Creating or Updating a Sales Opportunity in Saleslogix

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Creating or Updating a Sales Opportunity in Saleslogix

Important:   This feature is only available with Saleslogix 6.2/7.0/7.2/7.5.

This option will create or update a Saleslogix opportunity under the Opportunities tab for the contact.

Once you have pressed the [OK] button from the File -> Save window, the “Create Saleslogix Opportunity” window will appear allowing you to enter information about the opportunity.

On this window, you can choose to have QuoteWerks create a new opportunity in Saleslogix to attach this quote to, or you can select from a list of existing Saleslogix opportunities that already exist for the Saleslogix contact record and attach the quote to that existing opportunity.

By creating sales opportunities in Saleslogix you can generate reports in Saleslogix that give you insight into your sales pipeline. If you already have a sales opportunity for this quote, it will automatically update the existing one to reflect changes you have made to the quote.

Note:Advanced users can use the Settings Manager to create or set the following defaults per each user:


Updating the Sales Opportunity

When updating the Saleslogix opportunity, the window will look different than when creating a Saleslogix opportunity. It will give you the ability to set the various stage levels of the opportunity and more.