Supplies Network Real-time Setup

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Supplies Network Real-time Setup


The Supplies Network Real-Time Pricing & Availability is only available in the USA. Before you can setup and use the Supplies Network Real-Time Pricing & Availability features, you need to contact your dedicated Supplies Network sales rep to obtain price file access and XML credentials.

You can contact your Supplies Network representative at 1-800-729-9300.


Select the Real-time tab of the Tools -> Options menu, then select the Other sub-tab and navigate to Supplies Network.


Make sure to enter your ISA ID into the appropriate fields shown.

Contact ID

Make sure to enter your Contact ID into the appropriate fields shown.


Make sure to enter your API Key into the appropriate fields shown.

Zip Code

Make sure to enter your zip code into the appropriate fields shown.


Related Topics:

Using Real-time Pricing & Availability