Product Content Subscription Setup

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Product Content Subscription Setup


This is where you will select your region. Currently the USA, Canada, UK, and Australia are the only supported regions.

Preferred Distributor

Here you can select D&H, SYNNEX, Ingram Micro, Tech Data or None as your Preferred Distributor. When selecting a product to add from Etilize, you will be provided a list of distributors that carry the product. If the product is available from your preferred distributor, QuoteWerks will automatically select the distributor as the source vendor.  If you do not set a default vendor, QuoteWerks will automatically select the first vendor in the list when an item is chosen.  


If you're in North America, you can choose "English", "French", or "Spanish" from this drop-down box. Note that Etilize populates all their products with English descriptions, with a subset in French and Spanish. Therefore, the catalog size for non-English languages is not as large, so if you choose "French" or "Spanish", you'll have limited results.

Remove Manufacturer Part Number from Etilize Description

This option will remove the manufacturer part number from the Etilize description. This is useful so that your customers do not have the manufacturer part number for price shopping. This will also remove the part number from the Spec Sheets we pull from Etilize.  

Map to QuoteWerks Item Type

Etilize places all products into Categories. The Etilize Categories can be mapped to the QuoteWerks ItemTypes. For unmapped categories, you can set a default ItemType.

Map to Price Modifier

This option enables users to map the Price Modifier to an Etilize category name. If no Category Name is mapped, the default price modifer will be used (set under Tools->Options-> DocumentItems tab). This enables users to markup items such as hardware and software differently.

Map to Tax Code

This option enables you to map your QuoteWerks tax code to an Etilize category name. For example, this allows you to set up automatic mappings to tax hardware and not tax software renewals.

If you don't map a Tax Code, the default tax code set on the Document Items tab of the Tools -> Options menu will be used.

Marketing Description

Some Etilize products contain a detailed marketing description. Here you can map whether you want the marketing description to save with the product, and whether to save the information to the CustomMemo01 or CustomMemo02 field.

Native and Linked Product Data Sources

This setting enables users to select Native and Linked Item Databases to search when performing an Etilize search and when using the Multiple Database Search with the Etilize panel. The results will be displayed along with your Real-time vendors. The search uses the ManufacturerPartNumber to search the Native and Linked databases. If the part number does not exist in these databases, the item will not appear in the Etilize panel.

When using this feature, the databases that include the item will appear in the Etilize panel window along with the Real-time vendors.



Extended Sources

The extended sources enables users to compare prices from CDW (USA and Canada), Amazon (USA and Canada), Dell (USA, Canada and UK) and Staples (US and Canada).

Step 6: Next, the user specific defaults need to be specified. Go to the Misc tab of the Tools -> My Preferences menu.

Note:If you're an administrator, you can go to Utilities -> User Maintenance, highlight each user individually and click the Preferences button to modify these settings.

Auto retrieve real-time pricing & availability for Etilize

Choosing this option will automatically check the "Auto retrieve real-time" option that displays on the Product Lookup window when searching for a product using Etilize.

You are now ready to start using the Etilize product source. The product source can be accessed by going to Products -> Lookup and it will be the first option in the list of product sources on the left hand side. The Etilize product source will not, however, be listed in the Products -> Setup Product Sources window like other product databases. This is because Etilize is not an internal or external linked database, but rather a search interface.


Related Topics:

QuoteWerks Product Content Subscription (Powered by Etilize)

Using Product Content Subscription