QuoteWerks Knowledgebase Topic (Article ID 6211)
salesForce.com - Integration Error 1205This information applies to : |
Article ID 6211 Created/Updated July 17, 2019 Category salesforce.com
We receive the following Integration error upon every attempted save in QuoteWerks when updating Salesforce.com opportunities. We also occasionally receive the QuoteWerks run-time error following the integration error: Fault Code (1205). insufficient access rights on object id Run-Time Error '13': Type Mismatch Cause: The user that is attempting to save the QuoteWerks document: A) Does not sufficient permissions to create or modify an opportunity in SalesForce.com B) Does not sufficient permissions to change the Stage of Probability Fields of the opportunity in SalesForce.com Solution: You will need to change/modify permissions for the user in SalesForce.com so that they can perform the above mentioned activities. (See A and B) |
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