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Edit Menu

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The QuoteWerks Edit Menu is accessed by clicking on the Edit Menu option at the top of the program or by right-clicking on the DocumentItems tab.  The Edit menu contains quite a bit of functionality and features.  Below is a list of the features and the corresponding keyboard shortcut for them (if applicable).


Edit Menu Features

Cut: CTRL+X or Edit->Cut: Will cut selected data or line items

Copy: CTRL+C or Edit-> Copy: Will copy the selected data or line items

Paste: CTRL+V or Edit-> Paste: Will paste copied/cut data into document

Paste Special: Edit-> Paste Special: Use the Paste Special Wizard to copy and paste data from outside sources such as Excel

Append Paste: Edit-> Append Paste: Paste the copied/cut data at the end of the document

Insert Paste: CTRL+E or Edit->Insert Paste: Paste the copied/cut data at the top of the document or where the selection is highlighted

Select All: CTRL+A or Edit-> Select All: Select all line items on the document

Select Special: CTRL+F or Edit-> Select Special: Use the Select Special function to highlight specific columns in the DocumentItems tab.

Edit Product/Service Properties: Edit-> Edit Product/Service Properties: Use the formula lines to calculate the price as a formula-based unit price rather than having it be a static value.

Change Line Type: Edit-> Change Line Type: Change the line type between Product/Service, Comment, or Heading.

Edit Line Attributes: CTRL+R or Edit-> Edit Line Attributes: Edit the attributes of the selected line(s) on the DocumentItems tab.

Insert Blank Line: CTRL+I or Edit-> Insert Blank Line: Insert a blank line item on the DocumentItems tab to top of document or on top of highlighted selection.

Insert Comment: CTRL+M or Edit-> Insert Comment: Insert a blank comment line on the DocumentItems tab to top of document or on top of highlighted selection.

Insert Heading: CTRL+H or Edit-> Insert Heading: Insert a blank heading line on the DocumentItems tab to top of document or on top of highlighted selection.

Add Product/Service: Edit-> Add Product/Service: Opens Product Lookup window.

Add Blank Line: CTRL+B or Edit-> Add Blank Line: Adds blank line item to DocumentItems tab at end of document or underneath highlighted selection.

Add Comment: Edit-> Add Comment: Adds comment line to DocumentItems tab at end of document or underneath highlighted selection.

Add Formula: Edit-> Add Formula: Adds a formula line to DocumentItems tab at end of document or underneath highlighted selection.

Add % Discount: Edit-> Add % Discount: Adds a % discount line to DocumentItems tab at end of document or underneath highlighted selection.

Add % Charge: Edit-> Add % Charge: Adds a % charge line to DocumentItems tab at end of document or underneath highlighted selection.

Add Heading: Edit-> Add Heading: Adds a heading line to DocumentItems tab at end of document or underneath highlighted selection.

Add Subtotal: CTRL+T or Edit-> Add Subtotal: Adds a subtotal line to DocumentItems tab at end of document or underneath highlighted selection.

Add Running Subtotal: Edit-> Add Running SubTotal: Adds a running subtotal line to DocumentItems tab at end of document or underneath highlighted selection.

Add Summary Line: Edit-> Add Summary Line: Adds a summary line to DocumentItems tab at end of document or underneath highlighted selection.

Delete Line: CTRL+D or Edit-> Delete Line: Deletes selected line item(s) from DocumentItems tab.

Clear Line: CTRL+K or Edit-> Clear Line: Clears all of the data from the line item including description, price, etc.

Convert to Group: CTRL+ G or Edit-> Convert to Group: Converts two or more items into a group.

Apply Cost Modifier: Edit-> Apply Cost Modifier: Will apply a cost modifier across selected items on DocumentItems tab.

Apply Price Modifier: Edit-> Apply Price Modifier: Will apply a price modifier across selected items on DocumentItems tab.

Apply Quantity: Edit-> Apply Quantity: Will apply the quantity across selected items on DocumentItems tab.

Zoom Description: Edit-> Zoom Description: Will display the zoom description window for the selected item.

Version 5.2 (Build 8.12)  - July 7th, 2017