QuoteWerks Update Center
example: QuoteValet "payment option" -deposit
Version 4.9 Build 10.22 Summary
Version 4.9 Build 10.22 Summary
49 New, 31 Fixes, and 7 Miscellaneous features Released on 08/15/2014 View all features/fixes from all builds of version 4.9 ![]() ![]() | ||
New Features - Build 10 | ||
1. ConnectWise 2014.4 is now supported. | ||
2. The Manufacturer Part Number column on the Document Items tab now supports a drop down list of part numbers. When you click on the drop down it will load all the part numbers from the product database that is specified in the vendor column for that line item. If the vendor column is empty, (as it would be for a new line item), then the Product Database selected on the QUICK LOOKUP toolbar will be used. The list will be sorted by Manufacturer Part Number. If you press and hold the SHIFT key while clicking on the drop down list, then only the products that have a Manufacturer Part Number that starts with the value currently in the cell will be displayed. See a screenshot/video of this feature | ||
3. The vendor column on the Document Items tab now has a drop down list that includes all the Product Databases and also all the Vendors from the Utilities->Vendor Maintenance menu. See a screenshot/video of this feature | ||
4. The DocumentItems tab now has a TicketNumber column to associate a ticket number with each line item on the quote. | ||
5. When selecting the File->Duplicate menu, the new TicketNumber column is now cleared if the option "Remove Line Item SONumber, PONumber, OrderDate, and TicketNumber" is selected. | ||
6. There is now a TicketNumber field for the Purchase Order Items. When purchase orders are created from orders, the ticket number in the order line items is copied into the purchase order item ticket number. This ticket number is displayed in the PO item on the Purchasing and Ordered Items tabs of the purchasing window. You can also search by ticket number to find an ordered item, or even to select items that you need to purchase. | ||
7. For ConnectWise users, when QuoteWerks creates ConnectWise service tickets, the service ticket that each line items is assigned to is now saved in the QuoteWerks line item. Later when this line item is used in a Purchase Order, the ticket number pulls through to the purchase order enabling you to know on the Purchasing window the order status of each item on a particular ConnectWise ticket number. You can also search to see all the items related to a ticket number and then order those from the Purchasing tab. | ||
8. For ConnectWise users, on the Purchase Order and Ordered items tabs, you can click on the ConnectWise Ticket number on the Purchase Order item and the Ticket will be opened in ConnectWise. See a screenshot/video of this feature | ||
9. Items received in the QuoteWerks purchasing window can now be posted to the ConnectWise PO that QuoteWerks created. Right click and choose "Post Received Item(s) against ConnectWise PO Item". This will perform the same function in ConnectWise as if you were receiving the items in ConnectWise itself, with the advantage that QuoteWerks will automatically supply all the serial numbers of the received items into the ConnectWise PO Item. See a screenshot/video of this feature | ||
10. Items received in the QuoteWerks purchasing window can now be posted to ANY ConnectWise PO, even ConnectWise POs that QuoteWerks did not create in ConnectWise. Right click and choose "Post Received Item(s) against ConnectWise PO Item". You will be prompted to supply a ConnectWise PO number, then you can choose the PO item to receive against. This will perform the same function in ConnectWise as if you were receiving the items in ConnectWise itself, with the advantage that QuoteWerks will automatically supply all the serial numbers of the received items into the ConnectWise PO Item. | ||
11. For ConnectWise users, under the "Product ID Mapping" under the Products.Mappings tab of the ConnectWise Setup window, added support for the VendorPartNumber field. | ||
12. Added a Free Shipping Minimum feature. This amount is specified under the Utilities->Vendor Maintenance menu. On the Purchasing tab of the Purchasing window, below the grid you will see, for example, "Your Tech Data free shipping minimum is $1,000. You need to add $436.13". See a screenshot/video of this feature | ||
13. For salesforce.com users, on the SoldTo/ShipTo tab there is now a button you can click that will open the selected salesforce.com contact in salesforce.com | ||
14. For salesforce.com users, the Create/Update Opportunity window now has a button you can click that will open the selected salesforce.com opportunity in salesforce.com | ||
15. In the PO Item display on the Purchasing window, there is now an indicator like [2] that shows how many item receipt records have not yet been sent to the Accounting software. | ||
16. In the PO Item display on the Purchasing window, When right clicking on a PO Item, there is now a "Copy Special" menu. This will copy the Manufacturer Part Number and serial numbers for the item into the Windows Clipboard in the following format:
MfgPartNo: F4J91UT456
S/N: 3456346,67767,77687688,5467568,56786579,6896789
| ||
17. In the PO Item display on the Purchasing window, when right clicking on a PO Item, there is now a "E-mail tracking number(s)..." menu. This create an email with the tracking numbers for the PO item. You can then send this when your customer asks for tracking information. See a screenshot/video of this feature | ||
18. The length of the InternalPartNumber field in the product database has been increased from 40 to 255 characters. | ||
19. There is now a LastModifiedBy field on the Advanced tab of the Edit Product window. | ||
20. For API users, the ItemFunctions.FindAndCopyProductIntoSLIBuffer method when searching the QuickBooks product list by ManufacturerPartNumber field, now supports new operators of "Begins with" and "Ends with", in addition to the originally supported "Equal to" and "Contains" operators. | ||
21. For API users, the ItemFunctions.FindAndCopyProductIntoSLIBuffer method when searching the Peachtree product list by ManufacturerPartNumber field, now supports new operators of "Begins with", "Ends with", and "Contains", in addition to the originally supported "Equal to" operator. | ||
22. ConnectWise 2014.5 is now supported! [Service Release: 10.04] | ||
23. For salesforce.com users, you can now create a new salesforce.com Account(Company) record from the QuoteWerks SoldTo/ShipTo tab using the information already entered on the SoldTo/ShipTo tab. For the feature to be enabled, the SoldTo field cannot already be populated with a contact that was retrieved from salesforce.com. Also, the Company field and Contact field must both be populated. This feature is available on the toolbar above the SoldTo, ShipTo, and BillTo areas of the Quote WorkBook. There is also an Access Right "CannotCreateCRMContact" that you can set if you do not want specific users to be able to use this feature.
For the feature to be enabled, the SoldTo field cannot already be populated with a contact that was retrieved from salesforce.com. Also, the Company field and Contact field must both be populated. This feature is available on the toolbar above the SoldTo, ShipTo, and BillTo areas of the Quote WorkBook. There is also an Access Right "CannotCreateCRMContact" that you can set if you do not want specific users to be able to use this feature. [Service Release: 10.04] | ||
24. When using the QuoteWerks contact database, you can now create a new Company/Contact record from the QuoteWerks SoldTo/ShipTo tab using the information already entered on the SoldTo/ShipTo tab. For the feature to be enabled, the SoldTo field cannot already be populated with a contact that was retrieved from the QuoteWerks contact database. Also, the Company field and Contact field must both be populated. This feature is available on the toolbar above the SoldTo, ShipTo, and BillTo areas of the Quote WorkBook. There is also an Access Right "CannotCreateCRMContact" that you can set if you do not want specific users to be able to use this feature. [Service Release: 10.04] | ||
25. Added support the following macros for Word merging <<&DI_&RecurringRevenueWeekly>>, <<&DI_&RecurringRevenueWeeklyWithTax>>, <<&DI_&RecurringRevenueMonthly>>, <<&DI_&RecurringRevenueMonthlyWithTax>>, <<&DI_&RecurringRevenueQuarterly>>, <<&DI_&RecurringRevenueQuarterlyWithTax>>, <<&DI_&RecurringRevenueAnnual>>, <<&DI_&RecurringRevenueAnnualWithTax>>, <<&DI_&RecurringRevenueWithTax>>, <<&DI_&QtyGroupMemberTotal_Actual>>, <<&DI_&QTYTOTAL_ACTUAL>>, and <<&DI_&QTYGROUPMULTIPLIER_ACTUAL>>. [Service Release: 10.04] | ||
26. All macros beginning with "&DI_" used on the QuoteWerks Print Layouts are now available for Word merging. [Service Release: 10.04] | ||
27. Added support for Mobile number fields on the Soldto/ShipTo tab. There are now SoldToMobile, ShipToMobile, and BillToMobile fields. Along with this we added misc Access rights "CannotManuallyModifyCRMRetrievedFieldValue:DH_SoldToMobile", "CannotManuallyModifyCRMRetrievedFieldValue:DH_ShipToMobile", "CannotManuallyModifyCRMRetrievedFieldValue:DH_BillToMobile". Also the macro fields &DH_SoldToMobile,&DH_ShipToMobile, and &DH_BillToMobile are now available. [Service Release: 10.04] | ||
28. For Act! users, when selecting an Act! contact the mobile number is now retrieved into the quote. [Service Release: 10.04] | ||
29. For Act! for Web users, when selecting an Act! for Web contact the mobile number is now retrieved into the quote. [Service Release: 10.04] | ||
30. For Outlook and Outlook BCM users, when selecting a Outlook contact the mobile number is now retrieved into the quote. [Service Release: 10.04] | ||
31. For QuickBooks 2013 (and higher) users, when selecting a QuickBooks contact the mobile number is now retrieved into the quote. [Service Release: 10.04] | ||
32. For salesforce.com users, when selecting a salesforce.com contact the mobile number is now retrieved into the quote. [Service Release: 10.04] | ||
33. For Microsoft Dynamics CRM users, when selecting a MS CRM contact the mobile number is now retrieved into the quote. [Service Release: 10.04] | ||
34. For Autotask users, when selecting an Autotask contact the mobile number is now retrieved into the quote. [Service Release: 10.04] | ||
35. For SugarCRM users, when selecting a SugarCRM contact the mobile number is now retrieved into the quote. [Service Release: 10.04] | ||
36. For GoogleContacts users, when selecting a GoogleContacts contact the mobile number is now retrieved into the quote. [Service Release: 10.04] | ||
37. For SalesLogix users, when selecting a SalesLogix contact the mobile number is now retrieved into the quote. [Service Release: 10.04] | ||
38. When using the QuoteWerks contact database, when selecting a contact the mobile number is now retrieved into the quote. [Service Release: 10.04] | ||
39. When creating a contact in salesforce.com new mobile number is supplied. [Service Release: 10.04] | ||
40. When creating a contact in ConnectWise the new mobile number field is supplied. [Service Release: 10.04] | ||
41. When submitting an electronic order, the ShipTo information entered into the online order will now be saved in the QuoteWerks PO. [Service Release: 10.04] | ||
42. When submitting an electronic order and then creating a PO in Autotask, the ShipTo information entered into the online order will be included in the Autotask Purchase Order. [Service Release: 10.04] | ||
43. For SugarCRM users, every time you saved an opportunity, the DateClosed was subtracted by one day. [Service Release: 10.04] | ||
44. Tech Data Netherlands Real-time Pricing & Availability is now supported! [Service Release: 10.06] | ||
45. For ConnectWise users, when selecting a ConnectWise contact the mobile number is now retrieved into the quote. [Service Release: 10.06] | ||
46. For Goldmine users, looking up secondary contacts on the Contact Search window is now much faster. [Service Release: 10.18] | ||
47. For Autotask users, added &AlternateTotalCost, &AlternateTotalList, AlternateGrandTotal, and AlternateSubTotal as additional options for Autotask Opportunity Advanced Field mappings. [Service Release: 10.21] | ||
48. Act! version 17 is now supported! [Service Release: 10.22] | ||
49. ConnectWise 2014.6 is now supported! [Service Release: 10.22] | ||
Misc Features - Build 10 | ||
1. On the Purchase Orders tab, there is now an AccountingAppRef column which will display QB, PT, CW, or AT if the PO was exported to QuickBooks, Peachtree, ConnectWise, or Autotask respectively. | ||
2. Activated beta testing support for ConnectWise 2014.5 beta. | ||
3. For ConnectWise users, when saving a quote that had an existing dtf file attachment in ConnectWise, if it was linked to a ConnectWise Opportunity and the Opportunity could not be found, you would receive a blank reason why the Attachment could not be updated in ConnectWise. [Service Release: 10.06] | ||
4. Support for the outdated QuickBooks Export/Import IIF integration method has been removed. This was used with versions of QuickBooks older than 2002. [Service Release: 10.18] | ||
5. Activated beta testing support for ConnectWise 2014.6 beta. [Service Release: 10.18] | ||
6. The sunsetted Winfax integration was removed. [Service Release: 10.18] | ||
7. For QuickBooks users, beta support is activated for version 2015. [Service Release: 10.22] | ||
Fixes - Build 10 | ||
1. Increased DataSources.UserPassword field length to 100 chars. Some longer passwords would get truncated. | ||
2. For ConnectWise users, Bundles added to a ConnectWise opportunity would not be set taxable under any circumstance. Now, bundles will be set taxable if at least one bundle member is set taxable in QuoteWerks. | ||
3. For ConnectWise users, when QuoteWerks grouped bundles were added to an opportunity, the quantities set for the individual bundle components were not being calculated correctly. This is now resolved and follows ConnectWise convention. | ||
4. When Word merging, some macros would not be replaced when the macro was inside a nested Word art section. | ||
5. When choosing the Lease Factor option on a recurring group, the UnitCost column on the group header line was zeroing out. | ||
6. When requesting shipping rates, the FedEx Ground option was not being displayed. | ||
7. For salesforce.com users, if the Opportunity Products feature was not enabled the sf.com productCode field data would be empty in the product lookup window. | ||
8. When Word merging certain documents, merging would pause until Word was closed. Issue introduced in Build 10.00. [Service Release: 10.01] | ||
9. For Google contacts users, when testing the credentials, if there was a credentials error, then no message would be displayed. [Service Release: 10.02] | ||
10. On the Ordered Items tab of the Purchasing window, the "PO RefID" display field was always displaying "test ref id". [Service Release: 10.02] | ||
11. If no Product Data Sources are defined then would receive runtime error 9 when starting QuoteWerks. Issue introduced in Build 10.00. [Service Release: 10.02] | ||
12. For ConnectWise users, when creating one-off tickets the default service board was not being set. [Service Release: 10.04] | ||
13. For ConnectWise Users, when setting Service Ticket Defaults in the ConnectWise Setup, the settings would be ignored on Service Tickets created when winning the Opportunity. [Service Release: 10.04] | ||
14. For Autotask users, the Total Price and Total Cost By Item Type would always return 0 when writing to the Autotask Opportunity Advanced Fields. [Service Release: 10.04] | ||
15. After a new Company record was created in the CRM software using the information in the Soldto fields, the button to create a company record in the CRM was disabled for the ShipTo and BillTo fields. [Service Release: 10.04] | ||
16. On the Save as PDF window the recent folders list could have duplicate entries. [Service Release: 10.04] | ||
17. For Autotask users, when updating an existing Autotask Opportunity and the Rating field was blank an error would occur and the opportunity would not be updated. Autotask does not require the Rating value on creation, but it is required on the update via the API. [Service Release: 10.04] | ||
18. For ConnectWise users, when using the "Post Received Item(s) against ConnectWise PO Item" would receive error "Error, non-xml response requesting ConnectWise PONumber." [Service Release: 10.04] | ||
19. For ConnectWise users, the Detail Descriptions and Internal Analysis notes entered on the Create ConnectWise Service Ticket window, would be written to ConnectWise as the Customer you are quoting and not the currently logged in ConnectWise user. [Service Release: 10.06] | ||
20. Macros for Document Item Text fields (Like &DI_Description) for Heading and Comment line types would display blank values when performing a Word merge. Issue introduced in build 10.04. [Service Release: 10.09] | ||
21. For GoldMine users, would receive error about locating GoldMine opportunity referencing a "SeekKey" ending in "OZL". [Service Release: 10.09] | ||
22. For installations rehosted to SQL would receive error about LastModifiedBy field not being in the product database. This would happen during a synchronization process, or when creating a new product database. [Service Release: 10.18] | ||
23. For ConnectWise 2014.5 users, attachments uploaded to the ConnectWise opportunity would not be accessible. QuoteWerks has been using a proprietary ConnectWise API to upload files to ConnectWise all through ConnectWise versions 2010,2011,2013,2013, and 2014.4. Something changed in ConnectWise 2014.5 preventing this from continuing to work. This was the last set of functionality in the QuoteWerks integration to ConnectWise using the ConnectWise proprietary API. This functionality has now been re-written to use the ConnectWise public API for uploading file attachments. The public ConnectWise API does not support the ability to set the DocumentTitle for the attachment, so the DocumentTitle will be the same as the file name. Also, when using the ConnectWise public API, the username for the attachment will always be "zzAdmin". [Service Release: 10.18] | ||
24. For GoldMine users, would receive error about locating GoldMine opportunity referencing a RecType of "OX" [Service Release: 10.18] | ||
25. Addressed error "Error processing resource 'http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd'" occurring when QuoteWerks checks for messages from Aspire. [Service Release: 10.18] | ||
26. In installations with, for example, with 3000 vendors, a delay of around 30 seconds would be added when starting QuoteWerks and when opening a quote or starting a new quote. This issue was introduced in build 10.00 and was a result of the new feature to have a drop down list of vendors in the Document Items tab. [Service Release: 10.18] | ||
27. For ConnectWise on-premise installations, attachments uploaded to the ConnectWise opportunity would not be accessible. This was a result of the implementation of the ConnectWise public API changes released in v4.9 Build 10.17. [Service Release: 10.21] | ||
28. For Autotask users, when clicking on the "View Opportunity in Autotask" button on the Create Opportunity Window, an error would occur and the Autotask Opportunity would not open in the default browser. [Service Release: 10.21] | ||
29. For Goldmine users, "unknown rectype (OZ)" error when saving opportunity. [Service Release: 10.21] | ||
30. For ConnectWise users, under the Contact Manager tab of the Tools->My Preferences menu, clicking on the [Test] button would cause error 428. [Service Release: 10.22] | ||
31. For ConnectWise users, when adding an attachment on the Create/Update ConnectWise Opportunity window, an error would be returned and the attachment would not be added to the ConnectWise Opportunity. This was a result of the implementation of the ConnectWise public API changes released in v4.9 Build 10.17. [Service Release: 10.22] |
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