QuoteWerks Knowledgebase Topic (Article ID 6235)
QuickBooks - Error 3100 when Exporting from QuoteWerks (Item Name)This information applies to : |
Article ID 6235 Created/Updated July 17, 2019 Category QuickBooks
Error 3100 (Item Name): When exporting from QuoteWerks to QuickBooks an error message appears: Error: Creation of item 'Group Name: Sub Item Name' at the point of 'Group Name: Sub Item Name' QuickBooks failed. Export cancelled.Details: ErrorCode:3100 Severity: Error Description: The name "Sub Item Name" of the list element is already in use. After clicking OK the error window closes and you are returned to the QuickBooks export window. Cause: There is a space between the colon ":" and the Sub Item Name which is causing QuoteWerks to try and create a new item. Solution: Remove the space between the colon ":" and the sub-item name. |
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