QuoteWerks Update Center
example: QuoteValet "payment option" -deposit
Version 5.4 Build 1.22 Summary
Version 5.4 Build 1.22 Summary
48 New, 63 Fixes, and 12 Miscellaneous features Released on 11/19/2018 View all features/fixes from all builds of version 5.4 ![]() ![]() | ||
New Features - Build 1 | ||
1. Microsoft SQL Server 2019 is now supported! [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
2. ACT! version 21 is now supported! For ACT! v21 users, Swiftpage made a, non-backwards compatible, breaking change to the ACT! API. As a result, the DTF file attachment used to launch the document in QuoteWerks will be duplicated each time the quote is manually saved. ACT! has been made aware of this issue and we are awaiting a resolution from ACT! [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
3. Maximizer CRM v17.0 is now supported! [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
4. SugarCRM 8.2 is now supported! [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
5. Integration to ShareWerks web-based collaboration and communication system! With ShareWerks you can collaborate on this quote with your team, keeping all the communication in a single place rather than spread out over unstructured emails or chats. All the files and conversations relating to this quote will all be in one place where you can easily access them. At any time you can invite additional people into the discussion and immediately they will have access to all the previous messages and file uploads making it easy to get those people up to speed on the quote. Just use the [Discuss with ShareWerks] button on the Notes tab of the Quote WorkBook. [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
6. You can now manually override the automatically calculated Grouped Bundle Price. This is useful when, for example, your grouped bundle total is $5,043.23 and you would like to present it to the customer as a "cleaner looking" $5,000.00". Just type in the manual amount into the Grouped Bundle's Unit Price column and QuoteWerks will distribute the $43.23 difference across all the line items in the bundle in a proportional way. During this process any PriceModifiers for the bundle items will be cleared. [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
7. There is now a Find feature that lets you search the line items in the currently open quote. There are several ways to use this. First you can select the Edit->Find menu (or press CTRL-F) which launches the find window and sets the Find Column to | ||
8. You can now sort Line Items on the Document Items grid. Just select the rows that you would like to sort and then click the column heading you want to sort the rows by. You can hold down the SHIFT key to do a reverse sort. Since quotes can have different line item types that are purposely meant to stay together, the sort will only sort the selection if it contains Product/Service, Comment, Heading, or Summary lines. You can select a contiguous range or lines, or can single select multiple lines. [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
9. For QuoteValet users, with the recent introduction of QuoteValet payments that can apply surcharges or discounts based on the payment method, we've added refinements to make it easier to understand the total amount of payments made vs the Surcharges/Discounts, and the balance remaining. These additional breakdowns are on the payments area of the QuoteValet tab, the Payments tab of the QuoteValet Dashboard, the main QuoteValet page (once a quote has been accepted), and also on the QuoteValet Payment page. [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
10. For Autotask users, bi-directional data linking is now supported for Autotask opportunity fields. Field information can be copied from QuoteWerks into the Autotask opportunity and then fields can also be copied from the Autotask Opportunity into QuoteWerks. [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
11. For MS CRM users, bi-directional Data Linking is now supported for MS CRM opportunity fields. Field information can be copied from QuoteWerks into the MS CRM opportunity and then fields can also be copied from the MS CRM opportunity into QuoteWerks. [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
12. For MS CRM users, retrieving the existing opportunities on the opportunity window is significantly faster. [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
13. For MS CRM users, the opportunity name can now be changed on the create new opportunity window. [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
14. For MS CRM users, the opportunity name now supports the Default Opportunity name Generation macro from the Misc tab of Tools->Options. [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
15. For MS CRM users, if a follow-up call was created, the link is now displayed under the links tab. [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
16. For MS CRM users, more than 250 users can now be loaded on the opportunity window. [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
17. For MS CRM users, the DataLink now retrieves a list of all the Contacts, Accounts, and Opportunities fields available from MS CRM. [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
18. For QuoteValet users, there is now a [Dismiss All] button on the Inbox tab of the QuoteValet Dashboard. [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
19. For QuoteValet users there is now a [View QuoteValet Users] button on the Logged In Users window that will show you the users that QuoteValet licenses are currently allocated to. [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
20. The Etilize subscription no longer requires that you enter an S License Key each year as the annual subscription expires. QuoteWerks will check with the Aspire Licensing Server to obtain Etilize subscription information. [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
21. Under Utilities->License Manager menu there is a new [Redeem Code] button that can be used to replace or add License Keys into QuoteWerks with a single Redemption Code. Especially useful and time saving for Edition Upgrades, License Relinquishments, and Fresh Installations. [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
22. For ConnectWise Manage users, the DataLink can now copy information from QuoteWerks into ConnectWise Manage opportunity fields when QuoteWerks creates or updates a ConnectWise Manage opportunity. This can be done on the opportunity level with the EventAction of "CRMOppHeader_CreateUpdate". Information can also be copied at the line item level when QuoteWerks is creating/updating ConnectWise Manage opportunity product items using the EventAction of "CRMOppItem_CreateUpdate". The DataLink is bi-directional so after the Opportunity is created/updated in ConnectWise Manage you can setup a DataLink mapping to copy information from the ConnectWise Manage opportunity back into the QuoteWerks quote for fields at the opportunity level. This functionality also is available when creating a new QuoteWerks quote from a ConnectWise Opportunity via the QuoteWerks Opportunity Dashboard or via the Quote button on the ConnectWise Manage Opportunity. As an example, At the Opportunity Item level, this new functionality enables you to control what QuoteWerks Line item field is mapped to the ConnectWise Manage Description and Customer Description fields. While At the Opportunity Header Level, this new functionality enables you to populate the ConnectWise Manage Opportunity Notes field from a QuoteWerks field and also exposes the Opportunity Custom Fields to be mapped as well. [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
23. For QuickBooks Online users, when searching for a QuickBooks Online Item from the QuoteWerks Product Lookup by Manufacturer Part Number, results will be returned by both the QuickBooks Item MFG Part number and the Item Name. [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
24. Added the Manufacturer field to the POItems table which can now also be used when emailing POs from the Purchasing window. [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
25. For QuoteValet users, support for the "Stripe" Payment Gateway has been added. [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
26. For QuoteValet users, the ability to view license allocation errors has been added to the QuoteValet Insight Usage Monitor. [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
27. For QuoteValet users, template support now includes [DH_&PreparedByFullName] and [DH_&SalesRepFullNameOrUserName]. [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
28. For QuoteValet users, the ability to receive email notifications indicating the total number of times a customer has viewed the quote is now available. Contact Technical Support to activate this feature. [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
29. On the Quote Workbook, the drop-down menu for Sales Rep and Prepared by will now seek the first matching name when pressing the first letter of the name on the keyboard. This enables you with a key press to select a name in the list. This is helpful when there are many names in QuoteWerks. [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
30. Added option "When adding or inserting a Comment Line, place cursor in Description column" under the Misc.General tab of the Tools->My preferences menu. You can uncheck this if you want the cursor to be placed in the Description Column of the Quote Workbook when inserting or adding a Comment Line to the document. [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
31. When using Microsoft Word documents with QuoteWerks, you can select DOCM files in addition to DOC and DOCX. [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
32. For ConnectWise Manage Users, when clicking on the Quote Button in the ConnectWise Manage Opportunity to create a new Quote in QuoteWerks, the ShipTo and Bill To Contact Address Information from the Opportunity will be brought over to the new QuoteWerks Document. This functionality requires a contact for each to be specified. [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
33. For ConnectWise Manage Users, on the My Summary tab of the QuoteValet Dashboard, when clicking on the "Create Quote for ConnectWise Opportunity", the ShipTo and Bill To Contact Address Information from the Opportunity will be brought over to the new QuoteWerks Document. This functionality requires a contact for each to be specified. [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
34. For ConnectWise Manage users, the ConnectWise Opportunity will now have a link to open the QuoteWerks document in QuoteWerks Web. [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
35. For ConnectWise Manage users, when setting up the DataLink for Retrieving SoldTo, ShipTo, or BillTo contacts, the Custom Field Names will now be returned for both the Company and Contact to map. Previous to this change, you would need to manually type in the custom field name in the datalink setup. [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
36. For the DataLink Setup, Added InternalNotes, IntroductNotes, ClosingNotes, and Purchasing Notes as fields that can be mapped when mapping to a "QuoteWerks Field as a Destination." [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
37. Added new "Remove Optional Attribute for Selected Items when converting." option on the Installation tab under the Tools->Options menu. This is used to remove the "Optional - SELECTED" attribute for items that the customer did select in the quote when converting the quote to an order. [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
38. On the Payments tab of the QuoteValet Dashboard, dbl-clicking on a payment now opens the document the payment is for. [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
39. Added new user settings to control when overriding the automatically calculated Alternate Unit Price.
UserSettings\UserConfig\AlternateCurrencyDefaultSelectedTotals=-1 [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
40. License Key addition, removal, and creation is now logged in the event.log
[Service Release: 1.08] | ||
41. ConnectWise 2018.6 is now supported! [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
42. For ShareWerks users, when first starting a discussion, you can now choose which users to invite to the topic. [Service Release: 1.11] | ||
43. ACT! for Web version 21 is now supported! For ACT! v21 users, Swiftpage made a, non-backwards compatible, breaking change to the ACT! API. As a result, the DTF file attachment used to launch the document in QuoteWerks will be duplicated each time the quote is manually saved. ACT! has been made aware of this issue and we are awaiting a resolution from ACT! [Service Release: 1.17] | ||
44. For SugarCRM users, bi-directional data linking is now supported for the SugarCRM Opportunity Header. Field information can be copied from QuoteWerks into the SugarCRM opportunity and then fields can also be copied from the SugarCRM Opportunity into QuoteWerks. [Service Release: 1.17] | ||
45. For Sage 50 Accounting US Edition (Peachtree) users, the looking up and creation of items in Peachtree is up to 45 times faster! [Service Release: 1.17] | ||
46. For Sage 50 Accounting US Edition (Peachtree) users, the Unit Price is now displayed on the Create Peachtree item window. [Service Release: 1.17] | ||
47. The Notification Log window can now stay on the screen while working in the quote. Useful when Refreshing Item prices and looking through the Notification log for any issues to correct. Also the width of the Notification log was increased to display more information. The log also now shows up to the last 500 notifications. [Service Release: 1.17] | ||
48. ConnectWise 2019.1 is now supported! [Service Release: 1.17] | ||
Misc Features - Build 1 | ||
1. With the addition of the new Edit->Find menu the menu shortcut key combination of CTRL-F now activates the Edit->Find menu instead of the Edit->Select Special menu. [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
2. The Tools->Options "Tenant Account" tab has been replaced with two tabs "QuoteValet" and "QuoteWerks Web". Also the Aspire Tenant Account setup is now on the Utilities->License Manager window. [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
3. Removed DataFeedFile support. [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
4. Added the DocumentItems.DocRecGUID field to store the DocumentHeaders.RecGUID value. [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
5. On startup QuoteWerks now checks the SQL server version to make sure it is supported. [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
6. The Payment option window now shows the local currency symbol instead of '$'. [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
7. For ConnectWise Manage Users, Documents and URLs attached to the ConnectWise Opportunity by QuoteWerks would be Displayed on the Customer Portal. [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
8. For ConnectWise Manage users, when clicking on the [Test] button to test the ConnectWise REST API credentials, the Modules enabled in ConnectWise will be returned if the test is successful. This is available for ConnectWise Manage 2018.5 and higher. [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
9. For ConnectWise Manage users, when creating a ConnectWise Purchase order and if the creation fails, the error message displayed by QuoteWerks will now contain if the Purchasing Module is enabled in ConnectWise. This is available for ConnectWise Manage 2018.5 and higher. [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
10. The number of characters you can type into a numeric grid cell on the Quote WorkBook was increased from 10 to 12 characters. Allowing for a number as larger as 999,999,999.99 to be entered. [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
11. Activated beta testing support for ACT! for Web version 21. [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
12. For QuoteWerks Web users, implemented Apply Cost Modifier, Apply Price Modifier, Apply Quantity, and Zoom Description. [Service Release: 1.17] | ||
Fixes - Build 1 | ||
1. For SYNNEX users, the FTP download and import is working again. SYNNEX changed their security and location of the category_list.txt file. [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
2. When using the new AlternateCurrencyPriceOverrideDisablePrompt=-1 ,you were no longer able to adjust the Alt Price of the Line item. [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
3. Error "The Field Name 'AttributesCustom' specified in the DocumentItemsReturnFieldArrayIndex() function was not found". This field was removed from the database, but on a fresh installation the field would exist. The fix was applied to fresh installations. Existing installations will need to manually remove the field DocumentItems.AttributesCustom or re-run the v5.3 build 4.00 conversion by resetting your siteboot.ini Version=5.3 and Build=3.00 and re-running the install. Please contact technical support for assistance. [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
4. For Salesforce users, when closing an opportunity as Won, the percentage was not changing to 100% [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
5. For Salesforce users, when closing an opportunity as Lost, the percentage was not changing to 0% [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
6. For Salesforce users, when closing an opportunity, the Cancel button was not disabled [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
7. For Salesforce users, when creating an opportunity, the Currency ISO Code was not being returned to QuoteWerks and could cause duplicate products to be created for a Pricebook. [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
8. For Salesforce users, when attaching a quote to an existing opportunity, a warning message about the opportunity Price Book ID not being found would appear if 'Write Products into Opportunity' was not checked in the Salesforce Setup window.
[Service Release: 1.08] | ||
9. For QuoteValet users, a user with Master Rights is now inherently granted the right to "Approve" documents on QuoteValet. [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
10. For QuoteValet users, on the QuoteValet Payment Page, when a customer selects Canada a drop down of pre-populated provinces is now available. [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
11. For QuoteValet users, an issue existed where a customer could receive an "Expired" message if they viewed and old "Accepted" Quote. This has been resolved. [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
12. For QuoteValet users, an issue existed for Notification Templates where [Begin_NotificationPaymentSubTypeCreditCard] was not being correctly recognized and was causing errors in the outgoing notification emails. This has been resolved. [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
13. For QuoteValet users, when modifying a large QuoteValet HTML template and selecting Ctrl-A, could receive a Run-time error 380. [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
14. For ConnectWise Manage Users, when using the "Copy Fields From" button on the Sold To / Ship To Tab in the QuoteWerks Quote Workbook, the ConnectWise Address ID was not copied. This would cause the ConnectWise Address for the corresponding address on the ConnectWise Opportunity to be blank or cause an invalid Address ID error. [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
15. For QuickBooks Desktop users, when exporting a document to QuickBooks as an Estimate, Invoice, or Sales Order, if there were no eligible line items on export, an error would occur. This would happen if all items on the QuoteWerks document were recurring and did not include first payment. [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
16. For ConnectWise Manage users, when retrieving a contact from ConnectWise Manage, Inactive sites would be returned and selectable. [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
17. For QuickBooks Online users, when placing online orders with supported vendors/distributors, if your ordered price changed when placing the order, the Purchase Order created in QuickBooks Online would use the cost on the QuoteWerks Order rather than the new cost returned from the Vendor. [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
18. For QuickBooks Online users, when creating a Purchase Order in QuickBooks and creating new Items, an error would be returned stating the item was not setup correctly in QuickBooks Online. If you were to re-create the PO in QuickBooks, the item would already exist and the PO would be created correctly. [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
19. When clicking on the Open Document button on the QuoteWerks Toolbar or from the File->Open, if the Open Document Window was already open and minimized, the Open Document Window would stay minimized. The window will now be "Restored" when clicking on the toolbar button or menu. [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
20. On the General tab of the Edit Product window, the "Hide Quantity" checkbox was actually getting loaded with the "Hide Quantity" selection from the Simple Labor tab. [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
21. For QuoteValet users, the Payment by Proxy feature was not accounting for the new payment options surcharge/discount features. [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
22. For QuoteValet users, when resizing columns on the payments list on the QuoteValet tab of the Quote WorkBooks, the column resizing would not be saved. [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
23. The InUseDocuments feature now uses the unique DocRecGUID instead of the DocNo. [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
24. When a user unexpectedly exits QuoteWerks the logged in user's InUseDocuments were not cleared. This will now happen when the "abandoned instances" cleanup occurs. [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
25. For MS CRM users, re-saving a phone call was showing the UTC time instead of the local time. [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
26. For MS CRM users, re-saving a phone call was selecting the incorrect Schedule for user. [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
27. For MS CRM users, the actual revenue and actual closing date fields were not being populated in version 9.0 [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
28. For MS CRM users, opportunity ratings were only showing the 'Warm' rating in version 9.0 [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
29. For Autotask users, existing Next Step and Advanced Field data was being cleared out when saving an existing Opportunity in QuoteWerks. [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
30. For Autotask users, when sending over the shipping item to the Autotask quote, if the Material Code for the Shipping Type is set to taxable, the item that was added to the Autotask Quote was not set to Taxable. [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
31. For Autotask users, if the owner is not selected on the Create Opportunity window, after you click Ok, an error will be shown. [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
32. For MS CRM users, when cancelling the create phone call, would receive error. [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
33. Would receive "Error, field name 'IntroductionNotes' not found in ReturnQuoteWerksTextFieldLength", when zooming (double clicking) in on the IntructionNotes,ClosingNotes,PurchasingNotes, InternalNotes, or DynamicNotes fields. [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
34. For QuickBooks Desktop users, if the payment amount was greater than the balance remaining on an invoice, it would not apply any amount of the payment to the invoice, it would just credit the customer. Now it applies the amount it can to the invoice and credits the customer any amount of the payment that wea not applied to the invoice. [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
35. For QuickBooks Desktop users, would receive error "Creation of ReceivePayment item in QuickBooks failed...QuickBooks error message: Transaction not in balance." when a payment was received that was less than the total amount of the invoice. [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
36. when changing a seednumber would required a restart before could Rebuild CM Transport files. [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
37. When entering a Payment by Proxy on the QuoteValet tab, you could not enter a proxy payment that was greater than the remaining balance. This is now allowed because of the new payment options to charge an upcharge based on payment method. [Service Release: 1.08] | ||
38. For ShareWerks users, when clicking [Discuss in ShareWerks] and the topic is first created, it was not inviting any users. [Service Release: 1.09] | ||
39. When rehosting to SQL and then restarting QuoteWerks, the user that did the rehost appeared to still be logged into the licensing system. [Service Release: 1.11] | ||
40. The group price override feature was applying the difference across recurring items that were in the group. An assumption is made that recurring monthly amounts will already be rounded to a pretty looking number, so we don't want to apply a change across that changing it from a clean number like $10.00 to $10.63. [Service Release: 1.11] | ||
41. When sorting a column, group members from different groups should not be allowed to be selected for sort. [Service Release: 1.11] | ||
42. The RecurringAmountWithTax column on the Document Items tab of the Quote Workbook was not display amounts for Weekly, Quarterly, or Annual. [Service Release: 1.11] | ||
43. When merging Word layouts, would receive error "The Field Name 'DocRecGUID' specified in the DocumentItemsReturnFieldArrayIndex() function was not found. [Service Release: 1.11] | ||
44. For Autotask users, when closing an opportunity, the Cancel button was not disabled. [Service Release: 1.17] | ||
45. For Autotask users, when creating a quote where the date is in the format of day/month/year and then converting quote to Lost Sale, Autotask will return an error "Projected Close Date must not be before Create Date." [Service Release: 1.17] | ||
46. For Autotask users, if there is an error when doing the merge from the Merge Remote Documents window, the process would end instead of continuing to the next file. [Service Release: 1.17] | ||
47. For Autotask users, if there is an error when doing the merge from the Merge Remote Documents window, the user would get an error about unable to write to the log file on a second attempt. [Service Release: 1.17] | ||
48. For SugarCRM users, the Revenue Line Item Assigned To field was not being populated when an opportunity was being created from QuoteWerks. [Service Release: 1.17] | ||
49. For MS CRM users, the primary account email address was not being pulled in from the QuoteWerks Lookup window. [Service Release: 1.17] | ||
50. When a formula line used the TOTALING method, it was including itself the summing. [Service Release: 1.17] | ||
51. For Tech Data online ordering users, 'Error, a warehouse code was not found for Tech Data warehouse...' [Service Release: 1.17] | ||
52. For Sage 50 Accounting US Edition (Peachtree) users, if a company or vendor had a "&" in their name, QuoteWerks would incorrectly return that it did not exist. [Service Release: 1.17] | ||
53. For MS CRM users, some MS CRM Opportunity fields were not being shown in the DataLink Mapping window. [Service Release: 1.17] | ||
54. For ScanSource realtime pricing users, Scan Source changed their realtime url effective Dec 18, 2018. [Service Release: 1.17] | ||
55. When rehosting to SQL the option "Copy data from the current Access databases to the new SQL database" should always be checked and disabled. [Service Release: 1.17] | ||
56. When importing QuoteWerks xml documents, if there was no DocumentHeaders.RecGUID, it was not getting generated automatically. [Service Release: 1.17] | ||
57. When setting the Misc Access right CannotModifyFieldValue:DH_DynamicNotes, would receive error "The field name 'DynamicNotes' was not found in QuoteSheetUI_ControlsSetNotesTabFieldEditingStatus!" [Service Release: 1.18] | ||
58. For Sage 50 Accounting US Edition (Peachtree) users, the Product Lookup for Peachtree items would be empty in certain circumstances. [Service Release: 1.18] | ||
59. Error "The column name 'DocRecGUID' is specified more than once in the SET clause or column list of an INSERT." when opening a DTF file. [Service Release: 1.21] | ||
60. For ShareWerks users, when duplicating a document, the ShareWerks Topic ID was not getting cleared from the duplicate documents. [Service Release: 1.21] | ||
61. Some installations were missing their DocumentItems.DocID index. We now check for this and create if missing. Would result in very long upgrade times and poor performance. [Service Release: 1.21] | ||
62. DataLink mappings into QuoteWerks were not working for IntroductionNotes,ClosingNotes,InternalNotes, or PurchasingNotes. [Service Release: 1.21] | ||
63. When performing an Etilize search, in certain circumstances the PartLocator could return an erroneous Error 0. [Service Release: 1.22] |
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