QuoteWerks Knowledgebase Topic (Article ID 6202)
Rehost - Error in ExecuteSchemaChange Error -2147217900 during rehost to SQLThis information applies to : |
Article ID 6202 Created/Updated January 18, 2006 Category Rehost
You originally installed build 16 or 17 and receive the following error during a rehost to MS SQL: QuoteWerks Error in ExecuteSchemaChange Error (-2147217900) Column name 'Index_3E260F3F_9C20_4D99' does not exist in the target table., NativeError = 1911 Cause: The InUseDocuments table that was introduced in build 16 and continued in build 17 of Version 4.0 did not have a default key for the Table ID. Solution: The should be no issue during the rehost since QuoteWerks does not require a primary key in this table. Click "Ok" on the message and continue through the rehost process. |
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