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Version: 4.6    Build: 5    Release Date: 06/10/2011     Type: New     View All Features in Build
Added several Misc Access rights for the new E-Mail Templating features which are CannotCreatePublicEmailTemplates, CannotModifyPublicEmailTemplates, CannotDeletePublicEmailTemplates, CannotViewOthersEmailTemplates, CannotCreatePublicEmailSnippets, CannotModifyPublicEmailSnippets, CannotDeletePublicEmailSnippets, and CannotViewOthersEmailSnippets.
Version: 4.6    Build: 5    Release Date: 06/10/2011     Type: New     View All Features in Build
There are some advanced macros that can be used in the HTML Email Templates, Snippets, and Signatures. They are SystemTemplateBody:{Name}, SystemTemplateSubject:{Name}, PublicTemplateBody:{Name}, PublicTemplateSubject:{Name}, MyTemplateBody:{Name}, MyTemplateSubject:{Name}. These can be used to do some neat things, like create a template that includes all the information from another template and then just adds some more information above or below the other templates information. For example, there might be a public template that contains information thanking the customer for placing an order, and you can then create your own template that adds your own summary of the information above it. The subject version of the macro is used to obtain the subject of the email template. You can use this in the subject line of another template.
Version: 4.6    Build: 5    Release Date: 06/10/2011     Type: New     View All Features in Build
Information from external files can be included in E-Mail Templates, E-Mail Snippets, and E-Mail Signatures. Simply include the macro File:{file name and path} and replace the entire {file name and path} portion with something like f:\goldmine\jcl.html. You can use this to insert html or plain text.
Version: 4.6    Build: 5    Release Date: 06/10/2011     Type: New     View All Features in Build
Email snippets. Email Snippets are a great way to centrally organize and maintain information that is used in multiple email templates. If you have two email templates that both need to include the same information, you could of course type that same information into both email templates, and then when you need to make a change, you will need to remember to change it in both the email templates. If you entered that information into a Snippet, and then used a macro in the two email templates to refer to that Snippet, then you could just make changes to the information in the snippet and the changes will automatically appear in the two email templates. There are Public and user E-Mail Snippets. Just like with E-Mail templates, Public Snippets would be snippets of information that most users would want to use, typically with company standardized information in them. So, rather than each user create their own Snippet with the same information, the administrator could just create a Public Snippet that all the users could use. The real benefit here is that changes can be made in one Snippet, all the templates that the snippet is used in will be updated. To use a Public Snippet in an email template or an email signature, simply include the macro PublicSnippet:{snippet name} and replace the entire {snippet name} portion with the name of the Snippet. The macro name to include a Snippet owned by the logged in user is MySnippet:{snippet name}.