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QuoteWerks Help
Version 25 (Build 2.02) 
March 18, 2025

QuoteWerks has many tables in which it stores information. The primary tables are the DocumentHeaders, DocumentItems, and QuoteWerks Application tables. You can insert data fields from these tables into your layouts. In print layouts (not report layouts), you can also insert data fields from your Contact Manager. In report layouts (not print layouts) you can insert fields from Product Databases.

In order to ensure you select the correct field(s) for your layout, you need to know what kind of information is in each of these tables.

Relational Fields

GrandTotal Field

Subtotal + TotalTax + ShippingAmount

Subtotal Field

Sum of the ExtendedPrice field (DocumentItems field) for all items in the quote

TotalTax Field

GST Tax + LocalTax (PST Tax)

Defined Terms


This term refers to a feature in QuoteWerks that multiplies the base currency by a selected exchange rate to automatically calculate the prices in a different currency.

Base Currency

This refers to your native currency. In the USA, the base currency is USD ($).


The field value can be specified by the user to contain custom data.


This terms refers to Quantity * unit X.


Related Topics:

DocumentHeaders Table and Fields

DocumentItems Table and Fields

Application Table and Fields

ContactMgr Table

Field Concepts

Formula Field Concepts