
QuoteWerks Update Center

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The following feature was added in QuoteWerks 4.5 Build 4 that was released on 04/07/2010.

Recurring Revenue support. Now, you can use the Line Item Attributes to specify if a line item is recurring revenue like a Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, or Annual fee. You can set if you want the first month's fee to be due up front or not. You can easily run management reports to see how much Monthly revenue is forecasted based on these recurring revenue items. You can also filter these reports to see when various monthly contract periods are ending, so that you can contact your customers for renewals, etc. Often in a quote, you may have one line item with an Annual recurring revenue and another with a Monthly recurring revenue. Rather than having to individually specify the start and end date for both of these line items, you can just set the ContractStartDate and ContractEndDate on the Sale Info tab and that can be used for both line items. The RecurringBillingCycle, RecurringStartDate and RecurringEndDate columns will be available on the Document Items tab. You have access to all this recurring information in the print layout with the following DocumentItem fields: &LineAttributeIsRecurring, RecurringBillingCycle, RecurringFirstPaymentIncluded, &RecurringRevenueWeekly, &RecurringRevenueMonthly, &RecurringRevenueQuarterly, &RecurringRevenueAnnual. Additionally, there are document level DocumentHeader macros of &RecurringRevenueWeeklySubtotal, &RecurringRevenueMonthlySubtotal, &RecurringRevenueQuarterlySubtotal, and &RecurringRevenueAnnualSubtotal.