QuoteWerks Update Center
example: QuoteValet "payment option" -deposit
Version 5.3 Build 3.20 Summary
Version 5.3 Build 3.20 Summary
51 New, 52 Fixes, and 7 Miscellaneous features Released on 03/09/2018 View all features/fixes from all builds of version 5.3 ![]() | ||
New Features - Build 3 | ||
1. For Maximizer users, QuoteWerks now supports Maximizer CRM Live - the web version of Maximizer! The integration for Maximizer Desktop 10.0 and higher has been retained as well. With this new integration you can search for contacts, create/update sales opportunities, and upload quote attachments into Maximizer. DataLink is fully supported, along with the features to attach to the CRM record. There is a button on the SoldTo/ShipTo tab to display the contact in Maximizer CRM, and also a link on the links tab that you can click to view the Maximizer Opportunity in Maximizer CRM. Additionally, emails sent from QuoteWerks are logged in Maximizer CRM history. The Corporate Edition of QuoteWerks is required to integrate with Maximizer CRM Live. [Service Release: 3.01] | ||
2. MS CRM version 9.0 is now supported! [Service Release: 3.01] | ||
3. SalesLogix (Infor CRM) 8.4 is now supported! [Service Release: 3.01] | ||
4. SugarCRM 7.11 is now supported! [Service Release: 3.01] | ||
5. For BNG gateway customers, that use QuoteValet, we have enhanced our QuoteValet payments integration with them. QuoteValet has had an integration with the BNG Gateway through Network Merchants for many years. Now there is a "BNG/ConnectBooster - ACH and Credit Card" payment option. When this is used your customers will be able to pay with a credit card and also with ACH. Using the BNG platform, on the QuoteValet payment page, your customers will have access to their previously used payment methods to make the payment process even easier, but only if you are integrating QuoteWerks with Autotask, ConnectWise, salesforce.com, or GoldMine. All payment methods are stored in the BNG gateway's secure encrypted Customer Vault and tokenized for use (PCI Compliant). [Service Release: 3.01] | ||
6. For ConnectBooster customers, that use QuoteValet there is a "BNG/ConnectBooster - ACH and Credit Card" payment option. When this is used your customers will be able to pay with a credit card and also with ACH. On the QuoteValet payment page, your customers will have access to their previously used payment methods to make the payment process even easier, but only if you are integrating QuoteWerks with Autotask, ConnectWise, salesforce.com, or GoldMine. All payment methods are stored in the ConnectBooster secure encrypted Customer Vault and tokenized for use (PCI Compliant). [Service Release: 3.01] | ||
7. Added CustomText25, CustomText26, CustomText27, and CustomText28 fields to the Sale Info tab of the Quote WorkBook. [Service Release: 3.01] | ||
8. Under the Tools->Find Quoted Item menu there are now two options for "Search Documents" and "Search Templates". This is very useful for searching for discontinued items that are in templates, making it easy to find them and replace them. [Service Release: 3.01] | ||
9. On the Select E-mail recipients window there are now "Sold To (on document)", "Ship To (on document)",and "Bill To (on document)" options to choose from. [Service Release: 3.01] | ||
10. on QuoteWerks Purchase Order window added fields ShipToPhone and ShipToEmail. These fields are also available in the Purchase Order HTML template. [Service Release: 3.01] | ||
11. On the Site Files tab of the QuoteValet Setup window you can now upload .ico and .pdf files. The size restriction for PDF files is 300K and for all other files 150K. [Service Release: 3.01] | ||
12. On the Site Files tab of the QuoteValet Setup window pressing the DEL key will now delete a tenant site file. [Service Release: 3.01] | ||
13. On the Site Files tab of the QuoteValet Setup window you can now drag files into the list to upload those files to the tenant site. [Service Release: 3.01] | ||
14. On the Open Document window, when searching by Item, the search by text box F2Lookup will now show the list of F2Lookup items for the selected search column. [Service Release: 3.01] | ||
15. On the DataLink Mapping window, increased the width of the drop-down combo boxes that contain the field name lists. [Service Release: 3.01] | ||
16. On the DocumentItems tab, there is a new DistributorSONumber column to augment the SONumber column. This field has also been added to the POItem and FulfillmentItem tables. This is useful for tracking both the SO Number from your Distributor PO and also your internal SO Number. Any data currently in the Document Items SO Number column was moved to the DistributorSONumber column. [Service Release: 3.01] | ||
17. You can now search by the SONumber and DistributorSONumber fields on the Ordered Items of the Purchasing window. [Service Release: 3.01] | ||
18. You can now search by the SONumber field on the Purchasing tab of the Purchasing window. [Service Release: 3.01] | ||
19. There is now a PONotes memo field for a purchasing Purchse Order that you can use to provide detailed instructions about the PO to your distributor. This can be used when emailing the PO to your distributor, it cannot be used for an online order as the distributors do not support it. [Service Release: 3.01] | ||
20. On the Purchase Orders tab of the Purchasing window, double-clicking on the Purchase Order will now display the Edit Purchase Order window. [Service Release: 3.01] | ||
21. When receiving items on the Purchasing Window, the default quantity is 1. In the Settings Manager, you can set SystemSettings\Defaults\DefaultReceivedQtyToAll=-1. [Service Release: 3.01] | ||
22. In the Layout Designer, the right click menu now includes the Align, Spacing, and Sizing menus. [Service Release: 3.01] | ||
23. On the Purchase Orders tab of the Purchasing Window, added right click menu "E-Mail tracking number(s).." [Service Release: 3.01] | ||
24. There are now ExtendedShippingAmount and AlternateExtendedShippingAmount columns on the DocumentItems tab. With the addition of the ExtendedShippingAmount field we also added the option "Shipping Amount addition - Use Extended Shipping Amount" on the Installation tab of Tools->Options menu. With this option you can now total up the extended shipping amount vs the unit shipping amount. [Service Release: 3.01] | ||
25. On the Advanced tab of the Edit Product window you can now enter the ShippingUnitPrice. This value will copy into the ShippingAmount column on the Document Items tab. Also, you can use the product import wizard to import this field. [Service Release: 3.01] | ||
26. On the Documents tab of the Tools->Options menu added ShippingRate, Shipping Cost (manual) and Shipping Price (manual) defaults. [Service Release: 3.01] | ||
27. On the "Get shipping rate" window, and the "Add shipping rate item" window, the weight is now defaulted to the total weight from the quote. [Service Release: 3.01] | ||
28. The extended weight for the entire document is now displayed on the Shipping Amount window.
[Service Release: 3.01] | ||
29. On Open Document window added [Documents Prepared by Me] shortcuts button. [Service Release: 3.01] | ||
30. Added [Copy settings from QuoteWerks Desktop] button to the QuoteWerks Web subtab of the Email.Sending tab of Tools->My Preferences. [Service Release: 3.01] | ||
31. On The File Links tab the right click menu of "Merge Word Document" now only appears if you are pressing the SHIFT key when right clicking.
[Service Release: 3.01] | ||
32. When the Database Maintenance Reminder window appears there is now a button to [Open Medic Utility Now] so you can run maintenance. [Service Release: 3.01] | ||
33. On the Personal tab of the Tools->My Preferences menu added CustomText01 and CustomText02 fields. These are also available as &SalesRepCustomText01, &SalesRepCustomText02, &LoggedInUserCustomText01, &LoggedInUserCustomText02, &PreparedByCustomText01, and &PreparedByCustomText02 macros. [Service Release: 3.01] | ||
34. For QuickBooks Desktop users, in the QuickBooks Link setup, the macro "&DI_Manufacturer" is now available when using QuoteWerks Macros to generate the QuickBooks Item Name. This will enable QuoteWerks users to map to QuickBooks Item Names like "&DI_Manufacturer:&DI_ManufacturerPartNumber". [Service Release: 3.01] | ||
35. On the Add shipping rate item window, you can now save selections of packaging, weight, length, width, and height as options in a drop down list. To add a new selection, just enter in the information and click on the [Create package template]. You can delete a template by pressing the DEL key while on a selected template in the drop down. The template is created using the data in the current fields. If you leave the weight blank when saving the template, the weight box will not be changed when you select the template for use. [Service Release: 3.01] | ||
36. ConnectWise 2018.3 is now supported! [Service Release: 3.01] | ||
37. You can select select multiple line items that are not contiguous and drag drop them to a new location. [Service Release: 3.02] | ||
38. For ConnectWise users, when QuoteWerks completes the ConnectWise Opportunity, if options were selected to create a sales order, the ConnectWise SO Number will be saved into any QuoteWerks line items that were added to the ConnectWise Sales Order. This SONumber column in QuoteWerks can be searched on the QuoteWerks Open Document window and also on the QuoteWerks Purchasing window. [Service Release: 3.04] | ||
39. For Product Content Subscribers, the FontFamily for the Etilize Product Comparison and Etilize Product Spec Sheets can be controlled via the System Setting, Etilize, HTMLFontFamily. This will enable the output from QuoteWerks to have a unified font. [Service Release: 3.04] | ||
40. For salesforce.com users, the contact search now supports Related Contacts. [Service Release: 3.07] | ||
41. For Autotask users, Autotask Purchase orders created by QuoteWerks will now include the VendorPartNumber. [Service Release: 3.07] | ||
42. On the print selections list of the Print window, when a print selection is selected, you can press the 'R' key to remove it. [Service Release: 3.07] | ||
43. On the Groups tab of the User Maintenance window, there is now a "Show Inactive Users" checkbox. [Service Release: 3.10] | ||
44. On the Select E-mail recipients window there is now a "Document" option. This consolidates previous separate options of "QuoteWerks users (on document)", "QuoteWerks Vendors (on document), "Sold To (on document)", "Ship To (on document)", and "Bill To (on document)", and adds Sales Rep and Prepared By email addresses to this new Document option. You no longer have to switch between lists to gather all the email addresses you need. Also double clicking on an email address now will just add that email address into the list of selected email addresses, it will not close the Select Email Address window unless you also hold down the CTRL key. [Service Release: 3.10] | ||
45. Maximizer CRM Live version 16.1 is now supported! [Service Release: 3.14] | ||
46. When uploading a QuoteValet Shopping Cart Order Form, you can now choose which user will receive notifications when an order is placed. [Service Release: 3.16] | ||
47. When importing a QuoteValet Shopping Cart Order, you can now choose which SalesRep you want to assign the new order to. [Service Release: 3.16] | ||
48. The Amazon consumer pricing feature is now available again in the Product Content Subscription! We are now using an official Amazon API for this resulting in significant speed increases and continued support for this functionality. [Service Release: 3.17] | ||
49. For QuoteValet users, even when there are no Payment Gateway Accounts setup the [Make Payment by Proxy] button will be available. This enables you to record customer payments towards this document manually like when you receive a check from the customer or take their credit card information over the phone. [Service Release: 3.17] | ||
50. For QuoteValet users, on the Payment Process tab of the QuoteValet Setup window, there is now a Gateway Status column that indicates Enabled/Disabled. [Service Release: 3.17] | ||
51. Autotask now requires TLS 1.2. .NET Framework 4.5 or higher is now required to use the Autotask integration with QuoteWerks. [Service Release: 3.20] | ||
Misc Features - Build 3 | ||
1. When performing a version update, a Database performance test will now be run before database changes are attempted. If the test fails, then the database update will be aborted, giving the user time to correct the performance issue and then try the update again later when it can fully and correctly be completed. [Service Release: 3.01] | ||
2. On convert to Order window, renamed "superseded revisions" to "previous revisions" [Service Release: 3.01] | ||
3. The "Check for in-use documents" option on the Installation tab of the Tools->Options menu now defaults to checked. [Service Release: 3.01] | ||
4. The "Quotes, Orders, and Invoices use different number sequences" option on the Installation tab of the Tools->Options menu now defaults to not checked.
[Service Release: 3.01] | ||
5. The registration grace period when entering new license keys has been changed back to 30 days. [Service Release: 3.16] | ||
6. For D&H users, added support for new D&H warehouse of 'Atlanta'. [Service Release: 3.18] | ||
7. .NET framework 4.0 used by many of our integrations does not have TLS 1.2 support enabled by default. Now, nsetup will update the Windows Registry to enable TLS 1.2 support. [Service Release: 3.18] | ||
Fixes - Build 3 | ||
1. On the Templates tab of the QuoteValet Setup window, the Template HTML text box can now handle more than 65,535 characters. [Service Release: 3.01] | ||
2. Problem using macros &RecurringRevenueWeeklySubtotalWithTax, &RecurringRevenueMonthlySubtotalWithTax, &RecurringRevenueQuarterlySubtotalWithTax, and &RecurringRevenueAnnualSubtotalWithTax. They would be replaced with their non tax amount with the phrase "WithTax" appeneded to it. [Service Release: 3.01] | ||
3. The UnitWeight and ShippingAmount columns on the Document Items tab for a GroupHeader, SubTotal, Running SubTotal, Percent Discount, and Percent Charge lines are automatically calculated but would allow changes. [Service Release: 3.01] | ||
4. When using the double-click on a FPC layout or Word document on the Primary or Additional tab of the Print Document window it was not taking into account the different behavior required when a Purchase Order layout was selected. [Service Release: 3.01] | ||
5. The field name 'IntroductionNotes' was not found in QuoteSheetUI_ControlsSetNotesTabFieldEditingStatus! [Service Release: 3.01] | ||
6. The field name 'ClosingNotes' was not found in QuoteSheetUI_ControlsSetNotesTabFieldEditingStatus! [Service Release: 3.01] | ||
7. Would receive error "Error in SystemSetting_Set() SectionName cannot be longer than 50 chars!". Field size has been increased to 100 characters for SystemSettings, SiteSettings, and UserSettings. [Service Release: 3.01] | ||
8. For ConnectWise Users, the ConnectWise 2018.x REST API now requires a Business Unit to be specified when creating a ConnectWise PO. This was not supplied previously to ConnectWise as it was not required. The Default Business Unit in QuoteWerks will now be used. [Service Release: 3.01] | ||
9. For users that use ConnectWise not as a primary CRM, the integration options were not visible after linking the contact to ConnectWise. [Service Release: 3.01] | ||
10. For ConnectWise Users, the ConnectWise REST API does not support 0 quantity items on an opportunity. If a Group Member or normal Product/Service line in QuoteWerks has a 0 quantity, the line will not be sent to ConnectWise. If a Group Header has a quantity of 0 in QuoteWerks, the group Header and its members will not be sent to ConnectWise. [Service Release: 3.01] | ||
11. For QuickBooks Online Users, when searching for products in QuickBooks Online, Descriptions would not retain Line Formatting. [Service Release: 3.01] | ||
12. On the Save document window, for an existing document that had been previously saved, if you changed the ProjectNo to {Next Available}, instead of assigning the next available Project Number it would keep the text {Next Available}. [Service Release: 3.01] | ||
13. When hiding the Edit->Line Properties and Edit->Line Attributes menus, the corresponding icons on the Grid Item toolbar where still visible. [Service Release: 3.01] | ||
14. The sample contact record for the QuoteWerks contact database that comes in a fresh installation of QuoteWerks had an empty RecGUID. [Service Release: 3.01] | ||
15. On the More tab of the Open Document window F2Lookup support was added for Terms and Customer PO. [Service Release: 3.01] | ||
16. On the Documents tab of the Tools->Options menu the F2 Lookup list for the CustomText01 - CustomText12 fields was disconnected from the F2 Lookup list for the CustomText fields on the Custom tab of the Quote Workbook. Also the CustomText01 - CustomText06 fields on the More tab of the Open Document window. [Service Release: 3.01] | ||
17. In the layout designer, the format window for a report footer was missing the 'Bottom Align' option. [Service Release: 3.01] | ||
18. For SugarCRM users, when searching for a contact, the column settings were not being saved. [Service Release: 3.01] | ||
19. On the Purchasing window when using the Etilize panel, if all documents had been closed would receive message "GetActiveSheet() Error: There are no workbooks open!" [Service Release: 3.01] | ||
20. When the &DH_DocNo or &DH_ProjectNo macros were used for DocName generation, and either of these values were manually set on the Save window the macros would not be replaced. [Service Release: 3.02] | ||
21. For Maximizer CRM Live users, the Server name in setup was not being saved. [Service Release: 3.02] | ||
22. Would receive type mismatch error when adding an item to the quote when teh quote contained a section header. Issue introduced in build 3.02 [Service Release: 3.03] | ||
23. When using the [Terminate Running Instance] button on the Logged In Users window, it was not clearing the In-use Documents table for that user. [Service Release: 3.03] | ||
24. If you right clicked on the Purchase Order list on the Purchase Orders tab of the Purchasing window and there were no purchase orders in the list, would receive Run-time error '35600': Index out of bounds. [Service Release: 3.04] | ||
25. For Outlook users, would receive "error 380, invalid property error" when clicking on the [Outlook Setup] button. You will need to enter the Outlook setup and confirm all your settings and click [Ok] to resolve the issue. [Service Release: 3.05] | ||
26. For Outlook users, the DataLink was not working. You will need to enter the Outlook setup and confirm all your settings and click [Ok] to resolve the issue. [Service Release: 3.05] | ||
27. when using the new "Shipping Amount addition - Use Extended Shipping Amount" option on the Installation tab of Tools->Options menu, on a bundle, the ShippingUnitPrice for the bundle was not taking into account the bundle items individual quantities. Also when the option was not set, the old calculation behavior was also not working correctly. [Service Release: 3.06] | ||
28. For Autotask users, the tax for the Equote for taxable quote items added from QuoteWerks was not calculating correctly. [Service Release: 3.07] | ||
29. For Autotask users, would receive error when an InActive item was added to a quote through QuoteWerks and the quote was saved. [Service Release: 3.07] | ||
30. For Tech Data online ordering users, if an email address was entered into the My Order Tracker option, but no tracking options were selected, the email address would receive all the notifications. [Service Release: 3.07] | ||
31. For ConnectWise Manage users, when updating an existing ConnectWise Opportunity, the Expected Close Date would be 1 day prior to the existing Expected Close Date on the opportunity if your time zone has a negative Zulu offset (West of GMT). This was caused due to a change in behavior in ConnectWise Manage where no time was returned in the Zulu DateTime. This was first noticed in ConnectWise Manage v2018.2. We have Submitted a ticket to ConnectWise regarding this issue: ConnectWise Ticket#9898054 [Service Release: 3.07] | ||
32. For Maximizer CRM Live users, when updating an existing opportunity, the existing opportunity name was not being retrieved, so it was getting replaced with a new name. [Service Release: 3.07] | ||
33. When installing QuoteWerks the empty product database actually contained the sample product database products. [Service Release: 3.07] | ||
34. When creating new native product databases, instead of being empty they would contain the sample product database products. [Service Release: 3.07] | ||
35. When placing online order would receive error "string or binary data would be truncated" [Service Release: 3.09] | ||
36. When including a file link in the print selections on the Print window and then adding a new file link, the file links in the print selections would be moved down to the bottom. [Service Release: 3.09] | ||
37. The results of the validate subscription buttons would always incorrectly return a subscription license count of 1. [Service Release: 3.09] | ||
38. For Maximizer Desktop users, the contact lookup drop down list was not populating. [Service Release: 3.09] | ||
39. On the Bundle Header line, the UnitWeight for the bundle was not taking into account the bundle items individual quantities. [Service Release: 3.10] | ||
40. If using parent-child dependent quantity feature inside a group and the group had a quantity greater than 1 the Group's Unit Price would be inflated. [Service Release: 3.13] | ||
41. The QuoteWerks Desktop to QuoteWerks Web file synchronization was not synchronizing .qii files. [Service Release: 3.13] | ||
42. When the quantity of a line item is set to editable and changed on the QuoteValet form, if the line item was a quantity parent, the children quantities were not updated. [Service Release: 3.13] | ||
43. For MS CRM users, the DocumentHeaders.SoldToCMQuoteRecID field was not getting saved. [Service Release: 3.13] | ||
44. In the Open Export Module an option of "Batch of Documents" was errantly displayed. [Service Release: 3.13] | ||
45. Error "unable to submit query to server" when using the Submit a Question feature on the Getting Started Panel. [Service Release: 3.13] | ||
46. Salesforce: sObject type 'AccountContactRelation' is not supported error was being displayed when doing a Contact Search if "Allow users to relate a contact to multiple accounts" under "Contacts to Multiple Accounts Settings" was not checked in the salesforce.com integration. [Service Release: 3.14] | ||
47. For Goldmine users, when QuoteWerks completed a forecast in GoldMine, it was not setting the CONTHIST.NUMBER1 and CONTHIST.NUMBER2 fields which were used in Goldmine for reporting. [Service Release: 3.14] | ||
48. For QuoteValet Shopping cart users when importing an order from a Shopping cart, the commission was not getting set. [Service Release: 3.16] | ||
49. For Tech Data users, the online ordering status was not returning shipping tracking information. This issue was introduced in build 3.00 SONumber changes were made. [Service Release: 3.18] | ||
50. For Outlook users, in certain conditions would receive 'Subscript out of range' error when setting up a new DataLink mapping when clicking on the External System ID dropdown combobox. [Service Release: 3.18] | ||
51. For Autotask users, error 'An Object reference not set to an instance of an object' exception would occur when cancelling the winning of an Autotask Opportunity. [Service Release: 3.20] | ||
52. For Autotask users, when an Autotask Opportunity was first created, the Customer PO Number was not copied into the Opportunity. On subsequent saves it was. [Service Release: 3.20] |
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