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Payment Options

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In addition to the document date, expiration date, sales rep, etc., the Sale Info tab also includes Payment Options for the quote or proposal.  Setting up different payment options is very useful for anyone who would like to offer their customer the option to purchase by credit card or terms.  This is specifically useful for QuoteValet users as users can select the payment method before delivering the quote to the customer.  If you select terms, the option to pay by credit card will not be available for this specific document.  To set default Payment Options, view the Payments tab in the Tools-> Options menu.
Click on the Sale Info tab and locate the Payment Options window on the right-hand side of the Sale Info tab.

There are three types of payment options supported in QuoteWerks.  Users can create Terms, Credit Card, and Lease Payments as payment options.

1.To create a Credit Card or Terms payment option, click on the [Add] button.

2.On the drop-down menu that appears, click on the option you would like to setup.

3.Click [OK] to complete the setup.

4.The new payment option will be displayed in the Payment Options box.

5. Repeat for the other payment option (if applicable).  Once you have created your payment options, simply double-click on the option for it to be selected.  You'll see the selection highlighted in green.  To change the text of the payment options, view the Payment Tab settings.


Visit the Lease Payment Options section of this manual to create a lease payment for your quote.


Edit Payment Options

To make changes to the payment options, right-click on a payment option to see the available choices.

Select Payment Option
This will select the highlighted payment option to be used for the quote.

Un-select Payment Option
This will de-select the current payment option.

Move Up/Move Down
This will move the payment option up or down in the payment options window list.
Remove Payment Option
This will remove the highlighted payment option.

Payment Options for QuoteValet

When a quote with lease payment options, credit card, and/or terms are listed in the Payment Options on the Sale Info tab, the customer will be able to select their payment option on QuoteValet.

Version 5.2 (Build 8.12)  - July 7th, 2017