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Network Server Installation

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Important: Make sure you've reviewed the Installation Overview and Pre-Installation Preparation before proceeding.


QuoteWerks is designed so multiple users can share the same QuoteWerks installation if it is installed to a network server folder location. All the computers on the network share this network installation.

The QuoteWerks installer file (qwsetup.exe, referred to as the main installation) installs all the common shared files, like the databases and the program executable, to the network path. The node installation file (nsetup.exe) is installed by the main installation into the Network Installation Folder. This nsetup.exe file configures each individual computer workstation to use the network installation by running it from each individual network workstation.

Important: When you want to install QuoteWerks to be used by users on different network workstation computers you MUST NOT run qwsetup.exe on each individual workstation.

It's important to note that for a QuoteWerks network installation, QuoteWerks only needs a folder on a network server to store its files — it does not need to be actually installed through the Windows Server interface. In fact, we strongly recommend that you do NOT install it through the Windows Server interface.

The reason why is that since QuoteWerks itself will typically never run as an app on the Windows Server machine itself (it will only run from the workstations on the network), it does not need all the dll and ocx files to be installed into that servers \Windows\System32 folder, it does not need all the registry entries set or COM object registrations. It's always a good idea to not install software programs on your server that won't be running on your server, since they do modify the Windows Server registry.

Begin the Network Installation

Follow the Performing Single- and Multiple-User Installations instructions, and choose an installation folder that is on your server.

Next, run the node installation on each additional network workstation you'd like to use QuoteWerks from.

Version 5.2 (Build 8.12)  - July 7th, 2017