "- Step 1: Step1". [Build: 45] | ||
413. For MS CRM 1.2 users, when closing an opportunity, the Actual Close Date was not being populated. [Build: 45.01] | ||
414. If the File|Convert to Lost Sale menu was selected for a document that did not have a contact linked to it, an error would be displayed. [Build: 45.01] | ||
415. When doing a File|Save As and choosing "Assign new Project #", a new project number was not being generated. [Build: 45.01] | ||
416. In the Layout Designer when inserting fields, if the CustomNumber03, CustomNumber04, or CustomNumber05 labels (In the DocumentItems or Products tables) were renamed, the label name did not display next to the field like "CustomNumber03 (Size)". [Build: 45.01] | ||
417. When editing a Management Report on the Filter tab, DocumentItems macros like &LineAttributesOption were being listed as available fields. [Build: 45.01] | ||
418. For GoldMine users, on the send email window, when selecting an email address from the list of all addresses associated with the GoldMine contact being used in the quote, any email addresses in Goldmine longer than 35 chars would be truncated. [Build: 46] | ||
419. When synchronizing external data sources, the path macro &SYS_InstallPath was not being resolved. [Build: 47] | ||
420. The AfterContactSelection API event was firing if the user clicked on the [Select] button even if no contact was actually selected. [Build: 47] | ||
421. On the Tech Data and Ingram Micro subtab of the Real-time tab under the Tools|Options menu, the Online Ordering [Setup] button would be enabled even if the Online Ordering Module was not present. [Build: 47] | ||
422. For Outlook BCM users, the last character of the OS logged in user name (used in the Outlook BCM opportunity) would sometimes be truncated. [Build: 47] | ||
423. For Outlook BCM users, when creating Outlook BCM opportunity, the Expiration date and Delivery date would sometimes default to "01/01/4501". [Build: 47] | ||
424. For Outlook BCM users, Follow up calls (Appointment entries) and Linked documents (Journal entries) would not display under the Communication History for the Business Contact or Account they were associated with. [Build: 47] | ||
425. If an external file was selected for synchronization, if no path translation was setup for between the master install and the remote install, an attempt would be made to copy the file on top of itself which would fail and also result in renaming the original file to a .bxx extension. [Build: 47] | ||
426. On the Product Lookup window when searching a native product database, and selecting the {NONE} item in the Folder drop down no results would be returned. Now, if you select the <None> option, all products that have not been associated with a folder will be displayed in the results. Additionally, the blank entry has been replaced with the <Any> entry which is used to search for a product no matter which folder it is associated with. [Build: 47] | ||
427. For Corporate Edition installations rehosted to SQL, When importing a an xml file (formatted to QuoteWerks specifications) from the File|Import Document menu and the data for a field was longer than the length supported by QuoteWerks, an error would be displayed, and that record (the DocumentHeader record, or a DocumentItems record) would not be imported. [Build: 47] | ||
428. For API users, in the QuoteWerksBackend object, the Database.Recordset.GetValue method was returning empty values for date fields. [Build: 47] | ||
429. When trying to select/add an item using the Configurator by double-clicking the item and a picture was linked to that item and the picture was not found, the item would not be selected. The message box that displayed the file not found error would interfere with the double-click, so now this message can be viewed by hovering over the "Image not Found" image. [Build: 47] | ||
430. For Peachtree users using the Peachtree Customer list as the contact manager, after searching for a contact using the Contacts|Lookup menu, double-clicking on a contact would not select it. [Build: 47] | ||
431. Created a workaround for a bug in Peachtree. When updating the price of an existing Peachtree item in the Peachtree Items list, all 3 GL Accounts are reset to the Peachtree default GL Account values. The QuoteWerks workaround fix is to retrieve the existing GL Account values for the Peachtree item and then update these same GL Accounts in the Peachtree item whenever updating the Price of the Peachtree item. [Build: 47] | ||
432. For Outlook users, the introduction of the "Advanced Outlook Integration" feature set was accompanied by a requirement that the current contact being pulled into the quote must be located inside the same folder (or subfolder) as defined on the General Tab of the Outlook Integration Setup window. Users would receive an error message even though the "Advanced Integration" was not enabled. [Build: 47] | ||
433. If a document (for example AAAQ1001) was saved as a next revision (AAAQ1001-01), then the revision AAAQ1001-01 was deleted, and then the document AAAQ1001 was opened, and a save as next revision was performed on it, the document number for the new revision would be "AAAQ1001-" instead of "AAAQ1001-01". [Build: 47] | ||
434. When the API method FindAndCopyProductIntoSLIBuffer was called for an external product data source like QuickBooks or Peachtree, and they were not running, a message box would be displayed to that effect. This would interrupt the program execution of the external API application. Now, no message boxes are displayed if there is a problem with QuickBooks or Peachtree not running; essentially normal usage. However, if there is a configuration or setup issue, message boxes may still be displayed. [Build: 47] | ||
435. For ACT! 4.0, 2000/5.0, 6.0 users, when exporting to QuickBooks or Peachtree, the DocStatus field was being updated to reflect that the document was exported, but the DTF file associated with the document was not getting updated. [Build: 47] | ||
436. In the Paste Special Wizard, when selecting the "Start session using the settings of a template" option, and changing a column mapping, the data would be pasted into both the originally mapped field AND the currently mapped field. If this change was saved to the Paste Special Template, you will need to open the template and re-save it to fix this issue. [Build: 47] | ||
437. When selecting a Paste Special Template file in the Paste Special Wizard and the file was corrupt, the error would close QuoteWerks. [Build: 47] | ||
438. From the Print Preview window, when saving the preview as a file other than a PDF file, if the file was already open, would receive error "Error opening the output file(MultiMetaToRtf A)". [Build: 49] | ||
439. On the QuicKBooks subtab of the Transaction tab under the QuickBooks Interactive Link Setup, when setting the Memo to a blank value, it would revert back to the default value of "Imported from QuoteWerks Doc# &DH_DocNo (on &SYS_Now)" the next time QuoteWerks started. [Build: 49] | ||
440. When double-clicking on the Description, CustomMemo01, or CustomMemo02 cell to edit the contents in the Zoom window, after clicking on OK, the cell would remain in an uncommitted editing mode until the cell was tabbed away from. [Build: 49] | ||
441. Would receive error "Runtime error 9: Subscript Out of Range" when mapping more the 99 fields in the Product Import Wizard, and then saving the import settings as a template. [Build: 49] | ||
442. When inserting DocumentHeader fields into a print layout the unused field "Region" appeared in the list. [Build: 49] | ||
443. On the Product Lookup Window, when selecting a folder, and then editing a product listed in that folder, and then removing the product (on the Advanced tab) from the selected folder, then after clicking on the OK button, the product would still appear in the folder until you re-selected the folder. [Build: 49] | ||
444. For ACT! 2005 and higher users, updated integration DLLS to detect when "::1:" being returned as localhost instead of "". Prior to this fix, would receive error "No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it ::1:31535". [Build: 49] | ||
445. For ACT! 2005 and higher users, would receive "Run-time error '-2146233088 (80131500)': User is not logged in" and QuoteWerks would exit when ACT! was running, but no user was logged into ACT. Usually in ACT!, the ACT! User Login window was open. [Build: 49] | ||
446. For ACT! 2005 and higher users, if any additional attachments were added to a QuoteWerks email the history record that would be created in ACT! for that email would not contain the rtf/pdf attachment of the QuoteWerks document itself. [Build: 49] | ||
447. The last selected search field and operator on the QuoteWerks Contact Database Contact Lookup window was only being remembered if the [Find] button was selected. They will now also be remembered when the query-while-you-type auto search is run. [Build: 49] | ||
448. The ability to set associated groups for an opportunity is now re-enabled for ACT! versions 2005 and higher. (See KB article #6484 for details). [Build: 49] | ||
449. For ACT! 2005 and higher users, if sending an email from the Preview window, the email would be logged in ACT! history, but the email attachment file (the PDF or RTF file) would be deleted. Normally it is stored in the \QuoteWerks\History\Email folder. [Build: 49] | ||
450. When using the Paste Special Wizard to paste in data from the Windows Clipboard, if the clipboard data is HTML text, then text like "&Test&" would incorrectly be pasted as "&Test&". [Build: 49] | ||
451. When a user without Master Rights created a new document using the File|New menu and selecting a template, none of the fields on the document would be editable. [Build: 49] | ||
452. On the Select Email Address window, the [Select] button would allow the user to continue even if no Email Address was selected. [Build: 49] | ||
453. Issue introduced in Build 49 where ACT! 2006 was not detected as running even though it was. This issue specifically only affected ACT! version 2006. [Build: 51] | ||
454. The new CannotManuallyModifyCRMRetrievedFieldValue:DH_&SoldToFields functionality only worked with GoldMine. [Build: 51] | ||
455. In the Layout Designer, holding down the CTRL key while selecting multiple objects no longer resulted in multiple objects being selected. This issue was introduced in the Build 49 update. A workaround was to draw a selection rectangle around the multiple objects which would still select them. [Build: 51] | ||
456. For GoldMine users, after renaming a document, the message "Searching for existing completed sale record in GoldMine. Please wait..." would remain in the status bar. [Build: 51] | ||
457. For MS CRM 4.0 users, when running the Merge Remote Documents, and choosing to download the DTF files from MS CRM, some of the files would not be downloaded correctly. The contents of the DTF file would instead contain an MS CRM authentication error message. This issue was related to a port number being specified with the MS CRM server name. [Build: 51] | ||
458. Issue with attaching Legal Size RTF files as Cover Page, Literature, or Spec Sheets. [Build: 51] | ||
459. When saving to a file from the Preview window, if you did not specify the file extension for the file name like "preview" and a file existed that had the same name with the default extension (like "preview.pdf"), that file would be overwritten without asking the user for confirmation. [Build: 51] | ||
460. On the Document Save window, when clicking on the button to change the Project Number, and then clicking on the drop down list, would receive a Syntax error -2147217900 Syntax error (missing operator) if the user did not have Master Rights. [Build: 51] | ||
461. When exporting purchase orders to Peachtree, items that had an empty vendor part number and an empty manufacturer, the description would start with a "-" and the last character of the description would be cut off. [Build: 51] | ||
462. refreshing latest prices for items from real-time vendors Accutech Data, Arbitech, Bell Micro, BlueStar, D&H, Dexxxon Digital Storage, Digitek, Printer Essentials, or Supercom, the price would be cleared to zero if the price modifier was empty. [Build: 51] | ||
463. When the Edit | Cut menu was selected and there was nothing to cut, sometimes a message would say "Nothing to Copy" instead of "Nothing to Cut". [Build: 51] | ||
464. When changing the description field on the Document Items tab on the Zoom Description window and clicking on the OK button, the change would not be saved. This would only happen if the Zoom Description window was opened by selecting an entire line item, and then selecting the Edit | Zoom Description menu. If the Zoom Description window was opened by double-clicking in the description cell, this issue would not happen. [Build: 51] | ||
465. After using Outlook as the email client, would receive an error message saying that version 'XXXX' of your contact manager was unrecognized and therefore unsupported. [Build: 51.01] |
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