Linking to CRM/PSA/Accounting Price Lists

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Linking to CRM/PSA/Accounting Price Lists

In the Professional and Corporate Editions of QuoteWerks you can link to product catalogs in Autotask, ConnectWise, QuickBooks,, Sage 50 (US Edition), and ZohoCRM.

Each of the methods for setting up these links are discussed in detail in their respective topics. Click on the appropriate topic below to learn more about that method:

Linking to the Autotask Products, Services, and Labor Databases

Linking to the ConnectWise Product List

Linking to the QuickBooks Item List

Linking to Product Catalogs

Linking to the Sage 50 (Peachtree) Item List

Linking to the ZohoCRM Item List



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QuoteWerks Native Product Databases

Integrating with IT Distributor Products

Linking to External Product Data Sources

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