
QuoteWerks Update Center

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The following feature was added in QuoteWerks 4.5 Build 1 that was released on 12/15/2009.

ACT! for Web (version 2010) is now supported!. This new integration is available in the Corporate Edition of QuoteWerks. In our experience the ACT! for Web integration is over 50% faster* than the standard ACT! integration. The integration includes:

  1. ACT! for Web can be searched to find Contacts to pull into the quote.

  2. QuoteWerks will create/update an attachment to the quote under the Documents tab in ACT! for Web.

  3. QuoteWerks will create/update a follow up call in ACT! for Web.

  4. QuoteWerks will create/update a Sales Opportunity in ACT! for Web.

  5. The QuoteWerks DataLink feature can be used with ACT! for Web enabling you to retrieve information like Terms and shipping method from the ACT! for Web Contact into the quote.

  6. When printing, QuoteWerks can retrieve Contact data from ACT! for Web and include it in the printed output.

  7. ACT! for Web Contact data can be retrieved using the F2 Lookup macro of ~ACTForWeb_Macro().

  8. There is a "Display contact in contact manager" button on the SoldTo / ShipTo tab that will open the ACT! for Web Contact in ACT! for Web for the SoldTo, ShipTo, or BillTo linked contact.

  9. On the select Email Address window, you can see all the ACT! for Web email addresses associated with the contact record linked to the Sold To, Bill To, and Ship To fields.

  10. On the select Email Address window, there is now an option to "Search ACT! for Web" for an email address. You can search your entire ACT! for Web database for an email address, searching by Company, Contact, Last Name, or Phone.

*We attribute this to the fact that ACT! is not installed on the same workstation PC that QuoteWerks is installed on. All of the ACT! processing and database searching occurs on a remote server, so ACT! is not using up any of the CPU time or memory on the workstation PC leaving more resources for QuoteWerks and other applications.