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1 Search results for active signature

Version: 4.6    Build: 5    Release Date: 06/10/2011     Type: New     View All Features in Build
There is a new Active Signature feature. When using an email signature macro in a template, you can use SignatureActive instead of SignatureStandard, SignatureShort, etc. When you use the SignatureActive macro, it will be replaced with whatever you set as the Active Signature. Take for example, if you have 20 email templates and in each one you used the macro SignatureStandard, then when you wanted to use a different signature like SignatureAlternate1, you would have to edit 20 templates. With the Active Signature feature, just use the SignatureActive macro in the 20 templates, and then under the Email tab of the Tools->My Preferences menu, just change your Active Signature to Alternate1 and you will not have to modify any of the templates. You can also switch between signatures that might have a monthly special offer included in it.