Rebuilding Document Transport Files

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Rebuilding Document Transport Files

When QuoteWerks saves a document, the document is saved to the document database, and if the Look for synchronized data in dtf files option is set (on the Synchronization tab of the Tools -> Options menu), the quote is also saved to a DTF file in the QuoteWerks \DTF directory.

Note:See Synchronization Settings for more details on DTF files.

Sometimes it is necessary to rebuild/re-create these DTF files by obtaining the information about the document from the database and saving the information out to the DTF file. This utility will rebuild these files.

When to Use this Utility

License Key information is branded into DTF files for security reasons (so that only installations of QuoteWerks with the same License Key serial number can share documents), so when you upgrade between QuoteWerks product editions, do a license relinquishment, or remove a Remote PC/Site license, you need to rebuild the DTF files to recreate them to be branded with the primary License Key.

Only rebuild files that already exist

If this option is checked, then only DTF files that already exist will be rebuilt. If this option is not checked, a DTF file for EVERY document in the database will be re-created.

After rebuilding, upload to (CRM/PSA)

This option will only be available if ACT, Autotask, ConnectWise, MS CRM, Outlook,, Saleslogix, and SugarCRM is the contact manager being used with QuoteWerks. If this option is checked, all the DTF files that are currently attached to records in the CRM/PSA will be updated with the current copy of the DTF file located in the \DTF folder.

This option has several uses. First, when performing an edition upgrade as described above, this option must be selected to update the DTF files that already exist in the CRM/PSA.