QuoteWerks Update Center
example: QuoteValet "payment option" -deposit
Version 5.7 Build 2.40 Summary
Version 5.7 Build 2.40 Summary
42 New, 60 Fixes, and 7 Miscellaneous features Released on 02/11/2022 View all features/fixes from all builds of version 5.7 ![]() | ||
New Features - Build 2 | ||
1. AutoRecover has replaced AutoSave. AutoRecover and AutoSave are both ways to prevent loss of your in-progress work due to a variety of reasons including power loss, computer lock ups, network disconnect, SQL server timing out, etc. AutoSave permanently saves any changes you make to your document as you are making the changes. The downside of this is that you can't open up a document and just make some "hypothetical" or "what-if" to see what it looks like because the AutoSave just made those changes permanent. Also, often we want to open up an existing document, make changes and then just save those changes as a new document, but you can't do that with AutoSave either because it just made those changes permanent to the original existing document. AutoRecover is a superior solution. It just quietly saves a temporary backup of your in-progress work. If you choose not to save the changes, or just close the document, it discards those changes. If QuoteWerks quit unexpectedly for the above reasons, then when you re-launch QuoteWerks it will ask you if you want to recover the in-progress changes. Additionally, AutoRecover has been implemented when the feature to "Terminate Running Instance" is used. Previously it would save copies of all quotes that were open on the terminated instance. Now it just creates AutoRecover documents for them all. If AutoRecover sounds amazing, its because it is! Microsoft Word Desktop has had an AutoRecover feature for decades. For Developers, the addition of AutoRecover will require some changes. The AutoRecover document is stored in the DocumentHeaders and DocumentItems tables just like a regular document, however there is a new DocumentHeaders.IsAutoRecoverDocForDocRecGUID field. If this field is populated then this is an AutoRecover document. If querying the database you will want to make sure that you filter these documents out with IsAutoRecoverDocForDocRecGUID=''. In fact, when looking for documents you will aready want to apply the filter of TemplateType=0 AND Superceeded=0 AND IsAutoRecoverDocForDocRecGUID='' so that the query excludes templates, superseded documents and AutoRecover documents. We also renamed UserSettings KeyName='EnableAutoSave' to KeyName='AutoRecoverEnabled' and UserSettings KeyName='AutoSaveInterval' to KeyName='AutoRecoverInterval'.Also, since an AutoRecover can replace the previously saved document, changing the DocumentHeaders.ID value, it is recommended to query a specific document based on the DocumentHeaders.RecGUID. [Service Release: 2.11] | ||
2. For QuoteValet payment users, Stripe Checkout is now supported! Stripe Checkout differs from our standard Stripe Payments integration in that the customer is redirected to Stripe's own servers during the payment process. This offloading to Stripe ensures compliance across a full range of European regulatory requirements (PSD, PSD2, SCA, 3DS, 3DS2 etc). Setup requires only a few additional steps beyond the standard Stripe configuration (including adding a Webhook entry in Stripe's Dashboard and then pasting the corresponding signing secret into the Payment Setup in QuoteWerks). [Service Release: 2.11] | ||
3. POItems now have Custom fields that you can populate with information pulled from the quote. They are poiCustomText01, poiCustomText02, poiCustomText03, poiCustomText04, poiCustomText05, poiCustomNumber01, poiCustomNumber02, poiCustomMemo01, and poiCustomDate01. You can map which information gets copied into these fields from the Purchasing tab of the Tools->Options menu. Supports &DH_, &DH_, &APP_, and &SYS_ macros. It does not support &DH_&XXX or &DI_&XXX macros. [Service Release: 2.11] | ||
4. For Autotask users, Autotask Service Bundles can now be searched from the Product Lookup window. [Service Release: 2.11] | ||
5. For Autotask users, when searching by Description with Autotask Service Bundles lookup, the Invoice Description will now also be searched. [Service Release: 2.11] | ||
6. For Autotask users, you can now map the Invoice Description field when doing a Service lookup. [Service Release: 2.11] | ||
7. For Autotask users, when searching by Description with Autotask Service lookup, the Invoice Description will now also be searched. [Service Release: 2.11] | ||
8. For Autotask users, users can now see the Inventory on Hand for products on the Product Lookup window. This feature is accessed by right clicking on a product search result and selecting 'Show Autotask Inventory On Hand' [Service Release: 2.11] | ||
9. For Autotask users, when creating new products, the Vendor name will now be added to the product. [Service Release: 2.11] | ||
10. For Autotask users, a Won/Loss Reason combobox was added to the Won/Loss Opportunity window. [Service Release: 2.11] | ||
11. For Autotask users, a Close Description textbox was added to the Won/Loss Opportunity window. [Service Release: 2.11] | ||
12. For Autotask users, you can now specify a default Tax Code when using Autotask Service Bundles. [Service Release: 2.11] | ||
13. For Autotask users, you can now specify a default Item Type when using Autotask Service Bundles. [Service Release: 2.11] | ||
14. On the Print Preview window, if the user requires approval to "SavePDF", then when selecting the "Attach to CRM" action, this approval will be required before you can perform the "Attach to CRM" action. [Service Release: 2.11] | ||
15. When creating a Purchase Order in QuickBooks Online, If the Checkbox is not checked to use the QuoteWerks Vendor Maintenance Email Address for the Vendor in the QuoteWerks QuickBooks Online setup, the Primary Email Address for the Vendor/supplier in QuickBooks Online will be used. This mimics the behavior when manually creating a Purchase Order for a Vendor / Supplier in QuickBooks Online. Prior to this change, the email address would be blank if the checkbox was not checked. [Service Release: 2.11] | ||
16. For QuickBooks Online users, when creating a new Item in QuickBooks Online (In addition to just the Purchase Order), the PO Description / Purchasing Description mapping set in the QuickBooks Online Settings window will be used for the Purchasing Description if the mapped field is different than the Description Field mapping. [Service Release: 2.11] | ||
17. Expansion of PrintTime macros. When printing from a layout or a word document, you can use macros like &DH_SoldToCompany in the IntroductionNotes, ClosingNotes, PurchasingNotes, InternalNotes, and DynamicNotes fields that will be replaced with their actual values in the print output only. Now you can also use the PrintTime macros in the CustomText01-CustomText28 and CustomMemo01-CustomMemo04 fields. [Service Release: 2.11] | ||
18. For Peachtree users, on the Export to Peachtree window, clicking on the DocDate column will now sort by date. [Service Release: 2.11] | ||
19. For VendorRFQ users, when clicking on the [Update] button on the Product Sourcing Panel when a VendorRFQ vendor is selected, you will now be prompted if you want to just update the line item with the current price from the selected RFQ vendor, or if you want to do that and also award the vendor the bid which closes out the bidding for all the other RFQ vendors. [Service Release: 2.11] | ||
20. In the Settings Manager, you can now highlight and copy text from the Section Name and Key Name text boxes when editing/viewing a setting. All the text boxes are now wider as well.
[Service Release: 2.11] | ||
21. ConnectWise 2021.3 is now supported! [Service Release: 2.11] | ||
22. The Tools->Refresh Item Details now supports updating the UnitCost, UnitPrice, UnitList, CostModifier, and PriceModifier fields. When updating these fields from the Refresh Item Details window, you have more advanced control over the pricing fields as opposed to the Get Latest Pricing feature. When using Refresh Item details, if you update the Price, the PriceModifier will be cleared just like when you manually enter a price in the line item through the Document Items grid. Same for the Cost and CostModifier. There is an option "[] Display Adjust Price Dialog if cost is changed" which will give you a chance to apply a UnitCost change and also determine the UnitPrice should be affected if the UnitPrice was being calculated by a PriceModifier. Using Refresh Item Details, it simply updates individual specified fields without any regard to the relationships between these Pricing fields. In contrast, the Refresh item w/Latest Pricing behaves differently depending upon if there is a CostModifier and/or PriceModifier. If there is no PriceModifier, then it will update all the pricing fields including the UnitCost, UnitPrice, and UnitList fields, however if there is a Price Modifier, it will update the UnitCost and UnitList and then ask how you want to handle the UnitPrice that is being affected by the change in UnitCost. [Service Release: 2.14] | ||
23. You can now set Access Rights for more than one Literature file at a time. To do this, From the File->Print window, you need to check the "Administration mode" checkbox, and then place a checkmark next to every Literature file that you want to set the same Access rights for, then right click and choose "Set Access Rights for all checked items". [Service Release: 2.14] | ||
24. You can now enter an ItemType for a Section Header type line item. This gives you more control over not including this type of line item when calculating Deposit Required summing. It is not recommended to use this to Include the Section Header total, but rather to disclude it from the summing action. [Service Release: 2.14] | ||
25. The [Request Approval] button on the Print window will now be enabled even if the customer has accepted the quote through QuoteValet. The reason is that after the acceptance, maybe the sales rep needs to change a Purchasing Notes field or similar field and with this button enabled they can now request the approval again. [Service Release: 2.14] | ||
26. When one or more line items are selected in the Quote WorkBook and you press the down or up arrow key, these selections will be cleared. Also on the Edit->Line Attributes window, pressing ENTER while on any field will perform the same action as clicking on the OK button. [Service Release: 2.14] | ||
27. When using Tools->Refresh pricing w/Latest if the item pricing method was P or M, and the realtime pricing vendor returned a list price and the list price will now be updated. [Service Release: 2.14] | ||
28. GoldMine 2022.1 is now supported! [Service Release: 2.22] | ||
29. SugarCRM version 11.3 is now supported! [Service Release: 2.22] | ||
30. For SugarCRM users, you can now create a new SugarCRM Account and Contact record from the QuoteWerks SoldTo/ShipTo tab using the information already entered on the SoldTo/ShipTo tab. For the feature to be enabled, the Contact field cannot already be populated with a contact that was retrieved from SugarCRM. Also, the Company, and Contact must be populated. This feature is available on the toolbar above the SoldTo, ShipTo, and BillTo areas of the Quote WorkBook. There is also an Access Right "CannotCreateCRMContact" that you can set if you do not want specific users to be able to use this feature. [Service Release: 2.22] | ||
31. For salesforce.com users, discount line items will now be included in Opportunities. [Service Release: 2.22] | ||
32. For MS CRM users, when using Data Links, custom ListType fields now return the Name field instead of the numeric Value.
[Service Release: 2.22] | ||
33. When Saving as Next Revision, if there is an existing CRM Opportunity associated with this quote, the opportunity will be updated. [Service Release: 2.27] | ||
34. For Autotask users, when adding a product to an Autotask quote, the Autotask product description field can now include Document Item macro fields. Ont he Autotask integration Setup window, under the Opportunities.Quote Products tab the Mappings section includes a Description tab. [Service Release: 2.36] | ||
35. For Autotask users, when retrieving recurring products from Autotask, there is a new setup option to choose if the First Payment should be included. In the QuoteWerks Autotask setup, this option is found by navigating to the Opportunities tab and then to the Quote Products sub-tab. The check box is named "First Payment Included in Document Totals for Recurring Products". [Service Release: 2.36] | ||
36. For Autotask users, there is now a Contains and Begins with search option on the Lookup contact window. [Service Release: 2.36] | ||
37. For Autotask users, default Status, Staging, Close Reason, and Close descriptions can be added for the various stages of a quote. These settings can be found by navigating to the Opportunities tab and then to the Stages sub-tab. [Service Release: 2.36] | ||
38. For ConnectWise users, product lookup searches that return lots of results are now significantly faster. [Service Release: 2.36] | ||
39. The Utilities->Document Transport File Diagnostics window has been redesigned and combined with the Utilities->Document Backup Manager. The result is that now there is just a Utilities->Document Transport File Manager menu. This new Document Transport File Manager has a begins with search feature useful for locating a dtf file in the list. There is now a [Restore] button that makes it easy for you to restore the database version of the quote from a DTF file version of the quote. There is also a Right click "Open Document in DB" menu. The Utilities->Document Transport File Manager now shows more details about the .bxx, .dtf, or .dta file, including details like GrandTotal and number of line items, and about the DB version of the document if it exists. [Service Release: 2.39] | ||
40. The Import Document now shows more details about the selected .bxx, .dtf, or .dta file, including details like GrandTotal and number of line items, and about the DB version of the document if it exists. [Service Release: 2.39] | ||
41. The File->Document Properties window now shows more details about the selected .bxx, .dtf, or .dta file, including details like GrandTotal and number of line items, and about the DB version of the document if it exists.
[Service Release: 2.39] | ||
42. When placing an Online Order With Tech Data, Ingram Micro, SYNNEX, or D&H, none of them support supplying a ShipToEmailAddress for the electronic order. However we've added a ShipToEmailAddress field to these distributors order screens so that after the order is placed and the QuoteWerks PO is saved in QuoteWerks this ShipToEmailAddress will be populated in the QuoteWerks PO. [Service Release: 2.39] | ||
Misc Features - Build 2 | ||
1. On the Tools->Options menu, renamed the "Synchronization" tab to "Sync". [Service Release: 2.11] | ||
2. The .lt (layout new template) files will now always be installed and overwritten if exist. [Service Release: 2.11] | ||
3. The option for "Check for in-use documents" is no longer an option, it is always enabled. [Service Release: 2.11] | ||
4. Unused fields from DocumentHeaders have been removed: Region, RefuseSync, Result, ExpectedCloseDate, CompletionDate, InUseBy, MiscLinkID, ShipDate, AdditionalAddress, Version. [Service Release: 2.11] | ||
5. Activated beta testing support for GoldMine 2022.1 [Service Release: 2.11] | ||
6. For QBO users, Added "VendorAndPurchasesPrefs.PurchaseOrderEnabled" and "VendorAndPurchasesPrefs.UseCustomTxnNumbers" to the QuickBooks Online Info on the QuickBooks Online Settings Window in QuoteWerks. Note: If VendorAndPurchasesPrefs.UseCustomTxnNumbers is TRUE and a Purchase Order Number is not specified in QuoteWerks when creating the PO in QuickBooks Online, the PO Number in QuickBooks Online will be blank. It is recommended to turn this setting off in QuickBooks Online to avoid Purchase Orders in QuickBooks Online without PO numbers.
[Service Release: 2.11] | ||
7. When converting a Quote to an Order an unnecessary database query was being run looking for Revisions when there was known to be no revisions.
[Service Release: 2.39] | ||
Fixes - Build 2 | ||
1. On the Purchasing Window, when selecting more than one item from the same document would receive an error that there was more than one InUse Document record. [Service Release: 2.11] | ||
2. For Zoho CRM users, if more than 2 decimals were used for the Unit Cost or Unit Price fields in QuoteWerks, Zoho CRM would error out when attempting to create the quote line item. [Service Release: 2.11] | ||
3. For VendorRFQ users, it was allowing you to create an RFQ item for an item that did not have a ManufacturerPartNumber. [Service Release: 2.11] | ||
4. Placing an online order with D & H, when you click Verify current P& A it crashes QuoteWerks. Type mismatch error. [Service Release: 2.11] | ||
5. When the real-time module was activated, and when using Refresh with Latest pricing on a line item that had vendor that did not exist, the UnitCost would be set to 0. [Service Release: 2.11] | ||
6. For Amazon users, When 'Enable Individual Product Data Source Security' was set to ON, Non-Master Rights users could not see the Amazon product source in the Product window [Service Release: 2.11] | ||
7. On the Pricing tab of the Edit Product window, when the []Base pricing on foreign currency option was set and the Item Costing Method was "Discount from List", and the Foreign List Price amount was changed, the "Foreign Cost amount" was not changing. Also when importing and choosing to update the Foreign List, the Foreign Cost and Foreign Price were not getting updated as expected. [Service Release: 2.11] | ||
8. For MS CRM users, writing to custom number fields were not being saved to a MS CRM opportunity. [Service Release: 2.11] | ||
9. For Autotask users, when a user does not use a valid email address for the username field for the API login credentials, a more descriptive error message will be displayed. [Service Release: 2.11] | ||
10. For Autotask users, when creating a service item with a description over 400 characters, the item would not be added. Descriptions over 400 characters will now be saved under the Invoice Description field for the first 1000 characters. [Service Release: 2.11] | ||
11. For Autotask users, the Opportunity name field on the Create/Update Opportunity window was being shortened to 100 characters instead of the 128 characters that Autotask allows. [Service Release: 2.11] | ||
12. For ConnectWise Manage users, while searching for a ConnectWise Manage company/contact in QuoteWerks, if a ConnectWise Manage company was deleted and was not removed from the ConnectWise Manage 'Recycle Bin', the company would still be retuned in the search results. [Service Release: 2.11] | ||
13. When a Product Data Source was disabled due to something like the database file was not found, you were not able to manually disable the Product Data Source. [Service Release: 2.11] | ||
14. When QuoteWerks was started and then left at the Login window for longer than the AutoRecover period would receive error 9 subscript out of range. [Service Release: 2.11] | ||
15. For VendorRFQ users, when selecting items that were associated with a vendorRFQ and converting them to a group, if you proceeded, the VendorRFQ items would be recalled which was not an intended behaviour. [Service Release: 2.11] | ||
16. For Google Contacts users, Google changed their API requiring changes for the integration to continue to work. [Service Release: 2.11] | ||
17. For ConnectWise Manage Users exporting QuoteWerks Purchase Orders to ConnectWise Manage 2021.3, an error similar to "'The line number '1' already exists [ resource: purchaseOrderLineItem - field: ]" would be returned with more than One PO Line Item. This is due to a page count and Line item count issue in ConnectWise Manage (the ConnectWise Line Item issue documented in ConnectWise tickets 14460914 and 13694355). QuoteWerks development is using a workaround to enable Purchase Orders to be sent from QuoteWerks to ConnectWise Manage. This workaround will work for ConnectWise Manage 2021.3 users and higher. [Service Release: 2.11] | ||
18. For Google Contacts users, Google discontinued support for the Google Contacts API, the integration needed to be rewritten to use their new People API. The new People API only allows 30 search results to be returned unlike the previous API. [Service Release: 2.11] | ||
19. For Google Contact users, the fax extension was not being shown in the Contact Lookup grid after completing a search. [Service Release: 2.11] | ||
20. For QuickBooks Online South African (ZA) users, the tax options when creating a Purchase Order were ignored. [Service Release: 2.11] | ||
21. For Amazon Business users, when placing an Online order with Amazon Business with the Vendor of 'Amazon Business', the Amazon PO Number on the Online Order form would not be visible. This entry is required when placing an Online Order with Amazon Business. [Service Release: 2.11] | ||
22. For Zoho CRM users, a null exception could occur when attempting to get the Zoho CRM version type. [Service Release: 2.11] | ||
23. For Zoho CRM users, closed deals were showing on the Create/Update Deal window dropdown. [Service Release: 2.11] | ||
24. For Zoho CRM users, closed deals were able to be saved multiple times. [Service Release: 2.11] | ||
25. For Zoho CRM users, when on the Close Zoho Deal window, the closing date was not defaulting to Today's date. [Service Release: 2.11] | ||
26. For Autotask users, the Quote Name field on the Create/Update window was allowing more than 100 characters. [Service Release: 2.14] | ||
27. For Autotask users, when creating a new Service item, users would receive an error message. [Service Release: 2.14] | ||
28. If a document was uploaded to QuoteValet, if it has been Accepted, or Accepted By Proxy, or Lost, then when you open the document, QuoteWerks will no longer try to apply field level changes from the QuoteValet document to the QuoteWerks document. This change fixes an issue where a customer accepted a quote on QuoteValet and supplied some field values that initially updated the QuoteWerks quote, but then the user changed them, and the next time they opened the quote, it would apply the values from the accepted QuoteValet quote, overwriting the changes the user had made after the acceptance.
[Service Release: 2.14] | ||
29. For HubSpot CRM users, SoldTo and ShipTo Datalinking was not working for contacts that did not have a company associated with them. [Service Release: 2.14] | ||
30. For Zoho CRM users, SoldTo and ShipTo Datalinking was not working for contacts that did not have a company associated with them. [Service Release: 2.14] | ||
31. For salesforce.com users, the Document Number Datalink was not updating the set Opportunity field with the new Document Number when Converting a Quote to an Order. [Service Release: 2.14] | ||
32. For SugarCRM users, some API connections were not reconnecting after a long period of inactivity. [Service Release: 2.14] | ||
33. For Zoho CRM users, the Access token information was not being saved if a user created a new Access Token on the Manage User Access window and proceeded to click Cancel on the Zoho CRM Setup window. [Service Release: 2.22] | ||
34. For Zoho CRM users, clearing a user's credentials and opening up the Zoho CRM Setup window will display an error. [Service Release: 2.22] | ||
35. For HubSpot CRM users, the Access token information was not being saved if a user created a new Access Token on the Manage User Access window and proceeded to click Cancel on the HubSpot CRM Setup window. [Service Release: 2.22] | ||
36. For HubSpot CRM users, clearing a user's credentials and opening up the HubSpot CRM Setup window will display an error. [Service Release: 2.22] | ||
37. For MS CRM users, negative Unit Price line items were being added into MS CRM quotes in the Discount field. [Service Release: 2.22] | ||
38. For Autotask users, the 'Show Autotask Inventory On Hand' feature on the Product Lookup right click menu was not returning results if there was only 1 warehouse with inventory. [Service Release: 2.22] | ||
39. For MS CRM users, the Macro Tester was not working for Account datalink fields. [Service Release: 2.22] | ||
40. For QuoteWerks users, when the Complete of Opportunity from QuoteWerks setting is set to 'Never', the Opportunity was not being saved when the Quote was being Converted to Order or Invoice. [Service Release: 2.22] | ||
41. When importing some Tech Data Excel quotes, the promo pricing was not populating the Notes field. [Service Release: 2.22] | ||
42. When the Complete of Opportunity from QuoteWerks setting is set to 'Never', the Opportunity was not being saved when the Quote was being Converted to Order or Invoice. [Service Release: 2.22] | ||
43. When importing some Tech Data Excel quotes, the promo pricing was not populating the Notes field. [Service Release: 2.22] | ||
44. For users with AutoRecover enabled, would receive various errors as a result of a quote being open, and autorecover document generated, and then a different user tried to open that quote at the same time. [Service Release: 2.27] | ||
45. For Amazon Business users, when testing the integration via the [Test] Button on the Amazon Tab of the Real-time Setup form in QuoteWerks, a '400' error would be returned even though the integration with Amazon Business may have been working. This was due to a change in the Amazon API. [Service Release: 2.27] | ||
46. If there was an autorecover for a document that was never saved, and upon starting QuoteWerks you chose to delete this doucment, would receive an error about RecGUID and BOF or EOF. [Service Release: 2.28] | ||
47. For Access backend users, the changes in v5.6 build 5.10 that stored import log file data in the EventsLog table of the SITE.MDB file was causing the SITE.MDB file to grow past its 2GB max limit when running imports that updated existing records. [Service Release: 2.28] | ||
48. For Autotask users, more than 500 characters could be added to the Close Description when closing an Autotask opportunity. [Service Release: 2.36] | ||
49. On the Ordered Items tab of the Purchasing window, searching for a serial number would only find a single exact match even though it was supposed to be a Begins With type of search. It is now a Contains search and is working. [Service Release: 2.36] | ||
50. For HubSpot CRM users, API requests would timeout after an hour of inactivity. [Service Release: 2.36] | ||
51. For HubSpot CRM users, clearing a user's credentials and attempting to do a Contact search will display an error. [Service Release: 2.36] | ||
52. For Zoho CRM users, clearing a user's credentials and attempting to do a Contact search will display an error. [Service Release: 2.36] | ||
53. For QuoteValet users, when you opened a quote that was previously uploaded to QuoteValet, and changes were applied to the quote by the customer on QuoteValet, QuoteWerks saved those changes to the database, but did not update the CRM Sales Opportunity (if there was one). Now it will prompt you to update the CRM Sales Opportunity if the GrandTotal changes. [Service Release: 2.36] | ||
54. For Autotask users, when the "Complete Sales Opportunity from QuoteWerks" was set to Never, and a quote was opened that was previously uploaded to QuoteValet, that had a customer change options on QuoteValet, and then accepted, the changes would not be applied to the open Opportunity in Autotask. [Service Release: 2.36] | ||
55. If a user did not have MasterRights user and had the Access Right of "CannotModifyTemplates" set, and the user was doing a "New From Template" action and there was an auto recover document for this template from another user that did have the ability to modify templates, then when doing the "New From Template" action the user would receive an error like "QuoteWerks found a AutoRecover document for the document...However you do not have rights to MODIFY this TEMPLATE, so the AutoRecover document cannot be recovered by you.", and the user would not be able to complete the "New From Template" action. [Service Release: 2.36] | ||
56. When choosing Not to apply an AutoRecover document, and choosing to delete it, it was not getting deleted. [Service Release: 2.39] | ||
57. Line items from AutoRecover documents were appearing on the Purchasing tab of the Purchasing window. [Service Release: 2.39] | ||
58. For Hubspot CRM users, when using the DataLink to populate a HubSpot CRM custom number field, would receive the error "not a valid number". [Service Release: 2.39] | ||
59. When performing a "New from Template" action and the template is currently in use, you will no longer receive a "Open in ReadOnly mode" message, since the operation is just copying the data and putting it into the new document. [Service Release: 2.39] | ||
60. Open IceCat users would receive an HTTP Get Error: "Unauthorized". [Service Release: 2.40] |
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