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Upgrade Considerations, Notes, and Possible Issues

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1.The upgrade process doesn’t upgrade .dta archived files usually stored in the \QuoteWerks\Archives folder. These QuoteWerks 3.0 .dta files can’t be imported into 5.2.

2.SoldToCity, SoldToState, SoldToPostalCode, ShipToCity, ShipToState, and ShipToPostalCode code fields have been added to QuoteWerks 5.2. After upgrading from 3.0, you’ll need to manually modify all your print layouts that print addresses to include these new city, state, and postal-code fields. Also, you can use the new macro field &SOLDTOFULLADDRESS, which includes all three address lines, city, state, postal code, and country. The new &SOLDTOADDRESS contains all three address lines.

3.If you’re using the command-line option /i: ”ACME Product Inventory.itd” to automate importing products into a product database, please note the file extension for the import template has changed from .itd to .pit. This means you’ll need to change your command line parameter to adjust for the new file extension.

4.If you used the QuoteWerks 3.0 Medic Utility to create icons in Act! or GoldMine, the upgrade process doesn’t update these icons to refer to the new QuoteWerks 5.2 executable; you’ll need to do this manually. In GoldMine, simply right-click on the icon, click Edit Item, then change any reference of qw30.exe to qw.exe. In Act!, select the Tools -> ToolBar -> Customize Window menu and make similar adjustments.

5.The DH_&LineAttributeDontPrint macro was renamed DH_&LineAttributePrint. Anywhere this macro was used needs to be modified.

6.If you use the Open Export Module, you’ll need to add city, state, postal code to your export field list.

7.The DocumentItemsTaxable, Products.FolderID, and Products.taxable fields have been removed in QuoteWerks 5.2. If these were used in layouts, you       need to change any references to the Taxable field over to the TaxCode field manually. The upgrade can’t auto replace these, because their field types changed.

8.The settings that stored which vendors you last used in a vendor-comparison operation won’t be upgraded.

9.The settings that stored which vendors you last updated the local currency pricing in won’t be upgraded (LDFX_updatelocalcurrency).

10. Any QuoteWerks macro names that have changed will need to be changed manually if they’ve been used in RTF files, such as cover pages. Such macro    names include &DI_&Line1ManufacturerPartNumber (formerly &DI_&Line1ManufacturerPartNo) and &DI_&Line1VendorPartNumber (formerly &DI_&Line1VendorPartNo).

11. Warning: The installation replaces .lt files, so if you changed any of these manually, you’ll need to redo your changes to these files in \Layouts and \Reports.

12. If your product import templates mapped the taxable field, the upgrade process will have changed the mapping to the new TaxCode field; however, we recommend that you verify the data it’s being mapped to contains a valid tax code. See Importing Products for a list of valid importable tax codes.

13. If your product-import templates mapped the FolderID field, the upgrade process will have changed the mapping to the new FolderList field; however, we recommend that you verify the data it’s being mapped to contains valid FolderList field information. FolderList is a text field that contains data in the format of “(5)(26),” where 5 and 26 are the folder IDs of two different folders.

14. Label customizations of the native product Db and edit-product-screen labels in 3.0 were stored in two locations. Now these label customizations have been consolidated, and are stored in 1 place. As a result, some of your column and/or label customizations may change for any column/label pairs that previously had different label names.

Version 5.2 (Build 8.12)  - July 7th, 2017